Previous Budget Speeches




The provisional estimates for 1983-84 indicate that the State Income at constant (1970-1971) prices grew at a rate of 7.3 per cent over 1982-83 as against a marginal rise of 0.7 per cent in 1982-83 over 1981-82. The average index number of Industrial production in the State (adjusted for seasonality) recorded an increase of 4.7 per cent during the first five months of 1985 compared to the corresponding period of previous year. Labour situation improved during the year 1984. The employment situation in terms of the total number of vacancies notified and placements effected witnessed a setback, reflecting the All-India trend. The state of economy of Andhra Pradesh during 1984-85, however, indicates mixed trends. As compared to 1983-84 the Industrial Sector has registered an increase of 4.7 per cent whereas the Agriculture Sector appears to have suffered substantial fall in production on account of severe drought in most parts of the State.


The State Income of Andhra Pradesh was estimated as Rs. 10264.54 crores at current prices for the year 1983-84. It was higher by 15.4 per cent than Rs. 8898.68 crores of the previous year i.e., 1982-83. The per capita State Income at current prices stood at Rs. 1814 in 1983-84 compared to Rs. 1607 in 1982-83, registering an increase of 12.9 per cent. The share of the Primary Sector in 1983-84 in the total State Income at current prices was of the order of Rs. 4910.61 crores, that of Secondary Sector Rs. 1790.58 crores and that of the Tertiary Sector Rs. 3563.35 crores.

The State Income at constant (1970-71) prices stood at Rs. 4212.37 crores in 1983-84 which was higher than Rs. 3924.38 crores in 1982-83 by 7.3 percent. This growth rate was impressive compared with 0.7 per cent in 1982-83 over 1981-82 due to better performance in the agricultural front of the Primary Sector during 1983-84. As a result, the per capita State Income at constant (1970-71) prices registered an increase in 1983-84 which stood at Rs. 744 against Rs. 709 in 1982-83.


The production of foodgrains touched an all time record of 118.82 lakh tonnes during 1983-84 due to favorable seasonal conditions. While firm figures bare yet to be compiled on the level of production of foodgrains during 1984-85, a setback is indicated primarily due to the extensive drought conditions in the State, and to an extent on account of floods (as detailed below).

The monsoon behaved erratically throughout the year 1984-85. While the monsoon set in as usual in the second week of June it was active for only a few days, but dry spell set in and lasted until the middle of July , resulting in delays in sowings. The good rains in July caused resumption of sowings in many parts of the State. However, the onset of a long dry spell again in August, 1984 resulted in abandonment of nurseries and the standing crops being affected.

The deficiency in rainfall continued throughout September leading to further deterioration in the condition of standing crops especially I Telangana region and Rayalaseema region.

The total rainfall received in the State during the south-west monsoon (June- September) 1984 was 508 MM. against the normal of 602 MM. the deficit being 16 per cent. The deficit was 7 percent in Coastal Andhra, 14 per cent in Rayalaseema and 22 per cent in Telangana.

During the North-East monsoon (October-December) 1984 also the rainfall was deficient. As against the normal rainfall for this period of 203 MM., the recorded rainfall was 158 MM. -a deficit of 22 per cent. Among the regions the deficit was 16 per cent in Rayalaseema and 32 per cent in Coastal Andhra, while in Telangana there was a marginal surplus of 4 per cent over the normal.

The deficiencies in monsoon were compounded by a cyclic storm that hit Nellore district and eastern taluks of Chittoor district during November, 1984. The cyclic rains and floods caused enormous damage and devastation. The standing crops in substantial areas in these districts were under water for a number of days.

During May and the first week of June,1985 parts of the State received pre-monsoon showers on account of which land preparation for sowing of Kharif crops has been taken up briskly and sowings of early Kharif crops have been started.


In industries sector 25 out of 43 selected industries registered an increase in production during 1984 compared to the previous year. A significant increase in production was observed in the case of Heavy Electricals Industry (53.1 per cent) followed by House Service Meters (51.7 per cent), Tanning (51.6 per cent), Glass(43.8 per cent), Electronic Equipment (40.4 per cent), and Ball and Roller Bearings(32.6 per cent) Industries. Decline in indices was noticed in 18 industries during 1984 over the previous year. Maximum deceleration in production was observed in Cotton Fabrics industry (45.2 per cent) followed by Acetic Acid(42.3 per cent) and Sugar(37.2 per cent) industries.

However, during the period January to May, 1985, 30 out of 43 selected industries revealed increase in output as compared to the corresponding period of previous year. A significant increase in production was observed in Motor Cycles industry (244.1 per cent) followed by Petroleum products (100.3 per cent). Sluggish trend in output was recorded in 10 industries, the maximum deceleration being observed in Rayon Yarn industry (60.3 per cent).


During 1984, the average index number of industrial production in the State with base 1970=100 adjusted for seasonality, was 253.6 against 233.6 during the previous year thus showing a rise of 8.6 per cent.

During 1984, 12 out of 17 industry groups showed an increase in their production indices compared to last year. The maximum increase in the Group indices was noticed in Miscellaneous industries (49.5 per cent) followed by Leather and Leather products (40.5 per cent) and Electrical Machinery (38.1 per cent). The rise in index ranged between 5.0 and 19.7 per cent in Paper and Paper products, Generation of Electricity, Petroleum and Petroleum products, Metal products except Machinery and Transport Equipment and Machinery except Electrical Machinery groups. On the other hand, decrease in the indices was observed in five industry groups mainly food (28.0 per cent) followed by Transport Equipment (21.0 per cent ), Beverages (18.6 per cent), Basic Metal products (17.6 per cent) and Non-metallic Mineral products (2.0 per cent).

However, during January-May 1985 the average index number of Industrial Production adjusted for seasonality stood at 269.4 against 257.4 during the corresponding period of previous year showing an increase of 4.7 per cent. Group-wise, 11 out of 17 industry groups revealed increase. Considering the first five months average, it was observed that in 1985 the index number of industrial production increased by 100.3 per cent in Petroleum and Petroleum products, by 70.8 per cent in Transport Equipment group, and by 17.5 per cent in Basic Metal products group. The increase in index ranged between 1.6 and 16.6 per cent in case of Generation of Electricity group, Non-metallic Mineral products, Food, Paper and Paper products, Tobacco and Tobacco products, Chemical and Chemical products, Miscellaneous and Mining and Quarrying groups. However, during the same period decrease in the Index number was observed in Leather and Leather products group (18.7 per cent) followed by Electrical Machinery (13.4 per cent), Textiles (10.8 per cent), Machinery except Electrical Machinery (10.5 per cent), Metal products except Machinery and Transport Equipment (5.3 per cent) and Beverages (3.1 per cent) groups.


Electricity generation in the State during 1984 rose by 8.3 per cent compared to the previous year. However, during the period January-May 1985, it rose substantially by 16.6 per cent compared to the corresponding period of previous year.


During 1984 there were 81 industrial disputes involving 1.15 lakh workers and resulting in a loss of 13.47 lakh mandays as against 108 industrial disputes involving 0.66 lakh workers and resulting in a loss of 18.93 lakh mandays during 1983.


The number of persons on the live register of employment exchanges in the State has been continuously rising and stood at 22.21 lakhs at the end of April 1985 indicating an increase of 7.1 per cent over the number at the end of April 1984. The number of vacancies notified and placements effected declined to 46,452 and 30,309 during 1984 from 71,363 and 35,184 in 1983 respectively. Even during January to April 1985 both the number of vacancies notified and placements effected were less compared to the corresponding period of previous year. The number of vacancies notified during January responding period of previous year. The number of vacancies notified during January-April 1985 was 15706 while that of placements effected was 5679 as against 16,095 vacancies notified and 14,767 placements during the previous year. This is in conformity with the All-India trend.


Whole Sale Price Indices

The index number of wholesale prices of agricultural commodities in the State with base 1970-71=100 which was at 295.3 during January 1985, though recorded a fall in February 1985, rose steadily to 305.0 during May, 1985. Compared to May 1984 the index number of wholesale prices of agricultural commodities in May 1985 rose by 9.8 per cent. Group-wise 7 out of 9 groups recorded increase in the indices. A persistent rise in the index was observed in Drugs and Narcotics (119.6 per cent) mainly due to the rise in the prices of Tobacco followed by vegetables (57.5 per cent), Fibres (56.4 per cent), Condiments and Spices (23.8 per cent), fruits (6.7 per cent), Pulses (5.4 per cent) and Sugarcane (3.5 per cent). However, decline in the indices was noticed in Oilseeds (8.0 per cent) and Cereals (5.9 per cent) Groups.

Consumer Price Indices

During the year 1985,(January-April), the average consumer price indices for industrial working class for 8 selected of the State was 565 against 532 during the corresponding period of last year recording an increase of 6.2 per cent. During this period, the average price index for All-India was 588 as compared to 560 for the corresponding period of the previous year.



The Planning Commission approved for 1984-’85 a plan of Rs.918.31 crores excluding provision for Telugu Ganga Project. Including the provision of Rs.60.00 crores made for this project, a total outlay of Rs.978.31 crores was provided in the Budget for the Annual Plan 1984-85. During the course of the year the Government introduced pension to landless agricultural labour provision of financial assistance to Rickshaw Pullers, and had also to provide subsidy on supply of Handloom sarees and Photos to poor. Apart from these, substantial additional funds had become necessary to meet certain inevitable commitments like Minor Irrigation works in drought affected areas, Loans to Andhra Pradesh Dairy Development Co-operative Federation, Share Capital contribution to Tobacco Growers Union, Share Capital contribution to Andhra Pradesh Housing Co-operative Federation, Social Forestry, Opening of New hostels, 10% increase in the strength of existing hostels and increase in the rates of mess charges, Old City development, Share Capital investment in Allwyns, Financial assistance to Andhra Pradesh State Federation of co-operative Spinning Mills Limited, Hyderabad for procurement of cotton, Nutritional Programmes in I.C.D.S. Projects, construction of Dhobi-ghats and various development schemes for Tribal Welfare, payment of compensation for lands taken for Irrigation Projects in Adilabad district, etc. As a result the Plan outlay for 1984-85 was revised to Rs.1,021.39 crores. Against this, the actual expenditure reported by the Departments was Rs.923.02 crores mainly due to the need to restrict the expenditure to the Plan outlay approved by the Planning commission and the resource position of the Government.


The Sixth Plan Programmes were aimed at:

Significant step-up in the rate of growth of the economy;

Progressive reduction in the incidence of poverty and unemployment;

Improvement in the quality of life by providing minimum needs;

Reduction in inequalities in income and wealth;

Reduction in regional imbalances ; and

Controlling the growth of population through voluntary Family Planning.

With the above objectives in view a total provision of Rs.3,100.00 crores was made during the Sixth plan against which the expenditure would be Rs.3,243.59 crores. The sector-wise break up is given below:

( Rs. in Crores )





Sixth Plan Outlay Expenditure






Agriculture and Allied Services




Rural Development








Irrigation and Flood Control








Industrial Mining




Transport and Communications




Scientific Services and Research




Social and Community Services




Economic Services




General Services







In the context of decentralised planning, a beginning was made in the year 1984-85 by the way of allocation of Rs.23.00 crores at the rate of Rs.1.00 crore per district under the new head of development ‘District schemes’. Since nearly seventy per cent of the population depend on agriculture for their livelihood, the priorities accorded to the sectors relevant for agricultural development viz., Agriculture, Power and Irrigation during the earlier plans were continued in the Sixth Plan also. But due to change in policy higher allocations were made to "Social and Community Services" sector in the last tow years of Sixth Plan taking total provision for this sector to Rs.724.70 crores. Thus while Agriculture, Irrigation and Power sectors accounted for 64.1 per cent, the Social and Community Services sector accounted for another 23.4 per cent of the Sixth Plan outlay. Though large allocations were made for the above four sectors in the Sixth Plan, other sectors like ‘Industry and Mining’ and ‘Transport and communications which have an immediate bearing on the productive effort were not allowed to suffer Under Social and community Services sector, the emphasis was on beneficiary oriented programmes like 20 point programme, Pragathi Padham, Mid-day Meal Scheme etc.

During the Sixth Plan, the State Income at constant (1970-71) prices has increased from Rs.3,280 crores in 1979-80 to Rs.4,212-84. The per capita income (at constant prices) has increased from Rs.631 to Rs.744 during the same period. There has been impressive growth in agricultural production. The foodgrains production reached a record level of 118.82 lakh tonnes, oil seeds production increased by 44.7 per cent to 18.30 lakh tonnes and sugarcane production increased from 128.47 lakh tonnes to 149.61 lakhs tonnes, 3.99 lakh hectares of additional irrigation potential was created under multipurpose, major and medium projects. Under power, 1,268 MW of Installed capacity was added, 6,419 villages were electrified and 2.35 lakh irrigation wells were energised. The growth in the number of both small scale and large and medium industries has been impressive. For meeting the rural health needs 61 Primary health Centres about 10.35 lakh house sites were distributed, 5.63 lakh tenements or independent housing units were constructed and 34 lakh school going children were provided midday meals. The following table shows important physical achievements during the VI Plan.


The objectives of the Seventh Five-Year Plan are:

A rate of growth in the economy of the State around 6.5% with a view to reaching the All-India average per capita income in ten years from now;

Ensure augmented flow of resources from Central Government, institutional finances and investments in private sector by creating a congenial atmosphere and making crucial infrastructure investments;

Emphasis provision of social consumption facilities particularly in the field of watersupply, sanitation, education and health;

Strive towards a better balance in the levels of economic and social development through appropriate policies of irrigation, power, industries and social services in drought affected and other backward/tribal areas;

Accelerate direct poverty alleviation programmes through a two-pronged approach viz.provision of food and other essentials through public distribution system and creation on a large scale of avenues for gainful work;

Concentrate on productivity, viz. Overfull utilisation of economic and social infrastructure already created and generally avoidance of waste and inefficiency with emphasis on improving the standards of administration; and

Development of youth and women to enable fuller participation in the process of social change with a view to making them self-dependent and self-reliant.

Accordingly, the State Government of Andhra Pradesh has formulated a draft outline of Seventh Five-Year plan for an outlay of Rs.7500.00 crores. As already indicated, the plan envisages a rate of growth of 6.5% which is considered feasible in view of the stress on productivity, efficiency and avoidance of waste. The programmes designed to yield benefits in different parts of the State in the medium term are being given highest priority.

The sectors in which there is a new thrust are Horticulture, Sericulture, and Dry farming to benefit backward and tribal areas. Other sectors which are given greater thrust than before are Minor Irrigation, Rural electrification including energisation of pumpsets, education (in particular adult education), Health, Youth Welfare and Women Welfare. In terms of programme content vocationalisation and Vimukthi Programmes get importance.

An important feature of the Seventh Plan is the integrated development through introduction of Mandal set-up. The location of services and activities are sought to be so planned that they are available, in an integrated way, within practically walking distance of every village.

At the customary meeting between the Chief Minister and the Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission, held on 18-4-1985, the resources in sight for the State’s Seventh Plan were estimated by the Planning Commission at Rs.5200.00 crores and similarly for the annual plan 1985-86 at Rs.810 crores. (even after taking into account the additional resource mobilisation contemplated by the State).

The Chief Minister, however, expressed his inability to agree to the plan size based strictly on these resource estimates pending finalisation of some of the proposals such as increase in Central Sales Tax from 4% to 6% a decision on the consignment tax as also the possibility of enhanced share of the State in additional market borrowings. The Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission, pointed out that the planning process could not be kept in abeyance and suggested that the resources in sight as indicated above, should form the basis of the plan size of the State subject to a review on the basis of any decisions which the National Development Council might take on the issues raised by the Chief Minister, Andhra Pradesh. Accordingly it was agreed to proceed with further procedures treating the suggested outlays as working arrangements.

It is firmly, envisaged that the final size of the Seventh Plan would be in accordance with the States’ estimates. The State’s Seventh Five Year Plan and programmes thereof would, therefore, proceed on the basis of a Rs.7500 crores outlay.


The State Government presented to the Planning Commission a Draft plan of Rs.7500.00 crores for Seventh Plan and Rs.1170.00 crores for the Annual Plan 1985-86. The Working Groups constituted by the Planning Commission discussed these proposals in the meetings held at New Delhi on 28-1-1985. Pending finalisation of the Plan in the discussions between the Deputy Chairman, Planning commission, and the Chief Minister an outlay of Rs.1044.00 crores was provided for the Annual Plan 1985-86 in the vote-on-account Budget.

Subsequently, discussions took place between the Deputy Chairman, Planning commission, and the Chief Minister at New Delhi on 18-4-1985. In these discussions the resources available for the annual plan were assessed by the Planning Commission at Rs.810.00 crores excluding the Tamil Nadu’s contribution for Telugu Ganga Project.

However, taking into account the availability of resources including the recent efforts for mobilisation of resources and reasonable expectations on the outcome of the discussions in the National Development Council, the State Government have now formulated a plan with an outlay of Rs.1044.00 crores. Some of the important features of the Annual Plan 1985-86 may be summarised as follows:


Introduction of crop insurance programme to cover the whole State estimated to cost about Rs.3.00 crores. Preparatory work on three new Agriculture or Veterinary Colleges in being funded:

A boost to development of horticulture (including development of flowers) particularly to benefit backward and tribal areas-by practically doubling the plan outlay compared to the provision in 1984-85;

A distinct and impressive programme of dry and farming including provision for integrated micro water-shed development in each district;

Expansion of veterinary facilities with a view of ensuring a veterinary dispensary headed by a graduate in every mandal headquarters;

In Animal Husbandry, a special programme for improving the Ongole bulls through Ramathirthaam farm in addition to propagation of Rabit farming around Hyderabad has been suggested. Intensification of work in some of the sheep farms is also attempted.

  Enhanced provisions for fisheries sector involving intensified induction of fish seedlings in tanks, development of reservoir-fishing, encouraging fishermen’s’ co-operatives to take up marketing, thus reducing the role of middle-men, and early completion of fishing-harbours under construction on the coast;

Full requirements to match anticipated Central contributions in Centrally-sponsored projects like NREP, DPAD, IRDP have been provided so that Rural development programmes proceed vigorously;

For the first time, a plan allocation is being made in the field of ‘Disaster Management’ in terms of providing communication facilities both through Police and Radio Amateur system, a pilot project for Bailey bridges and rescue boats;

In the field of Co-operative, substantial work will have to be done in building a new ethos and culture. As part of these programmes, wings dealing with the Monitoring-information systems, audit and vigilance are emphasised in the schemes under Co-operation;

Step-up in the allocation for social forestry considering the energy, environmental and employment aspects of the programme;

A five fold increase in marketing and almost doubling of allocations for storage and warehousing compared to 1984-85 levels;

A substantial step up in the allocations for Irrigation for Srisailam Left Bank and Right Bank canals and special emphasis on early completion of a large number of medium irrigation projects;

Emphasis on Minor Irrigation (including provision of chekdams, percolation tanks etc) will continue particularly to benefit backward and drought affected areas. The activities of lending institutions including Land Development Banks will be closely monitored. Adequate provision has been made for Failed Well Subsidy Scheme. Programmes of Irrigation Development Corporation and Electrification are sought to be coordinated better;

The allocation to Andhra Pradesh State Electricity Board in Power sector has also been increased. IN particular it is proposed to emphasise energisation of pumpsets. Provision has also been made in the Plan for the new thermal plant to be located in Rayalaseema;

New Scheme in the field of handlooms and textiles viz. Establishment of State level institute for training of weavers and for providing research-cum-service facilities on design etc. as also emphasis on intensification and completion of the viability programme of the primary cooperative societies involving additional allocation towards their Share Capital contribution. Further an expanded programme of provision of work shed-cum-residential housing is contemplated for weavers;

A new scheme for providing assured and continuous income to the craftsmen in the field of handicrafts sector along with provision of work-cum-residential housing sheds in being initiated. IN addition it is proposed to bring out a book with colour illustrations showing the uniqueness of the crafts and the craftsmen of Andhra Pradesh;

Creating institutional infrastructure for sericulture to benefit the drought affected and tribal areas involving doubling of the outlay compared to last year’s allocation.

In the field of industry, the accent will be on the Government playing the role of a catalyst. However, the allocation to Andhra Pradesh State Finance Corporation has been more than doubled compared to last year to ensure a multiplier effect in terms of availability of institutional finances for small and medium size industrialists;

Allocation for roads has also been increased by about 20 percent to make a beginning in order to fill in the large gap in the road facilities in the State;

Allocations for the plan of APSRTC has been made as in the past to help augment its fleet and provide better amenities to passengers;

The Tourism sector is being earmarked for special concentration with the twin objectives of highlighting our history and monuments, and putting our State in the All India map of tourist centres of national importance. The Tourist Development Corporation has prepared an outline of Master Plan accordingly. As a result in addition to Rs.1.54 crore being provided in the non-plan to rehabilitate the Corporation a massive step up from Rs. 8 lakhs of 1984-85 to Rs.300.00 lakhs is 1985-86 is proposed;

In the field of Education, accent is placed on physical education and a programme of providing minimum facilities for physical education and locating a full-time physical instructor or a part-time instructor is being launched;

In order to give a boost to the facilities available in the Residential Schools taking into account their contribution to improvement in standards, a significant step up is provided;

Considering the importance of school education an unprecedented step up has been planned which involves, apart from allocations due to recommendations of the Finance commission, new schemes such as supply of clothes and text books to all poorer children and prize money to 300 students in every district automatically on the basis of merit without any reference to caste or income in respect of the examinations conducted by the Government at three levels namely VII, X and XII. Use of modern technologies such as VCRs, computers in schools is being stepped up;

Intensification and continuation of the programme of Vocationalisation already initiated in 1984-85 by the State Government is planned, Further, High School-sections will be started in all Mandal headquarters that do not presently have them in a phased manner;

While the school buildings in the rural areas have been constructed with the funds available from employment generation programmes, the school buildings in municipalities continue to be neglected and therefore, a step up in the allocation to Rs. 1.30 crore has been suggested;

It is also proposed to have training-cum-commercial activity complexes for women in each District headquarter and it is proposed to place orders for Government, semi-Government requirements such as clothes for children on these units. An allocation of Rs.0.50 crore has been indicated to the Department to initiate this activity;

A policy thrust to encourage distance education by use of the modern technologies already evolved and being evolved by the premier institution of the country namely Andhra Pradesh Open University is proposed. In making this allocation a conscious decision has been taken to discourage opening of degree colleges in Arts and Commerce;

An amount of Rs.4.00 crores has been proposed for the Telugu Vignanapeetham so that it can evolve into a full-fledged university and obtain requisite recognition from the University Grants Commission.

Establishment of Women Polytechnics in select centres as part of the programme of emphasizing upliftment of women apart from introduction of modern courses is an important element of the plans in Technical Education;

It is proposed to open 252 new dispensaries in the field of non-allopathic medicines (i.e, ayurvedic, Unani, Homeopathy) in the Mandal headquarters as part of a programme of provision of non-allopathic facilities at every mandal headquarters within the first three years of the Seventh Five Year Plan;

A programme of starting 100 primary Health Centres and also establishing dispensaries in all the Mandal headquarters that do not have a medical facility will be implemented in 1985-86 itself;

Health card system is being introduced to cover all school going children with health coverage and maintenance of records for each child;

Provision is made for enlargement of "Vimukthi" programme in urban areas. Similarly, increased activity is programmed for provision of latrines in rural areas particularly for women wherever the Panchayats of Mahila Mandals are willing to undertake maintenance;

The activity of the rural housing will be continued with a provision of Rs.40.00 crores apart from intensified efforts to obtain institutional finances. This is in addition to provision of Rs.4.35 crores for Police Housing alone;

For covering the vulnerable sectors of the urban population, the allocation for environmental improvements of slums has been increased from Rs.1.63 crores of last year to Rs.3.75 crores this year;

In respect of Quli Qutub shah Development Authority, authorisations have been issued to ground schemes worth Rs.10.00 crores;

Through the allocation of the A.P. Film Development Corporation which gets Rs.3.20 crores it is proposed to initiate programme of construction of Open Air theaters in every mandal headquarters;

In order to ensure effective implementation of the minimum wages in particular for agricultural labour institutional infrastructure for the department of labour is being expanded;

In the field of welfare of Backward classes, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes focus is on expanding the traditional pattern of schemes after transferring committed activities to non-plan for purpose of funding. Further, provision of additional facilities in the existing buildings and of equipments such as bedding, utensils for use of boarders is also emphasises;

Allocations are being made for the first time in the plan for NCC and Sainik welfare;

In the field of women and child welfare, it is proposed to introduce programme of assistance to pregnant women who are agricultural labour to take care of their 8th & 9th months of pregnancy as well as the first month after delivery in respect of first two pregnancies.

In the field of welfare of prisoners, schemes have been introduced to strengthen the educational opportunities with special reference to Vocationalisation and also facilities for gainful employment during the period of imprisonment. In addition details of schemes are being worked out for taking care of the more vulnerable families of the long term convicts;

In the field of planning, the programme of provision of telexes and computers in each district headquarters in expected to be completed during the year, in addition to establishment of a multi-terminal, mini-computer in the Secretariat and a mini computer in the Bureau of Economics and Statistics. As part of the Plan, Mandal Hand Books of Statistics are being compiled and published;

Constitution of A.P. Shore Development Authority to advise on an integrated approach to land use and development of shore areas and vulnerable sections of these areas;

The experience in regard to the effectiveness of the Crucial Balancing Investments (where in Rs.1.00 crore was released to each district for sanctions to be issued by Districts Planning Board as per guidelines) is being reviewed and pending results of such review a tentative provision has been made to enable some releases;

In making the allocations to various projects the need to provide or assure full requirements of externally assisted projects such as Social Forestry funded by CIDA; Slum improvement by ODA; EEC assistance for cyclone shelters; EEC assistance for Minor Irrigation development specially in drought affected areas and Tribal areas; World Bank assisted T & V system in Agriculture etc. has been recognized. Further since World Bank assistance is contemplated for works under Srisailam Right Bank Canal and Sriramsagar Project, plan provisions have been made consistent with the project reports submitted to the World Bank. In addition, reasonable allocations are proposed to Manjira Water Supply which is under active consideration of the World Bank for assistance.

In view of the policy decision by the Government to establish Mandals, as units of both Revenue/regulatory administration and development administration, series of changes are being made in a number of departments. Most of the changes are in the nature of redeployment of staff and marginal adjustments in the grades. Additions to staff are being kept to the barest minimum. However, planned activity makes provision for creating facilities as well as locating important social services. Thus, provision has been made in individual sectors like Animal Husbandry, Education, Medical & Health including Indian Medicine) Film Development Corporation, Marketing, Women Welfare (to provide services for mandal headquarters as part of their respective sectoral plans. In addition, funds from employment generation schemes are also sought to be used to build the mandal building complexes. A separate allocation has been made to the tune of Rs.10 crores to erect building where necessary as a supplement to the sectoral allocations. The disposal of Government land by assignment or lease in Mandal headquarters has been banned and proper plans for land-use are contemplated by strengthening the Country and Town Planning functionaries. In addition, standard designs are being developed in a modular fashion for building complexes in the Mandal headquarters.

The sectoral allocations proposed in 1985-86 thus take into account the following factors:

  The new policy thrust and schemes that have been identified as a result of series of meetings held at Ministerial level presided over by the Chief Minister in the month of June 1985;

Initiation of policy reorientations already firmed-up as part of the Seventh Plan exercises;

Providing for upgradation of services in the light of recommendations of the Finance Commission;

The effect of transfer of some of the plan expenditure of the Sixth Five Year Plan to non-plan at the commencement of the Seventh Plan ; and

Maintenance, as far as possible at least the level of activity of 1984-85 in those sectors which may not get a boost due to the policy reorientation.

The broad details of the Plan for 1985-86 in comparison with the outlays/expenditure in the previous years are given in detail section wise:


Agriculture continues to be the primary sector of our economy as 80% of the population is dependent on agriculture for their livelihood. 47% of the state income is generated from this sector. Thus, agriculture has become the main stay of State economy. Therefore agriculture is accorded higher priority in the plan schemes. The food production which was at 59.17 lakhs tonnes, in 1956-57 reached a new high of 118.80 lakhs tonnes at the end of the 1983-84. This significant increase is due to application of high yielding varieties backed with quality inputs viz., Fertilizers, Pesticides and improved technology.

The Annual Plan outlay for 1985-86 for Director of Agriculture is Rs.872.00 lakhs dry land farming is Rs.100.00 lakhs and Horticulture is Rs.90.00 lakhs. The Agro-Industries Development Corporation gets Rs.60.00 lakhs while research and education is allocated Rs.160.00 lakhs. A special provision of Rs.220.00 lakhs is provided for interest subsidy of loans given to small and marginal farmers by commercial and Regional Rural Banks in drought effected areas.

In order to derive the full benefit of irrigation facilities, it is proposed to saturate all the areas with high yielding varieties and also with management practices. IN addition to the existing and on going schemes of traditional nature, new seed testing laboratories supply of paddy seed mini-kits to S.C.Farmers, popularisation of micro nutrients, reclamation of saline Alkaline lands, strengthening of soil Survey Organisation and Soil Testing Laboratories, Evaluation Studies of Agriculture Programmes etc., are contemplated during the 1985-86. Special efforts are proposed for increase in food production by additional irrigation potential, dry and farming, application of high yielding varieties of seeds and increasing the consumption of fertilisers etc. The extension work in the agriculture front is proposed to be strengthened.

For the benefit of farmers a new comprehensive Crop Insurance Scheme covering paddy, Jowar, Bajra, Maize, Ragi, Redgram, Greengram, Blackgram, Groundnut, Gingelly and Caster has been formulated during 1985.86. A special provision of Rs.292.00 lakhs has been made for this purpose.

Three new Colleges either in Agriculture Faculty or Veterinary Faculty are contemplated in the Agricultural University in Order to meet the growing need for graduates in these faculties particularly in-service candidates.

More importance is given by increasing the outlay for Horticulture for giving it a boost since it benefits drier and tribal areas. The estimated additional annual Horticulture yield will be to the tune of Rs.476.00 crores apart from providing Rs.480.00 lakhs man-days of additional employment. A new scheme for the benefit of producers of Vegetables and Fruits for marketing their produce through Co-operative Society is proposed during 1985-86.

About 70% of arable land is under dry land\rainfed farming and mostly belongs to poorer sections of farmers. Keeping in view the need to improve productivity in the large dry land tracts of the State, which will also ensure dispersal of benefits amount all the areas in particular drought affected areas, it is proposed to give high priority to dry land farming in Seventh Plan. Accordingly, a separate head of development is provided. It is proposed to promote a new scheme of package of practices all over the State with emphasis on micro water shed development in select areas. The production of coarse grains and pulses which are generally grown in dry lands is around 29 lakh tonnes during 1983-84 and it is proposed to be stepped up to about 36 lakh tonnes raising a growth rate of 4% during 1985-86. To start with on a pilot basis, a water shed of 2000 hectares is taken up in every district for integrated land use development.


Soil and Water Conservation measures have to be taken up for securing better crop performance. It is estimated that about 80.13 lakhs hectares requires soil and water conservation measures. These measures are taken up on water shed basis in dry land areas. An outlay of Rs.75.00 lakhs is proposed for this programme during 1985-86. Further, outlay of Rs.5.00 lakhs is proposed under forests for taking up afforestation and soil conservation works in the hilly areas of Visakhapatnam.


A provision of Rs.25.00 lakhs for Marketing and provision of Rs.20.00 lakhs for storage & Warehousing are made during Annual Plan 1985-86 a steep step up compated to 1983-84. It is proposed to start construction of rural godowns, establishment of two tribal markets, one Fisherman Market, one Agmark Grading laboratory and also strengthening of the administrative set up of the Marketing Department. With matching assistance from the Central Warehousing Corporation in the equity participation, the State Warehousing Corporation has proposed to create 2.50 lakhs M.T.s., additional storage capacity during Seventh Plan.


Animal Husbandry plays a vital role as it improves the rural economy by producing hides and skins, wool etc., besides food. The allocation for Animal Husbandry in the Annual Plan 1985-86 is Rs.390.00 lakhs including Rs.20.00 lakhs for A.P.Meat and Poultry Development Corporation.

The progress anticipated during 1984-85 is:

  Milk 2.70 Million tons against 2.63 Million tons in 1983-84; (b) Eggs 2500 millions against 2375 Millions in 1983-84; and © Wool 27.50 lakh Kgs. Against 27.10 lakh Kgs. In 1983-84. The Plans for augmentation of milk production have been drawn up taking into consideration stipulations of growth rate made by the Working Group on Dairy and Animal Husbandry at the National Level, where by the total milk production will raise from 2.70 M.tonnes in 1984-85 to 3.62 M.tonnes by the end of Seventh Plan.

It is proposed to spend RS.109.00 lakhs on opening of New L.S.units at 173 Mandal headquarters which do not have any veterinary institution at present and on upgrading 262 R.L.Us to L.S.Us by which the twin objects of absorbing existing in service trained graduates and providing every Mandal headquarters with a veterinary institution will be met,

An amount of Rs,22.00 lakhs is proposed towards opening of 5 Polytechnics, improvement taluk veterinary hospitals with more of medicines and equipment and upgrading clinical Laboratories into Animal Health Centres. Under veterinary research it is proposed to strengthen Veterinary Biological and Research Institute, Hyderabad at a cost of RS.10.00 lakhs. Strengthening livestock cattle breeding farms at Ramateertham, Chintaladevi and Banavasi at an estimates expenditure of Rs.66.00 lakhs is being taken up during the year. An amount of Rs.6.50 lakhs towards National Sheep Development Project and Rs.5.00 lakhs towards piggery development are proposed.

A beginning is proposed to be made by establishing 3 rabit farm breeding farms for which Rs.7.00 lakhs is proposed.

The outlay for 1985-86 for A.P.Meat and Poultry Development Corporation is Rs.20.00 lakhs as against the anticipated expenditure of Rs.56.00 lakhs for 1984-85. An amount of Rs.15.00 lakhs is proposed towards share capital of the Corporation and Rs.5.00 lakhs is proposed towards infrastructural facilities.


The allocation for Dairy Development for 1985-86 is Rs.170 lakhs.

The main objective of the programme for inducting rural women into Dairying is to bring socio-economic change in the rural women by motivation and induction to dairying and encouraging them to play an active role in the village co-operatives. Dairying is the main source of supplemental income in the rural areas in which women are taking active part and 80% of the work in dairying being done by women. Further majority of the rural women engaged in dairying mostly belong to the category of agricultural labour, small farmers and marginal farmers. Therefore, encouraging a more women to take up Dairying particularly from these categories, will not only generate employment potential on a year round basis but also will improve their socio-economic conditions. This programme will specially be directed towards the induction of women to the village co-operatives and to encourage their participation and the technical inputs, services like Animal Health, Artificial Insemination, Feed and Fodder, etc. will be provided on free of cost with the grant provided under the Plan. For the success of the Dairy Development programmes and for enhancing the milk production, this programme is to be implemented throughout the State. IN fact, the programme already implemented on a Pilot scale with the financial assistance of the Ford Foundation has already shown very good results. With the success of this programme not only the Ford Foundation but also other international organisations, i.e., UNICEF, etc., are showing keen interest to participate in this programme. Therefore, an outlay of 5.00 lakhs is proposed for 1985-86 as grant which will enable other agencies to provide for matching grant.

An outlay of Rs.20.00 lakhs for 1985-86 is proposed for special assistance to the A.P.D.D.C.F.

In order to handle increased milk production it is proposed to strengthen and expand the existing chilling and processing facilities, apart from creating new facilities for new areas. Further to transport additional quantities of milk it is proposed to strengthen the transport system i.e., Road Milk Tankers and refrigerated trucks. For these activities an outlay of Rs.97.00 lakhs is proposed for 1985-86.

The technical inputs envisaged by the Federation i.e. breeding, feeding, disease control and animal health care besides extension work such as farmers motivation, training and organisation are essential needs for dairy development on Andhra Pattern. In order to make these inputs to be effective involving the milk producers, the organisation of technical inputs through the spear head team consisting of committees cadres of adequately trained rural management technicians, is being adopted under Operation Flood and this approach has proved to be highly successful. In the 16 districts of the State covered under OF-II Programme this approach is being followed by the APDDCF as per the guidelines of the NDDB/IDC. In fact the Non-OF-II area being more backward in resources for milk production and containing higher proportion of the weaker section farmers involved in dairying, there is need for comparatively higher investment on technical inputs. However, within the financial limits, the essential programmes of technical inputs are formulated under Seventh Five Year Plan and an outlay of Rs.50.00 lakhs for 1985-86 is proposed.

Other outlays proposed are:-

  Cost of site for new diaries etc. (Rs.2.00 lakhs)

Centralised technical input programmes (Rs.2.00 lakhs).

Special programme for induction of women (Rs.2.00 lakhs) ; and

Milk distribution system (Rs. 10.00 lakhs).


A provision of Rs.650.90 lakhs is made for Fisheries including Andhra Pradesh Fisheries Development Corporation for 1985-86.

The target of fish production for 1985-86 is 310 thousand tonnes (Inland 160 thousand tonnes and Marine 150 thousand tonnes) as against the anticipated achievement of 283 thousand tonnes for 1984-85. The target proposed to be achieved during 1985-86 is 15 Beach landing crafts and mechanisation of 125 Navas as against the anticipated target of 47 Beach landing crafts for 1984-85. In respect of Fish Seed production, the target for 1985-86 is 500 million fishery, 10 Nos. fish seed farms, 2.50. (ha) Nursery area and 25.00 (ha) Brakish water farming.

It is proposed to develop fully this year itself fishing harbour at Kakinada estimated at Rs.973.17 lakhs for which an amount of Rs.176.00 lakhs is provided as State’s share. For developing Bhavanapadu harbour, estimated at Rs.220.00 lakhs, Rs.66.00 lakhs is provided. Towards infrastructural development for fishing harbour at Machilipatnam Rs,10.00 lakhs is provided.

For composite fish culture through FFDAs., an amount of Rs.25.00 lakhs is provided. Rs.29.24 lakhs is provided for development of brakish water fish farming including swamps, nen culture, etc., Scheduled Tribe and Schedule Caste schemes taken are estimated at Rs.26.52 lakhs and Rs.66.30 lakhs respectively.

There are 128 reservoirs having a total water spread of 2.24 lakhs ha. The present level production is about 37kg/ha. There is scope to develop. It is proposed to take up the development in Nagarjunasagar, Ramsagar and Mylavaram reservoirs in 1985-86 which will be stocked with fish-seed worth Rs.26.70 lakhs. It is also proposed to supply crafts and tackle at 1/3 subsidised cost to fishermen. For this, an amount of Rs.43.20 lakhs is proposed.

Government of India introduced establishment of National Seed Farms. 30% cost is to be borne by State Government and balance is given by the government of India as loan Each farm is expected to produce 100 lakh fish seed. Two schemes were already taken up. As the demand is high, it is proposed to take up 3 more farms, 30% share amounting to Rs.35.10 lakhs is therefore, provided.

Scheme of marketing fish has been formulated at a cost of Rs.238.00 lakhs. In the first year, processing and storage of 500 tonnes of fish will be created at a capital cost of Rs.10.00 lakhs.

It is also proposed to purchase trawlers for deep sea fishing for which Rs.20.00 lakhs is proposed this year.


The outlays provided in the Annual Plan 1985-86 are Rs.1180.00 lakhs for Forests, Rs.25.00 lakhs for Zoological Parks.

The emphasis is on social forestry, preservation of wild life and forest conservation. Under the development of social forestry it is proposed to continue the CIDA project and avail the assistance for which a provision of Rs.705.00 lakhs is made. Centrally sponsored rural fuel wood plantation scheme would be continued. Other important programmes proposed are:

Forest protection for which Rs.55.00 lakhs is provided, spreading a network of wireless sets for quick and effective communication between various parties and people, flying squads, vigilance cell etc., continuing survey parties for Mutta villages for preambulation and survey etc., strengthening mobility and communication. For infrastructure development Rs.40.00 lakhs is provided ; for preservation of wild life Rs.85.00 lakhs is proposed. An amount of Rs.85.00 lakhs is proposed towards Tribal sub-Plan.


The Apexagency for implementing long-term credit programme is the A.P. Co-operative Central Agricultural Development Bank with its net-work of 218 primary agricultural development banks spread over the entire State. The Bank has also diversified its loaning operations so as to cover other farm activities like dairies, fisheries, poultry, purchase of bullocks and bullock-carts, social forestry, gober gas, pisi-culture, sericulture, etc. The bank has been raising resources by way of flotation of debentures most of which are subscribed by NABARD, while special debentures are subscribed only by NABARD., ordinary debentures are subscribed by sister Land Development Banks in the Country, Commercial banks and the L.I.C. with nominal subscription by the State Government.

The advances made by this bank to the farmers during the Sixth Plan period are of the order of about Rs.243.00 crores. It is proposed to set-up this activity during by the Seventh Plan period. So far as the State Government is concerned, an amount of Rs.400.00 lakhs is provided in the Annual Plan for 1985-86 in order to enable disbursement of Rs.75.00 crores under L.T.



During October, 1980, the Government of India extended the area of operation of the I.R.D.P. to all the blocks in the country whereby all the 330 blocks in the State got covered by I.R.D.P. The other programmes prior to the decision, such as S.F.D.A., I.R.D.(S), I.R.D.(D), I.R.D.© and I.R.D.(A.P), M.I.Programmes have been merged with the I.R.D. Programmes. The pattern of assistance is blockwise and on 50:50 basis between the Government of India and the State Government. The grants in respect of Central share will be released direct to the District Rural Development Agencies.

The small and marginal farmers have about 70% of the land holding but cultivate about 23% of the cropped area. The yield of these lands is generally low and the productivity is poor. In recognition of the need that small and marginal farmers would be given all possible assistance in increasing the agricultural production, the Government of India have formulated a Centrally Sponsored Scheme at 50% Central assistance for supporting the small and marginal farmers (preferably water sheds) in each of the 330 blocks in the State. Under this Scheme a sum of Rs.3.50 lakhs is intended for subsidy on wells and pumps to small and marginal farmers on I.R.D.P. Pattern upto 50% Rs.0.50 lakh is for subsidy on Plantation of fuel and fruit trees on I.R.D.P. pattern upto 50% and Rs.1.00 lakhs is for free distribution of mini-kits of seeds and fertilisers for oil seeds and pulses and production inputs, land development and cost of staff etc.

For 1985-86 Rs.2275.00 lakhs is provided.


An important Scheme introduced by the State Government is "Failed Well Compensation Scheme" commencing from 17-12-1984. The scheme envisages compensation at 100% to Marginal Farmers and small farmers and 75% to others inclusive of the subsidy portion considering that the cost of a well is Rs.10000 if it exceeds that amount. The interest portion shall be shared equally by NABARD and the participating Bank in case of NABARD refinanced schemes and wholly by the Bank in case of other schemes. An amount of Rs.200.00 lakhs has been provided for the purpose during 1985-86.


This is aimed at mitigating the incidence of drought through the creation of permanent assets and utilisation of the local resources endowment of the Drought Prone Areas. A large area of the State is in the chronically drought affected parts. 76 taluks covering 47.5% of the State area have been notified as chronically drought affected taluks which cover .4.7% of the population.

In the Sixth Plan the area of operation of the programme was 66 blocks; 3 more blocks in Rangareddy and Nalgonda Districts were added during 1985-86. An amount of 495.00 lakhs for 1985-86 is proposed as State’s share; the share of Government of India will be Rs.495.00 lakhs.


The National Rural Development Programme was started in October, 1980 replacing Food for Work programme for providing employment to the needy in rural areas. This is centrally sponsored scheme on 50:50 basis between the Centre and the State. The Programme has three basic objectives; viz., (I) Generation of additional gainful employment for the unemployed and underemployed persons both men and women in the rural areas; (ii) Creation of durable community assets for strengthening rural infrastructure which will lead to rapid growth of rural economy and steady rise in the income levels of the rural poor; and (iii) Improvement of the Nutritional status and the living standards of the rural poor. Physical achievements in terms of assets created under the programme upto 31-3-1985 from its inception are : Area covered under Social Forestry (17,669 ha); Works directly benefiting S.Cs & S.Ts- Development of house-sties (7185 Nos.); Construction of houses (2,64,360 Nos), and other works (3,223 Nos), Construction of village tanks (425 Nos,); Minor Irrigation work including those relating to Flood protection, drainage and Water logging works, construction of intermediate and main drains and field channels (32,088.50 Nos); Soil conservation and land reclamation (97,040 Hects.); Provision of drinking water wells and water sources and cattle ponds, etc., (9,296 Nos.); Rural Roads (32,106 Kms); School and Balwadi buildings Panchayat Ghars, Community Centres, Pinjra Poles, Goshalos, etc. (10,650 Nos) and Mandays generated (1,053.56 lakhs).

The State Plan outlay for 1985-86 is Rs.2,270.00 lakhs and the central matching share will be an equal amount, thus making the total outlay for NREP as Rs.4,540.00 lakhs.

In order to tackle effectively the hard-core of rural poverty, particularly pertaining to employment opportunities to the landless during the lean agricultural periods when work is scarce, the Government of India have introduced the new scheme called "Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme" during 1983-84. It has been conceived as a cent-per-cent Centrally Sponsored Scheme. The main objectives of the scheme are to improve and expand employment opportunities for rural landless with a view to providing guarantee of employment to at least one member of every landless labour household upto 100 days in a year and creation of durable assets for strengthening the rural infrastructure, which will lead to rapid growth of rural economy. Construction of school building and laying of rural link-roads are mainly taken-up under this programme while providing employment opportunities to the rural landless.


The Plan schemes of the Department of Panchayati Raj relate to grants in-aid to Panchayati Raj bodies for : (a) Development activities ; (b) Incentives to Mahila Mandals ; Completion of incomplete Primary Health Centre Buildings ; (d) Training Programmes; (e) Financial assistance to the Gram Panchayats for Development activities ; (f) Prize awards to best gram panchayats ; and (g) Grants for TV Programmes.

It is proposed to continue these programmes during the Seventh Plan also. While considering the outlay for Seventy Plan for P.R. Programmes, the proposed Panchayat Mandal set-up has also been kept in view. The outlay for 1985-86 is Rs.68.00 lakhs for C.D.programme, while special allocation of Rs.1,000.00 lakhs, is proposed for Mandal Complex Buildings.


A provision of Rs.70.00 lakhs is made for the Survey Settlements and Land Records Department and an equivalent central assistance is expected for execution of programmes of this Department.


Disaster Management is having an allocation of Rs.216.00 lakhs for 1985-86 for construction of cyclone shelters and other special programmes. A total number of 1336 villages were identified in the Coastal Districts for the purpose of construction of community cyclone shelters. So far 420 cyclone shelters have been completed out of 524 cyclone shelters taken up. Assistance from the European Economic Community is coming for construction of an additional 200 cyclone shelters. Construction of these shelters are at various stages and the provision of Rs.181.00 lakhs is meant for this purpose. If the donor agencies come forward this number can be increased so as to cover all the identified villages with the programme of construction cyclone shelters. Other important items under the disaster management proposed during the Seventh Plan are Wireless Stations, Bailey Bridges, Rescue Boats, Data Collection Platforms, Base Medical Stores/Equipment, Diesel Generation sets, etc. These items are in addition to those provided for the measures identified to be incorporated in the programmes of the respective sectors for raising the level of preparedness to meet the effects of natural calamities for minimising damages. A provision of Rs.35.00 lakhs is made for special programmes viz., setting up wireless communications in Police Stations, Ham Radio Service, Purchase of Bailey Bridges and Rescue Boats on pilot basis and provision of base Medical equipment at strategic points.


Besides providing production-credit by way of crop loans and medium-term loans and investment credit by way of long-term loans, co-operative have also been assisting farmers in storing, processing and marketing their agricultural produce. The main focus of attention of co-operatives is to assist the weaker-sections viz., small and marginal farmers/S.Cs and S.Ts. The Co-operative agricultural societies supply inputs including chemical fertilizers and also essential consumer goods at reasonable prices to the farmers. They also provide credit for investment purposes for agriculture and allied activities and also for other diversified purposes. Two APEX Banks Viz., the Andhra Pradesh State Co-operative

Bank and the A.P. Cooperative Central Agricultural Development Bank, the 27 District Cooperative Central Banks, the 218 Primary Agricultural Development Banks and the 6,873 Primary Agricultural Credit Societies in the State have issued credit to a tune of Rs.1,017.85 crores during the Sixth Plan.

On the marketing co-operatives, the APEX Body is called the Markfed (A.P.Marketing Cooperative Marketing Federation). This is having 20 District Marketing Societies, 356 Primary Cooperative Marketing Societies and 186 Cooperative Processing Units in the State. Among the several activities of these marketing cooperatives, the important are supply of agricultural inputs, sale of consumser goods, procurement of paddy and agricultural produce, selling of rice and constructing storage capacity. It is proposed to tap the central finances also and increase the storage capacity of the MARKFED from the present 5.10 lakh metric tons to 8.00 lakh metric tons. In the consumer sector, the main objectives being sale of essential commodities at reasonable prices to its members, it is proposed to actively involve the consumer cooperatives in the public distribution system. The A.P. State Consumers Federation is the APEX body with 190 taluk-level Super Bazars/ Mahila Super Bazars, 361 Mahila Consumer Stores, and 950 Primary Consumer Stores registered for doing business in consumer goods. It is proposed to give staff assistance for supervision and also increase resources to these societies to carry-out the business. It is proposed to achieve sale of consumer goods worth Rs.70.00 crores in Urban areas and Rs.16.00 crores in rural areas every year, the Consumers Federation is also entrusted with the job of distribution of Text Books and Note Books to High Schools and also imported sugar for holding price line. It is proposed to open three new Grameena Banks in East Godavari, West Godavari and Krishna Districts. There are weaker-sections cooperatives rendering great assistance for improving financial position and bringing members above the poverty line. The Societies issue loans for purposes of purchase of rickshaw, Bullock-carts, Plough Bullocks, Sewing Machines etc.

In order to streamline administration in the Cooperative Department job performance charts have been devised. Systematic strengthening of Cooperative sector is contemplated by a package of programmes such as administration strengthening and establishment of Vigiliance Cell and Prosecution Cell for effective checking and controlling malpractices. Misappropriations and other corrupt practices in the co-operatives. An outlay of Rs.352.50 lakhs is provided under Cooperation in the Annual Plan 1985-86.


During the year 1985-86 an outlay of RS.25557.30 lakhs has been provided for Major and Medium Irrigation Projects and Rs.500.00 lakhs for Drainage and Flood Control Schemes.

The allotment for N.S.P. during 1985-86 is Rs.3000.00 lakhs. The total irrigation potential under this project is 895-28 T.Ha and the anticipated achievement to end of VI Plan is 794.53 T.Ha. It is programmed to create an additional irrigation potential 19.00 T.Ha during 1985-86.

Under Telugu Ganga Project, it is envisaged to supply 15 T.Mc of drinking water to Madras city to be shared equally by the three basin States of Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Karnataka. The water to be made available to Madras city will be supplied from Somasila reservoir. The project also envisages for providing irrigation facilities of about 111 T.Ha of land in Kurnool and Cuddapah Districts and 124 T.Ha in Nellore and Chittoor districts by utilising and the surplus flood waters from the rivers Krishna and Pennar. An amount of Rs.7500.00 lakhs is provided for this project during 1985-86 against the allotment of Rs.6000.00 lakhs made during 1984-85.

Under Somasila Project, it is envisaged to create an irrigation potential of 44.235 T.Ha of new ayacut, besides stabilisation of 119.352 T.Ha. under tanks. A total amount of Rs.6283.33 lakhs was spent to end VI Five-Year Plan. An outlay of Rs.8000.00 lakhs is proposed during the VII Five-Year Plan with a target to create an additional irrigation potential of 44.24 T.Ha. The provision made for this project during 1985-86 Rs.800.00 lakhs.

For the Sriramsagar Project an amount of Rs.4000.00 lakhs is provided during 1985-86. The total irrigation potential to be created under this project is 651.00 T.Ha. An irrigation potential of 225.20 T.Ha is created to end of VI Five-Year Plan. An outlay of Rs.35000.00 lakhs has been proposed for this project during VII Five-Year Plan with a target to create an additional irrigation potential of 186.00 T.Ha. This project is being posed for World Bank group assistance along with Srisailam Right Bank Canal.

Under Srisailam Right Bank Canal, it is envisaged to irrigate an ayacut of 76.89 T.Ha. An amount of Rs.20000.00 lakhs is proposed for this project during the VII Five-Year Plan and an amount of Rs.2000.00 lakhs is provided during 1985-86. Under Srisailam Left Bank Canal it is envisaged to irrigate an ayacut of 121.00 T.Ha. An amount of Rs.7500.00 lakhs has been proposed during the VII Five-Year Plan and an amount of Rs.1500.00 lakhs has been provided during 1985-86.

The allocation made in 1985-86 for other important major irrigation projects are Godavari Barrage Project Rs.300.00 lakhs, Vamsadhara Project Stage-I & II Rs.300.00 lakhs ; TBPHLC. Stage-II Rs.600.00 lakhs, improvements to Nizamsagar Rs.50.00 lakhs; Yeluru Reservoir Scheme Rs.1050.00 lakhs; Singur Project Rs.1000.00 lakhs Jurala Project Rs.800.00 lakhs ; Polavaram Barrage Rs.8.00 lakhs ; Flood Control Schemes Rs.125.00 lakhs; Drainage Schemes Rs.375.00 lakhs.

The provision made for medium irrigation schemes during 1985-86 is Rs.2051.00 lakhs, of which Rs.100.00 lakhs are for Varadarajaswamygudi project, Rs.70.00 lakhs for Buggavanka project and Rs.100.00 lakhs for Upper Kaulasanal project.


The allocation for Minor Irrigation for 1985-86 is Rs.3370.00 lakhs of which 2340.00 lakhs for Minor Irrigation (P.W.D.), Rs.65.00 lakhs for Ground Water Department, Rs.920,00 lakhs for A.P. State Irrigation Development Corporation and Rs.45.00 lakhs for Chief Engineer (P.R.).

Under Minor Irrigation (PWD), it is proposed to take up 194 ongoing works including percolation tanks, 74 new schemes and 11 E.E.C. aid schemes with an outlay of RS.1552.00 lakhs which is inclusive of establishment charges. Besides Rs.8.00 lakhs is provided towards Lift Irrigation Schemes. In addition Rs.140.00 lakhs for Tribal Welfare schemes, Rs.350.00 lakhs for special component schemes and Rs.290.00 lakhs for Investigation of schemes are proposed during 1985-86. The target of Irrigation potential during 1985-86 is 29,000 hectares. Further Rs.1012.00 lakhs are proposed for taking up works in drought-prone areas.

The allocation for Ground Water Department for the year 1985-86 is Rs,65.00 lakhs. During 1985-86, it is proposed to taken up detailed surveys to examine 27,250 sites including Special/Central Assistance Scheme and Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes beneficiaries and also to cover 6,000 sq.Kms. area under detailed hydrogeological surveys. It is also proposed to take up exploratory-Cum-production well drilling at 400 sites and 150 sites are to be examined for the feasibility for construction of Percolation tanks besides the continuation of monitoring of water levels and detailed studies in 17 basins.

The A.P. State Irrigation Development Corporation which was constituted in 1974 is engaged in creation of Irrigation facilities by construction of L.I.Schemes on different rivers/drains/canals,etc., for exploiting ground water potential. The beneficiaries of these schemes include Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes families and small and marginal farmers, etc. It has also constructed 71 L.I. schemes and has drilled and commissioned 1700 Bore/Tube wells. 51 L.I. schemes are currently under execution besides over 2000 tube wells have been constructed but are awaiting energisation. Upto end of 30-6-85 the potential ayacut of 1,67,051 acres was created and ayacut of 86,482 acres was developed.

In the Annual Plan 1985-86 an amount of Rs.920.00 lakhs is provided towards share capital. The Corporation expects an amount of Rs.1840.00 as loan from Commercial Banks as institutional finance through NABARD besides another Rs.150.00 lakhs from other agencies for financing the programme of the current year. The Corporation has programmed to create an irrigation potential of 70,166 acres during 1985-86 besides developing an additional ayacut of 36,373 acres.


The essential twin objectives of Irrigation Utilisation and command Area Development Department are to bridge the gap between the creation and utilisation of irrigation potential by bringing additional areas under irrigated agriculture and to increase the agricultural production and productivity at optimum efficiency levels. The A.P.I U & CAD Act, 1984 provides for statutory backing and empowers various functionaries at different levels in the multi-disciplines for effective implementation of intensive Command Area Development activities, to maintain irrigation discipline, besides penalising activities which are detrimental to the efficiency of irrigation discipline, besides penalising activities which are detrimental to the efficiency of irrigation network. Pipe Committees are to be formed for each of the pipe outlets to obtain the full participation of the farmers and for equitable distribution of irrigation waters amongst all the notified ayacutdars and this is receiving the attention of the Government. The Sixth Plan targets under various components have been achieved in most of the sectors ahead of schedule.

Among the major components of CAD activities, the progress achieved upto end of March 1985 under Systematic Canal Operation was 4.55 lakh hectares, under Warabandi 1.90 lakh hectares, Soil Survey 3.58 Hectares, Topographical Survey 4.71 lakh hectares, area designed was 4.26 lakh hectares, field channels 5.60 lakh hectares while Ayacut roads were completed to a length of 936 Kms.

Intensive Agricultural Extension for 12.14 lakh hectares has been covered and credit facilities have been provided for Rs.2863.45 lakhs under long term credit and Rs.12,515.00 lakhs under short term credit to the beneficiary farmers for systematic land development in the four select major command areas. Recently, orders have been issued to take up intensive CAD activities in Vamsadhara Project to cover the backward and drought prone-areas of Srikakulam district. The transfer of field channel construction work from the Irrigation Department to IU & CAD Department is also under consideration for speedy execution of field channels upto each landholding at project cost. The percentage of coverage paddy with High Yielding Varieties in four command areas has been brought to 95%.

The Department’s objective is to improve total agricultural production and productivity is the command areas, at optimum efficiency by better utilisation of land and water while taking steps to quickly utilise all irrigation potential created. Towards this end, severe strategies have been evolved as Integrated Water Management, Systematic Land Development. Conjunctive use of ground water with surface flows for maintaining soil fertility, prevention of water logging by ground water monitoring studies etc.

A first-ever comprehensive Water and Land Management Training and Research Institute set-up in the year 1982 for imparting intensive in-service training to various officials including grass-root level and farmers multi-disciplines of Irrigation, Agriculture, Operations, Command Area Development, etc., for improved management practices including extension services, growing from strength to strength.

The Plan outlay for C.A.D. for 1985-86 is Rs.1003.00 lakhs.


The outlay for Power for the year 1984-85 was Rs.16,200.00 lakh for A.P.S.E.B. and Rs.3,800.00 lakhs to Chief Engineer, Srisailam making a total of Rs.20,000.00 lakhs.

310 M.W. installed capacity fulfilling the target fixed for the year 1984-85 has been added by Commissioning 4th unit of 110 M.W. at Srisailam and first and second units of 100 M.W. each of Nagarjunasagar pumped storage Hydro-Electric Scheme, Stage-II, increasing the installed capacity (State sector) to 3,156 M.W. (after retiring 55 M.W. of old sets). Thus the target for capacity additions for sixth plan exceeded by advancing the commissioning of 2 units of Nagarjunasagar Pumped Storage Hydro-Electric Scheme Stage-II. The Andhra Pradesh system touched a maximum demand of 2158 M.W. during 1984-85 against 1,743 M.W. (restricted) in 1983-84. The maximum daily average consumption in the grid touched 41.95 M.K.W.

298 K.M. of 220 K.V. lines and 325 K.M. 132 K.V. lines and 2 numbers of 220 K.V. sub-stations and 7 numbers of 132 K.V. sub-stations were completed during that year 100 MVAR 33 K.V. Shunt capacitors in 12 numbers of E.H.T. sub-stations were also installed during 1984-85 besides erecting 124 numbers of 33/11 K.V. sub-stations.

Against the target of 1,193 villages were electrified and against the target of energisation of 60,000 pump sets, 60,561 pump sets were energised.

For 1985-86 an amount of Rs 17,000.00 lakhs has been allotted A.P.S.E.B, the existing generating capacity is proposed to be augmented by addition on 210 M.W. by commissioning of third unit of 100 M.W. Nagarjunasagar Pumped Storage Hydro-Electric Scheme Stage-II, and the first time of 110 M.W. Srisailam Hydro-Electric Scheme Stage-II increasing the installed capacity to 3,366 M.W. by March, 1986. In the Central sector, the State Continues to get its share of 6,000 M.W. for Ramagundam Super thermal Power Station.

Provision has been made in the Plan for the new Thermal Plant to be located in Rayalaseema.

To evacuate power from Hydro Thermal Power Stations to various load centres. The transmission net work is being strengthened. 863 K.M. of 220 K.V. lines 1228 Kms. Of 132 K.V. lines, 5 numbers of 220 K.V. sub-stations and 29 numbers of 132 K.V. sub-stations are programmed to be completed during the year, besides distribution and system improvement works proposed to be taken up in a big way. The outlay of distribution and system improvement scheme which was 2500.00 lakhs in 1984-85 has been increased to 3226.00 lakhs.

It is proposed to electrify 800 villages and energise 68,000 to 78,000 agricultural pump sets.

For C.E.(Srisailam) an outlay of Rs.1,000.00 lakhs is provided. The Srisailam Hydro Electric Project was handed over to the Board in so far as Power House and connected works are concerned. Rest of the works still remain with the Project and decrease Charges are also to be met. Towards meeting these expenses a provision of Rs.1,000.00 lakhs is made in 1985-86.


The allocation proposed for village and Small Industries is Rs.1762.00 lakhs comprising Rs.175.00 lakhs for Commissioner of Industries, Rs.20.00 lakhs for Andhra Pradesh Small Scale Industries Development Corporation, Rs.30.00 lakhs for LIDCAP, Rs.40.00 lakhs for A.P.Khadi and Village Industries Board, Rs.3.00 lakhs for Commerce and Export Promotion, Rs.1,194.00 lakhs for Handloom and Textiles, Rs.250.00 lakhs for Sericulture, and Rs.50.00 lakhs for Handicrafts Development Corporation.

For the year 1985-86 the allocation proposed is Rs.175.00 lakhs. It is proposed to continue the district Industries Centres have undertaken several programme in the direction of rural industrialisation and have become identifiable focal points for the entrepreneurs seeking Government help.

LIDCAP was sent up for promotion of Leather Industry in the State and to improve the Economic Standards of the traditional leather workers mostly from Scheduled Castes and other weaker section of the Society. It has formulated programmes to train Scheduled Caste Candidates in modern methods of Chappal and Shoe making, to establish more production units in the state, to establish raw material deposits-cum-show rooms to assist the, cobblers under the self employment scheme by providing subsidy and margin money, to modernise and revitalise tanneries at Hyderabad and Guntakal and to streamline the work of the common facility centre at Warangal. An outlay of Rs.30.00 lakhs is proposed for 1985-86.


An outlay of Rs.40.00 lakhs is proposed in the annual plan 1985-86.


Handloom Industry occupies a prominent place in the economy of the state for the 1985-86 an allocation of Rs.1,194.00 lakhs is proposed. It is proposed to take up new schemes such as training of weavers, work shed-cum-housing scheme, for weavers assistance for appointment of paid Secretaries in Co-operation Societies and share capital contribution to spinning mills. The Janata Sarees scheme and the rebate scheme will also be implemented during 1985.86.


It is proposed to bring an area of about 50,000 Hac. In the potential areas of 4 Rayalseema districts during the Seventh Five Year Plan. 14 new schemes are proposed in the year 1985-86. An outlay of Rs.250.00 lakhs is proposed in the annual plan for 1985-86.


It is the concern of the Government that Handicrafts Artisans should be afforded with such facilities as are required to promote the economic and social status so as to make them economically self reliant. To achieve this end, schemes have been formulated. Accordingly in the annual plan for 1985-86 an outlay of Rs.50.00 lakhs is proposed.


The allocation proposed for Large and Medium Industries in 1985-86 is Rs.2,389.00 lakhs. An amount of Rs.450.00 lakhs is allocated to Commissioner of Industries in the annual plan for 1985-86 for the implementation of the scheme of incentives conceived for orderly and balanced development of all the areas of the state with 20 growth Centres. This is in addition to naming the three backward districts of Srikakulam, Anantapur and Adilabad as "Intensive Industrial Development Districts" for higher quantum of incentives.

The A.P. Industrial Infrastructure plays a catelystic role of creating industrial infrastructure, thereby assisting in the promotion and development of small, medium and large industries. It is proposed to allocate Rs.10.00 lakhs in the Annual Plan 1986-86.

The A.P, State Financial Corporation is a pioneer termlending institution in the State Committee to promote small and medium scale industries with particular emphasis on the development of backward areas. It is allocated Rs.464.00 lakhs in the Annual Plan 1985-86.

The A.P. Industrial Development Corporation promotes industries in three well defined schemes: (1) Subsidiaries, (2) Joint Ventures and (3) Assisted Units. The A.P. Electronics Development Corporation a subsidiary of A.P. Industrial Development Corporation was made an independent Corporation in January, 1984 to provide fillip to the Electronic Industry. An outlay of Rs.700.00 lakhs is proposed in Annual Plan 1985-86 for these two corporations.

For the Institute of Public Enterprises, Hyderabad which has expanded its activities and rendering consultancy service to Government concerning public enterprises, a provision of Rs.7.00 lakhs is proposed in the Annual Plan 1985-86.

As outlay of Rs.810.00 lakhs is proposed in the Annual Plan 1985-86 under "State Contribution to other Government Companies" for investment towards equity participation. Some of the Government companies proposed to be supported are Hyderabad Allwyns Limited; A.P. Scooters Limited; Republic Forge Company Limited; Godavari Fertilizers and Chemicals Limited; and Nagarjuna Fertilizers and Chemicals Limited.

For the schemes formulated by the Nizam Sugar Factory an amount of Rs.10.00 lakhs is proposed in the annual plan 1985-86; for the Director of Sugar the outlay proposed is Rs.230.00 lakhs. The A.P. State Non-Resident Indian Investment Corporation Limited (ANRICH) is proposed to be allocated an amount of Rs.1.00 lakh in 1986-86. For Civil Supplies an allocation of Rs.7.00 lakhs is proposed.

The State Government will provide the infrastructure facilities like land, power, water and approach roads for the Central Projects established in the State such as Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, Carriage Repair Workshop, Tirupathi and Ordinance Factory, Medak.

An amount of Rs.150.00 lakhs is proposed in the Annual Plan 1985-86.


The allocation proposed for 1985-86 for mining is Rs.626.00 lakhs. The Department of Mines and Geology is allocated an amount of Rs.6.00 lakhs in the Annual Plan 1985-86 towards Strengthening of the Administration. An outlay of Rs.20.00 lakhs is proposed for the Corporation as Government’s share towards projects proposed to be taken up by it. In the Annual Plan 1985-86 an outlay of Rs.600.00 lakhs is proposed for the Singareni Collieries.


The allocation for Transport and Communications for 1985-86 is Rs.6074.20 lakhs. The break-up of allocation of Rs.6074.20 lakhs is: Minor Ports (Rs.110.00 lakhs); P.W.D. Roads (Rs.1300.00 lakhs) Rural Roads (Rs.450.00 lakhs) Sugar-cane roads (Rs.82.00 lakhs) Roads under Director, Municipal Administration (Rs.20.00 lakhs); Traffic Control and Commissioner of Transport (Rs.25.00 lakhs). The amount provided for A.P.S.R.T.C. is Rs. 4052.00 lakhs and Inland Water Transport is Rs.35.00 lakhs.

The main approach of the VII Plan is to help sustain shipping activity through the intermediate ports of Kakinada and Machilipatnam by providing the required facilities. A provision of Rs.70.00 lakhs is proposed for improvement to ports at Kakinada and Rs.40.00 lakhs for Machilipatnam Port. Kakinada Port is proposed to be converted into a major port and the matter has been taken up with the Government of India.

The spillover road works are of the order of Rs.3000.00 lakhs. Hence, it is proposed to meet the spillover in the first instance and take very little new works. For 1985-86, a provision of Rs.1300.00 lakhs is made. For sugarcane roads under DMA Rs.20.00 lakhs is provided.

For A.P.S.R.T.C. the allocation for 1985-86 is Rs.4052.00 lakhs comprising of State contribution (Rs.1500.00 lakhs), LIC loan (Rs.235.00 lakhs and internal resources Rs.2317.00 lakhs). The programme includes augmentation of 596 vehicles and replacement of 1,000 vehicles. Infrastructural facilities are also proposed so that by the end of Seventh plan 51 new Depots, @ new workshops, 2 new body-building units and other passenger amenities are provided. In addition to the above state’s outlay, the Corporation will get aid from Government of India and IDBI loan etc. Towards establishment of driving licensing schools, fitness equipment etc. Rs.23.00 lakhs is provided and Rs.2.00 lakhs is proposed towards improvement to traffic control. The provision for Inland water transport is Rs.35.00 lakhs while for sugarcane roads Rs.82.00 lakhs.


A total allocation of Rs.314.00 lakhs is proposed both for Tourism Department and A.P.Travel & Tourism Development Corporation. It is proposed to take up a number of programmes for tourist attractions by fully tapping the rich tourist potential available in great range and variety and also depicting our cultural heritage and history. It is aimed that Andhra Pradesh should find its due place in the All India Tourist map. National Heritage Project (Golconda Quli Qutub Shah tombs), National Heritage Project, Nagarjunsagar - World Buddhist Centre, Warangal-Hanumakonda and Ramappa Temples, District Excursion Centres, Beach Resort Development at Visakhapatnam - Bheemunipatnam, construction of Yatrik Niwas, construction of Motels and Augmentation and improvement of fleet of Corporation are some of the important programmes being taken up during 1985-86.


The outlay for 1985-86 is Rs.160.00 lakhs. Of the total outlay, Rs.50.00 lakhs is allocated for Science and Technology Programme, Rs.55.00 lakhs for Environmental Programmes, Rs.25.00 lakhs for New Sources of Energy and Rs.30.00 lakhs for Water Pollution Schemes. Of Rs.50.00 lakhs under Science & Technology Rs.32.00 lakhs is provided for proposals of Science & Technology Sectoral Committees, Rs.2.00 lakhs proposed for research and development programme. Rs.2.00 lakhs is provided for transfer of technology Science and Technology for rural areas.

The number of Biogas plants installed is 5,719. Under Energy, the sectoral Committee has approved the scheme of establishment of integrated rural energy centres initially in five villages. The National Council for Science and Technology Enterpreneurship Development has been activised for conducting training programme for Science and Technology Enterpreneurship to encourage young scientists and technologists to establish industries of their choice and interest. It is equally necessary to create awareness among the rural youth to the development in science and technology for which purpose training programmes, seminars and exhibitions involving rural youth would be organized.

Under environmental programme, Kolleru Lake Development Committee is formulating proposals for development of the lake. Preservation of ecology thereof also has to be ensured.


Under School Education, the allocation for 1985-56, is Rs.3750.56 lakhs, out of which Rs.2237.57 lakhs are intended for Elementary Education (Rs.1889.26 lakhs for formal and Rs.348.31 lakhs for non-formal Elementary Education), Rs.1375.50 lakhs for Secondary Education, Rs.89.01 lakhs for Teacher Education and Rs.48.48 lakhs for Direction, Administration and Supervision.

The main schemes contemplated under Elementary Education are universalisation of Elementary Education by opening schools in school-less habitations, strengthening of existing schools, construction of school buildings, opening of NFE Centres at primary and middle level etc. It is proposed to enroll additional children of five lakhs in the age group 6-11 and two lakhs in the age group 11-13. Towards this end, it is proposed to open 3000 new schools in school-less habitations by creating equal number of posts of Teachers, to create 1,000 SGBT posts for strengthening existing primary schools, to appoint 513 Grade-II language Pundits in 513 upper Primary Schools, to appoint 2000 SGBT Women Teachers, to provide furniture to l;408 Upper Primary Schools and to construct 900 Primary School buildings.

It is also proposed to supply Audio-Visual equipment etc., to 74 Primary Schools and to impart physical education activities in Upper Primary Schools through existing SGBT Teachers. Separate schemes to achieve the above aims are also proposed under Special Component Plan and Tribal Sub-Plan for SCs and STs at a cost of Rs.300.00 lakhs and Rs.120.00 lakhs respectively.

A new scheme to supply uniforms and text-books to the children in Classes-I and II is taken up during the year at a cost of Rs.600.00 lakhs.

Under non-formal Education it is proposed to enroll 1.93 lakhs of children in the age group 0-14 by opening 2880 NFE Centres at Primary Level, 2800 Centres at middle level and 2040 centres exclusively for girls at a cost of Rs.113.00 lakhs under State Sector, besides continuing 17,452 NFE Centres opened during VI Plan at a cost of Rs.235.31 lakhs under State Sector.

Under Secondary Education, the main scheme proposed for implementation is Vocationalisation of Secondary Education which was introduced in 105 Schools in 7 districts in 1984-85. It is proposed to introduce Vocationalisation in 240 High Schools at the rate of 15 schools in each of the remaining 16 districts. Other schemes are computer Education for teachers and departmental officers in SCERT, Orientation training Course for 3680 Secondary School teachers, provision of equipment to 40 schools in each district for specially useful production work, upgradation of 28 Upper Primary Schools into High Schools, construction of 9 buildings for Government High Schools, supply of science equipment to 213 High Schools under Government sector, supply of Video equipment to 105 vocational Training Centres and opening of 10 High Schools in Mandal Headquarters to fill in gaps, construction of School buildings in Municipalities (both under Govt. and Municipalities), provision of Physical Education Training equipment, allowance etc., supply of Audio-Visual Equipment etc. Provision is made for payment of grants to APREI Society for opening higher Classes and construction of l40 school buildings at a cost of Rs.394.00 lakhs. A sum of Rs.368.00 lakhs is earmarked for admission of unaided posts/sections to aid and also the unaided schools to aid. Provision is also made for payment of grants to Sainik School, Korukonda, Hindi Academy, Hyderabad and Bharat Scouts and Guides, Hyderabad.

A new scheme "Bala Prathiba" award is envisaged under which cash awards in the nature of prize money will be given to the students who excel in VII Class Common examination. The intention is that this prize money would be available to help them pursue their education atleast upto the next stage when they will be eligible for similar prize. There will be 150 awards in each district for the top meritorious students in the examination conducted for VII Class. Each awardee will get Rs.500/- per year for three years namely for VIII, IX, and X Classes. This has no relation to other scholarship schemes. A total number of 3450 merit awards will be given in the State in 1985-86 at a cost of Rs.17.25 lakhs.

Under Teacher education, provision is made for opening 3 pre-primary Training Centres in the existing Govt. Comprehensive Colleges of Education. Provision is also made for conducting Orientation Training Course for Primary School Teachers.

The provision made for Higher Education for the year 1985-86, is Rs.997.92 lakhs. Out of this an amount of Rs.225.00 lakhs, is allocated for the developmental activities of various Universities in the State, which includes Rs.100.00 lakhs for the A.P.Open University, of which Rs.50.00 lakhs are for opening 200 study centres. An amount of Rs.130.75 lakhs is allocated for taking up certain new schemes especially Vocational Courses at +2 stage at a cost of Rs.105.73 lakhs by introducing 35 new Vocational Courses at various places in the State and also strengthening of existing courses by providing additional posts as per the V.R.Reddy Committee report. An amount of Rs.5.00 lakhs is earmarked for construction of permanent hostel buildings for Scheduled Caste students at Guntur under sub-plan for the welfare of S.C.students. An amount of Rs.197.27 lakhs is earmarked for development of Degree Colleges of which Rs.140.00 lakhs are meant for utilizing the matching assistance from the U.G.C. A Degree College is proposed to opened at Paderu under Tribal sub-plan. A sum of Rs.46.05 lakhs for National service scheme and another sum of Rs.50.00 lakhs for sanctioning post-matric scholarships for 2372 economically poor students are also provided. A sum of Rs.303.17 lakhs is also earmarked for admitting unaided posts, sections, and colleges to aid. A sum of Rs.6.00 lakhs is also earmarked towards grant-in-aid to Telugu Akademi for printing Andhra Nama Sangraham" for P.G.Courses.

As in the case of VII Class merit students, it is envisaged to give cash awards in the nature of prize money to students who excel in S.S.C.Examination and Intermediate examination to help pursue their education atleast upto the next stage. There will be 100 awards in each district for the top meritorious students in X Class at the rate of Rs.750/-, per year for two years (XI and XII ). Similarly there will be 50 awards in each district for the top meritorious students in XII Class @ Rs.1000/- per year valid for a normal period of 3 years, which may be extended. At XII Class there would be split up between Sciences and Humanities equally. A total number of 3.450 merit awards will be given in the State during 1985-86 at a cost of Rs.28.75 lakhs, apart from 3450 awards under School education mentioned earlier.

The Adult Education Programme is intended to make illiterates the age group of 15-35 literates by a course of 3 years duration divided into 3 stages. The first year is devoted to imparting literacy, numeracy, Social awareness and functionality followed by 2 years post literacy and follow-up programme for reinforcement of literacy skills acquired by the neoliterates who completed the 1st stage and for imparting them some vocational skills wherever possible.

During the 6th Five Year period, 26 Adult Education Projects under Centrally Sponsored Schemes (Rural Functional Literacy Projects) and 15 projects under State Plan have been started with an enrollment capacity of 9,000 learners in each Project, each year. The expansion of the said projects has been phased, in that, 18 Rural Functional Literacy Projects and 5 State Adult Education Projects were started during 1979-80; 4 Rural Functional Literacy projects and 1 State Adult Education Project were started during 1982-83; 1 Rural Functional Literacy Project during 1983-84 and 9 State Adult Education Projects and 3 Rural Functional Literacy Projects during 1984-85.

Among the 15 State Projects, there is one Project exclusively started for Scheduled Tribes in Visakhapatnam District and among the 26 Rural Functional Literacy Projects, 1 Project is primarily meant for Scheduled Tribes and it was started in Vizianagaram District.

The coverage of weaker sections has been in the ratio of 60:30:10 for OCs, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes respectively. Out of the total enrollment, 50% is insisted upon for females.

The total coverage made during the 6th Five Year Plan is 12.4 lakhs, including coverage by other agencies. 23 Projects have completed first stage of Adult Education for 5 batches of illiterates. Among them, two batches have already completed post- literacy and follow-up programme, 5 projects have completed first stage for two batches and they are through 3rd batch. The first batch under the said 5 projects are through the post literacy-follow-up programme.

Government of India have introduced an incentive awards scheme for outstanding performance in the field of Female Adult Literacy and 114 Adult Education Centres for women in 23 districts have got awards of Rs.8.7 lakhs for outstanding performances during 1982-83. This scheme is a regular scheme and the districts will be awarded every year. Over and above this, one best district, i.e. , Cuddapah, was also awarded a prize of Rs.3.00 lakhs during the year 1983-84, for performance during 1982-83.

The Government of India have revised the Adult Education Programme reducing the total duration from 3 years to 2 years which will come into effect from : 1-4-1985.

The incentive awards scheme introduced by Government of India for outstanding performance in the filed of Female Adult literacy is helpful to eradicate illiteracy, particularly among women.

The outlay fixed for the VII Five Year Plan is Rs.25.00 crores and for the year 1985-86, it is Rs.3.50 crores under state sector and Rs.4.97 crores under central sector. It is proposed to start 16 new centres under State sector and another 16 new centres under Central sector.

The allocation for Youth Welfare is Rs.70.00 lakhs, for Sports Rs.105.00 lakhs, for Jawahar Bal Bhavan Rs.5.00 lakhs, for AP.Science Centre Rs.10.00 lakhs and for A.P.Government Text Book Press: Rs.17.2 lakhs.

In the earlier Plans no outlay was provided for N.C.C., and Registrar of Publications, for which a sum of Rs.10.00 lakhs and Rs.3.00 lakhs respectively are now provided for the first time.


Under Art & Culture, a sum of Rs.488.50 lakhs is provided for 1985-86 against the expenditure of Rs.110.00 lakhs in 1984-85. Out of Rs.448.50 lakhs, a sum of Rs.10.00 lakhs is allocated to State Archives, Rs.18.50 to Public Libraries, Rs.10.00 lakhs to Archaeology & Museums, Rs.10.00 lakhs to Oriental Manuscript Library and Research Institute and Rs.440.00 lakhs to Cultural affairs.

Out of Rs.440.00 lakhs for Cultural affairs, a sum of Rs.400.00 lakhs is intended for Telugu Vignana Pitham, a new Institution for the comprehensive development of Telugu language, Literature & Culture. It plans to install various training and research courses and award degrees to successful candidates.

It will undertake studies and higher level of research on Telugu language and disseminate information throughout India and abroad. It would also undertake comparative and historical studies on History, Telugu Language, Literature, Drama, Dance, Music, Sculptures, Paintings, Folklore etc., which would focus the Telugu image on the National scene. It will also maintain museums depicting the life and culture of Telugus through ages. It will plan Telugu as a language of science and modernize Telugu Language to meet the modern needs of Telugu by effectively implementing Telugu as medium of instruction and Official language etc. As regards other programmes it is proposed to give assistance to indigent artists, strengthening of Government and Private Music Colleges, assistance to private cultural institutions and erection of status of renowned personalities etc.


The allocation for Technical Education in the Annual Plan 1985-86 is Rs.338.50 lakhs. Out of this a sum of Rs.74.30 lakhs is earmarked for the ongoing schemes and Rs.32.50 lakhs for assistance to 13 Private Polytechnics in the State @ Rs.2.50 lakhs for each Polytechnic. The balance amount is earmarked for the implementation of new schemes during the current year.

The new schemes envisaged are : Creation of a Manpower Assessment Training and Placement and Industry Liason Cell at the Directorate, strengthening and reorganization of Audit Wing in the Directorate, Grant-in-aid to Regional Engineering College, Warangal for its new schemes during the current year, establishment of Government Polytechnics for women, at Palamaner, Cuddapah, Nizamabad and Hindupur, establishment of State-wise Model Residential Polytechnics, at Bhadrachalam and Srisailam, establishment of 3 institutes of Advanced Technician Courses, on State-wide basis at Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam, and Tirupathi, introduction of 3 year Diploma Course in Electronics and Communication Engineering in the Government Polytechnics at Nizamabad, Proddatur, and Mahaboobnagar and the women’s Polytechnics at Nellore and Warangal, introduction of 3-1/2 years Sandwich Diploma Course in Mechanical Engineering at Government Polytechnics in Warangal and Nandyal, introduction of 3 years Diploma Course in Architectural Assistantship in Government Polytechnics at Ananthapur and Kakinada, introduction of Sandwich Diploma Course in Electrical Engineering at Government Polytechnic, Hyderabad, establishment of a Government Polytechnic at Narsipatnam, establishment of a Government Polytechnic in the Old City of Hyderabad in collaboration with the Quli Qutub Shah Urban Development Authority and establishment of Model Residential Polytechnics for Scheduled Castes at Rajahmundry and Madanapalli.


The outlay for Medical and Health for 1985-86 is Rs.2,476.00 lakhs. The break-up is Rs.295.00 lakhs for Medical Relief and Rs.470.00 lakhs for non-teaching hospitals, Rs.121.00 lakhs is provided for Indian Medicine Department; Rs.20.00 lakhs for Drugs Control Administration; Rs.10.00 lakhs for E.S.I.,; Rs.290.00 lakhs for Normal Public Health Schemes; Rs.7.00 lakhs for Minimum Needs Programme; Rs.40.00 lakhs for I.P.M. &P.H., Laboratories and Rs.530.00 lakhs towards 50% States’ share of Centrally Sponsored National Programmes (National Malaria Programme, N.F.C.P., T.B.Control Programme and M.P.W.Scheme)

Of the amount of Rs.295.00 lakhs for Medical Relief a sum of Rs.25.00 lakhs is proposed as grant to the Institute of Medical Science, Hyderabad.

Opening of Traumatology units in 4 hospitals; second urology unit at Gandhi Medical College, Hyderabad Gandhi Hospital, Secunderabad, microbiology units at 4 hospitals, increase of beds by 100 each at the M.N.J.Cancer Hospital & Radium Institute, Hyderabad and Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital, Warangal, creation of 139 posts of Staff Nurses and other developments are proposed for which under ‘Medical Relief’ Rs.270.00 lakhs are provided.

In order to see that no headquarters of Mandal is without a medical institute by the end of the current financial year itself it is proposed to open 234 dispensaries. Opening of Blood Banks in some hospitals, increase of bed strength of some hospitals etc., are proposed. Towards ‘non-teaching hospitals’ therefore a provision of Rs. 470.00 lakhs is made.

Opening of 100 P.H.C.s at Mandal Headquarters where there are no medical institutions at present is also proposed. Under M.N.P., Rs.700.00lakhs is provided. A contingent sweeper-cum thoty to each of the 400 P.H.Cs., is also proposed. Rs.228.00 lakhs is provided for buildings and quarters for M.Os. Besides this under upgradation of standards’ of Adm., Rs.126.50 lakhs is provided for construction of Quarters.

To improve health standards of children Under Normal Public Health Scheme ‘School Health Service’ has been strengthened. Towards half yearly medical check-up of all school children, inter-alia by introducing health check-up cards, an amount of Rs.263.50 lakhs is provided.

Under 50% Centrally Sponsored Schemes, of the State’s share of Rs.530.00 lakhs, Rs.400.00 lakhs is towards National Malaria Eradication Programme. Rs.65.00 lakhs and Rs.60.00 lakhs are provided for National Filaria Control and National T.B. Control Programmes.

It is also proposed to cover by the end of 7th Plan all the Mandal headquarters with a dispensary under one or the other systems of Indian Medicine and Homeopathy, the system of medicine being the one that is more popular in the area. This year however, it is proposed to open 252 dispensaries and for this Rs.67.00 lakhs is provided. The remaining Mandal headquarters will be covered in a phased manner by 1989-90.


The outlay for ;1985-86 is Rs.1400.00 lakhs inclusive of Rs.500.00 lakhs for Vimukthi Programme, i.e. low-cost sanitation and elimination of scavengers and Rs.14.00 lakhs towards establishment charges thereof.

It is policy of Government that the spillover commitment should be met with as far as possible and new works should be limited. Preference needs to be given to self contained schemes that give relief in the year they are taken without leaving spillover, as far as possible.


An amount of Rs.1,200.0 lakhs is proposed for 1985-86. The expenditure on improvements and extension of city water is estimated at Rs.57.00 lakhs. The expenditure on scheme of diversion of surplus water of Himayathsagar to Osmansagar, remodeling of water supply Phase-II, is of the order of Rs.258.50 lakhs. These amounts are provided for Manjira Water Supply Scheme Phase-III with Singoor Dam as source, a provision of Rs.784.00 lakhs is made for 1985-86 besides Rs.0.50 lakh for research and development. It is also proposed to pose this for World Bank Aid.


The "International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade" (1981-90) programme contemplates 100% of the rural population to be covered with basic minimum safe drinking water supply and 25% of rural population to be covered with sanitary toilets. There are 12,269 identified problem villages in the State under list-I and List-II. By the end of 6th Plan Period, almost all these problem villages are covered under rural water supply programme. In addition to these listed villages, there are several villages which have become problematic from drinking water supply point of view in view of the recurrence of drought conditions, change of weather conditions, industrialization of areas, pollution problems etc. It has, therefore, become necessary to draft a Master Plan for covering all rural population with safe drinking water supply. It is estimated that there will be a balance of about 1.94,000 spot sources to be provided to cover all the rural areas. This programme will be taken up according to the Master Plan prepared for this purpose during the 7th Plan. For the year 1985-86, an allocation of Rs.1700.00 lakhs is proposed for R.W.S., Programme. This also includes spill-over items including those under the Netherlands Aid Programme.

During 1983-84, a programme called Vimukthi Programme has been launched to liberate scavengers without any economic dislocation and to protect the privacy and dignity of women by way of constructing individual as well as community latrines. This Vimukthi programme is proposed to be continued during the 7th Plan period also, so as to cover the decade programme. For 1985-86, an allocation of Rs.400.00 lakhs is proposed.


More than a single agency is entrusted with housing programme, viz., Andhra Pradesh Housing Board; Chief Engineer (Buildings) for Rental Housing Scheme; Hyderabad Urban Development Authority; Andhra Pradesh Housing Corporation, Director of Weaker Sections Housing Programme; Police Housing Corporation and Director of Social Welfare (LA).

For Andhra Pradesh Housing Board, Rs.300.00 lakhs is provided for 1985-86 of which Rs.125.00 lakhs is towards acquisition of land and the balance of Rs.175.00 lakhs towards construction of houses under E.W.S., L.I.G., and M.I.G. The outlay of HUDA is Rs.10.00 lakhs.

Under Rental Housing Scheme, Rs.380.85 lakhs is provided, Rs.150.00 lakhs is towards construction of quarters for the Government employees drivers and Class-IV and Rs.230.85 lakhs towards upgradation of standards of administration. Of this amount of Rs.126.50 lakhs is towards Medical and Health buildings and Rs.71.35 lakhs towards Judicial buildings.

A sum of Rs.435.45 lakhs is provided to the Andhra Pradesh State Police Housing Corporation , which has the aim of construction of quarters for the Police personnel belonging to Special Armed Battalion as they are scheduled places and private accommodation is not available. Under upgradation of standards of Administration an amount of Rs.221.45 lakhs is provided.


For acquiring sites for Housing for S.Cs and other weaker sections of Society, a provision of Rs.1250.00 lakhs is proposed for Director of Social Welfare. It is proposed to construct 1.40 lakh houses in 1985-86, under Weaker Sections Housing Programme, and a provision of Rs.4000.00 lakhs has been made.


The allocation for Urban Development is Rs.1845.00 lakhs. The break up is as follows:

(Rs. In lakhs)


Director of Town & Country Planning



Director of Municipal Administration



Special Officer, Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad



Quli Qutub Shah Urban Development Authority



Hyderabad U D A


Kakatiya, Tirupathi, Vijayawada, Guntur & Tenali and Visakhapatnam Urban Development Authorities Rs.10.00 lakhs each besides Rs.10.00 lakhs each as assistance to Municipal Corporations of Visakhapatnam and Vijayawada.

The State has 93 Municipalities, 2 Municipal Corporations and 3 Notified Area Committees. Master Plans for big towns have been prepared of which 22 have been sanctioned statutorily. Plans for 9 towns are under finalization and for 8 towns under preparation. For the remaining 40 the work is entrusted to National Remote Sensing Agency.

For preparation of Master Plans for Mandal Headquarters as also taking into account the decentralisation of Panchayat Administration in the context of delegation of powers of approval of factories under the Gram Panchayat Act, Offices of 3 Regional Directors of Town Planning are proposed.

Under Municipal Administration it is proposed , inter-alia, to take up construction of school buildings in areas other than Telangana region since these schools are located in rental buildings, besides providing civic amenities like water supply, community latrines, Streetlights etc.

Of Rs.515.00 lakhs to the Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad , Rs.375.00 lakhs is towards environment, Rs.15.00 lakhs towards Urban Community Development and balance of Rs.125.00 lakhs for works.


The outlay under this head for 1985-86 is Rs.48.00 lakhs while the Andhra Pradesh Film Development Corporation is allocated Rs.320.00 lakhs. The activities of the Film Development Corporation include loans to Infrastructure Units, Construction of Corporation complex, construction of Auditoria, loans to Cinema halls, production of documentaries and news reels etc.


Craftsmen Training Schemes are intended to provide skill-oriented training with major emphasis on practical knowledge. The Industrial Training Institutes started under this scheme have been turning out skilled manpower required at the base level and in the production processes.

During 7th Plan new I.T.I.s., are proposed to be established besides introducing new diversified courses. An amount of Rs.92.50 lakhs is provided for Craftsmen Training Schemes in 1985-86. Some of the important schemes to be implemented are : conducting Part-time classes for industrial workers at Hyderabad and Visakhapatnam, replacement of outmoded equipment and purchase of deficit equipment, construction of permanent buildings for ITI.s., starting 4 more ITI.s., for S.Cs., and S.T.s., establishment, of 2 ITI’S., for girls, Introduction of new trades, construction of hostels for S.C.s., and S.T.s., construction of hostels for apprentices, establishment of an ITI, at Patancheru, construction of Principals quarters, training of displaced persons in notified areas of Visakhapatnam Steel Plant and modernization of existing ITI.s.

A sum of Rs.3.00 lakhs is allocated for the employment schemes. The schemes proposed to be taken up are : setting up of a Career Study Centre at the Directorate of Employment and Training, strengthening of Employment Market Information unit and setting up of a Job Development unit at Cuddapah.

The outlay for the Labour Department for the year 1985-86 is Rs.30.00 lakhs. For implementation of Comprehensive Family Welfare Education programme for the organized industrial labour to be implemented in Andhra Pradesh with a contribution of 3.76,200 U.S.Dollars from United Nations Fund for Population activities, a sum of Rs.5.00 lakhs is provided towards State Governments’ share. An amount of Rs.25.00 lakhs is earmarked for strengthening administrative machinery for effective implementation of labour laws.

The allocation for the Department of Factories and Boilers for 1985-86 is Rs.3.00 lakhs for appointment of 3 Inspectors of Factories with supporting staff for enforcement of safety standards in Industrial Establishments.


The Special Employment Schemes are meant to cover the educated unemployed candidates belonging to weaker sections viz., Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Listed Backward Classes and Economically Backward Classes. The object of the scheme is to impart training and orient the educated unemployed with Matriculation and I.T.I., Qualification on the live registers of local Employment Exchanges in the fields of self-employment and paid employment with a view to endow them with skill and entrepreneurial talents. This also helps them to take up self-employment ventures of various kinds. The Self Employment programmes are in 3 categories viz.,(1). Training-cum-Self-Employment, (2) Training-cum-Employment and (3) Man-Power Development Programmes.

Various schemes have been undertaken covering broadly the sectors of industries, agriculture, transport and skill development schemes under refrigeration, instrument, mechanism, computer operation etc. Special emphasis will continue to be laid on schemes designed to increase the employability of candidates belonging to weaker sections and at the same time meeting the growing need for technically qualified and trained men. For the year 1985-86, an amount of Rs.400.00 lakhs has been earmarked in the Plan for Self-employment Scheme programmes. 28.00 beneficiaries are programmed to be covered during this period.


The allocation for Welfare of Scheduled Castes in the Annual Plan 1985-86 is Rs.3,355.00 lakhs. High-lights of some of the important Schemes programmed for 1985-86 are given below:

With a view to reduce the strength of inmates in the Hostels which have become unwiedly it has been decided to fabricate the existing hostels where the strength is 140 and above. Consequently it is proposed to open 208 additional hostels to accommodate the excess boarders from the existing 1929 hostels. The estimated expenditure is Rs.90.00 lakhs for the above purpose.

It is proposed to open 66 New Hostels during 1985-86 and a sum of Rs.110.00 lakhs is provided for maintaining and opening of New Hostels.

A separate Research and Training Institute for S.C.s., on the analogy of T.C.R.& T.I., is proposed to be setup with emphasis on Research, Training, Planning and Monitoring and Evaluation for the Welfare of S.C.s. A sum of Rs.10.00 lakhs is provided for the purpose.

A sum of Rs.5.00 lakhs has been proposed for the implementation of Economic Support Schemes.

A sum of Rs.8.00 lakhs has been provided for opening of 8 New Child Beggar Homes with a strength of 50 each in 1985-86.

An amount of Rs.7.00 lakhs is provided to facilitate a provision of amenities like Utensils, Shamianas etc., in the S.C.Community halls for organising meetings, functions etc., in the S.C.localities.

A sum of Rs.10.00 lakhs is provided to give incentives for the Economic Development of Certain Vulnerable Groups among S.Cs., who require special attention. The schemes for this purpose will be implemented through LIDCAP. This is in addition to the provision of a sum of Rs.5.00 lakhs provided for Economic Support Schemes being implemented through APSCCFC.


The outlay provided for the Welfare of Backward Classes in the Annual Plan 1985-86, is Rs.1,770.00 lakhs.

During 1985-86, 50 new hotels will be opened. By the end of Annual Plan, 1985-86, it is estimated that 914 hostels including Ashram Schools hostels will be maintained . Only 144 hostels are located in Government buildings. During 1985-86, a sum of Rs.521.00 lakhs is provided for construction of 115 B.C.hostel buildings.

Under Economic support schemes an amount of Rs.450.00 lakhs is provided for 1985-86 for

investment in APBCCFC, towards margin money to benefit 56,000 B.C., families and an amount of Rs.55.00 lakhs is provided to benefit about 3575 Backward families and for constructing 110 Dhobighats.


An outlay of Rs.1,400.00 lakhs is provided for 1985-86.

A sum of Rs.809.22 lakhs is proposed for educational schemes, Rs.420.68 lakhs is proposed for Economic Upliftment schemes and Rs.170.10 lakhs for other Development schemes. The main emphasis of the programme is to consolidate the existing schemes besides providing for additional coverage.

A new scheme of admitting 1619 tribal students in best available schools has been introduced besides provision of pre-matric scholarships. Coffee Plantation is proposed to be taken up in 5000 acres by establishing Girijan Coffee Cooperative Development Corporation.


The allocation for S.W. is Rs.700.00 lakhs which covers the welfare of Handicapped at Rs.200.00 lakhs. Social Security at Rs.50.00 lakhs, Government Orphanages, Rs.100.00 lakhs, Rickshaw Pullers Schemes, Rs.50.00 lakhs and Pensions to landless Agricultural Labourers at Rs.300.00 lakhs.

A sum of Rs.50.00 lakhs is provided for rehabilitation of bonded labour.

The outlay for 1985-86 for Women and Child Welfare Programmes, is Rs.502.91 lakhs. Allocations made for certain important schemes are : Rs.5.170 lakhs for opening of Working Women’s Hostels, Rs.4,740 lakhs for Home for Collegiate girls; Rs.3.00 lakhs for Women’s Training centres for rehabilitation of Women in distress; Rs.7.00 lakhs for introducing new courses in 7 Vocational/Training Centres; Rs.1,730 lakhs for Regional Tailoring Centre, Rs.1,930 lakhs for establishment of District Craft Training Centres; Rs.4.740 lakhs for starting 16 Mobile Creches; Rs.3.532 lakhs for Children Homes; Rs.26.54 lakhs for starting 46 Women & Child Welfare Centres; Rs.50.00 lakhs towards share capital to Andhra Pradesh Women’s C0-operative Finance Corporation; and Rs.22.91 lakhs towards State’s share for sanction of grant-in-aid under the scheme of services for children in need of care and protection.

A new scheme is envisaged for implementation during the year with a provision of Rs.200.00 lakhs to provide financial assistance to pregnant women of agricultural labour families in their advanced stage of pregnancy (i.e. 8th and 9th month of pregnancy) and one month after delivery. Under this scheme, pregnant agricultural labour women in 79 I.S.D.S., project areas will be given Rs.20 per month for 3 months while Rs.40 per month will be given for 3 months for those in non-ICDS., project areas. This assistance will be given for 1st and 2nd order of births only.

A sum of Rs.50.00 lakhs is provided for Andhra Pradesh Women Co-operative Finance Corporation for starting of Production-cum-Training Centres for preparatory work for taking contracts for stitching of school uniforms for supply from next year.

In the earlier Plans no outlay was provided for Sainik Welfare. A sum of Rs.5.00 lakhs towards 50% State share is provided for the first time for the year 1985-86. The schemes proposed under Sainik Welfare are (1) Strengthening of Directorate of Sainik Welfare at State level for effective employment placement of ex-servicemen of the State through the "Employment Cell"; (ii) establishment of Zilla Sainik Welfare Offices in 9 districts; and (iii) Supply of metal bunk stalls to disabled and deserving ex-servicemen/their widows as a measure of self-employment.

A total outlay of Rs.61.50 lakhs is allocated for Jail Department for 1985-86. It is proposed to construct new building for Junior Certified School for Boys at Hyderabad. The innovated programmes contemplated for the welfare of the prisoners are Vocational and Educational programmes, Adult Education with Audio Visual System in the Central Prisons, Family Assistance to Indigent families of prisoners and establishment of a Printing Press in Central Prison at Warangal.


The nutrition programmes that are being implemented are (I) Special Nutrition Programme in urban slum areas; (ii) Special Nutrition Programme for Tribals; and (iii) Supplementary Nutrition Programme in ICDS.Projects. In the annual Plan 1985-86 the amount provided for Nutrition Programmes is Rs.372.00 lakhs comprising of Rs.22.00 lakhs for Special Nutrition Programme in urban slum areas; Rs.100.00 lakhs for Special Nutrition Programme for Tribals; and Rs.250.00 lakhs for Supplementary Nutrition Programme in ICDS Projects.


With the object of increasing the efficiency of the capital assets already created by filling up the gaps, a sum of Rs.23.00 crores at the rate of Rs.1.00 crore for each District in the State was provided for the first time in the Annual Plan 1984-85, to help finance Crucial Balancing Investments of non-recurring nature in the District. The schemes formulated in this context should increase the efficiency of the capital use of the assets already created by adding to the productivity or welfare. According to the guidelines evolved the schemes should be of a non-recurring nature basically involving capital expenditure. Implicitly, therefore, the schemes should not be left incomplete at the end of the year, as far as possible. In selecting Sectors and Schemes , the ongoing developmental programmes in the State Annual Plan as well as semi-autonomous bodies like DRDA/ITDA etc., should be taken into account in order to avoid duplication so that these funds are not used for purpose for which funds should have been drawn otherwise. In allocating funds preference should be given to areas which are backward or drought affected. Innovative programmes to benefit women or youth welfare could be funded in the schemes provided there is no specific recurring expenditure. Any schemes which can demonstrate application of proven new technologies relevant to the district but not otherwise covered by other Governmental programmes can also be considered under the scheme. While formulating schemes priority should be given only to in complete works though there is no objection to take up new schemes involving small capital expenditure, if it is considered essential. Within the district the allocation between the works in the Municipality and outside Municipality should as far as be in proportion to in the population inhabited by the Municipalities concerned and rural areas. But in no case the allocation for Municipalities as a whole should exceed 15% of the total allocation for the district. This, however, will not be applicable to Hyderabad district.

The District Planning Boards constituted for each district are empowered to formulate and implement schemes under Crucial Balancing investments. Accordingly, the District Planning Boards have formulated schemes for 1984-85 and they are under implementation.

The experience in regard to the effectiveness of the crucial Balancing Investments, is being reviewed and pending results for such review, a provision of Rs.805.25 lakhs, is made for 1985-86 to enable some releases.


Under this Head a provision of Rs.152.90 lakhs is made for 1985-86. Of this Rs.88.90 lakhs is towards the State share for strengthening of Planning machinery at District level. As envisaged by the Planning Commission, 23 posts of Chief Planning Officers, 3 posts of Joint Directors in the Bureau of Economics and Statistics and 3 posts of Deputy Commissioners, Panchavati Raj with supporting staff have been sanctioned as part of the scheme for the work connected with District Planning.

It is proposed to absorb existing 305 Taluk Statistical Assistants and 330 progress Assistants under Non-Plan as Mandal Planning Officers in the context of formation of 1104 Mandals in the State. Additional posts of 469 Mandal Planning Officers of which 69 posts are Divisional Planning Officers will be sanctioned depending upon actual requirements.

To strengthen information and communication system for Planning and Plan formulation, installation of telexes in Planning Department and in all District Head Quarters except Visakhapatnam, East Godavari, Ranga Reddy and Hyderabad District, has been sanctioned and so far telexes have been installed in the Planning Department and in the Districts of Ananthapur, Kurnool, Cuddapah, Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Nellore and Medak. A sum of Rs.12.00 lakhs has been provided for maintaining the Telexes already installed and to install telexes in the remaining Districts.

A token sum of Rs.1.00 lakh is provided to establish A.P.Office Technology Services Ltd, for selection of hardware maintenance, Development of Software and recruitment of computer professionals.

To provide training and consultancy services and to install Plain paper copiers with stabilizer in 19 Districts as part of improvement in information system in District Administration, a provision of Rs.27.10 lakhs has been made.

A sum of Rs.5.00 lakhs is provided for Godavari Valley Development Authority besides a sum of Rs.13.25 lakhs is provided for Research programmes. Further, Rs.0.50 lakhs is provided to meet expenditure to hold meetings of A.P.Shore Areas Development Authority, and for meeting T.A., etc, to non-official members.

A provision of Rs.5.00 lakhs is made for Public Enterprises Management Bureau to set up a library and for rendering technical services to the Public Enterprises and to meet expenditure on tour.

The monitoring and review wing in the Planning department is proposed to be strengthened with an addition of one post of Deputy Director for reviewing all Developmental activities.

An amount of Rs.5.00 lakhs is provided for strengthening of Weights and Measures Development with staff and sophisticated equipment to implement the regulatory functions.


During 1985-86, it is proposed to continue all on-going and Centrally Sponsored Schemes and an amount of Rs.9.25 lakhs is provided for this purpose and also to take up the following new schemes:

Establishment of Micro-Computers at District level and Mini-computer in the Bureau.

Special Component Plan for Scheduled Castes.

Under the scheme " establishment of computers" in the District and in the Bureau, an amount of Rs.15.00 lakhs is provided in the Annual Plan 1985-86. This amount is proposed to meet the expenditure for upgrading 19 Direct Data Entry Systems and install them in the districts and for purchasing a Mini-Computer with 2 terminals for the Bureau.

Under the scheme Special Component Plan for Scheduled Castes, it is proposed to establish a technical cell at the Headquarters of the Bureau for collection of socio economic data relating to Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes . Under this scheme, it is proposed to evaluate systematically and continuously the impact of various developmental schemes implemented for their welfare and to know how far these groups are benefited by various schemes being implemented by Government and other agencies. An amount of Rs.2.00 lakhs is provided in the Annual Plan for this purpose.


A provision of Rs.45.00 lakhs is proposed for 1985-86 for strengthening the Printing and Stationery Department.


A provision of Rs.1144.79 lakhs is made (Rs.600.00 lakhs normal and Rs.544.79 lakhs for upgradation of standards administration). Towards construction of District Police Office buildings and Police Stations an amount of Rs.100.00 lakhs is provided. For complexes of Collectorate of Karimnagar, Vizianagaram and Kurnool an amount of Rs.95.00 lakhs has been provided. Towards construction of permanent Secretariat buildings and for multi-storeyed complexes for offices opposite the Directorate of Fisheries an amount of Rs.85.00 lakhs each has been proposed. For Assembly Secretariat buildings Rs.25.00 lakhs and for construction of Court buildings rs.45.00 lakhs are provided.

Out of Rs.544.79 lakhs provided for upgradation of standards of administration, Rs.119.44 lakhs is towards Court buildings, Rs.106.75 lakhs towards revenue buildings and Rs.111.60 lakhs towards Jail buildings.


Under Upgradation of Standards of Administration, the following schemes recommended by the Eighth Finance Commission have been provided in the Annual Plan 1985-86.

(Rupees in lakhs)



Amount provided in the Annual Plan 1985-86


Police Administration :



Additional Housing Units-Constructions of Quarters for:



(a) Lower Subordinates



(b) Upper Subordinates



Additional Buildings for Police Stations



Jails Administration :



Additional Capacity of young offenders



Amenities in Sub-Jails



Upgradation of Grade II Sub-Jail into District Jail at Guntur



Construction of Additional Quarters for Staff:



(a) Lower Subordinates



(b) Upper Subordinates



Health :



Housing Units (Construction of Staff quarters)



Judicial Administration :



Construction of Buildings for existing Courts



Amenities in Courts



Construction of Quarters for Presiding Officers



Districts and Revenue Administration :



Additional office buildings and extension and alterations at Tehsil/ Firkha/Village level buildings



Training Administration :



Training Institutions :



Institution of Administration



State Institute of Correctional Administration



Construction of Two Regional Training Centres (Bhadrachalam in Khammam District and Paderu in Visakhapatnam District.)



Treasuries and Accounts Administration :



Buildings for existing treasuries



Amenities in existing Treassures



Training Institutes (Construction of building for Training Colleges)







Primary School Buildings








The above schemes have been included in the appropriate Heads of Development under Education, Housing and Public Works.


The major objectives of both these programmes are:


Increase in production and productivity both in the farm sector and factory sector through better utilisation of available capacities and skills.

Provision of basic human needs to subsisting families such as food and nutrition, water, clothing, housing, education, health care and slum clearance.

Promotion of socially desirable and forward looking programmes such as Family Planning Sterilisations, Social and farm forestry, generation of alternative sources of energy.

Improvements in industrial policies, investment procedures and operation of public sector undertakings.

Stringent action against social and economic offenders.

In order to streamline and assess the district-wise performance with minimum possible delay, the analysis and review of progress reports has been computerised and computer print-out reviews are issued every month. For better and successful implementation of the programmes, a Task Force Officer to oversee the implementation of various programmes.

While the rural poor are the principal beneficiaries of these programmes the underprivileged groups in urban areas are also benefited by some of the specific schemes. The State Government has taken active steps to implement all the points successfully in the State.