Previous Budget Speeches



Economic Survey 1988-89

The Net State Domestic Product registered an increase during 1987-88, both at current and constant (1980-81) prices it recorded an increase of 4.9 percent over the preceding year, where as it increased by 13.8 percent at current prices. The rate of growth is expected to be much higher during 1988-89 as a result of anticipated record agricultural production during the current year.

The production of foodgrains during Kharif 1988-89 reached a record level of 86.21 lakhs tonnes surpassing the earlier record set in 1983-84. Though the crop prospects in the current Rabi season are not as encouraging as during Rabi 1987-88 due to scanty rainfall received in North-East Monsoon, the overall agricultural production, during 1988-89 is expected to establish a record. The preliminary estimates of Rice production during Kharif 1988-89 indicate an all time record of 72.07 lakh tonnes as against total Rice production of 70.87 lakh tonnes in both Kharif and Rabi of 1987-88 put together.

The high level of industrial production attained after recording successive increases of 11.3 percent during 1984-85 and 17.1 percent during 1985-86 was by and large sustained during 1986-87 and 1987-88, despite power cuts. During the first eight months of 1988-89, the general index of industrial production increased by 7.6 percent as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year.

The State Average price Index for Industrial workers during the first six months of 1988-89 rose by 7.9 percent over March, 1988, the rise being slightly higher than that of All India (7.0 percent)

The supply of Rice through the Public distribution system from April to December 1988 accounted for 12.18 lakh tonnes.

Net State Domestic Product

The Net State Domestic Product increased during 1987-88 both at current and constant (1980-81) prices over the previous year. The rate of growth is expected to be much higher during 1988-89 due to good monsoon resulting in substantial increase in agricultural production over 1987-88.

With the introduction of new series on National Accounts Statistics with 1980-81 as base year, replacing 1970-71 series, the net state domestic product has been revised from 1980-81 onwards both at current and constant (1980-81) prices, by adopting the revised methodology and data base after comprehensive review, in the estimation of various aggregates.

At 1980-81 prices the Net State Domestic Product amounted to Rs.9054 crores registering an increase of 4.9 percent over the preceding year. At current prices, the Net State Domestic Product amounted to Rs.16063 crores in 1987-88 reflecting an increase of 13.8 percent over the previous year.

There was an increase of 6.1 percent in the net domestic product originating in the primary sector during 1987-88 at 1980-81 prices mainly on account of increase in the net output from agriculture sector. During 1988-89 it is expected that the contribution from the primary sector will go up considerably due to increase in agricultural production.

The net domestic product originating in the secondary sector rose by 1.4 percent and that in tertiary sector by 5.4 percent during 1987-88 at 1980-81 prices, over the preceding year.

The structure of Net State Domestic Product almost remained the same during the years 1986-87 and 1987-88.

Structure of Net State Domestic Product at constant (1980-81) Prices

(Figures in percentages)

Share in State Domestic Product




















At current prices, the per capita State Income (State Domestic Product) increased from Rs.2372/- in 1986-87 to Rs.2653/- in 1987-88 recording an increase of 11.8 percent. At constant (1980-81) prices, the per capita State Income increased from Rs.1452 to Rs.1495 showing an increase of 3 percent.

Net State Domestic Product of Andhra Pradesh

(Rs. in crores)


At Current Prices At 1980-81 Prices

------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------

86-87 87-88 % Variation 86-87 87-88 % Variation

`Q’ `Q’


Primary 5277 6130 16.2 3575 3792 6.1

(Agriculture) (4703) (5493) (16.8) (3332) (3534) (6.1)

Secondary 3320 3553 7.0 1796 1821 1.4

Tertiary 5513 6380 15.7 3264 3441 5.4


Total 14110 16063 13.8 8635 9054 4.9


Per capita

NSDP (Rs) 2372 2653 11.8 1452 1495 3.0


`Q’ Quick Estimates


Agricultural production attained a peak level in 1983-84 valued at Rs.4573 crores ( at 1980-81 prices) due to a good monsoon. The total foodgrains production during that year touched 118.82 lakh tonnes. However, during the succeeding four years the foodgrains production did not reach that level due to successive droughts and other Natural Calamities such as unprecedented floods in river Godavari, etc. The agricultural economy has to some extent recovered in Rabi 1987-88 due to good rains received in North-East Monsoon period which resulted in an increase in the value of Agricultural output during 1987-88 by 6.1 percent over that of previous year.




Sl. 82-83 1982- 1983- 1984- 1985- 1986- 1987-

No. Item Unit to 83 84 85 86 87 88



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


1. Rice Lakh 75.17 76.72 87.99 69.09 76.13 65.91 70.87 tonnes

2. Jowar ,, 12.03 15.20 11.25 12.16 11.62 9.94 11.46

3. Maize ,, 5.15 7.44 5.22 4.33 4.14 4.60 5.33

4. Sugarcane ,, 101.25 126.06 97.43 97.91 96.75 88.08 94.90

5. Dry Chillies ,, 2.45 1.92 1.79 2.54 3.23 2.79 2.51

6. Groundnut ,, 13.45 11.33 17.16 12.58 13.10 13.08 19.06

7. Castor ,, 0.58 0.68 0.66 0.56 0.54 0.48 0.72

8. Cotton Lakh 7.96 6.24 10.19 9.84 7.42 6.09 5.37 bales

9. Mesta ,, 5.73 5.13 5.82 4.90 7.38 5.41 2.88

10. Tobacco Lakh 1.85 2.70 1.85 1.71 1.45 1.52 1.05 tonnes

11. Total ,, 104.42 111.77 118.82 96.15 103.73 91.63 99.00 foodgrains

12. Gross value Rs. in 4173 4337 4573 4026 4165 3764 3996 of   Agricultural production at
      1980-81 prices.


As a result of good rains received in North-East Monsoon covering Rabi season of 1987-88, the total cropped area increased in 1987-88 over 1986-87 mainly due to increase in area under commercial crops like Groundnut, Sugarcane and Cotton. But the area under foodgrains which accounts for about two-thirds of the total cropped area dropped from 77.05 lakh hectares in 1986-87 to 75.69 lakh hectares in 1987-88. Though the area under foodgrains decreased, the total production of foodgrains increased from 91. 63 lakh tonnes to 99.00 lakh tonnes in 1987-88 due mainly to increase in productivity of crops.

Rice accounts for about 70 percent of the total foodgrains production in the State and during the quinquennium ending 1986-87. Andhra Pradesh retained its place as the largest Rice producing State in the Country with an average annual production of 75.17 lakh tonnes. Rice production during 1986-87 touched a low level of 65.91 lakh tonnes but recovered to 70.87 lakh tonnes in 1987-88.

Groundnut is an important Commercial Crop and the State ranked first in the country with an annual average production of 13.45 lakh tonnes during the quinquennium ending 1986-87. There was a substantial increase in the production of Groundnut from 13.08 lakh tonnes in 1986-87 to 19.06 lakh tonnes in 1987-88 due to increase in area as well as productivity.

Cotton is another important Commercial Crop and the State ranked fourth in the country with an annual average production of 7.96 lakh bales. However the output of cotton dropped to a low level of 5.37 lakh bales in 1987-88 mainly due to pest attack, though there was an increase in area from 4.11 lakh hectares in 1986-87 to 5.74 lakh hectares I 1987-88.

The State is the largest producer of Tobacco, Dry Chillies and Mesta and ranks second in the output of Castor and fifth in the production of Sugarcane among the States.

Seasonal Conditions and Prospects of Agricultural Production in 1988-89. After successive

droughts and natural calamities during 1984-85 to 1987-88, there was all round expectation of good harvest in 1988-89. Though the South-West Monsoon started on a week note in June, 1988, there were good rains in the months of July, August and September, 1988 reviving hopes of good Kharif harvest as almost all the districts in the State received excess rainfall during the South-West Monsoon period as a whole, resulting in adequate inflows in major, medium and minor irrigation sources. Consequently, there was a significant increase in the area irrigated in Kharif 1988-89.

In the past, good monsoons have resulted in good harvest of foodgrains. Variations in the output of Kharif foodgrains were observed to be broadly correlated to the rainfall in South-West Monsoon. In view of excess rainfall in Kharif foodgrains is estimated to reach an all-time high of 86.21 lakh tonnes, surpassing even the earlier best Kharif output recorded in 1983-84. The preliminary estimates of Rice production in Kharif 1988-89 indicate a peak of 72.07 lakh tonnes as against total Rice production of 70.87 lakh tonnes in both Kharif and Rabi of 1987-88. The Yield rates of Rice in Kharif 1988-89 also show a record high of 2,462 Kgs. per hectare. The area under groundnut which is an important commercial crop has increased to 16.78 lakh hectares in Kharif 1988-89, from 15.05 lakh hectares in Kharif 1987-88 resulting in increase in production to the level of 13.98 lakh tonnes as per preliminary estimates.

The prospects of Rabi crops in 1988-89 appear to be not so encouraging because 22 districts received scanty or deficient rainfall from the North-East Monsoon. The broad correlation between the rainfall received in North-East monsoon and the output of Rabi foodgrains observed in the past, supports the view that the output of Rabi foodgrains, except Rice in 1988-89 is likely to be somewhat below the level of Rabi 1987-88.

Productivity in Agriculture

The State average yield per hectare for the quinquennium ending 1986-87 has been higher than the All India average in respect of a number of crops like Rice, Maize, Dry Chillies, Sugarcane and Cotton while the average yield for Groundnut has been marginally higher than the National average.

Despite a fall in the level of agricultural production since 1983-84 due to successive droughts, a redeeming feature has been an improvement in the level of productivity of a number of crops. This is mainly attributable to adoption of improved technology and practices in Agriculture. Interestingly the peak levels of Rice Yields of 2264 Kgs. and 2258 Kgs per hectare were recorded in 1985-86 and 1987-88 respectively though they happened to be drought areas. The Productivity levels attained in 1987-88 in respect of most of the crops viz., Rice, Jowar, Maize, Chillies and Groundnut were higher than those in the previous year as well as the quinquennial averages for the period 1982-83 to 1986-87. The productivity level of Rabi rice in 1987-88 rose to a peak of 2551 Kgs. per hectare. However, there was a steep fall in the yield per hectare of Cotton to 159 Kgs/hectare and Tobacco to 977 Kgs/hectare, which were lower than those of the previous year as well as the averages for the quinquennium ending 1986-87.

Under Groundnut, there was an increase in the area form 13.08 lakh hectares to 19.11 lakh hectares and in productivity from 833 Kgs. to 977 Kgs. per hectare, in 1987-88 as compared to 1986-87, on account of which the production of groundnut touched a high of 19.06 lakh tonnes in 1987-88.

Yield per hectare of Principal Crops

(In Kgs.)


Average 1982- 1983- 1984- 1985- 1986- 1987-

Crop 1982-83 to 83 84 85 86 87 88



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


Rice 2111 2156 2161 2021 2264 1951 2258

Jowar 638 718 569 653 650 600 662

Maize 1615 2234 1531 1383 1433 1494 1756

Chillies 1366 1056 1117 1574 1619 1462 1475

Castor 199 233 208 190 186 176 233

Sugarcane * 70 74 69 71 73 64 66

Groundnut 831 753 1030 751 787 833 997

Cotton 272 240 362 302 204 252 159

Tobacco 1006 1066 994 959 975 1038 977


* Tonnes of cane per hectare.


Expansion of area under high yielding varieties of crops has been a major component of the strategy for development of Agriculture. During the year 1987-88, 55,306 tonnes of certified/quality seed and 9.67 lakh tonnes of N.P.K. Fertilizers have been distributed.

Dye to modifications in the implementation of Crop Insurance Scheme by Government of India, such as reducing the benefit of the total sum assured to 100 percent from 150 percent and limiting the maximum amount payable to a cultivator to Rs.10,000/- only a also due to late implementation of the scheme during Kharif 1988-89, the area covered as also the sum assured decreased to one-third i.e., from 18.15 lakh hectares in Kharif 1987-88 to 6.03 lakh hectares in Kharif 1988-89.

The average Index of Industrial Production for the first 8 months of 1988-89 increased by 7.6 percent as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year.

Monthly Index of Industrial Production

( Base 1970=100)


Sl. 1987-88 1988-89 % change in

No. Month (April-Nov.) (April-Nov.) 1988-89 over



1. April 245.0 290.6 +18.6

2. May 243.2 319.7 +31.5

3. June 267.7 294.1 + 9.9

4. July 307.5 303.3 - 1.4

5. August 349.0 332.2 - 4.8

6. September 363.8 347.3 - 4.5

7. October 326.6 358.8 + 9.9

8. November 321.1 361.4 +12.6

Average of 303.0 325.9 + 7.6

eight months


The important industry groups which recorded an increase in production during the year 1988-89 as compared to the previous year are Transport (66.0 percent), Textiles (17.1%), Non-metallic mineral products (16.9%), Tobacco Products (6.9%), Food (5.0%), Chemical Products (3.1%), Mining and Quarrying (2.0%) and Electricity (1.1%). The industry groups which recorded a fall in production are Basic Metal Products (8.4%), Machinery except Electrical Machinery (7.7%), Paper Products (6.5%), Electrical Machinery (4.9%), and Petroleum Products (1.1%).


Electrical energy generated in the State reached peak level of 13,849 Million Kwh during 1987-88, recording an increase of 0.4 percent over the previous year. During the period April to December 1988, the total electrical energy generated was 10,480 Million Kwh, recording an increase of 1.5 percent over the corresponding period of the previous year. The per capita consumption of electricity in the year 1987-88 remained at the 1986-87 level of 200 Kwh.

During the last four years, Hydel power generation in the State has been adversely affected by the failure of the monsoons. The position has improved in the South-West Monsoon period of August to October 1988 due to copious in flows into the major reservoirs. But due to the failure of North-East Monsoon resulting in lack of inflows into the Hydel reservoirs and consequent low generation of Hydel power, 15 percent power cut has been imposed in case of H.T. consumers upto 200 Kva. with exemptions to essential services like Railways, Singareni Collieries, Hospitals etc.,

Power Generation in the State

(in Million kwh.)


1983- 1984- 1985- 1986- 1987- April to December

84 85 86 87 88 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89


Hydro 5092 6716 5453 6517 5864 4953 4358 5371

(46.3) (53.5) (44.6) (47.2) (42.3) (48.3) (42.2) (51.2)

Thermal 5909 5835 6772 7282 7985 5293 5965 5109

(53.7) (46.5) (55.4) (52.8) (57.7) (51.7) (57.8) (48.8)

Total 11001 12551 12225 13799 13849 10246 10323 10480

(100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (100.0)


Monthwise Fluctuation in Power Generation

(in Million on Kwh.)


Hydro Thermal Total

-------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ----------------------------- ---------

1986- 1987- 1988- 1986- 1987- 1988- 1986- 1987- 1988- 87 88 89 87 88 89 87 88 89


April 373 259 202 652 714 713 1026 973 915

May 302 188 217 654 748 758 956 936 975

June 442 233 192 560 734 700 1002 967 892

July 688 607 324 536 621 645 1224 1228 969

August 734 821 940 472 554 399 1206 1375 1339

September 690 813 1034 578 609 333 1268 1422 1367

October 673 656 1119 548 620 352 1226 1276 1471

November 483 360 804 639 663 572 1122 1023 1376

December 568 421 539 654 702 637 1221 1123 1176


Total 4953 4358 5371 5293 5965 5109 10246 10323 10480


A welcome feature has been the improvement of the efficiency of the Thermal Stations, the plant load factor of which has gone up from 51.3 percent in 1983-84 to 69.7 percent in 1986-87, as compared to the National average which increased from 47.9 percent to 53.2 percent during the same period. The plant load factor of thermal stations in the State has further improved to 76.4 percent during 1987-88. Another favourable development has been the reduction in line losses from 21.4 percent in 1983-84 to 19.2 percent in 1985-86 and 18.5 percent in 1986-87. However during 1987-88 the line losses amounted to 20.2 percent. The National average of line losses were 21.5 percent in 1984-85, 21.7 percent in 1985-86 and 21.5 percent in 1986-87.

An additional 48,533 agricultural pump sets have been energized during the first nine months of 1988-89 increasing the total number of Agricultural connections to 9.94 lakhs at the end of December 1988. Consumption of power for agriculture constituted 34.4 percent of total power consumption in the State during 1987-88 as compared to 28.8 percent in 1986-87. Thus the share of agriculture in total power consumption has further gone up during 1987-88 because of increased exploitation of ground water potential.

An additional number of 690 villages, 815 hamlets and 587 Harijanwadas have been electrified during the first nine months of 1988-89. Thus 96.6 percent of the villages, 44.1 percent hamlets and 86.3 percent Harijanwadas in the State have been electrified upto the end of December 1989.

Labour and Employment

Less number of mandays were lost in the State during the period April to October 1988 compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. Only 2.66 lakh mandays were lost between April and October 1988 due to strikes and lockouts in various industries as against 4.50 lakh mandays lost in the corresponding period of the previous year.

The total number of previous employed in the organised sector in the State increased from 16.43 lakhs at the end of March 1987 to 16.57 lakhs at the end of March 1988. The organised sector comprises all establishments in the Public Sector and non-agricultural establishments in the private sector employing 10 or more persons. Out of the total employment in the organised sector in the State at the end of March 1988, public sector accounted for 13.06 lakh persons while the remaining 3.51 lakh persons were employed in the private sector.

A total number of 26.70 lakh persons were on the live registers of employment exchanges in the State as at the end of November 1988 representing a fall of 1.4 percent over the corresponding period of last year.


The State average Consumer Price Index for Industrial workers which stood at 666 at the end of March 1987 rose to 742 in December 1987 and on to 749 in March 1988. The point-to-point increase in the Consumer Price Index number during March 1987 to March 1988 was 12.5 percent.

During 1988-89 the Consumer Price Index for industrial workers rose continuously to 808 in September 1988 or by 7.9 percent. Broadly, a similar trend has been observed in the case of All-India C.P.I. also which rose continuously from 753 in March 1988 to 806 in September 1988 i.e., by 7.0 percent.

The C.P.I. for Urban non-manual employees in the State showed a smaller increase of 4.5 percent between March and September 1988. On the other hand, the C.P.I. for Agricultural Labour rose by 11.8 percent from 543 in March '88 to 607 in September '88. During the same period, the All India CPI for Agricultural Labour also recorded an increase from 658 in March 1988 to 710 in September 1998 ie., by 7.9 percent.

Wholesale Prices

The State wholesale price index of Agricultural Commodities (Base 1970-71=100) moved up from 327.9 in March 1987 to 376.2 in August 1987, recording an increase of 14.7 percent. By March 1988, the W.P.I. declined to 363.7. During 1988-89, the W.P.I, increased to 423.00 in November 1988 i.e., by 16.3 percent.

The All India General Wholesale price index of all commodities which is relatively more stable than the Index of wholesale prices of Agricultural Commodities, recorded an increase of 5.0 percent between March, 1988 and November 1988. This represents the general price level in the country and is indicative of the general level of prices in the State also.

Public Distribution System

The public distribution system has been further strengthened and streamlined during the period December, 1987 to December 1988. An additional 464 fair price shops have been opened, raising the total number of fair price shops in the State to 35058 upto the end of December 1988. Out of them, as many as 27984 fair prices shops are in the rural areas and the remaining 7074 in the urban areas. A total of 132.45 lakh families are served by the public distribution system. Out of them 99.22 lakh families have been given green cards, which enable them to get Rice at the subsidized price of Rs.2/- per Kg.

The distribution of Rice through the public distribution system attained a peak level of 22.64 lakh tonnes during the year ended March, 1988, as against 21.89 lakh tonnes in the preceding year ending March, 1987.

In the case of Wheat and Kerosene there was an increase in the public distribution, while the previous year's level was maintained in respect of Sugar.

Distribution of Essential Commodities through the Public Distribution System.

(lakh tonnes)


Commodity (April to December) 1987 1988


Rice 16.81 12.18

Wheat 0.46 0.68

Edible Oils 0.96 0.48

Sugar 2.35 2.35

Kerosene 4.38 * 4.81 *


* Lakh Kilo-litres


As at the end of June, 1988 there were 4302 branches of Scheduled Commercial Banks in Andhra Pradesh with total deposits of Rs.6966.02 crores and outstanding advances of Rs.5501.95 crores. During the period ending June, 1988 the total number of bank branches in the State increased by 2.7 percent, while the total deposits increased by 14.8 percent and outstanding advances by 17.5 percent.

The Rural branches constituted 57 percent of the total branches. But their shares in the total deposits and total advances were only 18 percent and 22 percent respectively as at the end of June, 1988.

There was a considerable increase in the amount of refinance disbursed to the State by major All-India Term Lending Institutions during the year ending June 1988. refinance extended by NABARD for Agriculture and Rural Development schemes in the State amounted to Rs.142.60 crores during the year ending June 1988 which represented a rise of 9.4 percent over the previous year. The refinance disbursed by I.D.B.I. for industrial development schemes during the year ending June 1988 amounted to Rs.306.80 crores, which was 16.5 percent higher than the disbursement made in the previous year . The amount disbursed by I.F.C.I., rose by 21.0 percent during the year ending June 1988 from 52.13 crores in 1986-87 to 63.07 crores in 1987-88.

Annual Plan 1988-89

The Planning Commission approved a Plan of Rs.1250.00 crores for 1988-89. The State Government, however, provided Rs.1252.72 crores in the Budget including additional funds sanctioned of Rs.1.72 crores for Telugu Grameena Kranti Patham Schemes and Rs.1.00 crore to the A.P. State Co-operative Rural Irrigation Corporation by taking advance from the Contingency Fund. Against this, the anticipated expenditure reported by the Departments is Rs.1338.78 crore and this is included in the Revised Estimates for 1988-89. The increase in Revised Estimates over the budgeted plan is Rs.86.06 crores (Rs.1338.78 crores - Rs.1252.72 crores) and this is accounted for by increase of Rs.40.00 crores under Irrigation. Rs.23.00 crores under Rural Development, Rs.5.55 crores under Transport, Rs.9.23 crores under Education, Rs.4.63 crores under Housing, Rs.1.80 crores under Publicity, Rs.1.50 crores under Medical and Public Health, Rs.0.68 crore under District Planning Machinery, Rs.0.50 crore under Welfare of SCs., Rs.0.40 crore under Craftsmen Training Schemes and Rs.0.14 crore under Prisons, while there is reduction of Rs.0.65 crore under Forests, Rs.0.22 crore under Industries and Rs.0.50 crore under Government Orphanages Scheme.

The Budgeted outlay of Rs.1252.72 crores and the Revised Estimates of Rs.1338.78 crores do not include Rs.23.00 crores loan assistance anticipated from the Government of India for Yeleru Reservoir Project and advance Plan assistance of Rs.1066.50 lakhs sanctioned by the Government of India for the following Irrigation Schemes under Special Food Production Programme:

Rs. Lakhs

1. Vamsadhara Stage - I 362.00

2. Nizamsagar Project 410.00

3. Taliperu Project 160.00

4. Minor Irrigation Tanks 134.00




Annual Plan 1989-90

The resources for the Annual Plan 1989-90 were assessed at the official level discussion held in the Planning Commission in October, 1988 at Rs.1098.36 crores. However, having regard to the commitments and the Plan of Rs.1250.00 crores approved by the Planning Commission for 1988-89, the State Government prepared the draft Annual Plan for 1989-90 for Rs.1663.59 crores. The working groups, considered these proposals in the Planning Commission on 6-12-1988. Thereafter discussions were held between our Chief Minister and the Dy. Chairman, Planning Commission at New Delhi on 13-1-1989. In these discussion the resources for 1989-90 were reassessed and a Plan of Rs.1300.00 crores was finalised for 1989-90. This Plan however is inadequate having regard to our commitments and priorities under Irrigation, Power, Rural Development and Social Services sectors. A Plan of Rs.1400.00 crores has therefore been prepared and included in the Budget for 1989-90. In addition Rs.19.00 crores are provided for Yeleru Reservoir Project under Centrally Sponsored Schemes towards central loan assistance.

Major sector-wise details of the Plan for 1989-90 together with Seventh Plan outlays, expenditure for first three years (1985-88), anticipated expenditure for 1988-89 and for the Seventh Plan as a whole are given in the Statement next page.


Andhra Pradesh continues to be predominantly an Agricultural State. Therefore high priority is given to Agriculture and all services for stepping up Agricultural Production and to raise living standards of the farming community.

During the last 3 decades rapid strides have been made increasing Agricultural Production. The foodgrains production which was at 59.17 lakh tonnes in 1956-57 reached a record high of 118.82 lakh tonnes in 1983-84. Such a quantum jump became possible on account of increased application of Science and Technology in Agriculture, Use of High Yielding Varieties, timely supplies of quality inputs, seeds fertilizers, pesticides, Agriculture, Credit and extension support to the farming need particular mention.

Andhra Pradesh has received good and well distributed rainfall during this year after facing successive adverse seasonal conditions for the past 4 years

During the year 1988-89 the South West Monsoon set in around 10th of June, on a weak note, in the Coastal and Telangana regions and on 22nd June in the Rayalaseema region . Pre-monsoon showers were received during the month of May in Coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema Regions slightly in excess of the normal rainfall, while in Telangana region there was a deficit. In the State as a whole, 39mm of rainfall, as pre-monsoon showers was received against the normal of 40 mm during May.

In June, there was a deficit in rainfall in the State, except in the districts of Nizamabad and Adilabad. The deficit was 37% in Coastal Andhra region, 64% in Rayalaseema region and 17% in Telangana regions and 30% in the State, as a whole..

In July, the monsoon became active due to low pressures, both in the Arabian sea and Bay of Bengal and as a result good rainfall was received in all the districts, registering an excess of 67% in Coastal Andhra , 83% in Rayalaseema and 109% in Telangana regions and 92% in the State, as a whole, over the normal rainfall. Due to very heavy rainfall received from 28th to 31st July, in the catchment area of river Godavari and its tributaries, floods occurred in the districts of Adilabad, Karimnagar, Warangal, Khammam, West Godavari, East Godavari inundating both irrigated and rainfed crops. Several irrigation sources also got breached.

The total rainfall received from South West Monsoon (June to Sept. 1988) has been 927 mm, as against the normal of 634 mm and registered an excess of 46%.

The region wise rainfall during Kharif 1988 is as under:-

( in mm)

Rainfall Normal % deviation

Sl. No. Region during the Rainfall from the period from June to normal

June to September September


1. Coastal Andhra 823 603 36

2. Rayalaseema 619 379 63

3. Telangana 1144 764 50


Andhra Pradesh 927 634 46


All the major and medium and minor Irrigation sources became full with good inflows. All the irrigation channels under the projects flowed to their full capacity.

Flood Relief Programme

During the last week of July, due to incessant and heavy rains in Godavari catchment area, floods have occurred affecting rice and other crops in an areas of about 2.13 lakh hectares and 4.09 lakh hectares respectively.

For providing immediate relief to the small and marginal farmers who lost paddy crop due to floods, Flood Relief Programme has been taken up with an outlay of Rs.225.42 lakhs, for supplying one bag of urea pr acre free of cost to enable them to plant the crop again.

Prospects for Rabi 1988-89

The seasonal conditions have been very favourable in Kharif 1988. All the irrigation sources in the State became full to their capacity with sufficient inflows. The Ground water recharge has been good, therefore irrigation under wells also will not have any problem. But the North East Monsoon has totally failed during October, November and belied our expectation of bumper crops during Rabi. As against the normal rainfall of 206 mm, only 84 mm was received upto December registering a deficit of 59%. The sowings of dry crops could not be completed in the normal areas as only 50-60% areas are reported to have been covered.

However, the over all setting for Agriculture has been good and food production is expected to exceed 120.00 lakh tonnes surpassing the record production of 118.82 lakh tonnes harvested during 1983-84. Rice alone is likely to contribute about 91.00 lakh tonnes inspite of flood damage in Godavari basin, against a target of 83.60 lakh tonnes. In case of Oilseeds also a record production of 22.00 lakh tonnes, is expected exceeding the target of 19.80 lakh tonnes.

Programme for 1989-90

An outlay of Rs.1654.00 lakhs is provided for the annual plan 1989-90. The following targets under Agriculture productions are set for the year 1989-90.

1. Foodgrains 124.00 lakh tonnes

2. Oil seeds 21.65 ,,

3. Cotton 13.00 lakh bales

4. Mesta 7.50 -do-

5. Sugarcane 150.00 lakh tonnes

To accomplish the above targets, larger coverage under High Yielding Varieties, both under irrigation and dry land areas. higher levels of Fertilizer application, need based plant protection measures, application of latest farm technology with special thrust on dryland farming techniques, short term credit and the much needed Agricultural Extension Support through the training and visit system of Extension are proposed. Special thrust on the production of oilseeds and pulses is given under 20 point programme.

The major contributor to the foodgrains production is Rice which alone accounts for about 2/3rd of the total production. For any increase in foodgrains production, rice should contribute more. Therefore special foodgrains production programme SFPP (RTP) is launched this year in the selected 12 Districts, to increase the productivity level by 20-25% and also to bring more areas under assured irrigation. This programme is being implemented as Central Sector Scheme this year and is likely to continue during 1989-90 also.

The Production of coarse grains is showing a declining trend, Concerted extension efforts are proposed to be made during 1989-90 to increase the production and productivity.

Special thrust is also laid on dryland farming as about 68% of the arable land is under Rainfed Agriculture where the productivity is low due to uncertain and erratic rainfall. Moreover a large percentage of these lands are held by weaker sections of the farming community . To increase the productivity in these areas a number of programmes under implementation from the beginning of 7th Plan.For improving the Dryland Agriculture, Watershed approach is adopted and in out State 132 watersheds (2.64 lakh Hectares)under National Watershed Development programme and State Watersheds and DPAP watersheds are identified for taking up comprehensive development with Dryland Horticulture, Silvipasture and Farm Forestry. An amount of Rs.1202 lakhs is provided this year and a similar outlay is also expected to provided during next year. In addition to this, popularization of simple dryland techniques will also be taken up in 1500 villages of 800 dryland mandals with an outlay of Rs.120.00 lakhs in an area of about 50,000 hectares.

A World Bank aided rainfed farming project for dryland development is also in operation in the State in R.R. District on an area of about 25000 hectares with an outlay of Rs.582.00 lakhs since 1984-85.

Training and visit system of extension, supply of minikits of HYVs, supply of paddy minikits to SC and ST farmers, endemic areas programme, rice pest control, national Oilseed development and pulses development, national watershed development in rainfed Agriculture, State Watershed development programmes, development of dryland farming in 2 villages a mandal, development of fertilizer use in low consumption areas, groundnut development by Oil-seeds Growers Federation, support to Andhra Pradesh state Seed Development Corporation for construction of seed processing plants, buffer seed stocking for contingency programme are some of the important programmes to be continued during 1989-90.


At the food grain crops are more labour intensive and giving comparatively less remunerative returns, farmers have diversified into cultivation of Horticulture crops as these crops supplement nutritive value of food besides giving attractive returns per hectares as compared to other Agricultural crops. The role of Horticultural crops in processing industry, trade and commerce is more important due to their export potential also. Andhra Pradesh is endowed with a variety of soils, tropical climatic conditions and is suitable for raising large number of Horticultural crops. The area under different Horticultural crops in the State is 4.16 lakh hectares and the gross value of the produce from these crops is around Rs.552.00 crores. The main fruit crops grown are Mango, Citrus, Cashew, Coconut, Sapota, Guava, Banana, Grapes and indigenous and exotic vegetables. The main thrust for development of Horticulture in the State is through production of pedigree quality plant material, area expansion, increasing productivity by adopting improved practices, special emphasis to develop horticultural wealth by the weaker sections, Vegetable development, Floriculture and Ornamental gardening, encouraging Mushroom cultivation and Cashew and Coconut development.

For implementing different Horticultural programmes in the State, a plan provision of Rs.160.00 lakhs is made for 1988-89 and the same plan provision of Rs.160.00 lakhs is provided for 1988-89.

During the year 1987-88, 3.30 lakh high cost plant material valued at Rs.33.001 lakhs were produced in departmental Horticultural Farms/Nurseries. During the year 1988-89, it is programmed to produce 3.60 lakhs high cost plant material valued for Rs.36.00 lakhs. It is also proposed to produce Rs.3.60 lakhs plant material during the year 1989-90. An additional area of 31,000 hectares is being brought under different Horticultural Crops during the current year and it is programmed to bring an addl. area of 32,600 hectares during 1989-90 by adopting improved management practices. For best utilization of waste lands under moisture stress, the crops Pomegranate, Ber and custard apple are being encouraged. An area of 240 hectares will be covered during 1988-89 and it is proposed to cover an area of 240 hectares during 1989-90 also.

Arrangements have been made to produce and supply 1.00 lakh East Coast tall quality Coconut seedlings at Regional Coconut Nursery in West Godavari and 40,000 T X Hybrid Coconut Seednuts under Centrally sponsored scheme during current year 1988-89 and same number of nuts during 1989-90.

Four Fruits and Vegetable Growers’ Co-operative Societies were organised and will be continued during the year 1989-90 with an object to provide remunerative price to the farmers and reasonable price to the consumers by avoiding middlemen.

A special scheme for Welfare of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes is being implemented by supplying (15,000) Vegetable minikits free of cost, 533 No. of Plant Protection and Plant material to cover an area of 2200 hectares on 75% subsidy during 1988-89. It is proposed to continue the same during 1989-90 with an outlay of Rs.16.00 lakhs.

A Centrally Sponsored Oil Palm Demonstration Project to cover an area of 1000 hectares in Krishna (300 hectares) East Godavari (300 ha.) and West Godavari (400 ha.) is being taken up. During the year 1988-89, financial outlay of Rs.20.40 lakhs is provided for raising oil palm nurseries. A provision of Rs.19.00 lakhs is made in the Annual Plan 1989-90 for this project.

Andhra Pradesh State Agro Industries Development Corporation Ltd.

The Andhra Pradesh State Agro Industries Development Corporation Limited was incorporated on 5.3.1968.

The main activities of the Corporation are

1. Land Development by providing facility for mechanical land development.

2. Distribution of fertilizers and pesticides.

3. Formulation of Pesticides

4. Promotion of Agro Based Industries

5. Workshops f or Servicing facilities

6. Agro Service Centres for Distribution of agricultural implements and other machinery spares through a a chain of Agro Service Centres.

7. Fruits Division for manufacture and sale of fruit based products.

A provision of Rs.10.00 lakhs is provided in the Annual Plan 1989-90 to this Corporation.

Soil & Water Conservation

Soil conservation measures are essential for ensuring better crop performance. These measures become more important in drought prone areas to protect the lands from further degradation. It is estimated that about 80.00 lakh ha. require Soil & Water conservation measures. By the end of 1987-88, 10.00 ha. was covered, which leaves a balance of 70.00 lakh ha. still to be covered. In the current year the stress is on vegetative barriers with Khus grass supported by small section earthern bunds in place of conventional large section bunds Soil Conservation works are carried out in Agricultural lands on a watershed approach in combination with crop improvement programmes for obtaining better results.

A provision of Rs.122.00 lakhs is made in the Annual Plan 1989-90. It is proposed to cover 70,000 ha. under S.C. measures.

Soil Conservation Works in River Valley Projects

A Central Sector Scheme known as soil conservation works in River Valley projects with 100% assistance in the catchment area of Nizamsagar, Sreeramsagar, Nagarjunasagar is in operation. One division with four soil conservation sub-divisions are working in the said catchment areas. In the year 1988-89, an outlay of Rs.50.00 lakhs was provided by Government of India to cover an area of 5,000 hectares under soil and water conservation measures. This scheme is proposed to be continued during 1989-90 also.

The Pilot Project Scheme on shifting cultivation is under implementation for assisting the tribals in the Eastern Ghat Zone in their Agricultural activity to boost their economy, thereby making them understand the evils of Podu cultivation. This scheme is proposed to be continued with an outlay of Rs.5.00 lakhs during 1989-90.

Animal Husbandry

A sum of Rs.647.00 lakhs is provided in the Annual Plan 1989-90 for Animal Husbandry.

During 1989-90, an amount of Rs.214.98 lakhs is proposed for Vety. Services and Animal Health for continuance of the schemes like Livestock Supervisory Units at Mandal Head Quarters, (17) Vety. Poly Clinics, besides continuance of (4) Centrally Sponsored Schemes. A Veterinary Training Centre, Utnoor in Adilabad is proposed to be strengthened under Tribal Sub plan at a cost of Rs.5.00 lakhs during 1989-90. The Serological Diagnostic Laboratory at V.B.R.I. Hyderabad (22) Animal Health Centres at District Head Quarters and I.C.A.R. Scheme for monitoring important Animal Disease will also be continued under Vety. Research for which an amount of Rs.50.26 lakhs is provided.

Under Cattle Development, an amount of Rs.112.18 lakhs is provided for continuance of the Existing Live Stock Farms, besides continuance of Indo Swiss Project, Visakhapatnam.

For Sheep & Goat Development Rs.63.72 lakhs and for Piggery Development Rs.8.94 lakhs are provided Backyard Poultry Rearing among the tribal and Poultry Complexes in S.C. Basties and the Spl. Live Stock Production Programme in (18) Districts are proposed for continuance at a total cost of Rs.143.62 lakhs. It is also proposed to supply Fodder Minikits to S.Cs under Special Component Plan for S.Cs at a cost of Rs.6.00 lakhs during 1989-90.

Meat & Poultry Development

The Outlay for A.P. State Meat and Poultry Development Corporation for 1989-90 is Rs.50.00 lakhs, out of which Rs.25.00 lakhs is intended towards Share Capital Contribution and Rs.2500 lakhs is for Infrastructure Development.

Dairy Development

The outlay for Dairy Development for 1989-90 is Rs.180.00 lakhs with a provision of Rs.66.00 lakhs towards on going schemes for building up of Processing infrastructure for handling and transport of surplus milk and towards subsidy to meet the operational deficit for running the revised dairy units. An amount of Rs.114.00 lakhs is also proposed for new schemes like N.C.D.C. Integrated Dairy Projects - 30% Government share (Rs.90.00 lakhs), renovation of `E’ type Staff Quarters at Old Hyderabad (Rs.3. 00 lakhs), strengthening of water supply and stabilization of Power to Chittoor M.P.F. for first stage expansion to 3.00 llpd capacity (Rs.11.00 lakhs) and 20% equity contribution to World Bank Schemes for Construction of Godowns through Andhra Pradesh State Co-operative Bank (APCOB) (Rs.10.00 lakhs).


A sum of Rs.700.00 lakhs is provided for 1989-90 for Fisheries.

The target for Fish Production for 1989-90 is 4.00 lakh tonnes i.e., 2.00 lakhs tonnes of Inland Fish and 2.00 lakh tonnes of Marine Fish. It is proposed to invest 210.00 lakhs on Inland Sector and development of existing Fish Seed Farms and Construction of new Fish Seed Farms.

An outlay of Rs.58.00 lakhs is made for development of Brackish Water areas. An outlay of Rs.25.00 lakhs is also proposed for the development of Brackish Water Hatchery at Suryalanka under U.N.D.P.

An amount of Rs.54.00 lakhs is provided under Marine sector for completion of on-going harbours and creation of landing facilities to traditional fishermen. An amount of Rs.21.00 lakhs is also proposed for supply of Beach Landing Crafts to individuals/group of fishermen on hire purchase system.

An amount of Rs.20.00 lakhs is provided for completing the works relating to village access Roads taken up under Integrated Marine Fishing Projects.

For formulation of schemes (1) for the benefit of S.Cs an amount of Rs.105.00 lakhs under Spl. Component Plan and (2) for the benefit of S.Ts a sum of Rs.42.00 lakhs have been earmarked.

An account of Rs.40.00 lakhs is provided for implementation of various schemes under welfare measures. An amount of Rs.30.00 lakhs is provided for marketing support Infrastructure Development.

An amount of Rs.20.00 lakhs is provided towards share capital contribution to A.P. Fisheries Corporation.


A sum of Rs.1611.00 lakhs is provided in the Annual Plan for 1989-90 for Forests including Zoological Parks.

The emphasis is on Social Forestry for which a provision of Rs.120.00 lakhs is made. It is proposed to continue C.I.D.A. aided Social Forestry Programme with an outlay of Rs.700.00 lakhs. Teak Plantation is also emphasized with a provision of Rs.150.00 lakhs besides the continuance of the development of various sanctuaries under preservation of Wild Life with an outlay of Rs.90.00 lakhs. For the scheme of Forest Protection Force covering (12) districts, an amount of Rs.38.00 lakhs is provided. A sum of Rs.40.00 lakhs is also provided for development of Infrastructure for the protection of Forests from Biotic Interference. Flying Squad Parties, Vigilance Cell, Survey Parties and improvement of Communication System are also continued. An amount of Rs.35.00 lakhs is provided for the scheme of Reclothing of Podu Areas and Development of Eastern Ghats under Tribal Area Sub-plan. For raising shelter belts, it is proposed to provide an outlay of Rs.60.00 lakhs besides Rs.55.00 lakhs under Special Component Plan.

Zoological Parks

A sum of Rs.50.00 lakhs is provided for Zoological Parks in the Annual Plan 1989-90. The schemes proposed with this outlay are detailed below:

During 1989-90, apart from the maintenance of the animals and enclosures, various developmental works like construction of tiger Safari Park, Reptile House, Aviary Nocturnal Animal Houses, Prehistoric Animal Park etc., in the Zoological Park, Hyderabad will be taken up with a provision of Rs.13.00 lakhs. Similarly, various developmental activities like enclosures for animals, improvement of the existing infrastructure etc., at Indira Gandhi Zoological Park, Vizag will also be taken up during 1989-90 at a cost of Rs.15.00 lakhs. A sum of Rs.22.00 lakhs is also provided during this year for taking up the various works in Sri Venkateswara Zoological Park, newly established at Tirupathi.

Storage And Warehousing

The Andhra Pradesh State Warehousing Corporation was set up by the State Government on 5-8-58. The main objectives of the Corporation are:

1. Creation of negotiable paper to provide for expansion of Credit through commercial bank for thebenefit of producer and others so as to improve their holding capacity and avoid distress sales.

2. Decreasing waste and losses in storage by promoting and developing Warehousing and scientific storage facilities.

In order to meet the growing storage needs particularly from Civil Supplies Corporation, which is mainly depending on State Warehousing Corporation for providing storage facilities for keeping rice stocks meant for Public Distribution System, the A.P. State Warehouse Corporation has taken up a big construction programme during VII Plan. During VII plan period, the Corporation has already constructed 1.89 lakh MTS capacity godowns costing Rs.821.00 lakhs. Since the equity including matching contribution of Central Warehousing Corporation and internal sources were not enough to meet the cost of said construction the Corporation has borrowed Rs.461.37 lakhs term loans from Banks which is being refinanced by NABARD. The Corporation has still to construct 0.61 lakh MTS Godowns to achieve the VII plan targets. The said construction programme also includes construction of various ancillaries like Office buildings, watchmen quarters, fencing, drains etc.

A provision of Rs.25.00 lakhs is made in the Plan 1989-90 for Storage and Warehousing.

Research and Education (A.P.A.U)

The main object of the Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University is to educate the rural people of these State of Andhra Pradesh in Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Home Science and to promote Research, Field and Extension Programmes in Agriculture and Agricultural Production. The impact of APAU changed the Agricultural sector of the State in more than one way by attaining increased production of Food Crops, Stabilizing Rice Production, increased number of Agro based industries, spectacular increase in Cotton Production, Improved Technology resulting in higher production etc. Based on the research needs of the farmers and rural families of the State and Man Power requirements in Agriculture and Allied Fields, number of priorities were developed and executed during the past. Improving the economic status of rural families by generating various income resources is the main thrust in the University Programme.

For 1989-90 an allocation of Rs.309.00 lakhs is made for Agricultural Education and Research for the APAU towards implementation of continuing as well as new schemes.


The Marketing Organisation is entrusted with the responsibilities of eradication of malpractices in the marketing of Agricultural Produce, creation of grading facilities and such other services in order to promote orderly marketing of agricultural produce. This is sought to be achieved effectively by enforcing the provisions of the Andhra Pradesh (Agricultural Produce and Livestock) Markets Act by establishing market yards with minimum facilities for weighment, storage etc.

A provision of Rs.129.00 lakhs is made in the Annual Plan 1989-90.

Investment in Agricultural Financial Institutions

The Andhra Pradesh Co-operative Central Agricultural Development Bank is implementing the long term credit programme. The Bank has also diversified its loaning operations so as to cover other farm activities like dairies, fisheries, poultry, purchase of bullock carts, social forestry, gobergas, pisciculture, sericulture etc. The Bank has been raising resources by way of floatation of debentures most of which are subscribed by NABARD. While special debentures are subscribed mainly by NABARD., ordinary debentures are subscribed by sister Land Development Banks in the country, Commercial Banks and the L.I.C. with nominal subscription by the State Government and GOI. So far as the State Government is concerned, an amount of Rs.384.75 lakhs is provided in the Annual Plan for 1989-90 in order to enable disbursement of Rs.95.00 crores long term credit.

Under this head, a sum of Rs.15.25 lakhs is provided for Grameena Banks.


Besides, providing production credity by way of crop loans and Medium term loans, and investment credit by way of long term loans, co-operatives have also been assisting farmers in storing, processing and marketing their agricultural produce. The main focus of attention of co-operatives is on assisting the weaker sections viz., small and marginal farmers SCs and STs . The Co-operative Agricultural Societies, supply inputs including Chemical Fertilizers and also essential consumer goods at reasonable prices to the farmers. They also provide credit for investment purposes for agricultural and allied activities and also for other diversified purposes. Two Apex Banks, viz., the Andhra Pradesh State Co-operative Central Agricultural Development Bank, the District Co-operative Central Banks and the Primary Agricultural Credit Societies in the State have issued credit to a tune of Rs.1021.00 crores during the Sixth Plan. For the marketing Co-operatives the Apex body is the MARKFED (A.P. State Co-operatvie Marketing Federation Limited, Hyderabad). Its membership consists of District Co-operative Marketing Societies and Co-operative processing units in the State. Among the several activities of these marketing Co-operatives, the important are supply of agricultural inputs, sale of consumer goods, procurement of paddy and agricultural produce selling of rice and constructing storage capacity. It is proposed to tap the central finances also to increase the storage capacity from the present 7.07 lakhs metric tonnes to 7.50 lakh metric tonnes.

To provide short term, Medium term and long term credit and Marketing Services to the farmers at a single contact point the new system of "Re-organisation of Credit structure under Single Window Scheme" has been launched from the year 1987-88. The PACS have accordingly started issue of L.T. loans besides issued of ST 7 MT loans and also have undertaken during 1988-89 multifunctional services under Single Window Scheme such as distribution of seeds, fertilizers and pesticides and essential consumer articles. They have also undertaken distribution of Janatha Sarees and Dhotis to green Ration Card holders under the subsidy scheme and also distribution of Text Books and Note Books to school children in Rural Areas.

In the consumer sector, the main objective being supply of essential commodities at reasonable prices to its members, it is proposed to actively involve the consumer co-operatives in the public distribution system. The A.P. State Co-operative Consumer Federation is the APEX body with 190 Taluk Level Super Bazars/Mahila Super Bazars. 361 Mahila Consumer stores and 950 Primary Consumer stores registered for doing business in consumer goods. It is proposed to achieve sale of consumer goods worth of 80.00 crores in Urban Areas and Rs.44.00 crores in rural areas for the year 1989-90. District level Federations for the Farming and Labour Contract Co-operatives were organised in. 22 Districts after weeding out the weak and dormant Societies. These Federations are working as Catalysts to boost up the working of the Primary Societies. The Girijan Coop-corporation is functioning to cater to the economic needs of Scheduled Tribes exclusively by purchasing the Minor Forest produce collected by them and arranging supply of their domestic requirements. There are State Level Corporations for SCs and BCs with wide net of District Units providing economic assistance to SCs and BCs. Co-operative corporations have also been organised at State Level for Women and for physically handicapped persons and efforts are being made to assist all sectors of the weaker sections for their economic uplift..

In order to streamline administration in the co-operative Department job performance charts have been devised. Systematic strengthening of Co-operative Sector is contemplated by a package of programmes involving innovation in administration. The establishment of Vigilance Cell for effective checking and controlling malpractices, misappropriation and other corrupt practices in the Co-operative will further enhance the operational efficiency of the Department in utilization of resources for better development.

A State level organisation by name " State Co-operative Development Corporation" on the pattern of NCDC, New Delhi is proposed to be organised. A provision of Rs.601.00 lakhs is made under "Co-operation" in the Annual Plan 1989-90. A Bureau of Co-operative Enterprises was constituted recently to achieve better co-ordination among the various co-operatives in the State for their effective functioning.

Under centrally sponsored scheme of the NCDC, the NCDC has approved two districts of East Godavari and Nizamabad for preparation of project reports of Integrated Co-operative Development (ICDP). The work was entrusted to A.P. Sahakara Vigyana Samithi Limited, Hyderabad and the APSVS has since given draft project report for East Godavari with a total outlay of Rs.438.885 lakhs spread over a period of 5 years. Under the ICDP Scheme, the entire assistance towards loan & SCC comes from NCDC while the subsidy portion shall be met by the NCDC and the State Government on 50:50 basis. The State Level Committee constituted by the Government for ICD Project has recommended the project report to Government for being sent to NCDC for its early approval.

Rural Development

The Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP) is a major poverty alleviation programme being implemented by the DRDAs in 22 Districts of the State. It is funded on 50:50 basis by Government of India and State. It is under implementation in all 1091 Mandals ( the 330 erstwhile blocks) in the State. Under this programme, 50% of the beneficiaries from poverty groups are drawn from Scheduled Castes and 10% from Scheduled Tribes. As per the Programme Evaluation Organisation of the Planning Commission (May, 1985) 58.58% of beneficiaries have crossed the poverty line as against the National average of 49.2%. During the year 1988-89 1,92,491 families were assisted (upto December 1988). A provision of Rs.2773.43 lakhs towards State share is made for 1989-90 as against Rs.2661.04 lakhs in 1988-89.

The Programme of Assistance for Small & Marginal Farmers in Agricultural Production (PASMA) is designed to take up Minor Irrigation, Land Development and Mini kits of Oil seeds and pulses for the benefit of Small Farmers and Marginal Farmers. It is funded on 50:50 basis by Government of India and State. During 1988-89, Government of India have modified the pattern of assistance. Eight districts viz., East Godavari, West Godavari, Nellore, Chittoor, Nalgonda, Khammam, Karimnagar and Warangal were selected under special Food Grains Production programme for excavation of Dug wells and shallow tube wells. During the year 1988-89, 122092 families were assisted (upto December, 1988). A provision of Rs.990.65 lakhs towards State share is made for 1989-90 as against Rs.1027.59 lakhs for 1988-89.

DWCRA is sub-scheme of IRDP with participation of Government of India, State Government and UNICEF. The scheme is designed to help groups of Rural Women to cross poverty line through suitable skill development and income generation activities. During the year 1988-89 200 groups were formed. A provision of Rs.20.40 lakhs is made for 1989-90.

Training of Rural Youth For Self Employment (TRYSEM) is funded on 50:50 basis by Government of India and the State. The scheme is intended for imparting training to the rural youth of the poverty groups and to make them self employed. During the year 1988-89, 9762 candidates were trained (upto December, 1988). A provision of Rs.70.00 lakhs towards State share is made for 1989-90 as against Rs.53.80 lakhs for 1988-89.

The expenditure on strengthening of State Institute of Rural Development (SIRD) is funded on 50:50 basis by Government of India and the State. A provision of Rs.6.00 lakhs towards State share is made for 1989-90 as against Rs.6.00 lakhs for 1988-89.

The cost of State support to IRDP is fully met by the state so far. At the State level, the Commissionerate of Panchayat Raj and Rural Development is monitoring the implementation of IRDP and allied programmes. A provision of Rs.43.00 lakhs is made towards State share for 1989-90 as against Rs.40.00 lakhs for 1988-89.

The scheme is for providing risk fund for consumption credit was entrusted to the Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Department during 1987-88. The scheme envisages sanction of consumption loans not exceeding Rs. 500/- For certain specified purposes for weaker sections. The cost is proposed to be shared on 50:50 basis by Government of India and the State. During 1989-90 a provision of Rs.40.00 lakhs is made towards State share.

Drought Prone Areas Programme (DPAP):

The DPAP scheme is specially designed to restore ecological balance in 8 chronically drought affected districts of the State, through a multi sectoral approach on Watershed basis. This scheme is funded on 50:50 basis by Government of India and the State. During 1988-89 12886 hectares was developed upto September, 1988 and 11.62 lakh mandays were created. A provision of Rs.602.00 lakhs is made towards State share for 1989-90 as against Rs.602.00 lakhs for 1988-89.

Failed Well Compensation Scheme (FWCS)

The scheme envisages compensation of the institutional credit raised by small farmers/marginal farmers and other farmers for well sinking. The cost on account of small farmers/marginal farmers will be shared by Government of India and State on 50:50 basis, while it is met on 100% by the State in respect of other farmers.

During 1989-90 a provision of Rs.25.00 lakhs is made towards State share.

Integrated Rural Energy Programme (IREP)

During the year 1989-90, an outlay of Rs.20.00 lakhs is provided for Integrated Rural Energy Programme

National Rural Employment Programme (NREP)

This programme was introduced in October, 1980 replacing food work programme for providing additional gainful employment for the unemployed and under-employed in rural areas. This is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme on 50:50 basis between the Centre and State. For meeting the State share, an allocation of Rs.3845.00 lakhs is provided for 1989-90.

The Government of India are implementing another Centrally Sponsored Scheme, viz., RLEGP, with 100% assistance for providing employment opportunities to the rural landless people during the lean period of agriculture, construction of Primary School Buildings, laying of Rural roads, Community Irrigation wells, Social Forestry , Houses for SCs, STs and Freed Bonded Labourers (Indira Awaas Yojana) and Rural Sanitary Latrine are mainly undertaken by utilizing these funds.

During 1988-89 the Government of India have introduced a new sub-scheme called `Million Wells’ (Jeevan Dhara) under both these Centrally Sponsored Schemes initially for two years i.e., 1988-89 and 1989-90 and earmarked 32.69% of the total allocation under both the programmes put together, in each year.

Land Reforms

An allocation of Rs.120.00 lakhs is provided in the Annual Plan 1989-90 for Land Reforms, of which Rs.66.00 lakhs are for survey of unsurveyed Agency areas, Rs.4.50 lakhs for Agency Settlement in Bhadrachalam area, Rs.29.50 lakhs for Telugu Girijana Magana Samardhana, Rs.17.50 lakhs for updating of land records in Model Mandals and Rs.2.50 lakhs for Survey Training School.

Disaster Management

For the year 1989-90, a provision of Rs.50.00 lakhs is made for Disaster Management, which is proposed for construction of Cyclone Shelters.

Community Development and Panchayats

The Panchayati Raj Institutions have been made fully responsible in playing a dynamic role for various developmental activities at the grass-root-level. Panchayati Raj Institutions are encouraging popular participation in various Developmental activities. A new Act was passed for the constitution of Mandala Praja Parishads, and Zilla Praja Parishads in place of Panchayati Samithis and Zilla Parishads. In the Annual Plan 1989-90, a provision of Rs.20.00 lakhs has been made for the on-going scheme of construction of Panchayati Bhavan and for rendering financial assistance to Panchayats including Panchayati Raj Bodies.

Crucial Balancing Investments/Telugu Grameena Kranti Padham

The Government have revived the CBI scheme, during 1987-88 and have sanctioned an amount of Rs.575.00 lakhs at the rate of Rs.25.00 lakhs to each of the 23 districts and the expenditure incurred out of this was Rs.440.06 lakhs. During the year 1988-89, an amount of Rs.2300.00 lakhs was provided in the Budget at the rate of Rs.100.00 lakhs to each of the 23 districts. The anticipated expenditure is Rs.2300.00 lakhs and the same has been shown as R.E. for 1988-89. An equal amount of Rs.2300.00 lakhs is provided in the budget for 1989-90 under this scheme.

Under TGKP scheme an amount of Rs.171.75 lakhs was provided in the budget for 1988-89. Subsequently, additional funds of Rs.425.00 lakhs were sanctioned to the districts of Prakasam, Cuddapah, Rangareddy, Adilabad and Nalgonda for settlement of pending bills, taking up of works sanctioned in drought areas and for bringing the works to a safe stage under Telugu Grameena Kranti Patham scheme by an advance from Contingency Fund. Thus, the anticipated expenditure for 1988-89 is Rs.596.75 lakhs. No provision was made for 1989-90, since the scheme was extended only upto 31.12.2988.

Special Area Development Programme

An amount of Rs.5.00 lakhs is provided for 1989-90 for Godavari valley. Development Authority to undertake studies for planned integrated development of Godavari Basin.

An amount of Rs.4.50 lakhs is provided for 1989-90 for the A.P. Shore Area Development Authority for taking follow up studies on development of Shore Areas. The A.P. Shore Areas Development Authority has prepared a Master plan for the development of Shore Areas which envisages an outlay of Rs.1280 crores over a period of 15 years, out of which the share of the State Government is about Rs.407 crores. The key sector departments, concerned with Shore Development viz.., Fisheries, Forests, Industries, Tourism, Ground Water, Transport, Housing etc ., are drawing up action plans for implementation of the Master Plan recommendations. Efforts are also being made to tap funds from the Govt. of India , World Bank, Asian Development Bank, UNDP, etc. At the state level the various Corporations programmes are being dovetailed to develop production infrastructure.

During 1989-90, it is proposed to spend Rs.14.68 crores in the Shore Areas from the Plan Budget provisions under Housing, Fisheries, Construction of Cyclone Shelters, Minor Ports, Shelter belt Plantation and Inland Water ways.

Irrigation And Flood Control

Major & Medium Irrigation:

Irrigation and flood control Sector has been given the highest priority with an allocation of Rs.301.00 crores during the year 1988-89. The outlay of Rs.301.00 crores comprises of Rs.257.00 crores for Major and Medium Irrigation Schemes, Rs.32.00 crores for Minor Irrigation, Rs.7.00 crores for Command Area Development and Rs.5.00 crores for Flood Control and Drainage Schemes. The grant of Rs.301.00 crores provided in the B.E., 1988-89 has been stepped up to Rs.341.00 crores in R.E., 1988-89, which consists of Rs.281.35 crores for Major and Medium Irrigation Schemes, Rs.34.65 crores for Minor Irrigation (P.W.D.,), Rs.8.84 crore from Panchayat Raj Department, Rs.1.00 crore for A.P. State Co-op. Rural Irrigation Corporation, Rs.7.00 crores for Command Area Development Department and Rs.7.00 crores for Flood control and Drainage Schemes. Besides the above, the Govt. of India have sanctioned advance Plan assistance of Rs.1066.50 lakhs for the following Irrigation schemes under Special Food Production Programme.

1) Vamsadhara Project Stage-I Rs.362.00 lakhs

2) Nizamsagar Project Rs.410.00 lakhs

3) Taliperu Project Rs.160.00 lakhs

4) M.I. Tanks Rs.134.50 lakhs


Rs.1066.50 lakhs


These amounts have also been included over and above the provisions of Rs .301. 00 crores in Budget and revised estimate of Rs. 341.00 crores.

For the year 1989-90 also. High priority has been given to Irrigation Sector by allotting Rs. 350. 00 crores which comprises of Rs. 293.25 crores for Major and Medium Irrigation Schemes. Rs.30.00 crores for M.I.(PWD), Rs 10.00 crores for A.P.S.I.D.C., Rs. 30.00 crores for Panchayat Raj, Rs.0.75 crore for Ground Water Department , Rs.8.00 crores for C.A.D. Department, Rs. 7.50 crores for Flood Control and Drainage Schemes.

Under Major and Medium Irrigation , it is targeted to create an additional irrigation. Potential of 40. 823 T.Ha. The allotment for Nagarjunasagar Project is Rs.20 .00 crores. The total irrigation potential (I.P.) under this project is 895.28 T.ha. and I.P. created to end of VI plan was 772.786 T.Ha. During the VII plan period it is programmed to create an additional of 80.00 T.Ha. During the years 19885-86 1986-87 and 1987-88 the achievement was 15.046 T.Ha. 11.632 T.Ha., and 6.786 T.Ha respectively and the anticipated achievement for 1988-89 is 10.00 T.Ha. and proposed target for the year 1989-90 is 11.50 T.Ha.

The Telugu Ganga Project is envisaged to supply 15 TMC of drinking water to Madras City to be shared equally by the three basin states of Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Karnataka. The Water to be made available to Madras city will be supplied from Somasila Reservoir. The project also envisages providing irrigation facilities of about 111 T.Ha. of land in Kurnool and Cuddapah districts and 124 T.Ha. in Nellore and Chittoor districts b y utilizing the surplus flood waters from Krishna and Pennar rivers. Under Somasila Project it is envisaged to create an irrigation potential of 44.235 T.Ha. of new ayacut besides stabilization of 119.352 T.Ha. under tanks. The provision made for Telugu Ganga and Somasila Projects during the year 1989-90 is Rs.40.00 crores and Rs.5.00 crores respectively.

For Sriramsagar Project (Stage I) an amount of Rs.43.00 crores is provided for 1989-90. The total I.P. to be created under this project is 651 T.Ha. An I.P. of 224.20 T.Ha. was created to end of VI Plan. The Irrigation target for VII plan is 123 T.Ha., out of which, during the years from 1985-86 to 1987-88 the achievement was 21.80 T.Ha. 5.481 T.Ha. , and 0.78 T.Ha., respectively. The I.P. target for 1989-90 is 15 T.Ha. The project is posed for World Bank Aid. Tenders have been called for seven packages amounting to Rs.64.88 crores under Sriramsagar Project and six packages are already grounded costing Rs.55.00 crores.

Under Srisailam Right Branch Canal, it is envisaged to irrigate an ayacut of 76.89 T.Ha. An amount of Rs.32.00 crores is allotted during the year 1989-90. This project is posed for World Bank Aid. Four packages costing Rs.36.80 crores are already grounded during December, 1988.

Under Srisailam Left Branch Canal, it is envisaged to irrigate an ayacut of 121 T.Ha. An amount of Rs.20.00 crores is allotted during the year 1989-90.

Under New Major Irrigation Schemes, the provisions made for 1989-90 are Rs.1.00 crores for Pulichintala Project, Rs.5.00 crores for Sukesula Project, Rs.2.00 crores for Sriramsagar Project (Stage II), Rs.2.00 crores for Galeru Nagari Sujala Sravanthi and Rs.1.00 crores for Alagnuru Balancing Reservoir.

The allocations made during the year 1989-90 for other important Major Irrigation Projects are Godavari Barrage Rs.14.00 crores, Vamsadhara Project Stage-I Rs.2.50 crores, Neradi Barrage under Vamsadhara Project Stage II Rs.2.00 crores , T.B.P.H.L.C. Stage-I I Rs.10.00 crores, Yeleru Reservoir Scheme Rs.11.00 crores besides Central share of Rs.19.00 crores, Jurala Project Rs.25.00 crores ,Singur Project Rs.15.00 crores, Modernization including National Water Management Projects Rs.2.25 crores, Flood Control and drainage Rs.7.50 crores. It is targeted to create an additional irrigation potential of Rs.6.137 T.Ha.

The provision made for Medium Irrigation Scheme during the year 1989-90 is Rs.30.00 crores and proposed irrigation potential for the year 1989-90 is 8.186 T.Ha.

Minor Irrigation:

The allocation for Minor Irrigation in the Plan budget for 1988-89 is Rs.3200.00 lakhs of which Rs.2300.00 lakhs are for Minor Irrigation (PWD), Rs.684.00 lakhs for APSIDC Limited, Rs.71.00 lakhs for Ground Water Department, Rs.45.00 lakhs for Panchayati Raj Minor Irrigation and Rs.100.00 lakhs to A.P. State Co-operative Rural Irrigation Corporation. This has been stepped up in the R.E. for 1988-89 to Rs.4565.00 lakhs, comprising Rs.3465.00 lakhs for Minor Irrigation (PWD), Rs.884.00 lakhs for APSIDC Limited, Rs.71.00 lakhs for Ground Water Department, Rs.45.00 lakhs for Panchayati Raj Minor Irrigation and Rs.100.00 lakhs to A.P. State Co-operative Rural Irrigation Corporation. Apart from the above allocation of Rs.3465.00 lakhs in the R.E. for Minor Irrigation (PWD), an amount of Rs.134.50 lakhs has been provided towards Central share under Special Food Grains Production Programme.

The allocation for Minor Irrigation for 1989-90 is Rs.4125.00 lakhs of which Rs.3000.00 lakhs are for Minor Irrigation (PWD) Rs.1000.00 lakhs A.P.S.I.D.C. limited, Rs.75.00 lakhs for Ground Water Department and Rs.50.00 lakhs for Panchayati Raj Minor Irrigation.

Under Minor Irrigation (PWD), the Outlay proposed for 1989-90 for E.E.C, aided schemes is Rs.743.70 lakhs and Rs.8.00 lakhs for Lift Irrigation Schemes. In addition Rs.180.00 lakhs each for Tribal sub-plan and Special Component Plan for SCs, Rs.120.00 lakhs for Investigation, Rs.200.00 lakhs for Netherlands Aided L.I. Scheme Chinna Moruru, Rs.19.00 lakhs of State share of C.S.S. for sophisticated instruments, Rs.712.58 lakhs for works (PWD) and Rs.836.72 lakhs for Direction & Administration besides prorata charges are proposed for 1989-90. The target of Irrigation potential during 1989-90 is 12,000 Ha. (New) and 5,000 Ha. Stabilization.

The A.P. State Irrigation Development Corporation Limited was incorporated on 7-9-1974 for the purpose of exploitation of surface water and Ground Water in the State. At present the corporation is investigating, executing and maintaining L.I. Schemes, Bore wells, Tube Wells and Infiltration wells. The authorized Share Capital of the Corporation is Rs.80.00 crores. The paid-up share capital is Rs.58.40 crores as on 31-12-1988. It was proposed to take up L.I. and G.W. schemes with a Share Capital and Institutional Finances, the Corporation proposes to take up L.I. and G.W. Schemes. The provision made to the Corporation for Share Capital contribution during 1989-90 is Rs.1000.00 lakhs.

The outlay of the Ground Water Department for the VII plan is Rs.1000.00 lakhs which is aimed to intensify survey at the Micro Level and strengthen the drilling activity by increasing the Exploratory-Cum-Production well drilling programme. During the VII plan, it is expected to cover 50,000 Sq. Kms. By systematic Hydrogeological Surveys for delineation of potential areas. It is also proposed to complete construction of 3000 borewell/tubewells and proposed to examine 75000 sites for selection for various types of wells for implementation by various organisations. It is also proposed to examine 400 sites for percolation tanks. An area of 743 Sq. Kms. Has been covered by systematic Hydrogeological survey against the target of 500 Sq. Kms. and examined 2,985 sites for the selection of feasible sites for the construction of different types of wells to various Government and private agencies, against the target of 1300 sites.

A total number of 139 Borewells/tubewells were constructed under exploratory-cum-production drilling programme against the target 245 bore/tubewells, during 1988-89. Investigations for selection of feasible sites for the construction of percolation tanks at 91 sites have been taken up against the target of 50 during the year 1988-89. The department is monitoring water levels for knowing groundwater fluctuations through 1500 observation wells spread over in the entire State and measurement of stream check points for knowing the groundwater discharge. For systematic assessment of groundwater potential, the department is taking up detailed surveys in 17 basins. The provision made under plan schemes for the department is Rs.75.00 lakhs for the year 1989-90.

Command Area Development

At the instance of the Government of India, Command Area Development Programme was launched from 1974-75 with the principal twin objectives of bridging the gap between creation and utilization of irrigation potential under project commands as also for increasing the levels of agricultural production and productivity at optimum efficiency by synchronizing the irrigation distribution network equitably, by adopting suitable cropping pattern and improved agricultural practices including extension service, prevention of land erosion, conjunctive use of ground water potential with surface waters, maintenance of soil fertility by overcoming the water-logging hazards etc. The statutory provisions under the AP IU & CAD Act, 1984 and the rules made thereunder are being enforced for effective implementation of the package of CAD programmes and to achieve rapid strides of progress in the multi-disciplines.

The first-ever comprehensive Training and Research Institute (WALAMTARI) started in 1982-83 at Hyderabad has been imparting intensive training to the in-service personnel at various levels in the multi-disciplines to ensure better water management, maintenance of irrigation systems, on-farm development at micro-level and adoption of modern agricultural practices to obtain higher yields of production. The Institute has so far imparted training to about 3200 officers, besides conducting Seminars and Workshops.

Among the major components of intensive CAD activities, the progress achieved upto the end of September, 1988 under field channels was 6.43 lakh ha., Topographical Survey 5.87 lakh ha, Soil Survey 5.07 lakh ha. Land leveling 3.17 lakh ha, Warabandi 2.56 lakh ha., to a length of 1105 Kms. The total annual plan outlay for CAD is fixed at Rs.800.00 lakhs for 1989-90 with a matching central assistance of Rs.210.00 lakhs for centrally sponsored schemes.

Food Control Means

To combat the flood problem effectively, it is proposed to launch a programme of flood control scheme by formation of flood banks constructing groynes and providing revetment to marginal levels etc at vulnerable points. These would protect costly lands, villages, towns etc. Works are being taken up as per the priority assigned by the Technical Advisory Committee and the State Flood Control Board. An amount of Rs.1.50 crores is provided for the purpose in the plan for 1989-90.

Drainage schemes: During the year 1989-90 an amount of Rs.6.00 crores is allotted. It is proposed to improve major drains over a length of 1260 Kms. and medium and minor drains over a length of 1140 Kms during the year 1989-90.


The outlay under Energy for 1989-90 is Rs.23535.00 lakhs of which Rs.1500.00 lakhs are to Chief Engineer, Srisailam, Rs.22000.00 lakhs to A.P. State Electricity Board and Rs.35.00 lakhs to the Non-Conventional Sources of Energy.

Srisailam Hydro Electric Scheme (Stage-I) - State Govt. Works.

This is a completed scheme. A sum of Rs.1500.00 lakhs is provided in the annual plan for 1989-90 of which an amount of Rs.500.00 lakhs is allocated for decretal charges pending settlement of court cases regarding land acquisition, land compensation claims etc., and the balance of Rs.1000.00 lakhs is provided for completing the works like strengthening of dam foundations in certain blocks, protection of River bed down stream of dam from scouring action, providing shot creating to the hills side slops on either flanks, protecting flanks from erosion due to hitting of jet expanding from the spillway bucket formation of approach roads connecting spillway bridge.

A.P.State Electricity Board

The outlay of A.P. State Electricity Board is Rs.22000.00 lakhs. The following are the allocation for 1989-90.

(Rs. in lakhs)

I. Generation Schemes:

a) Continuing schemes 12556.00

b) New Schemes 110.00

c) Renovation schemes 494.00


Total Generation I: 13160.00


II. Transmission & Distribution:

a) Transmission 3500.00

b) Distribution & System 4000.00



Total II 7500.00


III Rural Electrification 1300.00

IV General (Power Development)

a) Survey & Investigation

b) Research 40.00


Total IV 40.00


Total A.P. State Electricity Board I to IV 22000.00

In the context of the critical power position the Commissioning of the ongoing generation schemes requires top priority. The New Schemes proposed are

1) Coast based TPS at Vizag (2x500 MW) and

2) Jalaput H.E.S. (3x6 MW) for 1989-90

It is proposed to electrify 750 villages (350 villages with solar panels and 400 villages already declared electrified with solar panels are proposed to be converted to conventional electrification and energize 70,000 agricultural pumpsets.

The target installed capacity of power during 1989-90 is 516 MW. The cumulative capacity is expected to be 4131 MWS at the end of the year.

Non-Conventional Energy Development Corpn. of A.P. Ltd.

Non-conventional energy sources comprise of Biogas, Biomass, Solar energy, Wind Energy, Human and Animal Power and the Urja Gram concept.

The Department of Non-conventional Energy Sources (DNES) G.O.I., New Delhi is providing the financial assistance as a subsidy and the service charges for implementing the non-conventional energy programmes. The State Government is providing the staff support for implementing the non-conventional energy programmes. An amount of Rs.35.00 lakhs is provided to Non-Conventional Energy Development Corpn, of A.P. Ltd., (NEDCAP) towards staff support during the year.

Industry & Minerals

Village and Small Industries:

The outlay for Village and Small Industries for the year 1989-90 is Rs.2550.95 lakhs, comprising Rs.447.00 lakhs to Commissioner of Industries, Rs.25.00 lakhs to A.P. Small Scale Industrial Development Corporation, Rs.45.00 lakhs to LIDCAP, Rs.40.64 lakhs to A.P. Khadi and Village Industries Board, Rs.8.25 lakhs for Commerce and Export Promotion, Rs.1550.06 lakhs to Handlooms & Textiles, Rs.400.00 lakhs to Sericulture and Rs.35.00 lakhs to Handicrafts Development Corporation.

Commissioner of Industries:

There are 73,358 SSI Units (upto end of Oct, 1988) in the State with an investment of Rs.968.17 crores providing employment to about 6.93 lakhs persons. The District Industries Centres have identified focal points for all entrepreneurs seeking help from the Government. The Commissioner of Industries have included new schemes for implementation during 1989-90. They are 1) Institute for C.N.C., Technology (Rs.1.00 lakh) 2) Multi Disciplined Engineering testing laboratory (Rs.1.00 lakh) and Survey on Coir Industries by providing and amount of Rs.0.17 lakh. The remaining schemes are continuing schemes. An amount of Rs.447.00 lakhs is provided to Commissioner of Industries for continuing and new schemes (Rs.371.70 ) for Industrial Co-operatives (Rs.56.00 lakhs) and for Coir Industries (Rs.19.30 lakhs).


An outlay of Rs.25.00 lakhs is provided to the A.P. Small Scale Industrial Development Corporation during 1989-90.

A.P. Leather Industries Development Corporation (LIDCAP)

An outlay of Rs.45.00 lakhs is provided to Leather Industries Development Corporation for the year 1989-90. The Corporation proposes to allocate Rs.5.00 lakhs for strengthening of production units, Rs.10.00 lakhs to rawhide collection centres, Rs.5.00 lakhs for strengthening of existing training units, Rs.10.00 lakhs to Training programmes, Rs.10.00 lakhs to Raw Material Depots and Rs.5.00 lakhs to Self Employment Schemes.

A.P. Khadi & Village Industries Board:

An outlay of Rs.40.64 lakhs is provided to the A.P. Khadi & Village Industries Board during 1989-90.

Commerce & Export Promotion

An outlay of Rs.8.25 lakhs is provided for continuing schemes of Commerce & Export Promotion Department.

Handlooms & Textiles:

The development schemes implemented by State Government relate to institutional support both at the level of primary weavers co-op. societies and Apex weavers coop societies. They mainly envisage:

1) Increased coverage of weavers by cooperatives.

2) Strengthening the share capital base of primary and Apex societies to secure additional working capital for production and marketing:

3) Modernization of looms of weaver members of coops and imparting training to the weavers to achieve production diversification; and

4) Providing market support including rebate on the sale of handloom cloth, providing assistance for infrastructure facilities viz., yarn supply, dye units and processing units.

Most of these schemes are assisted by the State and Central Government on matching basis.

The State Government have been implementing the scheme of supplying Janatha Sarees and dhoties to greencard holders at 50 percent subsidized cost. This scheme has not only generated employment in the handloom co-op. sector, but also provided cheap cloth to the Greencard holders.

In addition to the institutional support schemes, a package of welfare measures like Thrift fund -cum -savings and security scheme and construction of work-shed-cum-houses for the benefit of members of the handloom co-operatives has also been taken up and is being implemented.

Programmes intended for modernization of looms, product diversification and training of weavers have been given top priority. Two weavers training centres have been established at Hindupur and Sircilla. To ensure captive sources of Production of Hand Yarn required by Handloom co-operatives, two new co-op. spinning mills have been assisted at Nandyal and Parchur. Two more co-op spinning mills in Growers sector at Chilakaluripeta and Sircilla are programmed for establishment with World Bank assistance.


An outlay of Rs.400.00 lakhs is provided to Sericulture Department in the Annual Plan of 1989-90. Out of Rs.400.000 lakhs, an amount of Rs.274.28 lakhs is towards salaries and wages and other main schemes proposed are Grainages, Silk Reeling units and other Departmental units (Rs.18.44 Lakhs), Procurement of mulberry reeling cocoons from the Sericulturists for conversion into raw silk in the departmental silk reeling units (Rs.65.50 lakhs), procurement of Tasar seed cocoons (Rs.7.00 lakhs), Participation in fair and Exhibitions (Rs.0.25 lakhs), uzifly eradication programme (Rs.2.00 lakhs) and Rs.26.00 lakhs has been provided to procure mulberry seed cocoons, to encourage Sericulture Co-op. Societies towards share capital investment, share capital loan, Thrift fund cum savings security scheme. Rebate on sale of silk cloth, interest subsidy, work shed cum house programmes. An amount of Rs.5.00 lakhs is provided towards share capital contribution to SERIFED. An amount of Rs.1.53 lakhs is provided towards 50% State share reimbursement to central silk board under Drought Relief Programmes, which is a new Scheme.

A.P. Handicrafts Development Corporation Ltd.,

An outlay of Rs.35.00 lakhs is provided for the continuing schemes during the year 1989-90 for the A.P. Handicrafts Development Corporation.

Large & Medium Industries:

Commissioner of Industries:

An outlay of Rs.532.00 lakhs is provided including Rs.200.00 lakhs for new central scheme of Growth centres. The Industrial incentives offered for promotion and development of Industries by Government of India and the different State Government are undergoing rapid transformation. Government have constituted an Expert Committee to re-examine and make recommendations on State incentives scheme in the light of the revised Central incentives scheme for attracting investment promotion in pioneer Sun Shine industries such as Plastics, Electronics, Petro-chemicals, garments etc. and for development on non-metropolitan growth centres and from balanced regional development and the development of backward regions in the State.

The National Committee for development of backward areas has recommended to establish and develop growth centres which are likely to come up in Andhra Pradesh. The Development Commissioner (SSI), Government of India has introduced certain incentives for quality certification of Small Scale Industrial Products. There are nearly 640 large and medium industries and 66,000 small scale industries functioning in the State. It is endeavour of the State Government to encourage SSI units to take an ISI license for the products made by them. An amount of Rs.2.00 lakhs is provided for the year 1989-90 for this scheme.

A.P. Industrial infrastructure Corporation (APIIC):

The Corporation is developing industrial plots/sheds and taking construction of commercial complexes ion the State. A committee headed by Dr. N.Bhanu Prasad has prepared a perspective plan for implementation by the A.P.I.I.C. The Committee recommended among others, conventional industrial estates with comprehensive facilities in 39 locations and multi-purpose industrial estates in respect of 12 other locations. An outlay of Rs.55.00 lakhs is provided to A.P. Industrial Infrastructure Corporation for 1989-90.

A.P. State Financial Corporation:

The Corporation is providing financial assistance to a large number of small and medium scale units by providing them seed money and capital assistance in the State. It is also functioning as an agent of the Centre and State Governments in regard to implementation of Central Schemes of concessions and facilities to industries. An outlay of Rs.660.00 lakhs is provided to State Financial Corporation for the year 1989-90.

Andhra Pradesh Industrial Development Corporation:

Andhra Pradesh Industrial Development Corporation is providing technical guidance for promoting Industries in the State. An outlay of Rs.525.00 lakhs is provided to the Corporation including petro-chemicals limited during the year 1989-90.

A.P. Electronic Development Corporation (APEL):

The Electronics Development Corporation has undertaken various electronics projects at Gannavaram (Krishna District), Warangal, Tirupathi and Medak Districts. The Corporation is developing the electronics units by investing in the assisted/joint ventures, setting up departmental units and rendering assistance to the electronic units. An outlay of Rs.200.00 lakhs is provided to the A.P. Electronic Development Corporation for the year 1989-90.

State Contribution to other Government Companies:

The following Companies/Corporations are run by the State Government:

1. Hyderabad Allwyn

2. Allwyn Nissan

3. A.P. Scooters

4. Republic Forge Company

5. A.P. State Minorities Finance Corporation

For the above Companies / Corporations and also for the Godavari Fertilizer and Chemicals Ltd., an outlay of Rs.579.00 lakhs is provided for the year 1989-90.

Director of Sugar

In the Annual Plan 1989-90, a sum of Rs. 130.00 lakhs has been allocated to Director of Sugars and it is proposed to utilise the provision towards share capital contribution to Co-op. Sugar Factories for expansion/Modernization/ Re-endorsement and for establishment of new Co-op. Sugar Factories.

The outlays provided for the other schemes for 1989-90 are as follows:-

(Rs. in lakhs)

Nizam Sugar Factory 200.00

ANRICH 10.00

Weights & Measures (Staff Schemes) 8.00

Steel Plant , Visakhapatnam 80.00

Railway Carriage Workshop, Renigunta 40.00

Ordnance Factory , Medak 30.00

Water Supply to NFCL etc. 52.00

Industries & Commerce Dept. 3.00


Mines & Geology:

The Department of Mines and Geology is in charge of regulation and development of Mines and Minerals and Collection of Mineral revenue. An amount of Rs.25.00 lakhs is provided during 1989-90 for continuing schemes.

A.P. Mineral Development Corporation:

During the year 1988-89 the Corporation conducted the operations for Asbestos, Barytes, Black granite and clay in addition to the steps envisaged and carried out for the expansion and diversification activities.

An amount of Rs.35.00 lakhs is provided during 1989-90 for its activities.

Singareni Collieries:

A sum of Rs.1000.00 lakhs is provided for Singareni Collieries for the Annual Plan 1989-90 as an equity contribution of the State Government.


The allocation for Transport for 1989-90 is Rs.6549.00 lakhs, the break up being Rs.175.00 lakhs for Minor Ports, Rs.2400.00 lakhs for PWD Roads, Rs.19.00 lakhs for Sugarcane roads under Director of Municipal Administration, Rs.106.00 lakhs for sugarcane roads under Chief Engineer (Panchayati Raj), Rs.500.00 lakhs for MNP roads, Rs.3239.00 lakhs for Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation, Rs.59.00 lakhs for Traffic control, Rs.1.00 lakh towards Modernization of Traffic Signals and Rs.50.00 lakhs for Inland Water Transport.

Minor Ports

The Planning Commission, Government of India have approved a provision of Rs.600.00 lakhs as against the Outlay of Rs.810.00 lakhs provided for the development of A.P. Ports during VII plan 1985-90. The working group felt that the State Government should concentrate on the development of Kakinada and Machilipatnam Ports instead of spreading the allocation thinly for development of number of ports. Accordingly, action has been taken to develop Kakinada and Machilipatnam Ports.

The Government appointed a Committee known as "Gole Committee" for the development of Kakinada Port and accepted its recommendations for the provision of terminal facilities like T Sheds, Wharf walls and Jetties, extension of Railway sidings, approach roads, Reclamation of low lying areas for stackyards, Dredging, Navigational aids, Water supply etc., Accordingly some of the schemes have been taken up during Fifth and Sixth Plan periods.

For Annual Plan 1989-90, an amount of Rs.100.00 lakhs is proposed for taking up the developmental works (on going works of Gole Committee) at Kakinada Port so as to achieve the target of handling trade of 12,00,000 tonnes during 1989-90.

For the development of Machilipatnam port, the Government of Andhra Pradesh have appointed a committee known as "Expert Committee and accepted its recommendations for the provision of terminal facilities like T sheds, Jetties, Slope protection works, closing of mouth, Short groynes, Roads, Electrification, Water supply administrative building etc. Accordingly, some of the schemes have been taken up during Fifth and Sixth Plan periods. For the Annual Plan 1989-90 an amount of Rs.75.00 lakhs is provided to take up the developmental works (on going works of expert Committee) at Machilipatnam port, so as to achieve the target of handling trade of 1,00,000 tonnes during 1989-90.


Construction and Maintenance of State Highways, Major District Roads rests with the Chief Engineer(R&B) inclusive of roads taken over from Panchayati Raj and other Departments. Construction of National Highways rests with the Chief Engineer, National Highways.

In the Seventh Plan, it is proposed to form the missing Links, Bridging of a large number of un-bridged crossings on all important streams, strengthening weak pavements, providing, Two-lane carriage way to meet the growing traffic needs and forming roads in Tribal Areas and Fisheries villages.

In the Annual Plan 1989-90 a provision of Rs.2400.00 lakhs is provided.

Sugarcane Roads: CE (PR)

An amount of Rs.106.00 lakhs is provided in the Annual Plan 1989-90 for the construction of all weather roads to cover a length of 58 Kms. in Sugarcane Zones.

Minimum needs programme (Roads): CE (PR)

An amount of Rs.500.00 lakhs has been allotted during 1989-90 under Plan for the construction of all weather roads for a length of 275 Kms. This amount will be distributed among the plain areas, S.C. Plan and T.S. Plan at Rs. 337.75 lakhs, Rs.100.00 lakhs and Rs. 62.25 lakhs respectively. The tentative physical targets fixed for the same amounts are 183 Kms. 54 Kms., and 38 Kms., respectively, thereby connecting 45 numbers, 36 numbers and 4 numbers of villages conforming to M.N.P. norms. In the case of S.C. Plan the villages are connected by link roads only.

Sugarcane Roads (DMA):

A provision of Rs.19.00 lakhs is made in the annual plan 1989-90 for repairing Sugarcane Roads to a length of 357 Kms.

Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation:

The outlay of APSRTC for 7th Plan is Rs.234.00 crores. This includes the purchase of 7761 vehicles for augmentation and replacement needs and an outlay of Rs.40.15 crores for infrastructural facilities.

Stress have been laid in the 7th Plan on replacement programme of overaged buses in a big way and to bring down the backlog of replacement to nil. Already steps have been taken in this direction and the backlog of overaged buses have been cleared to a maximum extent. In this direction, it is now planned to replace the vehicles as and when they fall due for replacement. It is planned to replace 1200 buses in the year 1988-89 and 900 buses in the year 1989-90.

` To meet the growth in Traffic on existing routes, the Corporation contemplates to augment its fleet of 800 buses in 1988-89 and 700 buses in 1989-90.

It is also envisaged to provide infrastructural facilities such as Depots, Workshops, Bus stations and Plant and Machinery to the tune of Rs.24.00 crores in 1988-89 and Rs.23.00 crores in 1989-90.

The estimated resources of APSRTC for 1988-89 and 1989-90 are as follows:

(Rs. in crores)


Estimated Resources

1988-89 1989-90


1) State Government 9.00 1.00

2) Internal Resources 63.02 27.68

3) L I C 3.23 3.71

4) Central Government 4.00 --

5) Gap 37.46 58.61

---------- --------------

Total 116.71 91.00

----------- --------------


Inland Water Transport:

An amount of Rs.50.00 lakhs is allotted, during the year 1989-90. The work proposed under State Sector are silt removal, breach closing works in canals, construction of wharfs, Bridges, inlets and outlets etc.

Traffic Control

Transport Commissioner:

The following schemes are proposed to be implemented by the Transport Commissioner with an allocation of Rs.59.00 lakhs provided in the annual plan 1989-90.

Establishment of Driving License Schools:

The main objective of Driving Schools is prevention of accidents (1) by imparting Scientific Training to persons before they are licensed to drive Motor Vehicles, (2) by offering refresher courses to those who are working already as drivers (3) by establishing a research wing for carrying out research in respect of all road safety related aspects and (4) by providing training in fuel efficiency improvement and operational economy for reducing the cost of tyres, spares etc. At present there are five driving schools at Hyderabad, Vijayawada, Kurnool, Visakhapatnam and Warangal. A provision of Rs.36.00 lakhs is made under this scheme in the annual plan 1989-90.

F.C. Testing Stations:

The safety of road users can be ensured if the Motor Vehicles are maintained in the sound mechanical conditions. To ensure the same all transport vehicles are issued with F.C. after inspection by M.V.I.s periodically. To make such inspections more scientific, it is decided to equip MVIs with modern Scientific equipment and other facilities. At present, there is one F.C. Testing Station established at Hyderabad. Under this scheme the system of issue of Plastic Driving Licenses in twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad has been introduced in 1985 by using Bradma Embassing Machines and it is functioning well. A provision of Rs.12.76 lakhs is made for this scheme in the annual plan 1989-90.

Vigilence & Enforcement Wing

To control corruption and to have effective control over the enforcement machinery such as the Flying Squad, Check Posts and regular enforcement staff in the Districts, the Vigilance and Enforcement Wing was created and functioning with Head Quarters at Hyderabad in the Office of the Transport Commissioner, Hyderabad. A provision of Rs.3.25 lakhs is provided for this scheme in 1989-90.

Heat Laminating System for issue of D.Ls with Plastic Pouches:

The system of issue of Driving Licenses in Plastic pouches to non-professional drivers is extended to all Districts in the State. This scheme is being implemented in all the Districts except in twin cities w.e.f. 1.7.88. A provision of Rs.4.20 lakhs is made in the annual plan 1989-90 for this scheme.

Computerization of records:

To have basis data stored for easy recall and analysis, it is proposed to adopt computerization of records in the Transport Department. A Provision of Rs.2.79 lakhs is made in the annual plan 1989-90.

Commissioner of Police:

A provision of Rs.1.00 lakh is made in the annual plan 1989-90 under modernization of Traffic signals.

Science Technology & Environment

Under this sector, an amount of Rs. 201.00 lakhs is provided for 1989-90, the break-up of which is Science & Technology Rs. 51.00 lakhs. Environmental programmes Rs. 53.00 lakhs. Pollution Control Board Rs.80.00 lakhs, A.P. Science Centre Rs.10.00 lakhs and Rs.7.00 lakhs for Kolleru Lake Development.

Science and Technology

It was noted that after the registration of the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Science and Technology (APCOST) in January, 1986, identification of Science and Technology and Environment programmes has been done more vigorously.

APCOST would promote Research and Development programmes particularly in the fields of (a) Water Resource Development and Management (b) Primary Education and (c) Primary Health Programmes and extends financial support to various universities, academies and other reputed voluntary organisations for applied research projects relating to Science and Technology.

It is proposed to take up programmes to grass root level workers, farmers, artisans etc., in agriculture. Rural health and education and demonstration projects for transfer technologies. Under the scheme of Sankethika Mandala Abhyudaya Pranalika (SMAP) APCOST Plans integrated development of eight selected mandals in the areas of drinking water, health and hygiene, education , infrastructure, agriculture and industries and also in the Integrated Rural Energy Programme (IREP).

Anantapur District is chosen for implementation of the programme of Science and Technology entrepreneurship development.

The council has taken up drinking water as priority to ensure provision of safe drinking water and handling of all the related water management problems. To begin with the council has taken up 8 districts viz., Anantapur, Chittoor, Kurnool , Mahabubnagar, Adilabad , Khammam, Visakhapatnam and East Godavari. Three districts namely Kurnool, Mahabubnagar and East Godavari are covered by Government of India scheme of technology mission.

Environment & Pollution Control:

Environmental programmes of the Government have been categorized as follows:

1) Eco-development of Eastern Ghats.

2) Setting up of Jt. Effluent Treatment plants of Industrial Estates

3) Environmental awareness programme

4) Krishna Godavari Basin Studies

5) Funding of Environmental cells in the Universities of Environmental Research Programme.

Grants are given to Universities to undertake Seminars and environmental awareness programmes. An environmental training centres has been set up to train officials of Transport, Industries, Forests, Panchayats Raj and Irrigation etc., The environmental cells to take up applied research work on environmental subjects are in the process of being set up at Andhra and Sri-Venkateshwara Universities and REC Warangal. Considerable progress has been made in the setting up of a Joint Effluent treatment plant for treating the Industrial Pollution at Nacharam (Hyderabad). The share of expenditure to be borne by the Industry is expected to be fixed soon.

The A.P. Pollution Control Board is entrusted with the powers of implementing the provisions of Water (P&C of P) Act 1974 and the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981.

The water pollution control activities are being taken up according to a model plan prepared by the Andhra Pradesh pollution Board. The water cess collected by the Board is remitted in full to the consolidated fund of India every month. The Govt. of India under the revised procedure will release the water cess share direct to the Board. The work on the air pollution control has been initiated.

Kolleru lake development:

A sum of Rs. 7.00 lakhs is provided for Kolleru Lake Development for 1989-90. To look after the various developmental activities on Kolleru Lake, the office of the Administrative Officer. Kolleru Lake Development at Kaikalur will be continued for which an amount of Rs. 7.00 lakhs has been provided, including for payment of professional charges and purchase of Machinery and Equipment.

A.P. Science Centre:

The ongoing schemes of the Andhra Pradesh Science Centre for promotion of Science among High School students are State level seminars, Science quiz competitions, innovation competitions, young scientists competitions. basic education and computer awareness and mini-museum-cum-laboratory at Hyderabad. Other ongoing programmes are training programmes in Ham radio, and vegetable preservation and bakery products, basic instruction in photography, basic screen printing etc,

An amount of Rs. 10.00 lakhs is provided during the year 1989-90 to the A .P . Science Centre to continue present schemes for developing the basic Scientific knowledge from among the high school students and teachers.

General Economic Services

Secretariat Economic Services:

An amount of Rs. 634.74 lakhs is provided for 1989-90 under Secretariat Economic Services’, for on-going and new schemes. Of this, an amount of Rs. 375.74 lakhs is for Computerization in various Government Departments and an amount of Rs.10.00 lakhs is for maintenance of Computer Cells etc. An amount of Rs.15.00 lakhs is also provided for giving assistance to Institutions who undertake work on Planning and Research.

Keeping in view the objectives of decentralized planning, a new centrally sponsored scheme has been sanctioned during 1988-89 with the approval of planning commission for providing subject matter specialists both at State and District levels, the expenditure of which will be borne by the Centre and State at 2:1 ratio in respect of State level posts and on 50:50 basis for the district level posts. For continuance of the posts sanctioned under this scheme during 1989-90 an amount of Rs.18.95 lakhs towards state share and Rs.21.34 lakhs towards Central share is provided in the plan.

n amount of Rs.40.00 lakhs is provided for Computerization in areas like pension payments, compilation of accounts of revenue and expenditure in Government Treasuries and accounts of A.P.G.L.I. and also to impart training in these fields.


The Department of Tourism and A.P. Travel and Tourism Development Corporation are provided with an allocation of Rs.100.00 lakhs for the Annual Plan 1989-90 (Tourism Dept. Rs.15.00 lakhs, A.P.Travel and Tourism Development Corporation Rs.85.00 lakhs). The Corporation proposed a number of programmes for development of Tourism in Andhra Pradesh so as to find its place in all India Tourist Map.

Economic Advice and Statistics:

During 1989-90 it is proposed to continue all ongoing schemes and an estimated cost of Rs.83.00 lakhs. No new schemes are proposed for implementation during this year.

Under the scheme strengthening of Inservice training unit it is proposed to impart training to about 700 statisticians appointed in Mandal Revenue Offices and 70 Deputy Statistical Officers appointed in the offices of the Revenue Divisional Officers.

Under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme, Timely Reporting of Agricultural Statistics, the area estimates of nine principal crops viz., paddy, Jowar, Bajra, Ragi, Maize , Groundnut, Cotton, Castor & Sugarcane in Kharif season and eight principal crops viz., paddy, Jowar, Bajra, Maize, Ragi, Groundnut, Cotton and Tobacco during Rabi season will have to be furnished to Government of India. The estimates of area and production under high yielding varieties of paddy, Jowar, Bajra, Maize crops during both the seasons will be collected and furnished to Government of India.

Under the scheme "Establishment of a Technical cell at the Head Quarters of the Bureau of Economics and Statistics collection of data relating to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes" it is proposed to take up quick evaluation studies on the schemes being implemented for welfare of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes.Under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of "Comprehensive crop Insurance Scheme" it is proposed to cover 13 crops viz., Paddy, Jowar, Bajra, Maize, Rabi, Korra, Redgram, Greengram,Blackgram, Horsegram, Groundnut, Castor and Gingelly with Mandals as a unit.

Civil Supplies:

The Civil Supplies department is having two Plan Schemes viz., (1) Quality Control Cell; and (2) Regional Extension Service Centre.

The Quality Control Cell is headed by one Deputy Director and its objective is to strengthen the department for exercising better quality control during the procurement, storage, processing and sale of foodgrains etc., by different agencies.

The Government of India have enacted the Consumer Protection Act, 1986. This Act came into force on 26-12-1986 and according to the provisions of the Act, the State Governments are required to implement the Act by setting up a Consumer Protection Council at the State level and also the State Commission and District Forum for each district. The Government of India have informed that the provisions of the Act are required to implemented by keeping this as a State Plan scheme. The Planning Commission has also indicated that it has no objection in permitting the State to include the "Consumer Protection" as Plan item in the remaining years of Seventh Plan and make necessary provisions by the State Government through inter sectoral adjustments. The Civil Supplies Department, which has been now dealing with Quality Control Scheme is the implementing agency of Consumer Protection Act. This has been linked up with the Quality Control Cell, which is a continuing Plan Scheme.

The Regional Extension Service Centre has been set up as a technical wing of the Civil Supplies Department mainly for educating the Mill owners for modernizing the Rice Mills and also for imparting training and conducting seminars for mill owners, operators etc.

A provision of Rs.10.00 lakhs is made in the Annual Plan 1989-90.

Social Services

General Education:

School Education:

There has been a substantial step-up in the plan outlay for School Education from Rs.3701.54 lakhs in 1988-89 Budget to Rs.96660.00 lakhs in 1989-90, the break-up of which is given below:


Sl. Name of the Sector Annual Plan Annual Plan

No. Prov. 1988-89 Prov. 1989-90


1. Elementary Education 1514.17 4287.81


2. Special Component Plan 541.23 1300.18

3. Tribal Sub-plan 739.76 817.13

4. Non-Formal Education 469.33 505.87

5. Secondary Education 407.90 2653.83

6. Teacher Education 25.40 72.87

7. Direction, Administration and Supervision 3.75 22.31


Total 3701.54 9660.00


The provision for new schemes for 1989-90 is Rs.4833.54 lakhs. As much as Rs.2413.75 lakhs is for construction of school buildings under the IX Finance Commission grants. A provision of Rs.1111.00 lakhs is also made for construction of technical training workshops (vocational) at mandal high schools and supply of furniture and equipment, supply of physical education kits to Upper Primary Schools and merit awards to children of classes VII to X are among the other schemes.

The School Education programmes for 1989-90 are expected to result in an additional enrollment of 5 lakh children in the age group of 6-11 and 2.66 lakh children in the age-group of 11-13 during 1989-90.

Higher Education:

A larger allocation of Rs.1585.00 lakhs is made for Higher education for 1989-90, as compared to Rs.1466.00 lakhs in 1988-89. The allocation for 1989-90 includes a provision of Rs.450.00 lakhs towards block grants to nine universities out of which Rs.250.00 lakhs is for the Telugu University. An amount of Rs.40.30 lakhs is also provided for the State Council of Higher Education.

Among the new schemes, Rs.100.00 lakhs is proposed for the establishment of the Institute of Professional Studies which is intended to enable the students of MBA, Engineering and Medical courses to earn while learning. The other new schemes relate to establishment of a new Govt. Degree College for Women at Visakhapatnam, a Govt. Jr. College at Eturnagaram in Warangal District, introduction of Science sections in existing Govt. Jr. Colleges at Chintalpudi, Nawabpet, Rampachodawaram and Pedana, creation of Jr.Lecturer posts of Urdu Medium sections in the existing Govt. Jr .Colleges at Nirmal, Medak, Naryanpet, Koratla, Siddipet, Jangaon, Jagtial and Adilabad, and creating of additional posts for arts sections in the existing Govt. degree colleges at Warangal, Mahaboobnagar, Kurnool, Medak, Srikakulam and Nizamabad.

Adult Education:

A higher provision of Rs.367.00 lakhs is and for Adult Education programme in the year 1989-90 as compared to Rs.300.00 lakhs in the Revised Estimates 1988-89. It is proposed to cover about 9 lakh adult illiterates in the age group 15-35 and make them literate during the year 1989-90 under the State and Central Projects.

Others (Under General Education):

The Plan provision for 1989-90 includes an allocation of Rs.25 .00 lakhs for the N.C.C., Rs.14.67 lakhs for A.P. Text Press, Rs.5.00 lakhs for Jawahar Balbhavan and Rs.2.80 lakhs for Registrar of Publications.

Sports, Youth Services & Yuva Sakthi:

The allocation for Sports and Youth Services for the year 1989-90 is Rs.248.00 lakhs. Out of this amount, Rs.98.00 lakhs is by way of grant to the A.P. Sports Authority to support its activities and Rs.14.00 lakhs is for Youth Services for undertaking training programmes for Youth, Organisation of youth festivals, seminars etc.

An amount of Rs.136.00 lakhs is provided for the Yuva Sakthi Programme under which it is proposed to impart training to 700 candidates of ITIs and polytechnics of selected districts in different trades like rural electrician, rural technician, rural auto technician, rural electronic technician and rural home management. It is also proposed to establish a State level Non-formal Training Institute under the Yuva Sakthi programme.

Technical Education

An amount of Rs.720.00 lakhs is provided for Technical Education for the year 1989-90 include the establishment of Government Engineering Colleges in Mahaboobnagar and Karimnagar districts, Government Polytechnics for Women in Visakhapatnam and Srikakulam, a Government Polytechnic at Bellampally in Adilabad district and 3 Model Residential Polytechnics for Backward Classes (one in each region). It is also proposed to introduce "Earn while you Learn" scheme in Polytechnics for the benefit of students in a three-year diploma course in computer engineering in Srivenkateswara Polytechnic, Tirupathi and Andhra Polytechnic, Kakinada. An amount of Rs.70.00 lakhs is also provided towards upgradation of institutions to AICTE standards.

Art & Culture

An outlay of Rs.11.74 lakhs is proposed during 1989-90 for State Archives, Installation of Fire Alarm in the Ist Floor of Repository of State Archives is among the important new schemes, besides development of stack area of Main Office Repository at Secretariat.

There is also a provision of Rs.100.00 lakhs for Public Libraries, Rs.15.00 lakhs for Archaeology & Museums and Rs4.00 lakhs for Oriental Manuscripts Library and Research Institute for the yea 1989-90.

An amount of Rs.103.26 lakhs is provided for the ongoing Schemes for the Annual Plan 1989-90 for Cultural Affairs.

Medical and Public Health

Under this sector, a provision of Rs.3690.86 lakhs is provided in the annual plan 1989-90, the break-up of which is as follows:-


1. Medical Education 345.00

2. University of Health Sciences 150.00

3. NIMS 168.86

4. A.P. Vaidya Vidhana Parishad 150.85

5. Director of Health (Non-teaching) 198.15

6. Indian Medicines and Homeopathy 220.00

7. Institute of Preventive medicine 55.00

8. Drugs control Admn. 27.00

9. A.P. Yogodhyayana Parishad 20.00

10. Normal P.H. Schemes 105.00

11. 50% State share on C.S.Ss 726.00

12. Minimum Needs Programme 1515.00

13. E.S.I. Schemes (1/8th State share) 10.00


Total: 3690.86


Medical Education

For 1988-89 the amount provided under Plan under Medical Education Schemes is just sufficient for continuing on-going schemes.

The Director of Medical Education has prepared a Blueprint for establishment of a Multi Super Specialties hospitals and it envisaged construction of buildings, purchase of equipment, sanction of posts as per yardstick fixed by Government for the balance period of 1989-90 of VII Five Year Plan.

The bed strength in the teaching general hospitals in the State and also accommodation has not been improved in proportion the raising population and consequently inpatients increased enormously. So much as everywhere floor beds are provided. Added to it, there is demand on the teaching Hospitals for treatment by the specialists and many are getting accommodation. To improve the bed strength and relieve congesting, it is proposed to sanction 2,375 new beds in the teaching hospitals in various places in the State during VII Five Year Plan period (1985-90) and also to establish news specialties hospitals as there is no accommodation for any more beds in the existing hospitals. The provision in the Annual Plan 1988-89 is Rs.275.00 lakhs. An outlay of Rs.345.00 lakhs is provided in the Plan budget 1989-90.

A.P. University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada:

The A.P. University of Health Sciences was established and functioning with effect from 1-11-1986. It took over the Siddhartha Medical College, Vijayawada from Siddhartha Academy of General and Technical Education, a private management, on 21-12-1986. The administrative control of Government General Hospital, Vijayawada and T.B. Hospital Mangalgiri, (now converted into University General Hospital, Vijayawada and University General Hospital, Mangalgiri respectively) were also transferred to the University with effect from 1-3-87.

For the year 1988-89, an amount of Rs.150.00 lakhs has been allocated under plan for meeting expenditure on staff of Siddhartha Medical College, University Office and for the scheme "improvements to General Hospital, Vijayawada" and other expenses besides construction of buildings and development in Siddhartha Medical College, University General Hospital, Vijayawada, University General Hospital, Mangalgiri and University Office buildings.

An amount of Rs.150.00 lakhs is provided for the year 1989-90.

The Nizam Institute of Medical Sciences (NIMS) :

The Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences is being released grants in aid by the State Government for development to attain the level of reputed centres of patient care, research and training in superspeciality medicine.

A specific commitment was made by the State Government with the Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences at the time of transfer of Government Hospital to the Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences to assist it each year through a plan provision of Rs.200.00 lakhs for developmental activities such as strengthening of the existing department, addition of more superspecialities, purchase of sophisticated diagnostics and surgery specially in Cardiology and equipment it has and the expertise it developed, which is not available in other hospitals in the State.

To enable the Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences to make available sophisticated equipment both diagnostic and surgical in the ensuing year as also compensate it partly for the costly treatment being rendered free of cost to poor patients, a provision of Rs.168.86 lakhs is made in the Plan Budget for 1989-90.

A.P. Vaidya Vidhana Parishad:

A.P.Vaidya Vidhana Parishad was formed with effect from 1-3-1987 as an autonomous body by transferring 140 Medical Institutions (Allopathy) from the control of the Director of Health & Family Welfare. Therefore, there was no separate outlay for this organisation for the VIIth Five Year Plan 1985-90.

There are 45 ongoing schemes which require an amount of Rs.192.01 lakhs for 1989-90. There are building works going on now in some places which have to be commissioned in 1989-90. Hence, token provision of Rs.0.01 lakh is made for each such scheme.

However, a provision of Rs.150.85 lakhs is made in the annual plan 1989-90.

Indian Medicine and Homeopathy

In pursuance of the National Policy to provide for a minimum package of Health Care Service and enlarging the scope of modern medicines and medical techniques, the traditional systems of medicine of Ayurveda, Unani and Homeopathy cannot be over-looked not only because they are available for a large Section of Society that are under-privileged and below the poverty line at a lower cost but also because they are efficacious and available at a less cost.

In the traditional system of medicine, three disciplines are broadly recognized i.e, Ayurveda, Unani and Homeopathy. These systems are gaining much popularity in the rural areas..

The following Institutions are functioning under the control of this Department.

Ayurveda Unani Homeopathy Total

1. Hospitals: 6 4 4 14

2. Beds: 344 200 215 759

3. Pharmacy 1 1 - 2

4. Colleges: 3 1 3 2

5. Research Units: 1 1 1 3

6. Dispensaries : 387 192 275 854

Besides the above, there are about (631) Subsidized Rural Dispensaries and (192) Rural Medical Practitioners working in the State. A sum of Rs.220.00 lakhs is provided in the Annual Plan for 1989-90.

There are two post Graduate Courses functioning under the Control of this department under 100% Central Assistance:

1. P.G. Education in Ayurveda at Govt. Ayurvedic College, Hyderabad.

2. P.G. Education in Unani at Nizamia Tibbi College, Hyderabad.

For the above schemes, a sum of Rs.23.62 lakhs is proposed in the Annual Plan for the year 1989-90.

There are two pharmacies functioning, one for Ayurveda and another for Unani system. The functions of these Pharmacies is to manufacture the medicines and supply to the Hospital and Dispensaries functioning throughout the State. Govt. of India have been releasing since the last two years certain amount as a 100% Grant for this purpose. During 1987-88 a sum of Rs.1.50 lakhs was released by Government of India and during 1988-89 a sum of Rs.0.72 lakh was released in the first half year. A provision of Rs.1.50 lakhs is provided for the year 1989-90.

Institute of Preventive Medicine:

The department continued to carryout its multifarious activities such as manufacture of Anti Cholera Vaccine, Tetanus Toxoid, Anti Rabies Vaccine etc., diagnostic and analytical services such as Water and food analysis and Central Blood Bank services etc.

A sum of Rs.55.00 lakhs has been provided to this Institute for the Annual Plan 1989-90, of this, an amount of Rs.51.59 lakhs is meant for on-going schemes including Rs.12.00 lakhs to strengthen the existing Vaccine manufacturing units and virology unit and the balance Rs.3.41 lakhs is meant for new schemes.

Drugs Control Administration.

The Laboratory at Head Quarters at Hyderabad is being expanded in the recent years since formation of the department on the lines suggested by Government of India for taking up the analysis of all categories of Drugs. A Laboratory at Regional level at Vijayawada has been established in 1986-87 to facilitate and strengthen the department in achieving the target of analysis of 3000 drugs samples per annum as suggested by the Government of India.

At present the Laboratory at Head Quarters comprises of units of Chemical, Microbiological and Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy. During 1989-90 it is proposed to create a Cosmetics Section which is much needed for checking the quality and standards of the Cosmetics manufactured in the Country.

A provision of Rs.27.00 lakhs is made in the Annual Plan 1989-90 under Drugs Control Administration.

A.P.Yogadhyayana Parishad

The A.P.Yogadhyayana Parishad was established on 1-5-87 with three units, namely (1 Vemanayoga Research Institute (2) Nature cure hospital and (3) Gandhi nature cure college. Hitherto the entire expenditure on salaries of Vemana Yoga Research Institute and 50% of the expenditure of Gandhi Nature Cure College has been met from the Grants-in-aid from State Government and the balance of 50% from the Grants of Central Council for Research in Yoga and Naturopathy (CCRYN).

A provision of Rs.20.00 lakhs has been provided in the Annual Plan for 1989-90 for A.P.Yogadhyayana Parishad and the said amount is proposed to be utilized as indicated below:-

(Rs. lakhs)

1) Construction of Vemana Yoga Research

Centre at an estimated cost of Rs.75.00 lakhs 5.00

2) Construction of General Ward for Nature

Cure Hospital at an estimated cost of

Rs.33.00 lakhs 10.00

3) For starting a Degree Course in Gandhi

Nature Cure College 5.00


Total: 20.00


Medical - Non-Teaching - Taluq Hospitals and Dispensaries:

For the year 1989-90 a provision of Rs.198.15 lakhs is made under Non-Teaching Hospitals and Dispensaries. Out of this, Rs.23.00 lakhs is for Capital Spill Over Works and remaining Rs.175.15 lakhs is for on-Going Schemes already sanctioned. This included provision for Staff, Drugs, Diet etc., wherever the beds in Non-Teaching Hospitals are increased and new Dispensaries established. Due to limited provision available, no new scheme can be taken during 1989-90.

Normal Public Health Schemes:

Under Normal Public Health, most of the Schemes are on-going. A Provision of Rs.105.00 lakhs is made in the Annual Plan 1989-90.

Minimum Needs Programme:

For the year 1989-90 an amount of Rs.1515.00 lakhs is provided. Out of this an amount of Rs.100.00 lakhs is for Capital Spill Over Works and the same will be place at the disposal of Chief Engineer (R & B) for carrying out the Capital Works relating to construction of Sub-Centres, Primary Health Centres and upgraded Primary Health Centres. The remaining amount of Rs.1415.00 lakhs is provided for Revenue expenditure for on-going schemes. The on-going schemes include provision for salaries, drugs etc., for 450 Mandal PHCs sanctioned during 1985-86 and 200 PHCs sanctioned during 1987-88. As per the Targets fixed by the Government of India, 200 New Primary Health Centres have to be sanctioned during 1988-89 and 89-90. However, due to limited funds under Minimum Needs Programme this scheme could not be taken up. There are total 1243 Primary Health Centres and 8327 Sub-centres in the State as on 31-12-88.

Under Centrally sponsored Schemes towards State share of 50% an amount of Rs.726.00 lakhs is provided the break-up of which is National Malaria Eradication Programme Rs.640.00 lakhs, National Filaria Control programme Rs.10.00, National TB Control programme, Rs.71.00 lakhs and Trg. & Employment of Multipurpose Workers Rs.5.00 lakhs.

Employees State Insurance Scheme (ESI)

The E.S.I. Scheme is a contributory scheme governed by E.S.I. Act. The expenditure on ESI Scheme is shareable between the State Government and ESI Corporation in the agreed ration of 1:7 respectively.

Under the Scheme, arrangements for medical benefit to the beneficiaries are to be made as and when the ESI Act is extended to the new areas depending upon the growth of Industries and residential concentration of workers. Responsibility of implementation of ESI Scheme is such areas is with the State Government. The ESI Corporation has prescribed certain yardsticks and norms for establishment of Medical, Para-medical and other staff required for Medical attendance to the beneficiaries. Basing on the yardstick, norms and growth of industries and residential concentration of workers, it is necessary to propose establishment of certain new dispensaries. The scheme has to be extended for all the workers covered under ESI Act irrespective of Caste, Class and Community for which no separate funds are required for Bcs, SCs and STs.

The ESI Scheme is being extended to the new areas as and when the No. of Insurable workers exceed 500 in a particular centre. A provision of Rs.10.00 lakhs has been made in the Annual Plan 1989-90 towards State share.

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation

Chief Engineer (Public Health)

The Chief Engineer (PH) is in charge of investigation, design and execution of water supply and sewerage schemes in the two Municipal Corporations of Visakhapatnam and Vijayawada and the other 113 Municipalities in the State of Andhra Pradesh (including the 3 Notified Area Committees). The water supply schemes are financed partly from the grants sanctioned to the Municipalities by Government and partly with the loans secured by the Municipalities from the L.I.C. of India. The maintenance of the completed water supply and sewerage schemes are however being attended to by the Municipalities which derive the benefit of revenue. The execution of Low Cost Sanitation Schemes rests with the respective Municipalities under the technical guidance of the Chief Engineer (PH).

In the Annual Plan 1989-90 an amount of Rs.1900.00 lakhs is provided, of which Rs.595.79 lakhs (inclusive of Rs.250.00 lakhs L.I.C. loan) are for the ongoing and new water supply schemes, Rs.10.00 lakhs for Training and Survey and Investigation Programme, Rs.100.76 lakhs for Direction and Admn., Rs.820.00 lakhs for Phase-I of Master Plan Schemes of Water Supply and Rs.373.45 lakhs for Low Cost Sanitation Schemes (inclusive of Rs.58.45 lakhs towards establishment charges).

Hyderabad Metro Water Works :

A provision of Rs. 3152.00 lakhs is made to the Hyderabad Metro Water Works in the Annual Plan 1989-90, Which includes Rs. 400.00 lakhs towards Remodeling of Sewerage System in Hyderabad and Secunderabad and Rs.2334.00 towards Manjira Water Supply Scheme - Phase III with Singoor Dam as the source of supply to meet water scarcity. For remodeling of distribution system Rs.20.00 lakhs is provided, while for diversion of surplus water from Himayatsagar to Osmansagar Rs.25.00 lakhs is made. For augmentation of water supply to Twin Cities from River Krishna Rs.152.00 lakhs is provided. For extension and improvement of water supply and Water Supply to slums Rs.10.00 lakhs each, Manjira Water Supply Scheme Phase.II Rs.200.00 lakhs and Research and Development Rs.1.00 lakh are provided.

Rural Water Supply & Sanitation

This programme envisages to provide spot source for every 250 persons and 40 to 70 litres per capita per day in case of PWS Schemes.

Against the above requirement State Plan allocation is Rs.200.00 crores and an equal amount of Rs.200.00 crores is expected from Government of India under A.R.W..S. Programme and thereby it covers almost the population aimed for VII Five Year Plan (1985-90).

To cover the above 7691 villages an amount of Rs.238.00 crores is required. However, in the Annual Plan 1989-90 provisions of Rs.2600.00 lakhs under MNP and another Rs.2600.00 lakhs under ARWS have been provided and the coverage envisaged is 1200 problem villages under MNP and 1300 problem villages under ARWS Programme.


Andhra Pradesh Housing Board

The allocation for Andhra Pradesh Housing Board for the year 1988-89 was Rs.350.00 lakhs which was subsequently enhanced to Rs.623.00 lakhs. The targets are for construction of 505 LIG houses costing Rs.194.00 lakhs and 245 MIG houses costing Rs.184.00 lakhs. Apart from the above houses and acquisition of 185 acres of land.

The allocation for the annual plan 1989-90 is Rs.590.00 lakhs. The Board proposes to construct about 555 LIG houses costing Rs.194.00 lakhs and 245 MIG houses costing Rs.184.00 lakhs. Apart from the above houses, land measuring 200 acres will also be acquired.

Rental Housing - C.E. (Buildings)

The construction of quarters under this scheme are meant for the benefit of the State Govt. Employees.

The lack of adequate residential accommodation is causing difficulties to Govt. Employees particularly, in Mandal Head Quarters (where private construction activities is slack) and in towns growing at a fast pace such as twin cities and Visakhapatnam etc., to solve the problem to some extent an outlay of Rs.400.00 lakhs was approved during the VI th plan. As against this an expenditure of Rs.92.32 lakhs was incurred.

Considering the spill over commitment of VI th Plan and the restriction in Non-Plan provision, an allotment of Rs.15.00 crores was indicated under VIIth Plan for housing. Whereafter, provision for construction of quarters for the staff of Judicial and Jail departments were also included in the Plan.

An allocation of Rs.202.52 lakhs - Rs.150.00 lakhs under Normal Plan and Rs.52.52 lakhs under Upgradation works is made for 1989-90.

A.P. Medical Housing Infrastructure Development Corporation

An allocation of Rs.215.79 lakhs is made to this Corporation under Upgradation works, comprising spill over of Rs.37.04 lakhs of Eighth Finance Commission works and Rs.178.75 lakhs for Ninth Finance Commission Works.

House Sites and Housing for Weaker Sections

For meeting decretal charges of house sites acquired for Scheduled Castes and other Weaker sections of the Society, an amount of Rs.300.00 lakhs is provided for 1989-90.

An amount of Rs.5997.00 lakhs is provided for Weaker Sections Housing Programme including managerial subsidy to Andhra Pradesh State Housing Corporation for construction of 1.45 lakhs is also earmarked during 1989-90 for upgradation of standards of Police Administration.

Houses For Urban Poor

A provision of Rs 500.00 lakhs is made for construction of houses for poor in Urban areas.

Urban Development

Town and Country Planning

The State is experiencing rapid urbanization in the context of tempo of Industrialization and also overall growth in other sectors of Development. As a result, there is unprecedented pressure on Urban Centres in the State for providing more civic amenities like roads, Housing, shopping, parks, recreational facilities etc.

Inspite of the fact that these facilities are visualized in the Master Plans prepared, keeping in view the tendency of growth pattern. The Municipalities are not able to provide them immediately due to lack of funds. However, efforts are being made to provide amenities according to priority in these towns, both by the Municipalities and Government.

It has been the continuous endeavour of the State Government to provide basic facilities to its citizens, especially the urban poor and downtrodden living in towns and cities proper housing, roads, water supply, sanitation and recreation facilities, but to regulate all these programmes, the need to have a Master Plan has been keenly felt as otherwise any scheme taken up should be dovetailed with a planned development instead of resorting to adhoc solutions.

45 Master Plans have been sanctioned upto 1988-89. Aerial survey has already been taken up for 51 towns to expedite preparation of Master Plans.

The Urban Towns have high density of population but lacking recreational facilities. Considering the need for this important amenity and to serve as lung spaces, provision has been made in the Master Plans for development of Parks in suitable areas. In addition, even in the residential layouts, 10% of the areas have been set apart for Parks and other Community purposes. According to randum survey made in about 93 Municipalities, there are 1528 open spaces covering an extent of 955 acres.

During earlier plan period no funds were provided for development of parks and playgrounds. For 1989-90 Rs.60.00 lakhs is provided for this purpose.

"Integrated Development of Small and Medium Towns" is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme and is continuing from the Sixth Plan period. The main objective of this scheme is to arrest of migration to bigger cities and towns, by providing various infrastructure facilities like link roads connecting the hinter land for easy transportation of agricultural produce, shops and commercial complexes for business, developed sites etc., so that the people may not go to bigger towns, and simultaneously providing local employment opportunities. During 1989-90 a provision of Rs.100.00 lakhs is provided towards state share.

The Government have established 7 Regional Offices for effective review and monitoring of the plan schemes implemented by the Municipalities in the State and also to deal with the clearance of factory plans under the G.P. Act, up to 50 HP. In addition, in order to expedite preparation of Master Plans for Municipal towns aerial survey has been entrusted to N.R.S.A. for 51 towns and controlled mossacis have been supplied to the department based on which line maps and land use maps are being prepared. During 1989-90 Rs.40.00 lakhs is provided.

Director of Municipal Administration

The provision for Director of Municipal Administration in the Annual Plan 1989-90 is Rs.602.00 lakhs including Rs.15.00 lakhs for Urban Basic Service Programme.

Under Environmental Improvement Scheme, an amount of Rs.251.00 lakhs is provided for 1989-90 towards amenities to 83,666 slum population at the rate of Rs.300/- per head.

An amount of Rs.125.00 lakhs is also provided for 1989-90 under spl. component plan for the benefit of 41,666 S.Cs population at the rate of Rs.300/- per head.

It is proposed to construct 100 School buildings in 1989-90 for which an amount of Rs.179.00 lakhs is provided in the Annual Plan 1989-90.

Urban Basic Service Programme

Urban Basic Service Scheme has been introduced in 16 Municipal towns of 5 selected Districts viz., Anantapur, Cuddapah, Mahabubnagar, Nalgonda and Srikakulam in May 1986.

The Scheme envisages provision of Urban Basic Services such as Child Care Health Services, Water and Sanitation facilities and Income generating opportunities for mothers.

Immunization Programme has been given much priority in the State by which parents are motivated in a large number. Medical checkup to children in Balwadis, Creches, Pre-Schools is being attended to periodically. Under this scheme, 262 Pre-Schools have been started and 175 Literacy Centres functioning, Women numbering 3409 were trained through Sewing Centres. 193 Women were financially assisted involving them in Income generating activities.

Under this Scheme, 1583 individual house-hold Latrines, six community and 8 Latrines in Primary Schools were constructed. 4,955 Smokeless Chullas have been distributed to slum people. 104 Community Hand Pumps were installed. 42 Public taps were arranged in the slums in Mahabubnagar town and 2,200 mtrs. of drainage was also constructed and 56 Community Halls were constructed and construction in respect of 19 Community Halls is under progress. 17 T.V. Sets were installed in Community Halls. Training was imparted in Masonery, Pumps repairing etc.

In view of the implementation of UBS Programme in Municipal towns, lot of awareness has been created in the slum people.

In the Annual Plan 1989-90 a provision of Rs.15.00 lakhs is made under Urban Basic Service Programme.

Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad

In the Annual Plan 1989-90 a provision of Rs.1040.00 lakhs is provided to Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad.

The breakup for this amount is (1) Rs.525.00 lakhs for twin cities development (2) Rs.500.00 lakhs for Environmental Improvement Schemes and (3) Rs.15.00 lakhs for Urban Community Development.

Under twin cities development there are three schemes namely Road widening, Construction of road over bridges and Green belt programme.

Under Environmental Improvement Scheme, Hyderabad Slum Improvement Project II and III are taken up With ODA assistance for improving 210 and 300 slums respectively. A provision of Rs. 500.00 lakhs is made for this purpose.

Vijayawada Municipal Corporation

An Outlay of Rs.250.00 lakhs is provided to the Corporation for 1989-90, Which includes a provision of Rs.150.00 lakhs towards assistance to the Corporation for implementation of its normal programme and Rs. 100.00 lakhs for ODA assisted slum improvement scheme.

Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation

An amount of Rs . 600.00 lakhs is provided to the Corporation for 1989-90, out of Which Rs.400.00 lakhs is for ODA assisted slum improvement scheme and the balance of Rs.200.00 lakhs is towards assistance to the Corporation for implementation of ongoing schemes.

Urban Development Authorities

There are six UDAs in the State. While Rs.760.0 lakhs is provided to three authorities, an amount of Rs.33.00 lakhs is provided towards formation of New UDAs. The details are given below:

Hyderabad UDA:

Hyderabad Urban Development Authority was constituted under the provisions of the A.P. Urban Areas (Development) Act 1975. The Jurisdiction of HUDA extends over an area of 1554 sq. Kms. including the Hyderabad Municipal area of 169 sq.Kms. The Powers and functions of the Authority include planning for Development, Regulation and Control of Development and Coordination with the other Development Agencies. In order to discharge it statutory functions, a provision of Rs.130.00 lakhs is provided in the Annual Plan for 1989-90.

Vijayawada, Tenali and Guntur UDA : To each of these four UDAs an

Visakhapatnam UDA : amount of Rs.45.00 lakhs is

Kakatiya UDA : allotted for 1989-90

Tirupathi UDA

Quli Qutub Shah Urban Development Authority

A provision of Rs.450.00 lakhs is provided in the Annual Plan 1989-90. The break-up is Rs.285.00 lakhs for roads and bridges, Rs.35.00 lakhs for buildings and equipment, Rs.25.00 lakhs for Urdu Residential school for girls, Rs.20.00 lakhs for sports and games, Rs.40.00 lakhs for sewerage and sanitation (Low Cost) and Rs.45.00 lakhs for other Urban Development Schemes and establishment charges.

Information and Publicity

An outlay of Rs.120.00 lakhs is made for the year 1989-90 for Information and Publicity programmes such as Research and Training in Mass communication, Advertising and Visual Publicity, Information centres, Press information Services, certification of Cinematographic films, production of films, song and drama services, Photo services Publications, Community video programme, Television scheme and Tribal area sub-plan to educate tribal people.

The A.P. State Film Development Corporation has been implementing the scheme for development of film industry by giving loans to Cinema Halls, Film studios, Infrastructure units, setting up of Infrastructural units under the state sector, production of documentaries and News reels and extending financial assistance to auditoria etc. The funds for the implementation of the above schemes required by the A.P.F.D.C. are being released from out of 7% of the Entertainment Tax proceeds. An allocation of Rs.100.00 lakhs is made in the Annual Plan 1989-90 for construction of Cinema Halls, Film Development Corporation Complex, Organizing Film festivals and export of Telugu feature films.

Welfare of Scheduled Castes

An outlay of Rs.3950.00 lakhs is provided for Welfare of Scheduled Castes, Out of this, an amount of Rs.649.00 lakhs is provided for maintenance of Hostels already opened during the Seventh Plan period, an amount of Rs.1562.00 lakhs is provided for Educational Facilities like Scholarships to III to X Class students, ITI students, Post matric students, supply of note books and dresses to Hostel Boarders and maintenance of Residential schools including construction of buildings to them; an amount of Rs.58.00 lakhs is provided for civic amenities in Harijan Wadas: an amount of Rs.138.00 lakhs is provided for construction of Community Halls etc. f or celebrating marriages including inter-caste marriages as Social Integration measure; and an amount of Rs.1142.00 lakhs is provided towards investments and loan to Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Castes Cooperative Finance Corporation. The scheme to provide Irrigation and Allied activities in lands owned by S.C s of Small and Marginal farmers will be continued during 1989-90 also with a provision of Rs.200.00 lakhs.

Welfare of Scheduled Tribes.

An outlay of Rs.2307.00 lakhs is provided for the welfare of Scheduled Tribes comprising Rs.2260.00 for normal plan schemes and Rs.47.00 lakhs for upgradation works under Ninth Finance Commission. Out of Rs.2260.00 lakhs, an amount Rs.228.55 lakhs is proposed towards Incentives and Scholarships to pre-matric students; an amount of Rs.390.16 lakhs is proposed for maintenance of existing hostels and Ashram Schools and an amount of Rs.38.50 lakhs is proposed to provide Housing to the staff posted in Tribal areas; An amount of Rs.102.50 lakhs to GCC and an amount of Rs.38.50 lakhs to Girijan Cooperative Coffee Development Corporation is proposed. For Minor Irrigation Schemes started under Tribal Welfare an amount of Rs.150.00 lakhs is proposed.

Welfare of Backward Classes

An outlay of Rs.2590.00 lakhs is provided for the Welfare of Backward Classes. Out of this, an amount of Rs.763.60 lakhs is proposed for maintenance of 463 Hostels already opened during the Plan period to cover 26,320 Boarders during 1989-90, an amount of Rs.550.00 lakhs is proposed to provide post-matric scholarships to 32,000 students in the Students Managed Hostels and 1,100 students towards Non-Residential Scholarships and an amount of Rs.500.00 lakhs is proposed towards margin money to occupational groups to undertake small Business Ventures and Industries to cover 49.280 B.C. beneficiaries.

An amount of Rs.289.00 lakhs is also provided for maintenance and also construction of buildings to three Residential schools-cum-Junior Colleges and three Residential Schools opened during this Plan period.

Labour and Employment

An outlay of Rs.252.50 lakhs is provided for Craftsman Training Schemes during 1989-90, as against the provision of Rs.182.00 lakhs in the RE for 1988-89. Under the new schemes, an allocation of Rs.100.00 lakhs has been made for modernization equipment in ITIs during 1989-90. Establishment of a Girls ITI at Chittedu in Nellore District ad Introduction of one additional unit of Electrician Trade at ITI in Kurnool District are also among the new schemes.

An amount of Rs.10.70 lakhs is provided for the ongoing employment schemes of the Directorate of Employment and Training for 1989-90.

An amount of Rs.67.51 lakhs is provided for Commissioner of Labour during 1989-90 towards the strengthening of administrative machinery for effective implementation of Minimum Wages under Agricultural employment and State’s share of the comprehensive family welfare education programme.

An amount of Rs.12.00 lakhs is provided for the Factories Department for 1989-90 for enforcement of safety standards in industrial establishments, monitoring and control of hazards in industrial establishments and Rs.3.00 lakhs for Boilers Department for the enforcement of safety standards in industrial establishments.

An amount of Rs.75.00 lakhs is provided for Rehabilitation of Bonded Labourers for 1989-90.

Special Employment schemes are meant to help the educated unemployed candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, listed Backward Classes and Economically Backward Classes. An amount of Rs.200.00 lakhs is provided for implementation of Special Employment Scheme during 1989-90.

Social Security and Welfare

The allocation during 1989-90 for welfare of physically Handicapped is Rs.300.00 lakhs towards on-going schemes viz., maintenance of Hostels, providing books and instruments to ITI and Polytechnic Students, financial assistance to Voluntary Organisations/Associations working for the cause of handicapped and Regional Teachers Training Centre of Visually Handicapped etc.

An amount of Rs.50.00 lakhs is provided for the Schemes under Social Security. Out of this, an amount of Rs.10.00 lakhs is for contribution to the Social Welfare Fund, Rs.8.00 lakhs is for Rehabilitation of Beggars and Rs.32.00 lakhs if for Old Age Pensions.

An amount of Rs.150.00 lakhs is provided for maintenance of Government Orphanages during 1989-90.

An amount of Rs.23.00 lakhs under Own your Rickshaw Scheme and an amount of Rs..97.00 lakhs for supply of dresses to Rickshaw pullers totaling to Rs.120.00 lakhs under Rickshaw Pullers scheme is provided for 1989-90.

An amount of Rs.300.00 lakhs under the Scheme to give Pensions to Landless Agricultural Workers is provided during 1989-90.

An amount of Rs.50.00 lakhs is provided for rehabilitation of Jogin women during 1989-90.

Women & Child Welfare

An amount of Rs.513.00 lakhs is provided for Women and Child Welfare Department for 1989-90. The activities of the department have been stepped up considerably which cover preventive, curative, ameliorative and other Socio-economic services including employment generation schemes. The services are rendered through Creches, Women & Child Welfare Centres, ICDS Projects, Children Homes, Service Homes for Aged Women, Vocational Training Centres and Tailoring Centres etc. Under the Scheme Telugu Bala Mahila Pragathi Pranganam, construction of building complexes has been taken up in the districts with a view to impart training to deserted destitutes and poor women in various trades and courses to provide employment opportunities.

Prisons and Correctional services

Correctional work has come to be known as "Social Defense Programme Schemes’ such as Probation services, certified school children Homes, Observation Homes, Child Guidance Bureau, Borstal schools, Welfare services in prisons, Welfare programmes for the prisoners etc. formed part of Social Defense programme. The concept of Social Defense Programme is more or less of recent origin and it envisages creating of machinery and services to implement various social legislation intended to correct behaviour deviations amongst social individuals and groups so that they could be disciplined and enabled to conform to socially accepted norms and patterns of behaviour and to strengthen social cohesion. An amount of s.71.00 lakhs is earmarked for 1989-90. This allocation is intended for meeting the ongoing Plan schemes which includes correctional administration, construction of new buildings for Junior certified school in Saidabad, Jail gardens, Hyderabad, Vocational training programmes to inmates of Borstal schools and certified schools, children Home for Boys, Visakhapatnam etc.

Sainik Welfare:

An amount of Rs.16.00 lakhs is provided in the State Plan for 1989-90 for Sainik Welfare for implementation of self-employment ventures for ex-servicemen and widows of ex-servicemen, strengthening of Directorate, construction of Sainik Bhavans in the State etc.


An amount of Rs.447.00 lakhs is provided under `Nutrition for 1989-90 towards supplementary Nutrition programmes in ICDS Blocks, wheat based supplementary Nutrition programme in Non-ICDS blocks and Maternity Assistance to Women Agricultural Labourers.

General Services

Stationery & Printing Department :

The Printing Wing of the Department of Printing, Stationery and Stores purchase consists of four units i.e., Government Central press, Hyderabad, Govt. Regional Press at Kurnool and Vijayawada and Secretariat Press. A Provision of Rs.15.00 lakhs is made for this Department for strengthening the Presses during 1989-90.


Under General Services, provisions are made for construction of administrative Buildings, including Court Buildings, Jail Buildings etc.

An allocation of Rs.1085.41 lakhs comprising of Rs.600.00 lakhs under Normal Plan, Rs.100,00 lakhs for A.P.Police Academy Complex and Rs.385.41 lakhs for upgradation works of Ninth Finance Commission. has been made in the Annual Plan 1989-90.

Apart from the above allocation, a sum of Rs.300.00 lakhs is provided for Mandal Praja Parishad buildings and Rs.200.00 lakhs for Revenue Mandal buildings.

Commercial Taxes:

A provision of Rs.50.00 lakhs is made for the year 1989-90 to the Commercial Taxes Deptt. for Commercial Taxes Printing Press and Computerization of records.

Institute of Administration:

The Institute of Administration was established in the year 1976 for catering to the training needs of the Govt. Officials by imparting refresher courses. A provision of Rs.15.00 lakhs is made in the Annual Plan 1989-90, which includes Rs.5.00 lakhs as earmarked outlay towards 50% State’s share for strengthening the faculty of the Institute of Administration specifically for the purpose of training the staff for the preparation of plans at the decentralized level.


The State has been implementing the Twenty Point Programme, as revised from time to time, vigorously as it benefits the poorer sections of population, particularly the Scheduled Castes and scheduled tribes in improving their quality of life and earning capacities. The State has achieved substantial progress not only in terms of physical targets but also in the quality and scope of the programmes. For instance, a massive permanent housing programme is under implementation in the State under the item "Construction Assistance provided" to provide shelter to the houseless poor both in rural areas and urban areas. Similarly, house sites are distributed to over one lakh beneficiaries every year.

The State has been securing higher ranks in the performance ratings given by the Ministry of Programme Implementation in their reviews every quarter. The implementation of this programme is being closely monitored through monthly reviews by the District Collectors at District level and by the Planning Department at the State level. The progress is also reviewed by the Chief Secretary once in a quarter. Besides Senior Secretaries are appointed as Task Force Officers, assigning one district to each of them, to oversee the implementation and guide the District Collectors in removing the bottle-necks.

The State Government also implemented another priority programme with fifteen points called "Pragathipatham" since 1983 to help the low income groups and other weaker sections, particularly, women and other backward classes. The main points covered under this programme are supply of Rice at Rs.2/- per K.G. to low income groups supply of School uniforms free to the school going children of low income groups, construction of permanent houses to rural poor, solving of drinking water problem in all villages and supply of improved seed and fertilizers to the farmers.

Under both these programmes, targets are fixed in consultation with the implementing departments in the beginning of the year and communicated to the District Collectors. In order to create competitive spirit among the districts, the district-wise performance is assessed, graded and the districts are ranked every month.

The physical targets and achievements for the year 1988-89 (upto Dec.1988) and the provisional targets for 1989-90 under Twenty Point Programme are given in the statement followed. The targets and achievements under Pragathipatham for 1988-89 (upto December 1988) are also given in the statement followed.