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GO Number |
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GOMS-139. |
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Statement on Quarterly Review of the trends in receipts and expenditure in relation to the budget at the end of the second quarter of financial year 2023-24 |
3 |
280-2014-RBI.Mumbai - Authorise 17 Nationalised Banks for collection of Taxes & 4 PSBanks for collection Commercial Tax-Vat. |
4 |
GO 136 Ammn. to GO105. |
5 |
GO 134 31.5.14 GuaranteesApportion. |
6 |
GO 134 Anne. Guarantees apportionment.xlsx |
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GO 134 Guarantees apportionment. |
8 |
GO 133 NSSF& RBI Letter Annexure-V. |
9 |
GO 133, NSSF. |
10 |
GO 131 IT initiative for PD Accounts Management. |
11 |
GO 106 Guarantee statement. |
12 |
GO 106 Guarantee. |
13 |
G.O.Ms.No.130,Fin. (TFR) Dept. dt. 28.05.2014-permission to open Zero balance DDO current account. |
14 |
GOMS118, GB, 21.5.14. |
15 |
GOMS117, GB, 21.5.14. |
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GOMS123,DCM 23.5.14. |
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GO125 24.5.14. |
18 |
G.O.Ms.No.128, Finaance (TFR) Dept. dt.27.05.2014- Permission to close the DDO Account upto 29.05.2014 as NIl Balance. |
19 |
G.O.Ms.No. 100 , Fin. (TFR) Dept. dt. 12 .05.2014- Confer Drawing and Disbursing Powers to the newly created HODs due to formation of new State of Telangana. |
20 |
G.O.Ms.No.116 ,Fin. (TFR) Dept. dt. 21 .05.2014- Creation of DDO Codes. |
21 |
GO114, 24.5.2014 PD A.c. |
22 |
GO125, 24.5.2014 PD A.c. |
23 |
DA GO127 - Amendment. |
24 |
AC Bills Memo 153, 26.5.2014. |
25 |
Cir.Memo.153-2014-all Sectt.Dept. and HODs obtain undertaking from the DDOs for adjustment of AC Bills-Cheques before 31.5.2014. |
26 |
GO 126, IT Applications 24-05-2014. |
27 |
GO 126, IT Applications 24-05-2014. |
28 |
UO Note No823-197, Budget 2014-15 authorisation of Telangana. |
29 | 123Taxes on transactions. |
30 |
GO 123 transactions on taxes. |
31 |
78_TFR. |
32 |
G.O.Ms.120 Issued orders for payment of all Retirement Benefits such as GPF-GIS-FBF-EL-Pensions-DCRG-CVP. |
33 |
GO117, BG1,2014. |
34 |
BRO-GO.118. |
35 |
G.O.Ms.No. 115,Fin. (TFR) Dept. dt. 20.05.2014 - Collection and remittance of Revenue Receipts to Govt. Acct..docx |
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G.O.Ms.No. 115,Fin. (TFR) Dept. dt. 20.05.2014 - Collection and remittance of Revenue Receipts to Govt. Acct. |
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G.O.Ms.No.114,Fin. (TFR) Dept. dt. 20 .05.2014- Online collection of receipts through Cyber Treasury Module. |
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G.O.Ms.No.114,Fin. (TFR) Dept. dt. 20 .05.2014- Online collection of receipts through Cyber Treasury Module. |
39 |
G.O.Ms.No.111, Fin. (TFR) Dept. dt. 19.05.2014- Further extension of time for submission of bills. |
40 |
GO94, BG1 2014 |
41 |
GO108,17.5.2014_Bills |
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G.O.Ms.No.108, Fin. (TFR) Dept. dt. 17 .05.2015-to extend the submission date of bills. |
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G.O.Ms.No.109 Fin. (TFR) Dept. dt. 17.05.2014-Further orders to G.O.100, Fin. dt. 12.5.14. |
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G.O.Ms.No.104 Fin. (TFR) Dept. dt. 15.05.2014-extended the date submission bills. |
45 |
GO105 WrittenOff. |
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GO105 WrittenOffAnnexure. |
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Go101 ink signed copy. |
48 |
G.O.Ms.No.99, Fin. (TFR) Dept.Payment of EEL-HPL-GI on 15.5.2014 who reitring on 31.5.2014. |
49 |
G.O.Ms.No99 Amm.toGO86reitring on 31.5.2014. |
50 |
G.OMS.No.95_TFR_finance. |
51 |
GO_MS.94_finance_TFR. |
52 |
GO_MS85. |
53 |
G.O.Ms.No.91 ,Finance (TFR) Dept. dt. 02.05.2014-Submission of D.C.Bills with part amount against the pending AC Bills as one time measure - Further orders -Issued. |
54 |
Cir.Memo.No.963-B-181-TFR-2014, dt. 27.04.2014-Reconciliation of Balances of P.D.Accounts-Further instructions - Issued. |
55 |
GONi,88 Authorisation of Expr.pdf |
56 |
GONi,88 Authorisation of Expr. |
57 |
GO87 Account Opening GO. |
58 |
Account Opening GO.doc. |
59 |
G.O.86 (TFR) Regulation of Expr. 2014. |
60 |
GO.86 (TFR) Regulation of Expr. |
61 |
G.O. Ms.No.86. Finance (TFR) Dept. dt. 22 .04.2014 - Regulation of expenditure for the monts of April and May, 2014 - Orders - Issued. |
62 |
G.O.Ms.No.83 Finance (TFR) Dept. dt.17.4.2014-Collector of CTVAT and Refunds - Extended. |
63 |
163-TFR-DOWA - Remit the LA amount into Govt. account and submit the DC bills against AC Bills. |
64 |
Circular Memo.No.8083-A-151-TFR-2014,Ban on purchase of furniture. |
65 |
Payment of salaries and pensions G.O. |
66 |
GO77Ammend.GO74. |
67 |
G.O.Ms.No.75, Dt.03-04-2014 Further instructions for drawal procedure to be indicated in BROs. |
68 |
GO74 BROExemp. |
69 |
G.O.Ms.No.68, Dt.20-03-2014 Amendment to G.O.Ms.No.331, 343 & 2 Employees Health Scheme-Stop of recovery of premium. |
70 |
G.O.Ms.No.64, dt.18.03.2014 DTA - Certain clarification on recovery of contribution from the salaries and pensioners from Dec. 2012. |
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05-TFR-2014- DTA - Certain clarification on recovery of contribution from the salaries and pensioners from Dec. 2012. |
72 |
127-2014-Instructions to all CCOs to furnish the Certificate of Assurance director of Dy.A.G.A.P. |
73 |
Memo.No.121-2014-dt. .03.2014-Elections instructions to DTA and PAO. |
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Cir.Memo.153-2014-all Sectt.Dept. and HODs are instructed to settle all the AC Bills-Cheques before 31.5.2014. |