Previous Budget Speeches





An general economic situation in the state during the year 1984-85 revealed mixed trends, registering an increase in industrial production and a steep decline in Agricultural production. As a result, the State Income at constant (1970-71) prices has come down by 5.0 percent in 1984-85 as compared to 1983-84. The average index number or industrial production (adjusted for seasonality ) during January-October 1985 recorded an increase of 10.9 percent compared to the corresponding period of previous year. The labour and employment situation received a setr-back mainly due to the strike in Beedi and TExtile industries. The price situation revealed an increase of 4.7 percent in the State against a rise of 5.4 percent in All-India.


The State Income at current prices had marginally increased from Rs.11,060.90 crores in 1983-84 to Rs.11,082.66 crores in 1984-85. On the other hand, the State Income at constant (1970-71) Prioces, declined from Rs.4200.64 crores in 1983-84 to Rs.3991.84 crores during the year 1984-85 mainly due to a 12.4 per cent decline in the primary sector on accounjt of severe drought prevailed in the State. The income (at constant ;prices) from secondary sector however had gone up from Rs.640.74 crores in 1983-84 to Rs,690.18 crores in 1984-85 or by 7.7 percent.

The per-capita income, at current prices had declined from Rs.,f1,955 in 1983-84 to Rs.1,918 in 1984-85 while at constant (1970-71) prices it had declined from Rs.743 to Rs.691. The State income 9at current price3s ) of Andhra Pradesh in 1983-84 accounted for 6.9 percent of the national income.


Against the back drop of an all time record of foodgrains production of 118.82 lakh tonnes in 1983-84, there has been a steep fall bly 22.67 lakh tonnes to 96.15 lakh tonnes in k1984-85 mainly on account of a decline in area under kharif paddy as a swquel to non-receipt of adequate water supplies in most of the minor irrigation sources in the state. The area under rabi crops has alsodeclined in 1984-85 due to long dry spells at the time of sowings.

On the whole kthe area under foodgranins declined from 92.21 lakh hectares to 80,54 lakh hectares or by 12.7 percent. The South-West monsoon has again failed in 1985-86 also. However the state has received good rains in October, 1985. As a result the minor irrigation sources have received good supplies. Despite severe drought during kharif, the foodgrains production in 1985-86 is expected to be slightly more as compared to previous year.

During the current agricultural year 1985-86, though the South-West monsoon had set in time, it bacame weak subsequently. As a result the kharif dry crops could not be sown in normal extents. The rainfall was deficit tin the districts of Visakhapatnam, East Godavari, West Godavari, Krishna, Nellore, Ananntapur, Cuddapah and Mahabubnagar in UJune, 1985 while in July 1985 kthe rainfall kwas deficit in the districts of Srikakulam Krishna, Nizamabad, Warangal, Khammam, Karimnagar and Adilabad over their respective normals. Further the monsoon failed miserably during the crucial crop growth period of August - September, 1985. In the month of August 1985 all the districts in the State except Srikakulam, West Godavari, Krishan , Guntur, Nalgonda, Warangal and Khammam have recorded deficit rainfall while in the month of September, 1985, the rainfall was deficit in all the 23 districts. Long dry spells prevailed in amn y parts of the State during the above two months and drought conditions prevailed in more than 50 percent of the Revenue Mandals in the State. The standing kharif dry crops wsere affected adversely and the rabi sowings were delayed. Irrigation tanks and minor sources in all the districts except Srikakulam, West Godavari, Krishna kand Guntur districts in Coastal Andhra Region did not receive adequate water supplies. This has not only affected the normal sowing but also the standing crop. Due to decrease in area as well as theyields of kharif crops, the production of foodgraains suffered a set-back. However copious rain were received in October, 1985 throughout the State which were favourable for rabi sowings. It is expected that the foodgrains production during rabi 1985-86 would be slightly more than that of previous year.

The total rainfall received bky the state during the South-West monsoon period (June-September) of 1985 was 506 m.m., which was deficit by 16 percent over the normal rainfall of 602 m.m., Region-wise the deficit was 8 percent, 19 percent and 21 percent in Coastal Andhra, Rayalaseema kand Telangana Regions, respectively.

During the North-East monsoon period (October-December) of 1985 the state as a whole has recorded an average rainfall of 208 m.m. as against the normal rainfall of 203 m.m., registering an increase of 2 percent. While Rayalaseema has recorded a deficit rainfall lof 8 percent over its normal, Coastal Andhra and Telangana REgions have recorded an increase in rainfall bky 2 percent and 15 percent over their respective normals.

All the kharif crops of 1985-86 have been harvested and the yields are estimated to be below normal, due to failure of monsoon in August and September. However, an account of gooid rains in October and consequential coverage of normal areas the prospects of agricultural production during the current agricultural year, 1985-86, are expected to improve slightly compared to the prevgious year, 1984-85.


The average Index knumbers of Industrial production in the state with base 1970=100 (adjusted for seasonality) registered an impressive increase of 10.9 percent during the period January - October, 1985 as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. Group - wise, 14 out of 17 industry groupswitnessed an increase. A discernible increase in Index was noticedf in Petroleum and Petroleum products (109.7 percent) and Transport equipment (62.4 percent) groups. The increase in Index numbers ranged from 1.6 to 19.3 percent in the case of Mining and Quarrying, Basic Metal products, Generation of Electricity, Tobacco and Tobacco products, Non-Metalloc Mineral products. Chemical and Chemical kproducts, Food, Paper and Paper products, Electrical Machinery, Metal products, except machinery and Transport equipment, Beverages and Machinery except electrical machinery. On the contrary indices plummeted in three groups, viz., Leather and Leather products (51.2 percent) Textiles (5.8 percent) and Miscellanneous(4.2percent0.


Electricity generation in the State during 1984-85 registered an increase of 14.1 percent over 1983-84. During the period January-October, 1985 Electricity generation increased by 11.1 percent in comparison with the same during the corresponding period of 1984.


The number of industrial disputes, workers involved and mandays lost in a particular period are indicators of Labour management relations in industries. During the year 1985 (upto October, 1985), 22.70 lakh mandays were lost as against 12.83 lakh mandays lost during the corresponding period of the previous year mainly due to the strike in Beedi and Textile industries.


During the period January to October, 1985, 2,72 lakh candidates enrolled at the employment exchanges in the State against 2.50 lakh candidates in the corrsponding period of the previous year. The number on the Live-register rose to 23.11 lakhs during 1985 (January to October) from 21.57 lakhs in the corresponding period of 1984 or lby k7.1 percent. Though, the vacancies notified to the employment exchanges indicated marginal increase in absolute terms, the placements effected had fallen sharply by 45.5 percent i.e., from 28.085 duirng 1984 (January to October) to 15,295 in 1985 (January to October).


Wholesale Price Indices

The Index number of Wholesale Prices of Agricultural commodities in the State (Base 1970-71=100) which was 295.3 in January, 1985 after registering an initial fall of 3 percent in February 1985, rose steadily to 321.5 by July 1985. The Index registered a marginal decline during August and September, 1985 (315.2) and again increased to 320.5 in October, 1985 an increase of 5.4 percent over the index for October, 1984 (304.0). A group-wise study indicates that out of 9 groups, 5 major gruops indicated kan increase while the other four groups showed a decline in October, 1985 kover October 1984. The Index for Drugs&Narcotics registered maximum increase (62.7 percent) followed by Begetables (12.2 percent), Sugarcane (11.8 percent), Fruits (7.1 percent) and Cereals (2.4 percent). Among the groups which showed decline, Fibres registered the highest decline of 58.1 percent followed by Condiments kand Spices (16.2 percent), Pulses (4.0 percent) and Oilseeds (1.9 percent).

Consumer Price Indices

During the year (upto the end of October, 1985) the average Consumer Price Index for industrial workers for eight selected centresw in the State was 574 (with base shifted to 1960=100) against the All India average of 604. The average Consumber Price Index Number during the ten months period revealed an increase of 4.7 percent at the State level over the corresponding period of the last year as against a rise of 5.4 percent at the national level.


SEVENTH FIVE-YEAR PLAN (1985-90) A back Ground

The State had proposed an oulay of Rs.7,500.00 crores for the Seventh Five-Year Plan. The Planning Commission have however, on the basis of estimated resources suggested an outlay of Rs.5,200.00 crores as a working arrangement. This is proposed to be financed by State's own resources of Rs.3,579.68 crores (inclusive of additional resources mibilisation target of Rs.1,711.80 crores) and Rs.1,620.32 crores of Central assistance (inclusive of assistance for externally aided projects).

In the National Development Coucil (N.D.C.) meeting held in November, 1985 to consider the National Seventh Five-Year Plan, the Chief Minister, while generally supporting the approach and priorities of the Plan, stressed the need to give central place to the public distribution system in our efforts at containing inflation, as also the need to bring about changes in institutional arrangements and procedures to meet the challenging tasks of development. In this connection mention was made of the Rs.2.00 Kg. rice scheme being implemented by the State Government and to teh institutional changes brought about in the form of mandal set up. The Chief Minister drew particular attention to the low level of outlay for the State's sector (45 per cent against about 50 per cent in the earlier Plans) and pointed out that such a low level of participation of States in the national development effort was not justified by the strategies indicated in the Plan. The other important points made by the Chief Minister in the National Development Council were:

(a) sharing of Market Borrowings equally between the Centre and the States;

(b) increasing the State share of Small Savings from 662/3 per cent to 90 per cent;

(c) sharing of resources raised by the Centre kby way of deficit financing equally between the Centre and the States;

(d) early decision on levey of consignment tax and on other Central taxes which would benefit the States; and

(e) transfer of Centrally sponsored schemes along with funds to the States, except to the extent of 10% of Central asistance for schemes of inter-State importancne etc.

These views were supported bymany other States also in the National Development Council. It was also explained that it was against this background that our State was not in a position to accept the outlay of Rs.5,200 kcrores and that we believed that an absolutely reasonable outaly in consonance with the overallstrategies and resources transfer indicated above would be about Rs.7,500 crores.

The outlay of Rs.5,200 crores suggested by the Planning Commission for the State's Seventh Plan is unrealistic pending resolution of the various important issues raised by the States in the N.D.C. eg., levy of cjonsignment tax, increase in the rates of Central Sales tax, increased share in Market Borrowings, Small Savings etc., and transfer of Centrally Sponsored Schemes together with funds to the States. It is alsounrealistic against the bedgeted outlays of the State Plan for the years 1985-86 and 1986-87.

The Government's efforts, therefore, would still be to implement a Plan of much higher order, viz., a PLan of Rs.7,500 crores. An outlay of this order is considered essential toenable the State to catch up with the All India levels of development, particularly in the field of social services, where the State is lagging behind.

The objectives would continue to be to ensure a growth rate of 6.5 percent in the economy; ensure augmented flow of resources from the centre and Private Sector investments; emphasise social consumption facilities;' better balance in the levels of economic and social development through appropriate policies of Irrigation, Power, Industries and social services in drought affected and other backward and tribal areas; and accelerate direct poverty alleviation programmes through a two-pronged approach viz., provision of food and other essentials through public distribution system and creation on a large scale of avenues for gainful work.

In order to achieve the objectives mentioned within the outlays of the State Plan indicated, the flollwing ele ments of strategies will continue to be adopted.

(a) In the field fof priductive activity, importance is given to ensure a geographical spread of agricultural development by giving highest priority for dry land farming, horticulture and sericulture and introduction of Crop Insurance Programme. Greater importance is proposed fror inland fisheries. With the same purpose in view, emphasis is placed on Minor Irrigation, in particular well-sinking including failed well subsidy Scheme, energisation of wells and extension of power to allthe villages particularly in teh tribal areas. In the field fof major and medium irrigation, emphasis is to accelerate the implementation of projects that benefit chronically drought-affected areas. A planned approach to avoidance and management of disaster has been devised and programmes specifically identified;

(b) The economic infrastructure that has been created has to be effectively used and as such emphasis is on improvements in jquality and distribution of power. Under Irrigation however, the thrust is for better water management and encouraging less water intensive cross by banning, if necessary, more on water intensive crops.

(c) In the field of Social Services which have been hitherto neglected, norms have been rigidlyprescribed both for Education and Health. In the field of Education in particular, the thrust is very much towards informal education throuygh Audio-visualk aids, adult education and vocationalisation to make education more purposefrul and encourge Self-employment, with substantial decelerated activity in the area of higher education. To take care of vulnerable sctions, a series of measures are proposed which include Vimukthi and Nutrition Programmes; effective imploementaion of minimum wages in rural areas; pensions to widows and agricultural labourers; preganancy allowance to women agricultural labourers; unprecedented step up for Tribal Welfare, and initiation of new approaches for teh welfare of physically handicapped, prisoners. Assistance to Rickshaw Pullers, etc.

(d) employment intensity and attracting institutional finances have been the guiding factors in considering the programmes in addition to the rural and special employment programmes;

(e) The planning process itself has been revamped to make district Planning realistic and effective, at the same time providing for popular participation.

The whole planning and information system is being strengthened through technological improvements, which include usage of computers, providing telex facilities in all Diustricts, and if need be, a separate organisation for handling the computerisation and data information systems. Avoidance of additions to staff and vehicles and concentrating on institutional improvements and changes have been consistently kept in view.

An important feature of teh Seventh Plan is the integrated development through introduction of Mandal set up. The location of services and activities is sought to be so planned that these are available in an integrated was within practically walking distance of every village.


For 1985-86 the Planning Commission approved an Annual Plan outlay of Rs.810.00 crores on the basis of the resources assessed. However, the State Government budgetted for a Plan outlay of RS.1044.00 crores on the basis of an assessment of the minimum needs of development, the expectations of flow of additional resources and the provisions for Telugu Ganga Project. The Budget for 1985-86 was voted in September 1985. The Revised Estimatess (R.E.) are currently placed at Rs.1044.00 crores, though there are marginal changes in the allocations for individual sectors.


For the Annual Plan 1986-87 the resources were initially estimated by the Planning Commission at Rs.844.48 crores. However, considering the commitments and the requirements, the State Government prepared a Draft Plan for Rs.,1219.98 crores and forwarded it to the Planning Commission. The Working Groups constituted by the Planning Commission discussed these proposals wiht the representatives of the State Government in Delhi in December 1985. The Working Groups endorsed the general strategies and approachehs. The aggregate of the outlays recommended by them comes to Rs.1035.81 crores under category 'A' and another Rs.47.95 crores kunder category 'B' . It may be noted that these outlays do not include the contribution of the Govt. of Tamil Nadu for Telugu Ganga Project.

During the discussions held between our Chief Minister and the Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission on 30-1-1986 the Plan outlay for 1986-87 was fixed at Rs.1000.00 crores by teh Planning Commission, which is slightly less than the aggregate of the recommendations of the Working Groups. The State Government have however, after reviewing the requirements of each Department, decided to formulalte a Plan for Rs.1210.00 crores. Accordingly this Plan is included in the Budget.

Some of the important features of the Annual Plan 1986-87 are summarised below:

In the field of crop husbandry, the comprehensive Crop Insurance Scheme would be continued with an allocation of Rs.1.00 crore. Similarly, the thrust towards improvements in dry land farming will be intensified reflecting an increase in the provision from Rs.1.00 crore in 1985-86 to Rs.4.74 crores in 1986-87. The State Govt. will also actively participate in teh Centrally-sponsored scheme called "NAWAPRAG"

The boost given todevelopment of Horticulture in 1985-86 will be further intensified stepping up the provision to Rs.1.50 crores.

In the field of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, full provision has been made to carry forward the strategies and schemes initiated in 1985-86 and make a modest beginning with some new schemes.

In the ara of Rural Development, provisons have been made to fullyavail of the allocations indicated under Centrally-sponsored schemes like NREP, DPAP, IRDP. In addition the excess of the non-wage component under RLEGP to be borne by the State Government is alsoprovided for. Provision for Failed Well Subsidy Scheme to cover all eligible farmers is also included in the current year.

In the field of Co-operation the efforts to build new ethos and culturew and introduce a single window system will be continued;

Similarly, in the area of Forestry, provision has been made to intensify the efforts for social forestry and take full advantage of CIDA assistance.

The programmes of Marketing and Warehousing have been given a further boost by stepping up the allocations to three and a half times and one and a half times respectively compared to the levels of 1985-86.

A people's programme called Telugu Grammeena Kranthi Patham has been launched. It will lensure participation of the local people and offer voluntary labour, particularly in the area of rural works. A provision of Rs.60.00 crores has been made in the Plan for k1986-87 kin addition of the release of Rs.11.00 crores made during 1985-86, to enable implementation of works to the tune of Rs.142.00 crores.

In the field of Major and Medium Irrigation the effort will be to accelerate implementation of Medium Irrigation projects that can be completed quickly. Further, the allocations for Srisailam Right Bank Canal and Sri Ramsagar Project reflect as far as possible the understandings reached in the recentr negotiations with the World Bank.

In the area of Minor Irrigation (including provision for percolation tanks) the strategies adopted in 1985-86 will continue to be upheld.

The outlay for A.P. State Electricity Board for 1986-87 is shown at the same level kas for 1985-86, i.e. Rs.170.00 crores. However, it is the intention of the Government to encourage and enable the Board to generate resources to enable it to imploement a Plan of Rs.200.00 crores taking into account the special needs of energisation of pumpsets.

In the area of Handlooms and Textiles, Handicrafts, Major and Medium Industries and Village and Small Industries, the thrust would be to consolidate the gains of the schemes of 1985-86 and continue the level of their activities.

In the field of Sericulture however, a steep step up is proposed from Rs.2.50 crores in 1985.86 to Rs.4.00 crores in 1986-87, since the benefits accrue primarily to drought affected and tribal areas.

Towards A.P. State Minorities Finance Corporation a lsum of RS.80.00 lakhs in provided for 1986-87.

In Transport and Tourism sector a higher ouytlay6 for the State Road Transport Corporation both in 1985-86 and 1986-87 reflects the additional resources being generated by the Corporation.

The allocation for C.E. (Roads) has been increased further in 1986-87 to reach a level of Rs.18.00 crores from the level of Rs.11.00 crores in 1984.85. The Tourism sector was earmarked for special treatment in 1985-86 and considering the actual observation, an outlay of Rs.2.14 crores is provided for 1986-87.

In the area of Education, the strategies and programmes included in the Plan of 1985-86 will continue to be operative on a more intensified scale, particularly in the areas of audio-visual education, vocationlalisation. The overall outlay has been increased to Rs.61.52 crores. It is proposed to take care of the requirements of Primary Education within this outlay. The scheme of prize money to meritorious students will be continued. The allocation for Telugu Vignana Peethan has been made on a current assessment of its requirements at Rs.3.00 crores for 1986-87.

In the area of Rural Water Supply, Sanitation, including programmes of Environmental Improvement of Slums and Rural Housing, the general thrust is to maintain possible improve the level of activity as per the strategies initiated in 1985-86.

In respect of Hyderabad Water Supply, considering the requirements an allocation of Rs.20.00 crores is proposed. Similarly, for the Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad an increase in allocation in 1985-86 itself to a level of Rs.15.15 crores has been made primarily to reduce congestion in the roads and for taking up improvements to make the Capital City clean and green. This tempo is proposedc to be maintained for 1986-87 also.

The allocation for Quli Qutub Shah Urban Development Authority, taking into account the development programmes that have already been agreed, has been increased by 50 percent to reach a level of Rs.6.00 crores in 1986-87.

In the area of Welfare of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and backward Classes the approach in 1986-87 would continue to be the same as in 1985-86 consistent with the strategies of the Seventh Five-Year Plan. The outlay for this sector in 1986-87 would be Rs.76.77 crores showing an increase of 17.7 per cent over the outlay of Rs.65.25 crores for 1985-86. The actual flow of benefits would be far higher taking into account the continued adoption of Special Component Plan and Sub-Plan approaches for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes respectively.

In the field of Women and Child Welfare the programme content is basically similar to that of 1985-86, kthough the allocation has been increased to a level of Rs.6.50 crores showing an increase of 29.2 per cent over the current year's level.

As in the current year the various sectoral programmes have taken into account the ned to redeploy staff and identify schemes to be integrated with the Mandal set up. In addition, the Plan provides for building Mandal complexes.

The broad details of the Plan outlays are given in the following statement.


During the year 1984-85 adverse seasonal conditions prevailed. Extensive drought conditions in the South West monsoon season and a general deficiency in the rainfall in the north bast monsoon season in the State have affected agriculture production. This situation was further compounded due to the cyclonic storm in the North East monsoon period in the districts of Nellore and Chittoor. All this resulted in declinning in production of food grain to 96.15 lakh tonnes. During 1985-86 kthe monsoon set in as usual in the second week of June kand lthe rainfall has been normal duirng June and July. ON account of this favourable situation, sowings were taken up in about 90% of the normal dry - land area. Dry spell followed in August kand September and in fact there was a continous dry spell from 3rd August to 9th September. The rainfall received during August and September was deficit to the normal by 19% and 55% respectively to the narmal. On account of inadequate water supplies in teh irrigation sources about 80% of the normal area under paddy was only transplanted. Total rainfall received in the state during South West monsoon (June to September) 1985 was 506 mms. as against the normal 602 kmms. leaving a deficit of 16%. The deficit was 8% in Coastal Andhra. 19% in rayalaseema and 21% in Telangana.

During the North East monsoon (October to December) 1985 although the rainfall was just above the normal by 2% in the State, there was a considerable deficit of 42% to the normal during the month of November. Because of the poor water supply position in the irrigation sources during South West monsoon the prospects for Rabi have also not been very bright. However, because of the cyclonic storm in December 1985 the position has improved in Nellore and Prakasam districts. But, the overall position is that a considerable area is left fallow under paddy and other I.D. crops also during Rabi.

With a view to acord high priority for stepping up Agricultural production, increased budgetory allocations are made from year to year. The annual plan outlay for 1986-87 is raised to Rs.1449.00 lakhs from that of Rs.1017.00 lakhs in 1985-86. The break-up of the Annual plan outlay among three heads oif development in Agriculture is as under.


Crop Husbandry


Dry farming


Soil and Water conservation




The following production targets are set for the year 1986-87 to be in tune with the envisaged annual growth rate of 4% in agriculture production in Seventh Plan.

1. Food grains 123.50 lakh tonnes

2.Oilseeds 19.25 lakh tonnes

3. Cotton 10.50 lakh tonnes

4. Mesta 6.34 lakh tonnes

5. Sugarcane (cane) 132.00 lakh tonnes

To achieve kthe above production targets larger converage under High Yielding varieties both under irrigated and dry land areas, higher levels of fertiliser application, ned based plant protection measures, application of latest farm technology with special reference to dry land farming techniques, short term credit and the much needed agriculture extension support through the Training and Visit system of extension are proposed.

In addition to imploementing the schemes continued from Sixth plan period, new schemes taken up during the First year of Seventh plan namely, popularisation of micro nutrients supply of paddy seed minikits, seed testing laboratories new Farmer Training Centres, reclamation of saline-alkaline soils, Soil survery organisation, Strengthening of soil testing laboratories, Evaluation of Agricultural programmes and various dry land development programme will also be continued. ew schemes, namely National Watershed Development programme for rainfed agriculture as a Centrally sponsored schemes, supporting A.P. State Seed Development Corporation for construction of seed processing plants, etc. are contemplated in 1986-87.

For the benefit of farmers a new comprehensive crop insurances scheme covering paddy, jowar, Bajra, Maize, Ragi, Redgram, Greengram, Blackgram Groundnut, Gingelly and Caster has ben formulated and grounded during 1985-86 kand is proposed to be continued during 1986-87 with a provision of Rs.100 lakhs towards premium subsidy for small and marginal farmers.

Special thrust is laid on Dry Land Farming as about 70% of arableland is under Dry land farming and most of these lands are cultivated by small and marginal farmers. To increase the productivity in these areas ensuring the dispersal of benefits among all areas and in particular in teh drought affected areas various programmes are drawn up in Seventh plan and are being implemented. A separate head of development for Dry-land farming in created for the purpose of planning and under the head an outlay of Rs.474.00 lakhs is provided for 1986-87. Integrated Watershed development, adoption of red soils and black soild technology, distribution of high yielding varieties seed at 2/- a kg. distribution of agricultural implemnts etc. are some of the important dry land programmes to benefit the dry land farmers in general and small and marginal famers in particular. Besides the above programme a Centrally Sponsored scheme called National Watershed development programme for rainfed agriculture to develop the dry-land areas at an outlay of more than Rs.10 crores to cover about 62000 hectares is contemplated specially to take up soil and water conservation measures which are the pre-requisites for increasing the crop production forest and pasture development at an average cost of Rs.2000/- per hectare. The ongoing, crop improvement efforts will be dovetailed in this programme on priority basis.

Coarse grain and pulses are generally grown in dryland areas. The production of coarse granis is showing a declining trend and needs immediate attention. Coarse grains and pulses production which is around 27.00 lakh tonnes during 1984-85 is proposed to be stepped up to 31.50 lakh tonnes in 1986-87 and bky the end of Seventh plan to 36.00 lakh tonnes to see that the Annual growth rate is around 4%.


Andhra Pradesh is having a variety of soils and suitable climatic conditions for growing a large number of horticultural crops. The major fruit crops are mango, citrus, banana, grapes, coconut, cashewnut and a variety of indigenous and exotic vegetables. To exploit, the potential for horticultural development in the State. Different programmes on fruits and vegetables are being implemented by the Horticulture Department.

Regional coconut nursery has been established at Gopannapalem during the year 1985-86 for producing 1 lakh coconut seedlings every year for distribution. Further, 11,200 hectares under important fruit crops including coconut has been covered besides organising 750 demonstrations during 1986-87. It is proposed to bring an additional area of 0.265 lakh hectares under important horticulture Department.

The 3 districts viz., West Godavari, Khammam and Cuddapah have been identified as intensive horticulture districts of the State and with the assistance of National Horticulture Board. It is proposed to intensify production of plant material in these districts.

A scheme for organising fruit and vegetable growers cooperative societies is also being taken up initially in Visakhapatnam, Krishna, Cuddapah and Rangareddy districts. The main object of this scheme is to eliminate the middlelmen and to provide remunerative proce to the fruit and vegetrable growers at a cheaper rate to the consumer.

Special schemes for the benefit of SCs/STs are also taken up under which fruit plants, vegetable minikits and sprayers are supplied at 50% subsidised cost to encourage and to improve the economic status fo these farmers through horticuture.

Besides the existing 13 horticulture farms/nurseries, 11 more horiculture farms have been established for production of plant material to cater to the needs of horticulture growers. A total number of 31.35 lakhs grafts/seedings valured at Rs.125 lakhs are proposed to be produced in these farms during 1986-87.


This important scheme introduced by the State Government in 1985-86 for the benefit of marginal farmers, small farmers, and other will be continued during 1986-87 also. A provision of Rs.200.00 lakhs is allocated for this programme.


Soil and Water conservation measures have to be taken up for securing better crop performance. These measures have added significance in drought-prone areas. It is estimated that about 80.13 lakh hectares require soil and water conservation measures. Soil and Water conservation measures are taken up on watershed basis in dryland areas. For this purpose and outlay of Rs.75.00 lakhs is proposed under Director of Agriculture in addition to Rs.5.00 lakhs under the Forest Department during 1986-87. The activity is also taken up under dry land forming.

It is proposed to take up afforestation and Soil and Water conservation works in hilly areas of Visakhapatnam, to wean away the tribals from practcing shifting cultivation. Under this an amount of Rs.5.00 lakhs is proposed to be spent.


The outlay proposed for Director of Animal Husbandry for 1986-87 ia Ea.370.00 lakhs.

During the year 1986-87 the schemes like 415 LSUS, 9 Polyclinics, systematic Control of livestock diseases of national importance, surveryand assessment units will be continue under veterinary services besides continuing serological diagnostic Laboratory at B.V.R.I. and 17 Animal Health Centres at District Headquarters under veterinary research. Under cattle developmkent, an outlay of Rs.20.19 lakhs is proposed towards frozen bull station Banavasi and Rs.12.37 lakhs for composite livestock farm, Chintaladevei, besides strengthening of Ongole cattle breeding farm Ramatheertham (Rs.5.00 lakhs) for sheep and goat development and piggery development an outlay of Rs.13.69 lakhs and Rs.5.57 lakhs are proposed. For popultry development and fodder development for Scheduled Castes an outlay of Rs.15-15 lakhs has been proposed.


The outlay fof 1986-87 for A.P. Meat and Poultry Development Corporation is Rs.20.00 lakhs as against the anticipated expenditure of Rs.20.00 lakhs for 1985-86. An amount of Rs.15.00 lakhs is proposed towards share capital of the Corporation and Rs.5.00 lakhs is proposed towards infrastructural facilities. The Corporation intends exporting quality eggs taking advantage of international airport in Hyderabad.


The outlay of Dairy Development is Rs.170.00 lakhs. During the year it is proposed to expand dairy units and kstrengthen the units for which an outlay of Rs.5.00 lakhs is proposed. To induct rural women into the village Co-operative and encourage their participation and technical input services like Animal health, Artificial insemination,Feed and Fodder etc., an outlay of Rs.2.00 lakhs is proposed and similar amount proposed as grant towards special assistance to the A.P.D.D.C.F. for maintenance of prices both for producers and cjonsumers. Special assistance of Rs.2.00 lakhs to A.P.D.D.C.F. for generation of funds dairy units, expansion of milk sheds etc., an outlay of Rs.90.00 lakhs is proposed. Similarly, to strengthen milk distribution system, providing road tankers, bulk vending machine etc., an outlay of Rs.10.00 lakhs is proposed. For technical inputs (breeding, feeding disease control and animal health) an outlay of Rs.57.00 lakhs is proposed.


Provision of Rs.800.00 lakhs is made for 1986-87.

The target for Fish production for 1986-87 is 308 thousand tonns (Inland 155 thousand tonnes and marine 153 thousand tonnes) as against the anticipated achievement of 150 thousand tonnes in Inland Sector and 150 thousand tonnes in Marine Sector during 1985-86.

It the proposed to spent Rs.152.00 lakhs in Inland Sector on (1) Establishment of 3 National Fish Seed Farms for production of Fish Seed (2) Development of Reservoir fisheries and (3) Establishment of 3 New Fish Farmers Development Agencies and (4) a New Scheme of Intensive Fish Culture.

Provision of Rs.80.00 lakhs has been made for development of Brackish Water Areas and for establishmenht of Prawn hatcheries.

An amount of Rs.195.80 lakhs is provided under Marine Sector, Rs.160.80 lakhs for (1) Completion of on going harbours (2) Making preparatory work for the establishment of new fishing harbours and (3) Creation of landing facilities to traditional fishermen and Rs.35.00 lakhs for supply of 84 Beach landing craft at subsidised cost to traditional fishermen. An amount of Rs.12.07 lakhs is provided for introduction of medium size travelers under diversified fishing operations which is a new scheme aiming to encourage Increase Marine Fish Catch.

An amount of Rs.00.00 lakhs is proposed for completing the works relating to village access roads taken up under integrated Marine Fishing Project during 6th Five Year Plan.

For formulating schemes (1) for the benefit of Scheduled Caste an amount of Rs.120.00 lakhs and (2) for the benefit of Scheduled Tribes an amount of Rs.48.00 lakhs has been ear-marked.

Under Welfare measures(1) an amount of Rs.1.00 lakh for granting ex-gratia payment to fishermen who die or get permanently disabled during fishing (2) an amount of Rs.1.00 lakh towards Insurance of Fishery Wealth and (3) an amount of Rs.10.00 lakhs for contribution to the National Welfare fund for Fishermen have been allocated.

An amount of Rs.30.00 lakhs towards share capital contribution to A.P. Fisheries Corporation and an amount of Rs.10.00 lakhs for granting assistance to good working fishermen co-operative societies have been provided.

A sum of Rs.23.16 lakhs has also ben provided for (1) strengthening of existing training institutes (Rs.5.00 lakhs) (2) Engineering Cell (Rs.7.00 lakhs) (3) Enforcement of Marine Fisheries act (Rs.8.66 lakhs) (4) Fisheries Terminal Organisation (Rs.0.70 lakhs) and (5) Income Tax to Naval Architect (Rs.1.00 lakh).


The ourlay of Rs.1213.00 lakhs is provided in the Annual Plan for kForests for f1986-87 and Rs.25.00 lakhs for Zoological Parks.

The emphasis is on Social Forestry for which provision of Rs.120.00 lakhs is made. It is proposed to continue C.I.D.A. aided social Forestry programme with an outlay of Rs.800.00 lakhs. Teak Plantation is also emphasized and proposed provision of Rs.95.00 lakhs and the Sancturies wiht an outlay of Rs.60.00 lakhs. The scheme of Forest protection for which Rs.29.50 lakhs was provided to spread the net work of Wire-less sets for quick and effective communication between various parties and people, Flying Squads Vigilence Cells continue Survey parties, strengthening of mobility and communication. For raising of Shelter belts, it is proposed to provide an outlay of Rs.26.00 lakhs.


It is proposed to continue and to take up fresh developmental works like construction of Tiger Safari Park, reptile house, and nooturnal animal house etc., at Nehuru Zoopogical Park, Hyderabad. Similarly, lion enclosure, Bear enclosure, Marine complex works at Indira Gandhi Zoological Park, Vizag etc., are proposed to be taken up. It is proposed to invest an amount of Rs.25.00 lakhs towards this.


An allocation of Rs.175.00 lakhs is proposed under Agricultural Education and Research by the A.P. Agriculture University for 1986-87. Research on small animals for meat production, research on blue Tongue in sheep, establishment of Computer Centre at Tirupathi Campus and creation of instrumentation Cell at Rajendranagar are the new schemes proposed during the current ye4ar in adition to the on-going schemes.


The provision for Marketing for 1986-87 is substantially stepped -up to Rs.90.00 lakhs from Rs.25.00 lakhs in 1985-86 while the provision for Storage and Warehousing is increased by 11/2 times (i.e., Rs.30.00 lakhs). The Programmes under Marketing include construction of Rural Godowns, establishment of Tribal Markets and fishermen markets and establishment of Agmark Grading Laboratory etc. The state Warehousing Corporation has a programme for construction of 1.20 lakh MTs. additional storage capacity involving capital outlay of Rs.534.00 lakhs for 1986-87.


The A.P. Co-operative Central Agricultural Development Bank with its net-work of 218 Primary Agricultural Development Banks spread over the entire State is implementing the long term credit Programme.

The Bank has also diversified its loaning operations so as to cover other farm activities like dairies, fisheries, poultry, purchase of bullocks and bullock-carts, social forestry, gober gas, pisiculture, sericulture etc. The bankhas been raising resources by way of flotation of debentures most of which are subscribed by NABARD. While special debentures are subscribed only by NABARD, ordinary debentures are subscribed by sister Land Development Banks in the Country, commercial Banks and the L.I.C. with nominal subscription by the State Government. It is proposed to step up this activity during the Seventh Plan period. So far as the State Government is kconcerned, an amount of Rs.400.00 lakhs is provided in the Annual Plan for 1986-87 in order to enable disbursement of Rs.75.00 crores under L.T.


Besides providing production credit by way of crop loans and medium term loans and investment credit by way of long term loans, co-operatives have also been assisting farmers in storing, processing and marketing their agricultural produce. The main focus of attention of co-operatives is on assisting the weaker section viz., small and marginal farmers/S. Cs. and S.Ts The Cooperative Agricultural Societies supply inputs including Chemical Fertilisers and also essential consumer goods at reasonable prices to the farmers. They also provide credit for investment purposes for agricultural and a kallied activites and also for other diversified purposes. Two Apex Banks viz., the Andhra Pradesh State Coop. Bank and the A.P. Co-operative Centrral Agricultural Development Bank, the 27 District Co-operative Central Banks, the 218 Primary Agricultural Development Banks and the 6,873 Primary Agricultural Credit Societies in the State have issued credit to a tune of Rs.1,016.00 crores during the Sixth Plan. The credit Co-operatives propose to issue loans of Rs.210.00 crores during the year 1986-87.

For the Marketing Co-operatives, the Apex Body is called the Marked (A.P.Co-op. Marketing Federation). Its membership counts of 20 District Marketing Societies, 356 Primary Co-operative Marketing Societies and 186 Co-operative Processing Units in the State. Among the several activities of these marketing co-operatives, the important are supply of Agricultural inputs, sale of consumer goods, procurement of paddy and agricultural produce, selling of rice and constructing storage capacity. It is proposed to tap kthe central finances also to increase the storage cpacity of the Markfed from the present 5.10 lakh metric tons to 8.00 lakh metric tons. In the consumer sector, the main objecti8ve being sale of essential commodities at reasonable prices to its members, it is proposed to actively involve the consumer co-operatives in the public distribution system. The A.P. State Consumer Federation is the Apex Body with 190 taluk-lelvel Super Bazars/Mahila Super Bazars, 361 MJahila Consumer Stores, and 950 Primary Consumer stores registered for doing business in consumer goods. It is proposed to give staff assistance for supervision and also increase working capital resources to these societies to carry-out the business. It is proposed to achieve sale of consumer goods worth Rs.70.00 crores in Urban areas kand Rs.30.00 crores in rural areas this year. The Consumer Federation is also entrusted with the job of distribution of Text Books and Note Books to High Schools and also imported sugar for holding price line. District level Federations for the Farming and Labour contract cooperatives were organised in 20 Districts after weeding out the weak and dormant societies. These Federations are expected tjo boost up the working of the resultant societies. It is proposed to open three new Grameena Banks in East Godavari, West Godavari and Krishna Districts. There are weaker sections cooperatives rendering great assistance for improving financial position of its members to reach above the poverty line. The societies issue loans for purpose of purchase of Rickshaws, Bullock-carts, Plough Bullocks, sewing Machines etc.

In order to streamline adminisatration in the Cooperative Department job performance charts have been devised. Systematic strengthening of Cooperative sector is contemplated by a package of programme involving innovation in administration. The establishment of Bigilance Cell and Prosecution Cell for effective Checking and controlling malpractices, misappropriation and other corrupt practices in the Cooperatives will further enhance the operational&efficiency of the department in consuming resourses for better development. An outlay of Rs.536.00 lakhs is proposed under Co0operation in the Annual Plan 1986-87.



During Oct.1980, the Government of India extended the are4a of operation of the IRDP to all the blocks in the country, whereby all the 330 blocks in the State got covered by I.R.D.P. The other programmes prior to the decision such as S.F.D.A., M.F.A.L.D.As., M.I. programmes etc., have been merged with the I.R.D. programmes. The patte4rn of assistance is blockwise and on 50:50 basis between the Government of India and the State Government. An allocation of Rs.1487.50 lakhs is sproposed for 1986-87 towards State's share and an equal amount is expected towards Central Share. The grants in respect of Central share will be releasedc direct to the District Rural Development Agencies.

For strengthening the available traning capabilities for providing TRYSEM infrastructure, support to the IRDP., a provision of Rs.20.00 lakhs towards State's share is proposed for 1986-87. In addition, a provision of Rs.10 lakhs for strengthening State Institute of Rural Development is made. State support is contemplated at a cost of Rs.30 lakhs for strengthening the branch offices of the Ground water dept., as well as Engineering supervisors in teh DRDAs., and the Rural Development Wing at the Headquarters. The UNICEF aided programme for the development of women and children in rural areas is being implemented in Adilabad, Srikakulam and Cuddapah districts and a provision of Rs.45 Centrally sponsored scheme under IRDP., being implemented with a State's share of Rs.30 lakhs. Another programme "PASMA" for development of small and marginal farmers for increasing agricultural production at a cost of Rs.5 lakhs for each block is taken up on 50:50 baisi between State and Centre. An allocation of Rs.825 lakhs is proposed for meeting the State share. A total allocation of Rs.2457.50 lakhs is made under alal items under IRDP for 1986-87.


This programme, aimed at mitigating the incidence of drought is implemented in 69 blocks of chronically drought affected districts in the State. The cost of the scheme is borne in equal shares, by the State and the Centre. An allocation of Rs.517.50 lakhs is provided towards State's share.


This programme was introduced in Oct. 1980, replacing the Food-for Work programme for providing additional gainful employment for the unemployed, and under-employed in rural areas. This is a Centrally sponsored scheme on 50:50 basis between the Centre and State. Z.P. works, Housing programmes for Weaker Sections and Social Forestry kprogramme are undertaken under this scheme. For meeting the State share an allocation of Rs.2270.00 lakhs is proposed for 1986-87, and this may hahve to be increased correspondingly in case the Central share is more. The Government of India is implementing another centrally sponsored scheme "RLEGP" with 100% assistance for providing employment opportunities to the land-less during the lean period of agriculture.

Construction of school buildings and layin gof rural roads and Community Irrigation well programme are mainly undertaken by utilizing these funds. In order to meet the excess non-wage component in implementing "RLEGP" an allocation of Rs.275.69 lakhs is proposed for the 1986-97.


A provision of Rs.20 lakhs is allocated for the Survey, Settlementns and Land records dept., and Central Assistance alsois expected for execution of programmes of this dept., depending upon the central share, the provision for 1986-87 will be increased.


This is a new Head of development introduced in 1985-86 for meeting the requirement of construction of cyclone shelters and other special programmes. Out of the 1336 villages identififed in the coastal districts of the State, 723 villages have been covered so far lby teh construction of community cyclone shelters. As per the agreement entered into between the Government of India and the E.E.C., Brussels, the construction of 200 cyclone shlters under phase-II programme has to be completed by 30-6-1986. As against the total cost of Rs.6.00 crores, an expenditure of Rs.5.26 crores is programmed to be incurred before 31-3-1986. During 1986-87, an amount of Rs.74.00 lakhs is needed for this project. As many of the villages are yet to be covered, a new scheme is being evolved to take up construction of cyclonhe shelters in teh most vulnerable villages. A total provision of Rs.195.00 lakhs is proposed for 1986-87 for construction of cyclone shelters as well as other special programmes for Ham Radios, Rescue Boats, Medical Store etc.,


With a view to utlise the immense potential available in the country-side for execution of a large number of small works not requiring substantial skills lbut locally relevant and significant, which reflect the felt needs of the people and to utilise voluntary and free labour, Government have launchehd a new scheme called "Telugu Grameena Kranti Patham" as a people's project for execution of ushc works directly by teh people through "Telugu Srama Dalams" without the medium of any intermediary.

The District Planning Boards are empowered to formulate and apporove the works under the scheme "Telugu Grameena Kranti Patham". Accodingly, the District Planning Boards have formulated and approved 30,651 works with an estimated cost of Rs.124.91 crores. The Government approved these works and directd that they be grounded on 23.1.86 and completed by 30.6.86. 50% of the value of the work done irrespective of the cost of material and labour shall be paid by the Government. A sum of Rs.11.00 crores have ben released for the implementation of these schemes in the current year from 23.1.86 at teh rate of Rs.50.00 lakhs for each District Planning Board except the District Planning Board of Hyderabad (Urban District.). The balance funds required for completion of the works by 30.6.86 will be provided in 1986-87. Government also have extended the scheme to cover execution of irrigation works costing not more than Rs.5.00 lakhs on nomination at S.S.R. to Gram Panchyats, representatives of Ayacutdars or other local representatives, provided 50% of the value of work was forthcoming from the sponsor. The works under this category include construction and restoration of minor irrigation works, maintenance and repairs tospring channels, suply channels and repairs to irrigation canals and drains.


During the year 1986-87 an outlay of Rs.28293.51 lakhs has been provided for Major and Medium Irrigation Projects and Rs.500.00 lakhs for Drainage and Flood control schemes. It is targetted to create an additional Irrigation potential of 81.77 T.Ha during 1986-87.

The allotment for N.S.P. during 1986-87 is Rs.1900.00 lakhs. The total irrigation potential under thisi project is 895.28 T.Ha. and the anticipated achievement to end of VI plan is 794.53 T.Ha. It is programmed to create an additional irrigation potential of 19.00 T.HA. during 1986-87.

Under Telugu Ganga Project, it is envisaged to supply 15 T.Mc. of drinking water to Madras City to be shared equally by the three basin States of Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Karnataka. The water jto be made available to Madras city will be supplied from Somasila reservoir. The Project also envisages providing irrigation facilities of about 111 T. Ha of land in Kurnool and Cuddapah Districts and 124 T. Ha. in Nellore and Chittoor districts by utilising the surplus flood waters from the rivers Krishna and Pennar. An amount of Rs.7500.00 lakhs is provided for this project during 1986-87.

Under Somasila Project it is envisaged to create an irrigation potential of 44.235 T. Ha. of new ayacut, besides stabilisation of 119.352 T.Ha. under tanks. A total amount of Rs.6283.33 lakhs was spent to end of VI Five Year Plan. An outlay of Rs.8000.00 lakhs is proposed during theVII Five Year Plan, with a target to create an additional irrigation potential of 44.24 T.Ha. The provision made for this project during 1986-87 is Rs.800.00 lakhs. An additional potential of 10 T.Ha. is targetted during 1986-87.

For the Sriramsagar Project an amount of Rs.4900.00 lakha is provided during 1986-87. The total irrigation potential to be created under this project is 651.00 T.Ha. An irrigation potential of 225.20 T.Ha. is created to end of VI Five Year Plan. An outlay of Rs.35000.00 lakhs has ben proposed for this project during VII Five Year Plan with a target to create an additional irrigation potential of 186.00 T.Ha. This project is posed for World Bank group asistance along with Srisailam Right Bank canal. An additional irrigation potential of 30 T.Ha. is targetted under Sriramasagar Project during 1986-87.

Under Srisailam Right Bank canal, it is envisaged toirrigate an ayacut of 76.89 T.Ha. An amount of Rs.20000.00 lakhs is proposed for this project during the VII Five Year Plan and an amount of Rs.2800.00 lakhs is provided during 1986-87. Under Srisailam left Bank canal it is envisaged to irrigate an ayacut of 121.00 T.Ha. An amount of Rs.7500.00 lakhs has been proposed during the VII Five Year Plan and an amount of Rs.1500.00 lakhs has been provided during 1986-87.

The allocations made in 1986-87 for other important major irrigation projects are Godavari Barrage Project Rs.200.00 lakhs Vamsadhara Project Stage I & II Rs.300.00 lakhs T.B.P.H.L.C. Stage II Rs.600.00 lakhs; Improvements to Nizamsagar Project Rs.50.00 lakhs, Yeluru Reservoir scheme Rs.1400.00 lakhs, Singur Project Rs.1900.00 lakhs, Jurala Projct Rs.900.00 lakhs Polavaram barrage Rs.15.00 lakhs Flood Control schemes Rs.125.00 lakhs Drainage schemes Rs.357.00 lakhs. It is targetted to create an additional irrigation potential of 18.50 T.Ha. during 1986-87 under other Major Irrigation.

The provision made for Medium Irrigation schemes during 1986-87 is Rs.2,261.00 lakhs, of which Rs.100.00 lakhs are for Varadarajaswamigudi Project Rs.100.00 lakhs for Buggavanka Project and Rs.100.00 lakhs for Upper Kaulasanala Project. An Additonal irrigation potential of 4.27 T.Ha is targetted during 1986-87.


The allocation for Minor Irrigation fof 1986-87 is Rs.3,370.00 lakhs of which Rs.2,340.00 lakhs are for Minor Irrigation (P.W.D.), Rs.920.00 lakhs for A.P. State Irrigation Development Corporation, Rs.65.00 lakhs for Ground Water Department and Rs.45.00 lakhs for Chief Engineer(P.R.)

Under Minor Irrigation (P.W.D.). it is proposed to take up 94 ongoing works,80 percolation tanks, 164 new schemes and 11 E.E.C. Aided schemes with an outlay of Rs.1,450.00 lakhs including Establishment, and Rs.10.00 lakhs for Lift Irrigation Schemes. In addition Rs.140.00 lakhs for Tribal Sub-Plan, Rs.350.00 lakhs for Spl. Component Plan Schemes and Rs.395 lakhs for Investigation schemes and Rs.5.00 lakhs for Insrvice Training are proposed during 1986-87. The target of Irrigation Potential during 1986-87 is 26.81 T.Ha.

The allocation for Ground Water Department for the year 1986-87 is Rs.65.00 lakhs. During the year 1986-87 it is proposed to cover an area of 10,000 Sq. Km. under detailed hydrogeological surverys followed by geophysical survery where necessary for pin pointing of sites for construction of various types of wells. Under this programme it is expected to examine 25,000 site sand 375 bore wells/tube wells will be completed under exploratory-cum-production well programme and on implementation of the programme of selection of sites and energisation of bore wells/tube wells drilled, it will be possible to bring an aditional area of 20,000 hectares under irigation. It is also proposed to investigate 125 sites for the construction of percolation tanks. Besides clearing the M.I. schemes it has also ben proposed to continue detailed studies in Basins.

The A.P.S.I.D.C. was constituted in 1974. The main task of the corporation exploitation of irrigation potential in the State through various methods by taking up L.I. Schemes on different rivers, streams, drains canals etc., for exploitation of surface water and also be constructing tube/bore wells in various parts for exploiting ground was potential. In the Annual Plan 1986-87 an amount of Rs.920.00 lakhs is provided towards share capital. It is proposed take up L.I. schemes implementation of sprinkler irrigation on under BW/TW under Centrally Sponsored Schemes and procurement of machinery and equipment of investigation of schemes. The beneficiaries of these schemes include Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe families and small and marginal farmers etc.

The Panchayati Raj department resores minor irrigation sources having an ayacut of 25 acers and below and for this Purpose an amount of Rs.45.00 lakhs is provided for 1986-87.


A New CADA project for kVamsadhara has been sanctioned from 31-3-1985 and five more medium projects, viz., Swarna, Satanala, Peddavagu, Teliperu and Gandipalem cleared by the Government of India, are being added and tagged on to the existing commands, for implementation of intensive command area development activities.

A Water and Land Management Training and Research Institute set up in 1982at Hyderabad has imparted intensive in-service training to 826 officials in the disciplines of Irrigation. CAD Agriculture, Co-operation, etc., including grass-root level, in Planning Designing, Execution, Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation network including improvement of extension services at Micro-level. Besides Seminars and Workshops, 18 courses have been conducted by this Institute so far.

Proposals are a foot for a second World Bank Loan viz., A.P. Irrigation (II) Project effective from 1986-87 and also for National Water Management Programme. The Plan ourlay for C.A.D. for 1986-87 is Rs.1000.00 lakhs.


The Srisailam Hydro - Electric Project was handed over to the Andhra Pradesh State Electricity Board in so far as Power HOuse and connected works are concerned. Rest of the works still remain with Project. The decretal charges are also to be met. For 1986-87 an outlay of Rs.1,000.00 lakhs is provided.

The outlay provided for the Andhra Pradesh State Electricty Board is Rs.17000.00 lakhs. It is proposed to add 229 M.W., generating capacity to the system in 1986-87 increasing the installed capacity to 3595 M.W. In regard to 220 K.V. net works, 747 lines which include spill over of 1985-86 one programmed ;for competion. It is alsoprioposed to complete 220 K.V. substations at Kurnool, Rudraram, Miryalaguda, Gajuwaka, Palancha and Warangal to meet load demand and to complete about 1346 circuit kilometres or 132 K.V. Lines.

For transmission schemes an outlay of Rs.3,700.00 lakhs is provided and for distribution Rs.3,226.00 lakhs.

Under Rural Electrification Programme,k electrification of 850 Villages and energisation of 78,000 to 84,000 agricultural pumpsets are proposed for which an outlay of Rs.2218.00 lakhs is provided.

A number of small canal drops are available in the irrigation system and with a view to develop mini-hydel power for meeting local needs 286 canal drops have been identified. These have an energy potential of 656 million K.W.H., with an installed capacity of 120 MW.

Project reports for installation of 13 mini hydel stations hahve ben proposed on distributory 83 of akatiya Main Canal of Sriramsagar Project out of which five schemes involving instatllation of 15 units totalling 3,330 K.W., are proposed for Thermal Power Station at Maddanur in Rayalaseema, a token provision of Rs.108.00 lakhs is provided pending receipt of feasibility report.


The allaocation for Village and Small Industries in the Annual Plan for 1986-87 is Rs.1926.00 lakhs comprising Rs.175.00 lakhs for Commissioner of Industries Rs.20.00lakhs for A.P. Small Scale industrial Development Corporation (APSSIDC), Rs.30.00 lakhs for LIDCAP, Rs.39.50 lakhs for A.P. Khadi Village industries Board, Rs.1.50 lakhs for Commerce and Export Promotion, Rs.1210.00 lakhs kfor Handlooms and Textiles, Rs.400.00 lakhs for Sericulture and Rs.50.00 lakhs for Handicrafts Development Corporation.


The allocation for Commissioner of Industries towards Village and Small Industries in 1986-87 is Rs.175.00 lakhs. The District Industries Centres which have become identifiable focal points for entrepreneurs seeking Government heop will be continued.


An outlay of Rs.20.00 lakhs for the year 1986-87 is proposed for the 'Marketing Assistance Scheme`. Under this scheme the corporation assists the registered Small Scale Industrial units for marketing their products. The SSI Units are paid 75% of the invoice prices against delivery of goods and the balance of 25% aftrer full paymjent is received form the indenter.

A.P. Leather Industries Development Corporation (LIDCAP)

The Corporation proposes jto take up training programme fof 25 Leather artisans ( S.C. Candidates ) in manufacturing foot wear and fancy leather items and to asssist them in setting up their own industries. It proposes to promote two more joint ventures in foot-wear manufacturing. It also proposes to set up two Rawhides collection-cum-curing centres, and to establish one raw material Department. For 1986-87 an outlay of Rs.30.00 lakhs is proposed.

A.P. Khadi and Village Industries Board

The Khadi & Village Industries Commission is the Principal finanacing agency for implementing the Board's activities. The State Government's funds are utilised to meet the establishment cost of the staff and other contingencies of the Board. An outlay of Rs.39.50 lakhs is proposed for 1986-87.

Director of Commerce and Export Promotion

The allocation for 1986-87 for the Director of Commerce and Export Promotion is Rs.1.50 lakhs, which consists of s.0.40 lakhs tjowards State iuncentives.

Handlooms and Textiles

Handloom Industry occupies a prominent place in the economy of the State. Some of the important schemes proposed to be continued during 1986-87 are increased cpverage of handloom weavers by Co-operatives, strengthning the share capital base of the Primary and Apex Weaver's Co-operative Societies, modernisation/replacement of looms, thrift-fund-cum-savings and security scheme and rebate schemes. It is also proposed to continue assistance to weaver members of handloom cooperatives for lconstruction of workshed-cum-houses. As part of the programme training centres in the name of "TELUGU ADHUNIKARANA SIKSHANA KENDRA " are being established, to ensure that the skills of the weaver-members are continously upgraded for working on modernised looms. Such a kendra is being established at Hindupur during 1985-86. An outlay of Rs.1210.00 lakhs is proposed for handlooms and Textiles for 1986-87.


The allocation for Sericulture in teh annual plan 1986-87 is Rs.400.00 lakhs. It is proposed to establish 3 Regional Training Centres - one each in Rayalaseema Telangana and Coastal Regions to meet the demand of technical man-power of the Department for which an outlay of Rs.6.00 lakhs is proposed. It is also proposed to establish a tasar basic seed farm toestablish variety Mulbery Farms for the supply of leaf to the landless S.C. beneficiaries and four new PI seed Farms. For establishment of Chowki Rearing units an outlay of Rs.15.00 lakhs is proposed Training to silk weavers, assistance to silk handloom weavers for work-shed-cum-house and various other programmes are proposed.

A.P. Handicrafts Development Programme

The outlay proposed for the Corporation in the Annual Plan is Rs.50.00 lakhs.


The allocation for Large and Medium Industries in teh Annual Plan for 1986-87 is Rs.2900.00 lakhs. Out of this an outlay of Rs.450.00 lakhs is proposed to the Commissioner of Industries for implementation of the State Incentives Scheme for inhdustrial growth. A new package of incentives has been announced by the Government. Under this scheme the three backward districts of Srikakulam, Anantapur and Adilabad would be treated as Industrial INtensive Develop0ment areas where higher package of incentives are available for the industrial units coming up there. In addition there will be 20 growth centres spread over 7 districts of Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari, West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur and Rangareddy. New industries coming up in the growth centres are eligible for State incentives at slightly lower rate compared to Industrial Intensive Development areas.

The A.P. industrial Infrastructure Corporation plays a catalystic role or creatingb industrial infrastructure, for which an outlay of Rs.10.00 lakhs is proposed for 1986-87.

The allocation for A.P. State Financial Corporaqtion in 1986-87 is Rs.464.00 lakhs A.P.S.F.C. is a pioneer term lending institution in the State, committed to promote small and medium scale industries laying emphasis on development of backward areas.

The outlays proposed for A.P. Industrial development Corporation (A.P.I.D.C.) including the A.P. Electronic Development Corporation in the annual plan 1986-87 is Rs.700.00 lakhs. (Rs.500.00 lakhs for A.P.I.D.C. and Rs.200.00 lakhs to A.P.E.D.C.)

The allocation for the State Bureau of Public Enterprises in 1986-87 is Rs.7.00 lakhs. The Institute of Public Enterprises is acting as a guide toall the public enterprises in the State maintaining a computer division, a data Bank and consultancy service.

The outlay proposed for "State Contribution to State Government Companies" in the annual plan 1986-87 is Rs.620.00 lakhs. It is intended for investment in equity particiapation. Some of the Government Companies proposed to be supported are Hyderabad Allwyns Limited (RS.209.00 lakhs), A.P. Scooters Limited (Rs.80.00 lakhs.) Republic Forge Company Limited (rs.32.00 lakhs) Godavari Fertilisers and Chemicals Limited., (Rs.119.00 lakhs) and the A.P. State Minorities Finance Corporation Limitted., Rs.80.00 lakhs).

The outlay proposed for Nizam Sugar Factory in teh annual plan 1986-87 is Rs.200.00 lakhs. The Government of India issued a letter of intent to the company for setting up a 1250 -T.C.D. Sugar Unit in Medak District.

An outlay of Rs.1.00 lakh is proposed for A.P. State Non-Resident Indian Investment Corporation (A.N.R.I.C.H.) I in the the annual plan for 1986-87.

For annual plan 1986-87 an outlay of Rs.230.00 lakhs which includes Rs.125.00 lakhs towards share cipital contirubtion to Co-operative Sugar factories is proposed for Director of Sugar. The programme of rehabilitation of the Co-operative Sugar Factories and the modernisation and expansion of the Cooperative Sugar Factories will be continued in 1986-87 also. The main reason for under utilisation of lthe Co-op. Sugar Factories is in sufficient availability of sugar cane in Factory Zone. Therefore it is proposed to develop the cane in factory zone.

The allocation for "Infrastructural and Water facilities for coming up industries under Central Schemes" in teh annual plan 1986-87 is Rs.218.00 lakhs. The State Govt. will provide the infrastructure facilities like land, power, water and approach roads for the central projects established in the State such as Visakhapatnam Steel Plant (Rs.80.00 lakhs) Carriage Repair Work-shop, Tirupati (Rs.20.00 lakhs) and Ordance Factory, Medak (Rs.43.00 lakhs) . It is also been decided to provide infrastructure to teh Nagarjuna Fertilizers Chemicals Limited, Kakinada for executing the Raw Water Supply Scheme to the plant site for which an outlay of Rs.75.00lakhs is proposed


The allocation for 1986-87 for Mining is Rs.650.00 lakhs of which the allocation for the Department of Mines and Geology is Rs.25.00 lakhs, for A.P. Mining Corporation the allocation is Rs.25.00 lakhs and for Singareni Colleries it is for Rs.600.00 lakhs.


The allocation for Transport for 1986-87 is Rs.8.237.45 lakhs. The break up is Minor Ports (Rs.200.00 lakhs), Chief Engineer (Roads) (Rs.1800.00 lakhs), Sugarance roads under Director of Muncipal Administration (Rs.19.30 lakhs), Sugarcane and M.N.P. roads under Chief Engineer Panchayat Raj (Rs.106.15 lakhs and Rs.450.00 lakhs) respectively, A.P.S.R.T.C. (Rs.5600.00 lakhs), Inland water transport (Rs.39.00 lakhs) and Traffic control (Rs.23.00 lakhs).

An outlay of Rs.200.00 lakhs has ben proposed for Minor Ports in the Annual Plan for 1986-87, of which Development of Kakinada POorts, Machilipatnam Port and Krishnapatnam Port acount for Rs.62.00, Rs.128.00 and Rs.10.00 lakhs respectively.

Chief Engineer (Roads and Buildings)

The Roads and Buildings Department is incharge of construction and maintenance of State Highways, Major District Roads and looking after the constuction and maintenance of the National Highways. The total length of roads under the jurisdiction of the Department is 33,800 kilometes which is inclusive of 9,300 KMs. of roads taken over from Panchayat Raj and other Department during the years 1974-78.

For the year 1986-87 an outlay of Rs.1800.00 lakhs is proposed, the details of which are as under:

(Rs. lakhs ).

Direction and Administration.


Machinery and Equipment.


State Highways.


Fisheries Roads.


Tribal Roads.


Sugarcane Roads.


Mineral Roads.


Bridge work from Toll Cess.


Total :


Director of Municipal Administration

Towards construction and improvement of roads leading to sugarcane areas which are affected due to heavy vehicular traffic, an outlay of Rs.19.30 lakhs is proposed.

Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation

For Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation the allocation for 1986-87 is Rs.5,600.00 lakhs comprising State contribution (Rs. 1250.00 lakhs) L.I.C. LOAN (Rs.256.00 lakhs) and additional resources and internal resoureces (Rs.4,094.00 lakhs). The programmes include augmentation of 600 vehicles and replacement of 1,000 vehicles.

Inland Water Transport

For Inland Water Transport a sum of Rs.39.00 lakhs is provided for 1986-87 as against a provision of Rs.35.00 lakhs for 1985-86.

Traffic Control

An outlay of Rs.23.00 lakhs is proposed to teh Commissioner of Transport.

It is proposed to create a Planning and monitoring cell in State Transport Authority and a Vegilance and Enforcement Cell in the office of the Transport Commissioner, each cell estimated at Rs.3.00 lakhs.


The outlay proposed for Science, Technology and Environment is Rs.140.00 lakhs the breakup of which is

         (a) Science and Technology (Rs.45.00 lakhs),

         (b) Environment Programme (Rs.60.00 lakhs)

         (c) Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board (Rs.35.00 lakhs).

Out of Rs.45.00 lakhs under Science under Science and Technolgy, Rs.25.00 lakhs is proposed towards balanced improvement of all sectors based upon recommendations of the eight sctoral committees of State Council of Science and Technology. The balance amount is proposed mostly to support the activities of the State Council.

An outlay of Rs.15.00 lakhs is proposed for eco-development of the Eastern Ghats and Rs.5.00 lakhs towards seminars, exhibitions, programmes at school level through audio-visual aids to create environmental awareness. The waters of Krishna and Dodavgari basins are getting highly polluted. To conduct water quaility tests in different parts and to have a conference on the lines of the Ganga basin confernce, an outlay of Rs.10.00 lakhs is proposed. To fund the environmental cells of the Universities, an outlay of Rs.20.00 lakhs is proposed besides Rs.10.00 lakhs for Joint Effluent Treatment Works.

To meet expenses on salaries, T.A., and other establishment charges of the Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board which implements provisions of Water and Air prevention and Control of Pollution Acts, an outlay of Rs.35.00 lakhs is proposed.


Secretariat Economic Services:

Under this Head a provision of Rs.86.40 lakhs is made for 1986-87, of this Rs.38.00 lakhs is towards the State share for continuance of the posts of 23 Chief Planning Officers, 3 posts of Joint Directors in the Bureau of Economics and Statistics and 3 posts of Deputy Commissioners in Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Department with supporting staff sanctioned during 1985-86 as part of the scheme of strengthening of Planning Machinery at District Level for the work connected with District Planning.

It is proposed to absorb existing 305 Taluk Statistical Asistants and 330 Progress Assistants under Non-Plan as Mandal Planning Officers in the context of formation of 1.104 Mandals in the State. Additional posts of 469 Mandals Planning Officers, of which 69 posts are Divisional Planning Officers, are proposed to be sanctioned depending upon actual requirements. A token provision of Rs.1.00 lakh is made for this scheme for 1986-87.

To strengthen information and communication system for Planning and Plan formulation, instalation of telexes in Planning Department and in allDistrict Head quarters except Visakhapatnam and East Godavari, (where telexes already exist) Rangareddy and Hyderabad Districts, had been sanctioned and so far telexes have been installed in the kPlanning Department and in teh Districts of Anantapur, Kurnool, Cuddapah, Srikakulam, Vijayanagaram, Nellore, Medak, Nizamabad, Khammam, Krishna at Machilipatnam, Guntur and Chittoor. A sum of Rs.12.00 lakhs has been provided for maintenance of the telexes alrealdy installed and to instal telexes in the remaining districts of Nalgonda, Adilabad, Karimnagar, Mahaboobnagar, Warangal, West Godavari, and Prakasam.

A sum of Rs.4.00 lakhs is provided to A.P. Office Technology Services Limited for selection of hardware maintenance, Development of soft ware and recruitment of compute professionals.

A sum of Rs.10.00 lakhs is provided in 1986-87 for maintenance of Comp0uters in all the Districts.

A sum of Rs.2.50 lakhs is provided for Godavari Valley Development Authority besides a sum fo Rs.12.75 lakhs os provided for Research Programmes. Further Rs.1.00 lakh is provided for the preparatio9n of the Master Plan.

A provision of Rs.5.00 lakhs is made for Public Enterprises Management Bureau toset up a library and for rendering technical services jtothe Public enterprises and to meet expenditure on tour.

An amount of Rs.1.15 lakhs is provided during 1986-87 to meet the State's share of expenditure on staff for Evaluation studies.


The Department of Tourism and the Andhra Pradesh Travel and Tourism Development Corporation are provided with an allocation of Rs.214.00 lakhs for 1986-87. They have proposed a number of programmes for development of Tourism in Andhra Pradesh so as to find its due place in the All-India Map. Some of the important programmes are National Heritage Projects at Golkonda and Nagarjuna Sagar, Beach resorts development at Visakhapatnam, improvement of Tourist facilities at Warangal, Hanumjakonda and Ramappa temple, assistance to joint venture projects for Tourist facilities, construction of motels on National High Way, publicity programme including Audio-visual materials, and construction of Tourist Rest Houses at Kandimallayapalli in Cuddapah district, Kakinada, Kailasanatha Kina water falls in Chittor district, Dormitary type of accommodation at Lepakshi in Anantapur District and Regional Tourist Information Bureau at Tirupathi etc.

Controller of Weights and Measures

An amount of Rs.6.00 lakhs is provided for strengthening of Weights and Measures Development with staff and sophisticated equipment to implement the regulatory functions.


The outlay for General Education in the plan for 1985-86 is Rs.5,143.70 lakhs, Against which, the anticipated expenditure provided in the Revised Estimates is Rs.4.955.13 lakhs. The outlay for 1986-87 has ben stepped up to Rs.6,151.58 lakhs.

The policy of the Governmet of India and also of the State Government is to achieve Universal enrolment at least by 1990 i.e., by the end of VII Five-Year Plan. At the end of VI Five Year Plan i.e., 1984-85 the enrolment of children stood as follows:

Item Enrolment in lakhs

Boys Girls Total

Classes I-V (age group 6-11)




Percenttage to age group




Classes VI &VII ( age group 11.13 )




Percentage to age group




It is proposed to enrol 100% children in classes I-V (age group 6-11 ) i.e., 94.08% in the case of Boys and 84.32% in the case of Girls and 82.24% children in classes VI&VII in the age group 11-13. According to thesew targets the expec ted enrolment by the end of of 1985-90 will be as follows:

Enrolment in lakhs

Boys Girls Total

Classes I-V (age group 6-11) 52.58 37.20 89.78

Classes VI&VII (age group 11-13) 16.84 9.14 25.98

By the end 1985-86 the anticipated enrolment is as follows:

Classes I-V 40.58 29.20 69.78

Classes VI&VII 9.76 5.58 15.34

It is proposed to enrol additional children of 5.00 lakhs in classes I-V and 2.66 lakhs in classes VI & VII during the year 1986-87 leading to 89.05 % in the cases of 6-11 age group and 60.65% in case of 11-13 age group.

The Annual Plan outlays for the year 1985-86 and 1986-86 for items under School Education are given below:-

(Rs. lakhs)




Budget R.E.


Continuing New












Education (NFE)







Secondary Education







Teacher Education







Direction, Administration & Supervision







Total :-






Under Elementary Education all the schemes of 1985-86 are proposed to be continued at a cost of Rs.2215.09 lakhs during 1986-87 by maintaining 3760 special teachers created for opening of new schools in schools less habitations, 1000 S.G.B.T. Teachers for strengthening existing Primary Schools, 513 posts of Special language pandits, 750 SGBT Women Teachers and payment of grant to non-Government primary Schools. Provision is also made for construction of Primary School buildings under VIII Finance Commission grants and U.K. Assistance. It is also proposed to continue 90 Upper Primary"Schools, 313 New Primary Schools, 30 Ashram HighSchools, 10 Residential Schools and the posts of District Educational Officers and Deputy Education Officers Under the Tribal Sub Plan schemes during 1986-87 at a cost of Rs.240.00 lakhs. Similarly provision of Rs.600.00 lakhs is also made towards continuning and new schemes under Special Component Plan for Scheduled Castes during 1986-87. An allocation of 475.00 lakhs is made for supply of uniforms and text books for children of classes Iand II. An amount of Rs.300.00 lakhs is provided under new schemes for introduction of Audiovisual Education Teachique in C lasses I-V of 1,000 Primary Schools during 1986-87. It is proposed to maintain 23,132 Non-formal education centres opened upto 1985-86, with supporting staff at a cost of Rs.361.10 lakhs with 50% Central assistance during 1986-87. An amount of Rs.44.44 lakhs is rpovided from creation of 1440 Non Formal Education Centres at Primary level during 1986-87.

Under Secondary Education an amount of Rs.1224.30 lakhs is rpovided for the continuing schemes of 1985-86 for maintaining classes VIII & IX in 345 Secondary Schools in which Vocational Courses were introduced, payment of grants to Non-Government Secondary Scholls under private Muncipal and Zilla Parishads Managements, maintenance of 20 High Schools in Mandal Headquarters, Provision is also made for payment of grants to Bharat Scouts and Guides, Hindi Academy Andhra Pradeesh Residential Educational Institutions Society, Telugu Vignana Partithoshikam awards to 6,900 children of VIII and IX classes. An amount of Rs.257.11 lakhs is provided for opening of 2 high schools in Mandal Headquarters durihng 1986-87. An amount of RS.80.96 lakhs is provided for inservice training Programmes conducted by the S.C.E.R.T. for Elementary and Secondary Schools Teachers during 1986-87, basides providing Rs.17.00 lakhs for strengthening the field staff and the Directorate.

The allocation for Higher Education has been stepped up from Rs.997.92 lakhs in 1985-86 to Rs.1,300.00 lakhs in 1986-87. This comprises of Rs.839.00 lakhs for continuing schemes and Rs.461.00 lakhs for new schemes. The major allocations made are Rs.250.00 lakhs for grants to Universities for obtaining matching contribution from Government of Indi, Rs.100.00 lakh towards matching share of U.G.C. assistance for extension of Government College buildings and Rs.200.00 lakhs for a new, scheme of Computer Application Course. The main thrust on education at+2 stage is on vocationalisation. In addition to152 sections in 108 colleges with 21 bocational courses, additional sections have been sanctioned in 8 Government Junior Colleges and one Government Degree Colleger and for continuing them, a sum of Rs.8.00 lakhs is provided for 1986-87. There is a commitment to provide grants-in-aid to private colleges which have completed 5/3 years of existance for men and women colleges respectively with a affect from 1-9-1985 and for this purpose a sum of Rs.123.45 lakhs is provided. During the year 1985-86, Government have introduced a new scheme called " Telugu Vignana Parithoshikam " for students in each district, who have obtained top ranking marks every year in S.S.C and Intermediate Examinations. For granting these scholerships at +2 and +3 stages, an amount of Rs.57.05 lakhs is provided for 1986-87. For similar such scholerships for those who pass with distinction in VII class, a sum of Rs.34.50 lakhs is provided in the plan for School Education. Further, a sum of Rs.50.00 lakhs is also provided for Economically Poor Persons (E.P.P. ) Scholerships. The other important provision made are Rs.50.00 lakhs for State's share of National Service Schemes (N.S.S.) Rs.20.00 lakhs for open admission colleges, Rs.5.0001 lakhs for introduction of re-structured courses in Government Colleges, Rs.30.00 lakhs for sanction of 50 vocational sections in Junior Colleges besides providing funds for additional posts and equipment required for the department.

The adult Education programme is intended to make the illiterates in the age group of 15-35, literates by a couse of three yeaqrs duration divided into three stages. During the sixth five year plan period, 26 aduot education projects under Centrally Sponsored schemes and 15 project under State Plan have been started with an enrolment capacityof 9,000 learners in each project for each year. The enrolment in the total 41 projects is thus 3.69 lakhs per annum. The provision made in teh Annual Plan for 1985-86 is Rs.350 lakhs for continuing the 15 State Projects and for starting five more projects in the State sector. Against this, the anticipated expenditure in the current year is only Rs.211.39 lakhs and this has ben provided in the Revised Estimates. For the year 1986-87 a sum of Rs.300.00 lakhs is provided to continue the 20 projects under State Sector and to start 2 more during 1986-87. This will raise the annual enrolment jto 1.98 lakhs exclusively under State Sector.

For other items under General Education, the allocations made are : RS.3.00 lakhs for 1985-86 and Rs.6.00 lakhs for 1986-87 for Registrar of Publications, Rs.5.00 lakhs for 1985-86 and Rs.4.00 for 1986-87 for Jawahar Bala Bhavan, Rs.10.00 lakhs each for 1985-86 and 1986-87 for A.P. Science Centre, Rs.17.22 lakhs for 1985-86 and Rs.16.58 lakhs for 1986-87 for A.P. Text Books Press and Rs.10.00 lakhs for 1985-86 and Rs.15.00 lakhs for 1986-87 for N.C.C.


The allocation for sports and youth services in the Annual Plan for 1985-86 is Rs.175.00 lakhs of which Rs.105.00 lakhs are for Sports and Rs.70.00 lakhs are for youth Services and the same allocations are provided for 1986-87 also.

Technical Education

An amount of Rs.338.50 lakhs is allotted to Technical Education Department during the year 1985-86 including an outlay of Rs.81.80 lakhs for buildings programme. Apart from the spill-over schemes, four Government Polytechinics for Women at Hindupur,Cuddpah, Palamaner and Nizamabad; a Boy's Polytechnic at Narsipatnam; two Model Residential Polytechinics for Scheduled Tribes at Bhadrachalam and Srisailam (to start functioning from the academic year 1986-87); three State-wide Institutes of Advanced Technician courses at Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam and Tirupathi to offer post-diploma courses in specialised fields such as Ground Water Engineering, Petro-chemical Technology, Foundry Technology, Environmental Engineering, Refrigentation and Air-conditioning and Computer applications; a State-wide Institute of Textile Technology at Guntur have been sanctioned during the year 1985-86. Keeping in view the demand for Technicians in Electronics field, Diploma course in Electronics and Comunication Engineering has been started at two existing Women's Polytechnics at Warangal and Nellore and three existing Boy's Polytechnics at Nizamabad, Proddutur and Mahaboobnagar. Diploma course in Architectural Assistantship has ben started at Andhra Polytechnics, Kakinada . In order to provide perment buildings for Polytechnics, administrative sanction has been accorded for 11 Polytechnics for a total estimated cost of Rs.500 lakhs phased over 4 years starting with an outlay of Rs.42.60 lakhs during 1985-86. Sanction has ben accorded for starting 3 years full-time degree courses for diploma holders in all private Engineering Colleges and 4-year part-time degree course for diploma holders in all University Engineering Colleges and Regional Engineering Collge, Warangal. As part of the programme for development of old city areaa of Hyderabad, a Boy's Polytechnic is started in collaboration with Quli Qutub Shah Urban Development Authority exclusively for the benefit of permanent residents of old city.

The allocation for Technical Education in the Annual Plan 1986-87 is Rs.400.00 lakhs. Out of this a sum of Rs.376.45 lakhs is earmarked for the on-going schemes and Rs.23.55 lakhs for new schemes. The important new schemes envisaged are Establishment of State-wide Instituite of Ceramic Technology at Gudur; Establishment of a Government Polytechnic for Women at Sangareddi in Medak District; Establishment of a State-wide Central Educational Film Library attached to the Directorate; Introduction of Deploma courses in Electronics and Communication Engineering at Government Polytechnic Nellore and M.B.T.S. Government Polytechnic, Guntur; Introduction of Diploma course in Civil Engineering at Government Polytechnic for Women, Guntur; Strengthening of Directorate; and setting up of Regional Offices effective supervision, periodical academic inspectiuon, Internal audit and assessment of performance and control over the Government as well as private Engineering Colleges and Polytechnics etc. An amount of Rs.90 lakhs is earmarked for biilding programmes sanctioned during 1985-86.

Art and Culture:

Under Art and culture the provision made for 1986-87 is Rs. 382.00 lakhs against Rs. 488.50 lakhs in 1985-86. Out of the allocation of Rs.382.00 lakhs for 1986-87, Rs. 10.00 lakhs are for State Archieves, Rs. 20 lakhs for Public Libararies, Rs. 10-00 lakhs for Archaeology and Museums, Rs.2.00 lakhs for Oriental Manuscript Library and research Institute and Rs. 340.00 lakhs for Cultural Affairs.

Out of Rs. 340.00 lakhs for Culturalal Affairs an amount of Rs. 40.00 lakhs is intended for the various programmes for the Director of Cultural affairs. Teleugu Vijnana Piitham, the new University established gets an allocation of Rs. 300.00 lakhs. Apart from offering course at the graduate and post-graduate level in Fine Arts like Music, Dance, Drama, Paintings, Instrumental mmusic etc., and the programmes for M.Phil., phd., and D.Lit degrees in Telugu language, literature, History, Philosophy, etc., and Medical and Engineering Sciences, the University has plans to bring out publications depicting Telugu language, Art and Culture, conducting Seminars, Workshops, Conferences and Memorial lectures. It proposes to establish a good Library, micro Film Unit and also to acquire a Video-Film Unit to produce Video Casettes of various art forms, computer for translation and language laboratory to offer courses for non-telugus etc.


The outlay for Medical and Health for 1986-87 is Rs.2,942.00 lakhs. The break-up is Rs.693.00 lakhs for Medical Education (Teaching), Rs.368.00 lakhs for Medical relief (Non-teaching), Rs.220.00 lakhs for Indian Medicine department, Rs.20.00 lakhs for Drugs Control Administration, Rs.12.00 lakhs for E.S.I., Rs.92.00 lakhs for Normal Public Health Schemes, Rs.900.00 lakhs for Minimum Needs Programme, Rs.37.00 lakhs for I.P.M. and P.H. Laboratories and Rs.600.00 lakhs towards 50% State's share of Centrally Sponsored National Programmes (N.M.E.P., N.F.C.P., Normal T.B. & B.C..G. and M.P.W. Schemes).

Modern Medicine

Of the amount of Rs.693.00 lakhs for Medical Education (Teaching), a sum of Rs.173.00 lakhs is proposed for Institute of Medical Sciences and Rs.200.00 lakhs for University of Health Sciences as Granti-in-aid. An outlay of Rs.77.45 lakhs is proposed towards spillover construction works. Provision is also made towards increasing beds meeting yardsticks deficiencies of nursing paramedical and teaching staff. Establishment of Cobalt therophy units are also proposed.

Out of the amount of Rs.368.00 lakhs for Medical Relief (Non-teaching), a sum of Rs.10.00 lakhs is proposed for State Component for UNICER assisted programmes and Rs.18.60 lakhs for special Component Plan Schemes. An outlay of Rs.153.00 lakhs is proposed towards ongoing capital works. For taluk hospitals an outlay of Rs.146.00 lakhs is proposed.

Indian Medicine

An outlay of Rs.220.00 lakhs is proposed for the Indian Medicine and Homeopathy for the State Plan Schemes, out of which a sum of Rs.134.79 lakhs is towards the continuing schemes and an outlay of Rs.75.00 lakhs is proposed for the new schemes to be implemented during 1986-87. The outlay includes establishment of 200 dispensaries in Mandal Headquarters for which an outlay of RS.70.60 lakhs is proposed. An outlsy of Rs.10.21 lakhs is proposed for the construction of Government Ayurvedic College, Vijayawada.

Drugs Control Administration

An outlay of Rs.20.00 lakhs is proposed for the Drugs Control Administration, out of which a sum of RS.8.10 lakhs is proposed for on-going Schemes and a sum of Rs.11.90 lakhs proposed for new schemes, which includes capital outlay of Rs.4.40 lakhs., besides strengthening the intelligence machinery etc.,

Normal Public Health Schemes

An outlay of Rs.92.00 lakhs is proposed under Normal Public Health Schemes, of which an outlay oif Rs.60.00 lakhs is proposed for School Health Services.

State Share of Centrally Sponsered Schemes

Under 50% share for centrally sponsored schemes an outlay of Rs.600.00 lakkhs is proposed Rs.440.00 lakhs is towards National Malaria Eradication Programme, Rs.75.00 lakhs towards National Filaria Control Programme, Rs.75,00 lakhs towards National T.B. & B.C.G. and Rs.10.00 lakhs towards M.P.W. Schemes.

Minimum needs programme

An amount of Rs.900.00 lakhs is proposed under Minimum Needs Programme. Out of this an outlay of Rs.102.00 lakhs is for spillover construction programmes. The new works proposed are construction of 200 sub-centre buildings at a cost of Rs.50.00 lakhs and construction of Primary Health Centre buildings in Scheduled Castes basties and Tribal areas at a cost of RS.8.00 lakhs. Out of Rs.740.00 lakhs, a sum of Rs.40.00 lakhs is allocated as grant-in-aid to Zilla Parishads. This programme is aimed at opeing of more primary Health Centres and sub-centres. 451 Primary Health Centres are established with effect from November, 1985 onwards. Up-gradation of Local Fund Dispensary and Government Dispensary (85 Nos.) at Mandal Headquarters to the level of Primary Health Centres is proposed. From out of Rs.900.00 lakhs Rs.155.60 lakhs, under Special Component Plan and Rs.52.59 lakhs is under Tribal Sub-Plan.

Institute of Preventive Medicine and Public Health Laboratories

An outlay of Rs.37.00 lakhs is proposd including Rs.7.85 lakhs under capital works foir all the ongoing schemes.

Employees State Insurance Scheme

The Employees State Insurance Scheme is a contributory scheme governed by ESI Act. The expenditure under this Scheme is sharable between the ESI Corporation and the State Government in the ratio of 7:1 . The total outlay for 1985-86 is Rs.80.00 lakhs of which, State's share provided in the plan is Rs.10.00 lakhs. For the year 1986-87 the total outlay for ESI schemes is Rs.96.00 lakhs of which Rs.34.24 lakhs are for continuing schemes, Rs.15.78 lakhs are for establishment of new dispensaries, Rs.7.32 lakhs for upgradation of existing dispensaries, Rs.31.86 lakhs for establishment of 100 bedded hospital at Patancheru in Medak District, Rs.1.50 lakhs for strengthening of hospital and Rs.5.30 lakhs for provision of ambulances for transportation of patients. The State's share for all these schemes is Rs.f12.00 lakhs and this kis provided in the Plan.


The Chief Engineer (Public Health) is incharge of water supply and sanitastion schemes in teh 2 Municipal Corporations of Visakhapatnam and Vijayawada and in all the other 93 Municipalities.

The outlay for 1986-87 is Rs.1400.00 lakhs, of urban water works (inclusive of Rs.270.00 alkhs as loan asistance) accounts for Rs.835.00 lakhs and Low Cost sanitation (inclusive of Rs.15.00 lakhs towards establishment charges) for Rs.565.00 lakhs.

Water Supply Schemes

An outlay of Rs.22.00 lakhs is proposed towards the establishment and development of Public Health Special Circle, Guntur. An outlay of Rs.1.00 lakh is proposed towards training for the inservice personnel in the kfields of investigation, design, execution, operation and maintenance of water supply and sewerage schemes, An outlay of Rs.797.00 lakhs is proposed towards water supply schemes inclusive of Rs.270.00 lakhs as loan component from L.I.C. An outlay of Rs.15.00 lakhs is proposed under Capital outlay for Warangal Water Supply Improvement Scheme.

Low Cost Sanitation Schemes

An outlay of Rs.565.00 lakhs is proposed for implementation of low cost sanitation programme, which includes an outlayof Rs.170.93 lakhs as STate Government loan under Centrally Sponsored Scheme for implementation of scavenging elimination programme in 9 municipalities.


An outlay of Rs.2000.00 lakhs is proposed for 1986-87.

For remodelling of distribution system, extension of pipelines, besides extension and improvement works kto provide water supply to illserved and unserved areas and to slums lacking water suply facilities, an outlay of Rs.57.00 lakhs is proposed. For remoidelling distribution system and meeting the requirements of Ordinance Factory an outlay of /Rs.180.00 lakhs is proposed.

For augmentation of water suply to twin cities from river Krishna/Godavari an outlay of Rs.12.50 lakhs is proposed and for diversion of surpl,us water from Himayatsagar to Osmansagar the outlay proposed is Rs.d100.00 lakhs.

To complete certain minor works etc. to see to the full use of Manjira Water Suply, Phase-II, an outlay of Rs.50:50 lakhs is proposed.

For Manjira Water Supply, Phase-III, with Singoor dam as the source of supply which is taken up to meet the shortfall in the present water supply scheme, an outlay, of Rs.1600.00 lakhs is proposed.


The "International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade" (1981-90) programme contemplates 100% of the rural population to be covered with basic minimum safe drinking water supply and 25% of rual population to be covered with sanitaty toilets. In addition to the identified problem villages for which Rural Water Supply programme was already covered, there are several villages which have become Problematic from drinking water supply point of view due to changed conditions. Therefore, the Master Plan for covering all rural population with the safe drinking water supply has been drafted. A provision of Rs.1700.00 lakhs is allocated during 1986-87 kfor R.W.S. Programme in the problem villages in addtion to completing spill-over items. The Vimukthi programme for rural sanitation will be continued during 1986-87 also and an allocation of Rs.400.00 lakhs is made.


More than a single agency is entrusted with housing progrmme, viz., A.P. Housing Board, Chief Engineer (Buildings) for Rental Housing Scheme, Hyderabad Urban Development Authority (HUDA), A.P. Housing Corporation Director of Weaker Sections and Director of Social Welfare (Land Acquisition).

A.P. Housing Board

For A.P. Housing Board an outlay of Rs.350.00 lakhs is proposed for 1986-87 whcih includes Rs.89.00 lakhs towards open Market borrowings . The outlays proposed for L.I.G. and M.I.G. are Rs.114.00 and Rs.47.00 lakhs is proposed.

Chief Engineer (Building) (Rental Housing Scheme)

The construction of quarters under Rental Housing Schemes was started in the year 1959. The quarters constructed under this schmes are meant for the benefit of the State Government employees on rental basis duly receiving the rent at 71/2 %or 10% of their pay or standard rent whichever is less as per rules in vogue. For the year 1986-87 an outlay of Rs.150.00 lakhs is proposed under normal Plan.

As per the award of the Eight Finance Comission, certain amounts were allotted to the State Government for construction of quarters for the Officers, Judiciary, Jail and Health Departments with a view to upgrade the standards of administration in these Departments. An outlay of Rs.263.71 lakhs is proposed.

Hyderabad Urban Development Authority (HUDA)

An outlay of Rs.10.00 lakhs towards loan assistance for Housing Programmes is provided during 1986-87.

Housing Sites and Housing for weaker sections

For acquiring sites for housing programme for Scheduled Castes and other Weaker Sections of the Society, an outlay of Rs.1250.00 lakhs is proposed for Director of Social Welafare.

It is proposed to construct 1.40 lakh houses in 1986-87 under Weaker Sections HOusing Programme and a provision of Rs.4800.00 lakhs has been mader ihclusive of Rs.744.00 lakhs of loan from Life Insurance Corporation and GRoup Insrance Corporation besides raising loans (Rs. 4.00 lakhs) from HUDCO and othe rfianncing agencies under State Government Guarantee.

Police Housing

A sum of Rs.450.00 lakhs for1986-87 (including Rs.200.00 lakhs under upgradation of standards of Administration) is provided to the Andhra Pradesh State Police Housing Corporation which has the aim of construction of quarters for 940 Police personnel.


Director of town and country Planning

An outlay of Rs.200.00 lakhs is proposed during 1986.87. Against this, the schemes proposed are (1) Grants tomunicipalities for implementationof Master Plan (Rs.750.00 lakhs ) (2) Regional Planning for fast developing urban complexes (Rs.25.00 lakhs) and (3) Integrated Development of Small and Medium towns (50% Centrally Sponsored Schemes) (Rs.100.00 lakhs.)

Director of Municipal Administration

According to teh survey conducted during the year 1980 there are 1575 slums with a population of 23,40,000. So far 1429 slums wiht a population of f17,93,680 have been covered under Environmental Improvement Scheme in all the Municipalities including Vijayawada and Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporations leaving 5,46,320 slum population yet to be covered in 146 slums. Besides several new slums might have been cropped up in the Municipalities due to influx of rural population subsequent to survery conducted in 1980. Certain Gram Panchayats may likely be upgraded as Municipalities and in such cases the slums in those Gram Panchayats have also to be taken up. Taking into consideration allthese factors, there may be considerable number of slums wiht considerable slum population yet tobe covered. During the year 1986-87 it is proposed to cover a slum poplation of 2,00,000 at Rs.250 percapita prescribed by the Government of India for which an amount of Rs.400.00 lakhs is proposed.

The Municipalities in Andhra region are maintaining elemenntary land secondary schools. Most of these schools are crowded and are housed in illventilated rented buildings. Some of the buildings are ill-equipped and not having adequate accommodation. To over-come this situation, it is proposed to take up construction and improvement of school building scheme in a phased programme. An outlayof RS.200.00 lakhs is proposed during 1986-87.

Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad

Towards works of traffic decongestions, improve sanitary conditions by additional and adequate drainage facilities and environmental improvement of slums, the Corporation proposes to take up remodelling of drains, road widening, flyovers and other developmental works like p;arks and playgrounds besides street lighting, etc.

During 1986-87, an outlay of Rs.1515.00 lakhs has been proposed, broad detaisl of which area (a) Twin cities Development (Rs.12115.94 lakhs), (2) Environmental Improvement Schemes (Rs.284.06 lakhs) and (3) Urban Coummunity Development (Rs.15.00 lakhs)

Visakhapatnam municipal Corporation

Due to establishment of major industries and coming up of Steel Plant there is need for providing minimum civic amenities like roads, water supply, drainage et. An outlay of Rs.10.00 lakhs is proposed for 1986-87.

Vijayawada Minicipal Corporation

An outaly of Rs.10.00 lakhs is proposed to, enable the Corporation to take up works like street lighting, stall etc.

Quali Qutub Shah Urban Development Authority

This Authority came into existence in August, 1981 wiht a view to replanning and developing the Old City . During the year 1986-87 an outlay of Rs.600.00 lakhs is proposed. Major works to be undertaken are (1) Widening and improvemnt to roads (Rs.100.00 lakhs), (2) Land Acquisition for different purposes (Rs.50.00 lakhs), (3) Schools, Colleges and Polytechnics (Rs.50.00 lakhs) (4) Street lighting (Rs.40.00 lakhs), (5) Water Supply (Rs. 50.00 lakhs) and construction of houses in slum areas (Rs.40.00 lakhs) etc.,

Hyderabad Urban Development Authority

An outlay of Rs.70.00 lakhs is proposed. The works include Development of green belts, approach roads etc. (RS.2.00 lakhs) and planning and development oriented studies 9Rs.8.00 lakhs.)

Other Urban Developmenht authorities

An outlay of Rs.10.00 lakhs each is proposd to 4 Urban Development Authorities viz., V.G.T.U..D.A., Visakhapatnam Urban Development Authority, Kakatiya Urban Development Authority and Tirupathi Urban Development Authority during 1986-87.


An outloay of Rs.40.00 lakhs is proiposed during 1986-87 for Information & Publicity for programmes such as advertising and visual publicity, press information services, Community Radio programme, Song & Drama services, Photo services etc. The allocation made for the A.P. Film Development corporation is Rs.300.00 lakhs for 1986-87. The programmes contemplated by the Corporation include sanction of loans for constructionof Cinema Halls and infrastructural Units, Construction of open Air auditoria in Mandal Headquarters etc.



The outlay for Welfare of Scheduled Castes for 1986-87 is Rs.3956.00 lakhs.

It is proposed to open f100 new hostels for which as also for the existing hostels an outlay of Rs.436.00 lakhs is proposed.

A total outlay of Rs.323.00 lakhs is proposed under Scholarships for S.C. srtudents as against the provison of Rs.270.00 lakhs for f1985-86.

A total outlay of Rs.1471.00 lakhs is proposed to implement other Educational facilities in 1986-87 like supply of note books, supply of dresses to hostelboarders, construction of residential schools etc.

For the year 1986-87, an outlay of Rs.35.00 lakhs is proposed for vaious types of training programmes like light Motor Vehicle driving, V.Os training, Typewriting, Short-hand Auxiliary Nurse Trianing and Economic Support Scheme for S.Cs.

Under health and housing programme for comminity services, common facilities in Harijanwadas etc., on outlay of Rs.79.00 lakhs is proposed.

An outlay of Rs.70.00 lakhs is proposed towards machinery for protection of civil rights and construction of community Halls.

An outlay of RS.1420.00 lakhs (Inclusive of Rs.5.00 lakhs for economic support schemes) is proposed for f1986-87 to implement the Schemes of A.P.S.C. Fiannce Corporation out of which Rs.765.00 lakhs is meant for investment in A.P.S.C. Finance Corporation and Rs.550.00 lakhs towards construction of hostel buildings for boys and girls.

In 1986-87 new schemes viz., leans to persons belonging to Scheduled Castes for employment abroad and moneraty assistance to Scheduled Caste students for studies abroad have ben introduced wiht a provision of Rs.2.00 lakhs under each scheme. This meets requirements of the candidates selected by the Director General Employment, Government of India, New Delhi for employment abroad who are poor and not able to meet travel expenses etc.


An outlay of Rs.1623.00 lakhs is proposed for 1986-87.

A sum of Rs.945.67 lakhs is proposed for educational schemes, Rs.470.65 lakhsis proposed for Economic Upliftment Schemes and Rs.206.68 alkhs for other development Schemes. The main empasis of the programme is to consolidate the benefits under existing schemes besides providing for aditonal coverage.

Another important aspect of 1986-87 programme is that the new rates of Rs.50/- for bedding material and for other wil be implemented. A new scheme of providing identity cards to Hostel/Asram school inmates which contains data in health status, 1986-87 educational programmes etc. is proposed to be introduced.


The outlay provided for the Welfare of Backward Classes in the Annual Plan 1986-87 is Rs.2098.00 lakhs.

During 1986-87, 120 new hostels will be opened at Mandal headquarters for which an outlay of Rs.271.00 lakhs is proposed. By the end of Annual Plan 1986-87 it is estimated that 1088 hostels including Ashram Schools hostels wil be maintained. Only 159 hostels arelocated in Government Buildings. During 1986-87, a sum of Rs.550.00 lakhs is provided for construction of Backward-Classes Hostel buildings etc.

Under Economic Support Schemes an amount of Rs.550.00 lakhs is proposd for 1986-87 for investment is A.P. Backward Classes Cooperative Finance Corporation towards margin money to benefit 68,200 Backward Classes families and an amount of Rs.60.00 lakhs is proposed for constructing 120 Dhobhighas. For post-matrc scholarshit an outlayof Rs.312.35 lakhs is proposed.


Craftsmen Training Schemes are intended to provide skill-orienntned training will major emphasis on practical knowledge. The Industrial Training Institutes started under this scheme have been turning out skilled man power required at the base level and in the production processes. During Seventh Plan, new Industrial Training Institutes are proposed to be established besides introducing new diversified courses. An amount of Rs.92.50 lakhs is provided for Craftsmen Training Schemes in 1986-87. Out of this, Rs.82-50 lakhs are for continuing schemes of 1985-86 and the balance Rs.10.00 lakhs for new schemes. Introduction of additional seats in Industrial Training Institutes i.e., computer, Electromics courses etc., is one of the new schemes wiht a provison of Rs.6.00 lakhs.

A sum of Rs.13.00 lakhs is allocated for the employment schemes. out of the Rs.3.00 lakhs are for the continuing schemes of Career Study Centre at the Directorate of Employment and Training, Employment Market Information unit and Job Development Unit to Cuddapah. Under new schemes a sum of Rs.10.00 lakhs towards State share is provided for computerisation of Registration and sponsoring for which 50% matching grant will be available from Government of India.

The outlay for the Labour Department for the year 1986-87 is Rs.35.00 lakhs. Out of the kRs.8.00 lakhs are for Comprehensive Family Welfare Education programme for the organised Industrial Labour being implemented in Andhra Pradesh, with the assistance of United National Fund for population activities. The remaining amount of Rs.27.00 lakhs is inended for continuance of posts sanctioned in 1985-86 for effective enforcement of minimum wages under Agricultural employment.

The allocation for the Department of Factories and Boilers for f1986-87 is Rs. 3.00 lakhs for continuance of 3 posts of Inspectors of Factories wiht supporting staff sanctioned in 1985-86 for enforcement of safety standared in Industrial Establishments.


The Special Employment Scheme is meant to help the educated unemployed candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Listed Backward Classes and Economically Backward Classes. It was launched on 15-8-1978, with the object of imparting training with a view to endow th educated unemployed wiht matriculation/I. T.I. qualifications who are on the live registers of localemployment exchanges with skill and entrepeneurial talents to ensure self employment or paid employment to them. The SElf Employment Scheme Programmes are in three categories viz., (i) Training-cum-Self Employment (ii) Trining-cum-employment and (iii) Manpower development programmes. Margin Money is alsogiven to set up self employment ventures.

Various schemes have ben under-taken covering broadly the sectors of Industry, Agriculture, Transport and skill development scheme under Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Instrument mechanism, Computer operation etc. F For implementation of these schemes an outlay of Rs.300.00 lakhs is proposed for 1986-87.


The allocation for Welfare of Physically Handicapped is Rs.200.00 lakhs. This outlay includews a provision of Rs.25.00 lakhs towards opening of new hostels, Rs.35.00 lakhs for economic rehablitation of the handicapped and an investment of Rs.30.00 lakhs in the A.P. Vikalungual C0-operative Corporation.

A sum of Rs.1.00 lakh has been provided for rehablitation of bonded labour.

Women and Child Welfare

The allocation for Women and Child Welfare is Rs.502.91 lakhs. This has been stepped up to Rs.650.00 lakhs for 1986-87. Out of the provision for 1986-87, Rs.38.84 lakhs are provided for opening of 30 mobile creches and 5 children homes besides continuing 16 moble creches and 5 children homes, Rs.38.60 lakhs towards State's share for sanction of grant-in-aid to the voluntary organisations under the scheme of Services for children in need of care and protection', Rs.100.00 lakhs for construction of building to the Anganwadi centres exculsively in tribal ICDS project areas, Rs.40.00 lakhs for kon-going and new departmental buildings, Rs.50.00 lakhs for establishment of Women Traning-cum-Employment Complexes through the A.P. Womens Co-operaive Finance Corporation, RS.50.00 lakhs towards Share Capital to A.P. Women's Co-operative Finance Corporation to release margin money to poor an dneedy women. A new schemeto provide financial ;assistance to pregnant women of agricultural labour families in their advanced staged of pregnancy (i.e. 8th and 9th month of preganancy and one month after deliveryis initiated in 1985-86. Under this scheme pregnant agricultural labour women in ICDS project areas. This assistance will be given for the first and second order of births only. For continuance of this scheme, a sum of Rs.175.00 lakh is provided for 1986-87.

Correctional Services

An outlay of Rs.75.00 lakhs is proposed for the Jail Department for 1986-87. This allocation is intended for meeting the on-going plan schemes which include State Institute of Corruptional Administration, Construction of new building for Junior Certificate School for Boys. Vocational Training Programme for in mates of certified Schools and Borstal School, Audio-Visual Educational to Prisoners, Vocational training programme for prisoners and after-care for ex-prisoners, etc.

Sainik Welfare

Under Sainik Welfare a sum of Rs.5.00 lakhs towards 50% State's share was provided for the first time in 1985-86 for strengthening of Directorate of Sainik Welfare at State level for effective employment placement if Ex-servicemen of the State through the "Employment Cell", establishment of Zilla Sainik Welfare Offices in nine districts and supply of Metal Bunk Stalls to disabled and deserving Ex-Servicemen/their Windows as a measure of self-employment. For 1986-87 also Rs.5.00 lakhs are provided for continuing the above schemes and for taking up one new scheme for preparing Ex-Servicemen for self-employment.


The provision made in the Annual plan for 1985-86 is Rs.372.00 lakhs. This has been revised to Rs.255.00 lakhs in the Revised Estimates in view of restricting the implementation of the programme only in the ICDS project areas. The provision made for 1986-87 is Rs.350.00 lakhs for continuance of the programme in the 10 new ICDS projects started in 1985-86 and in the 11 new ICDS projects proposed to be started during 1986-87 for benefiting 2.30 lakhs women and children with nutritious food referal services, immunisation etc.


Chief Engineer (Buildings)

The outlay proposed under normal Public Works, buildings is Rs.400.00 lakhs. The spillover works of Sixth Plan are proposed to be continued. Important works are (1) Multistoreyed Offices complex opposite the office of the Commissioner of Fisheries (Rs.70.00 lakhs) (2) District Police Office Buildings and Police Stations (Rs.67.00 lakhs), (3) Secretariat buildings (Rs.50.00 lakhs).

As per the award of the Eighth Finance Commission for taking up building works for upgrading the standards of administration in respect of revenue, police, treasuries an outlay of Rs.636.86 lakhs is proposed. For the Jail buildings an outlay of Rs.153.82 lakhs is proposed while for revenue buildings Rs.125.50 lakhs.

Stationery and Printing

The allocation of Rs.45.00 lakhs is proposed for this Department for 1986-87 for providing special staff for operating the new acquired machines, construction of building for storing paper, balance of the cost for Photo type setting machine and purchase of off-set machine and programmatic cutting machines.