Previous Budget Speeches



Economic survey 1982-83

The year 1982-83 commenced against aback drop of a good performance of the State economy during 1981-81 both in the agricultural and industrial sectors. The estimates of state income show that the state income at constant (1970-71) prices registered an increase of 8.9 percent during 1981-82 against a rise of 5.1 per cent during 1980-81. The foodgrains production reached an all-time record of 114.17 lakh tonnes during 1981-82 surpassing the earlier highest recorded production of 106.66 lakh tonnes in 1978-79, mainly due to a good monsoon and adoption of improved agricultural technology.

N 1982-83, however, the performance of the State economy showed mixed trends. During the Kharif season of 1982-83, the seasonal conditions were not favourable in many parts of the state due to which the production of foodgrains will be substantially less in Kharif 1982-83 compared to Kharif 1981-82. The seasonal conditions in Rabi season were, however, generally satisfactory and special efforts are being made to localise larger areas for Rabi paddy under major irrigation systems. In the industrial sector, the average index of industrial production in 1982 indicated an increase of 11.2 per cent over that in 1981. The labour situation indicated slight improvement while the employment situation remained more or less static. There was some increase in the consumer price index numbers, though the increase was less than that in the previous year.

State Income:

The quick estimates of State Income of Andhra Pradesh for 1981-82 at constant (1970-71) prices reveal a significant growth of 8.9 per cent. The State Income at current prices increased from Rs.6,975.44 crores in 1980-81 to Rs.7,963.45 crores in 1981-82 or an increase by 14.2 per cent while the State Income at constant (1970-71) prices, which reveals the real growth in goods and services produced with in the State, increased from Rs.3.447.0f1 crores in 1980-81 to Rs.3,755.00 crores during 1981-82 registering an increase of 8.9 per cent.

The primary sector continued to be the major contributor to the total State Income both at current and constant (1970-71) prices. During 1981-82, the primary sector contributed Rs.1,890.30 crores (at constant 1970-71 prices) against Rs.1,692.51 crores in 1980-81 registering an increase of 11.7 per cent and this was mainly contributed by the agricultural sector due to the favourable seasonal conditions. The income from the tertiary sector during 1981-82 was Rs.1,277.04 crores against Rs.1,197.40 crore in 1980-81 recording a growth rate of 6.7 per cent while the secondary sector contributed Rs. 587.66 crores in 1981-82 against Rs.557.10 crores during 1980-81 or an increase by 5.5 per cent.

The percapita income at current prices increased from Rs.1,313 in 1980-81 to Rs.1,467 in 1981-82 i.e., by 11.7 percent, while at constant (1970-71) prices it increased from Rs.649 in 1980-81 to Rs.692 in 1981-82 or by 6.6 percent.

In the current year i.e., 1982-83, however, the seasonal conditions being unfavourable in the Kharif season the agricultural production, which is the major contributor to the state income, is likely to be adversely affected and consequently the State Income is not likely to show any appreciable increase.


Agricultural production in the State made a significant breakthrough since 1973-74, the average annual output of foodgrains having risen from 74 lakh tonnes in the quinquennium ending 1973-74 to 101 lakh tonnes in the quinquennium ending 1981-82 i.e.. a rise of 36.5 per cent. The production of foodgrains was highest during 1981-82 with 114.17 lakh tonnes compared to the earlier higher recorded production of 106.66 lakh tonnes in 1978-79 mainly due to a good monsoon and adoption of improve agricultural technology.

During the current year i.e. 1982-83, the South –West Monsoon had set-in the Rayalaseema region in the first week of June and in Coastal Andhra and Telangana regions by the second week of June. The rainfall in July was less than the normal in Coastal Andhra, normal in Telangana and more than normal in Rayalaseema. The average rainfall in the State as a whole during the month was 105 which was almost equal to the normal of 107 The monsoon was active between 8 th and 12th July and again between 19th and 22nd July and it was dry during the rest of the month. The average rainfall in the State during July 1982 was 176 which was marginally (4 percent) more than the normal of 170 It was a little more than normal in Telangana region, normal in Coastal Andhra region and less than normal by 11 per cent in Rayalaseema region. The monsoon continued to be erratic in August also in almost al parts of the State excepting East Godavari, West Godavari, Warangal and Khammam districts. It was inactive throughout the month in the southern parts of Coastal Andhra region, entire Rayalaseema and most parts of Telangana region leading to the prevalence of drought conditions. The average rainfall received in the State as a whole during August 1982 was 135 which was 14 per cent less than the normal of 157 It was less than normal in all three regions, by 5 per cent in Coastal Andhra region, by 9mper cent in Telangana region and by 73 percent in Rayalaseema region over their respective normals. Deficiency in rainfall was experienced in all districts other than Visakhapatnam, East Godavari, West Godavari, Krishna, Warangal, Khammam and Karimnagar.

During September 1982, the monsoon continued to play truant in most parts of the State. The average rainfall recorded in the State as a whole was 148 which was 12 per cent less than the normal of 168 The deficiency over the normal was 16 percent in Coastal Andhra, 11 per cent in Rayalaseema and 9 per cent in Telangana. All districts other than Nellore, Kurnool, Anantapur, Hyderabad, Nizamabad, Medak and Adilabad received less rainfall than normal.

During the South-West Monsoon period of June to September, 1982 as a whole , the State received an average rainfall of 563 which was less by 6 per cent over the normal of 602 Regionwise, the rainfall was less by 9 per cent in Coastal Andhra and 2 per cent in Telengana while it was in deficit by 20 per cent in Rayalaseema over the corresponding normal. During the South-West Monsoon period, the rainfall distribution was un-even and erratic in some parts of the State and there were prolonged dry spells at crucial periods due to which the dry crops is some parts of the State were affected resulting in low yields. Even Paddy crop could not be transplanted in normal extents.

The monsoon continued to be inactive and there was a dry spell from 1st to 16th October all over the State. Two cyclonic storms developed in the Bay of Bengal between the 16th and 18th, the first cyclone causing rainfall in the North Coastal districts of Visakhapatnam, Vizianagaram and Srikakulam and the second causing rainfall over most parts of the State and also resulting in loss of life, cattle, lime groves and other property in Nellore and Prakasam districts. The average rainfall in the State as a whole during October 1982 was 149 and was more than normal in Coastal Andhra and Telangana regions by 20 and 48 per cent respectively while in Rayalaseema region, it was less than the normal by 7 per cent.

During November 1982, the state received an average rainfall of 60 which was 10 per cent less than the normal. In the month of December generally, there is very little rainfall in the State except in the districts of Nellore and Chittoor. During December 1982, there was no rainfall any where in the State against the normal of 14

During the North-East Monsoon period of October to December 1982, the State received an average rainfall of 208 against the normal of 203 Region wise, the rainfall was 298 in the Coastal Andhra in rayalaseema and 124 in Telangana.

The preliminary estimates of crop production indication that the production of principal foodgrains during Kharif 1982-83 is likely to be of the order of about 72 lakh tonnes against 81.3 lakh tonnes in Kharif 1981-82 and 73.6 lakh tonnes in Kharif 1980-81. The production of Rice is estimated at about 53 lakh tonnes in Kharif 1982-83 against 57.5 lakh tonnes in Kharif 1980-81. The production of Oil seeds especially that of groundnut, is also expected to decrease during the current Kharif season. In the Rabi season, how ever, the seasonal conditions are generally satisfactory and special efforts are being made to localise larger are under Rabi paddy under major irrigation systems.


The industrial production in the State during 1982 had picked up momentum due to easy availability of electric power and also due to better infrastructural facilities. The average index number of industrial production for the year 1982 was 238.5 against 214.4 during the previous year, thus indicating a rise of 11.2 per cent.

During the year 1982, out of 7 industry groups, 12 groups showed an increase in Indices compared to the previous year. A discernible increase in index was noticed in respect of Leather and Leather products (88.6 per cent) followed by Food group (38.6 per cent), Electrical Machinery except Electrical machinery (25.1 percent), Generation of Electricity (16.6 per cent), Non-metallic Mineral products (11.5 per cent), Beverages (10.4 per cent), Mining and Quarrying (9.9 per cent), Tobacco and Tobacco products (7.9 per cent), Chemical and Chemical products (2.1 per cent), Textiles (2 per cent) and Basic Metal products (1.5 per cent). On the other hand, decline in indices was observed in respect of 5 industry groups viz., Transport Equipment (30.3 per cent), followed by Metal products except Machinery and Transport Equipment (12 per cent), Petroleum products (9.3 per cent), Paper and Paper products (2.5 per cent) and Miscellaneous group (0.7 per cent.)

Considering the quantum of industrial production, out of 43 selected industries, 27 industries registered an increase in production during the year 1982 compared to the preceeding year. A significant increase in output was observed in the case of Glass (393.2 per cent), followed by Acetic Acid (134.1 per cent) , Tanning (78.8 per cent), Sugar (77.3 per cent), Machine Tools ( 46 per cent), Electrical cables (29.9 per cent), Heavy Electricals (26.6 per cent) and Forgings (22.3 per cent). The increase in production in respect of Glass industry was due to abnormally low production during the corresponding period of last year on account of closure of one unit, that of Acetic Acid due to adequate availability of industrial alcohol; that of Tanning industry due to more orders on hand; and in respect of Sugar due to significant rise in cane production and starting of two more factories during the season. Increase in production range between 4 to 20.5 percent in the case of Refrigerators, Electronic Equipment, Generation Electricity, Rayon Yarn, Oxygen, Tea packed Cotton Yarn, Rayon Fabrics, Wines and Rectified spirits D/acetylene, Coal, Drugs and Pharmaceuticals, cigarettes, Chemical Fertilisers, Detonators, Vanaspathi and Asbestos cement. The increase in production was marginal in the case of Cement and Diesel Engines.

However, a decline in production was noticed in the case of 16 industries. Maximum deceleration in production was observed in Motor Vehicles (Body Building) (44.5 per cent), followed by Bakery products (34.8 per cent) and Water Coolers (34.2 per cent). The decline in production in respect of motor vehicles was due to cut backs in the production of Chassis for commercial vehicles from April, 1982, that of Bakery products due to high carry over stocks and in respect of water coolers due to higher production in the corresponding period of previous year particularly during March 1981 generated by higher demand at that time. The fall in production varied between 3.6 to 17.8 per cent in respect of Ball and Roller bearings, Motor Cycles, Petroleum products, Cotton Fabrics, M.S. Coffee packed, Transformers and Dry cells/Dry Cells. It was marginal and less than 2.5 per cent in the case of Paper, Instant Coffee packed, Jute and House Service Metres.


Electricity generation in the State during 1982 rose by 16.6 per cent compared to 1981.

Labour situation:

The labour situation in the State during the period January to November, 1982 revealed a slight improvement as the total number of man-days lost during the period under review numbered 9.70 lakhs against 10.92 lakhs during the corresponding period of the previous year.

Employment situation:

The employment situation in the State during 1982 was somewhat unsatisfactory, as the total number of vacancies notified to the employment exchanges declined by 2.5 per cent i.e., from 56,406 during 1981 to 54,971 during 1982.

Wholesale Prices:

The index number of wholesale prices of agricultural commodities in the State with base 1970-71=100 declined from 229.0 in January, 1982 to 215.1 during March, 1982. Subsequently, though it rose to a peak level of 248. 3 during August, 1982, it had come down to 228.7 by December 1982. Compared to December 1981 the index number of wholesale prices of all agricultural commodities in the State during December, 1882 had marginally declined by 0.7 per cent. Group-wise, a decline in indices was observed in the case of Fruits (33 per cent) followed by Vegetables (30.3 per cent), Condiments and Spices (18.5 per cent), Sugarcane (Gur0 (15.1 per cent) Fibres, (7.7 per cent ) and Cereals (5 per cent). On the other hand, a persistent rise in the index was noticed in respect of Drugs and Narcotics (60.9 per cent) followed by Oil seeds (7.5 percent ) and Pulses (5.1 per cent).

Consumer Price Indices:

The decline in the indices that was observed in the case of wholesale prices of agricultural commodities was not reflected in the case of consumer price indices partly due to time-lag. During the year, up to the end of November 1982. The average consumer price indices for industrial working class for eight selected centres of the State was 459 (with base shifted to 1960=100) against the All India average of 473. The average consumer price index number during the 11 months period thus indicated an increase of 6 percent at the State level over the corresponding period of last year whereas at the All India level it rose by 7.7 per cent.

Annual Plan For 1982-83

The outlay on the Annual Plan 1982-83 as included in the Final budget was Rs.650.02 crores. During the course of the year it was decided to make additional allocations for some programmes. An additional allocation to the extent of Rs.5.79 crores was, therefore, made in the Annual Plan for 1982-83. Further, sanctions from out of the contingency fund were made to an extent of Rs.2.83 crores upto 31-3-1982 and this amount has been provided as an additional allocation. The progress of expenditure was also reviewed. Considering both in terms of increases in some areas and short fall in expenditure in others, the revised outlay on the State's Annual Plan for 1982-83 has been fixed at Rs.631 crores.

Annual Plan for 1983-84

As a result of heavy investment on Irrigation and Power Sectors in the earlier Plans, the Welfare Sectors got a smaller share of resources making it difficult of the State Government to grapple with the problems of poverty, under-nourishment, ill-health, illiteracy, etc. that need the State's maximum support. If the welfare needs of the poorer sections of the people had to be considered, them Primarily Education, Health, Housing and House-sites, Women and Child Welfare and welfare of the depressed and the Back –ward Classes and provision of drinking water in rural are have to be taken up on a much larger scale. The rare of Industrial growth has also to be stepped up substantially for augmenting the employment opportunities in the State Taking these factors into account, the Chief Minister during his discussions with the Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission on 3 rd February, 1983 requested for fixing the State's Plan outlay at Rs.909.00 crores. The Planning Commission has however fixed the size of the Plan at Rs.826 crores. The State Government have according limited the size of the State Plan for 1983-84 at Rs.826 crores.

The following statement will indicate the sector-wise outlay for the Annual Plan 1983-84.

Head of Development

Annual Plan1982-83

Annual Plan 1983-84

Budget Estimates (Rs.650 Crores)

Revised Estimates (Rs.631Crores)

Budget Estimates (Rs.826 Crores)


Agriculture and Allied Services










(A) Irrigation and Power:




(a) Nagarjunasagar Project




(b) Sriramsagar Project




(c) Godavari Barrage Project




(d) Other Major and Medium Irrigation Schemes




(e) Flood Control and Drainage








(a) Chief Engineer Srisailam




(b) A.P.S.E.B.









Industry and Minerals





Transport and Communication





Social and Community Service





Economic Services





General Services




Total :




The statement in the Annexure shows the details of the allocations in the Annual Plan for 1982-83 and the outlay that is provided in the Budget for 1983-84.


The outlay provided for 1983-84 is Rs.2734.00 lakhs. The allocation comprises Rs.150.00 lakhs for Agricultural University, Rs.400.00 lakhs for Director of Agriculture, Rs. 50.00 lakhs for Director of Horticulture, Rs.200.00 lakhs for the Agro-Industries Corporation, Rs.10.00 lakhs for Warehousing Corporation, Rs.2100.00 lakhs for Rural Development Schemes.

During 1982-83, although the monsoon commenced with a promising note, there has been a substantial deficit in rainfall during August and September 1982 causing bide spread drought in the State. This has resulted in a decline of a bout 10.12 lakh hectares in area sown out of the normal area of 90.03 lakh hectares both irrigated and dry areas put together. The transplantation of paddy was also delayed by a month for want of supporting rains. Standing crops also suffered moisture stress on account of prolonged dry spells. The incidence Brown Plant Hopper was noticed in the coastal region during Kharif season in an are a of about 3.00 lakh hectares and it was immediately controlled by organising Plant Protection measures on war footing. To mitigate the hardship faced by the farmers on account of the wide spread drought condition, a contingency programme for raising alternate crops, organising Plant Protection measures, and fertilization to groundnut crop has been taken up at a financial outlay of Rs.3.37 crores provided from drought relief funds.

With good rainfall during October and November 1982 most of the irrigation tanks received partial to full supplies in a number of districts. With the help of these rains Jowar was sown in more than normal area in Maghi and Rabi , Jowar belts and the production is expected to exceed last Rabi. With the accent laid on 20-Point Programme there has been an increase in the area under Pulses and Oilseeds. To compensate the area lost under Kharif paddy, an additional area of about 1.00 lakh hectares is localised for second crop paddy in Godavari delta. The prospects for Rabi were better in the beginning, but later on the store in irrigation sources became poor due to inadequate rains.

Owing to the wide spread drought condition during Kharif and poor water supplies in irrigation sources in the later part of Rabi there will be a decline in the overall production during 1982-83. According to the priliminary estimates, food grains production in Kharif 1982 is likely to be 69.80 lakh tonnes falling short by 6.00 lakh tonnes to the target of 75.85 lakh tonnes. The decrease of production is likely to occur especially in case of Rice and millets. The production of Oilseeds and Mesta is likely to have a slight shortfall while Cotton and Sugarcane is expected to conform to the targets although there has been general decline in area. Taking the overall production during the kharif and Rabi, as against the target of 110.30 lakh tonnes under food grains a production of about 106.00 lakh tonnes is expected during 1982-83.

The target for 1983-84 under foodgrains production is 115.00 lakh tonnes while for Cotton it is 5.35 lakh bales, Mesta 8.50 lakh bales, Sugarcane 146.00 lakh tonnes of Cane and Oilseeds 17.00 lakh tonnes. The targets for other important programmes like coverage of High Yielding Varities is 42.90 lakh hectares while the distribution of chemical fertilisers (N.P.K.) is 8.25 lakh tonnes.

Soil and Water Conservation:

Soil and moisture conservation programmes are implemented in the State by the Agriculture Department at an outlay of Rs.68.00 lakhs during 1982-83 to cover an area of 6800 hectares. The allotment provided for 1983-84 is Rs.65.00 lakhs to cover a physical target of 6500 hectares.

The Forest Department is also implementing a Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Soil Conservation in the River Valley Project of Sileru Catchment in Visakhapatnam District. The main objectives of the scheme is to check silt load of the flowing water and sedimentation of the services reservoirs of Machkund, Balimela, Upper and Lower Sileru Hydro-Electric Projects by taking up appropriate Soil Conservation measures.

During 1983-84 an amount of Rs.25.00 lakhs is proposed to be invested for this work, and to afforest about 800 ha. Under Forest Sector and 700 ha. Under Agriculture sector under the Centrally sponsored Scheme (100% Central assistance.)


The major special programme in Rural Development being implemented in the state are Integrated Rural Development Programme and the Drought Prone Areas Programme. The performance of the schemes during 1982-83 is reviewed as follows:-

During 1982-83 IRDP is being implemented in all the 330 Blocks in the State with a grant-inlaid outlay of Rs.8.00 lakhs per Block. The programme is primarily beneficiary oriented with divisible component of over 80%. The balance 20% is meant for infrastructure (10%) administration and project cost (71/2%) and Risk cover fund, managerial subsidy etc. (21/2%). The divisible component is meant towards subsidy in favour of the target group families below the poverty line. Subsidy at the rate of 25% to small farmers, 331/2% to marginal farmers, agricultural labourers, non-agricultural labourers and rural artisans 50% for tribls and community works is supposed traduce the loan burden of the beneficiaries to make the economic activity undertaken by the beneficiaries to more viable and generate substantial incremental income in favour of the target group families for enabling them to cross the poverty line. The Co-operative and Commercial Banks including Rural Banks have been supporting the programme with adequate institutional credit.

As against the grant-in-aid outlay of Rs.2640 lakhs Government of India's share was Rs.1320 lakhs. As against the outlay of Rs.2640 lakhs the Agencies recorded an expenditure of Rs.1979.91 lakhs upto end of January, 1983.

This expenditure under IRDP has generated institutional credit of the order of Rs.3582.35 lakhs benefiting 1,80,452 families. Of this 73,372 families belonged to scheduled Caste families who were covered with grant-in-aid outlay of Rs.566.60 lakhs and loan component of Rs.1286.98 lakhs 17,609 Scheduled Tribe Families were also covered with a subsidy component of Rs.225.18 lakhs generating institutional credit of Rs.316.92 lakhs.

The physical achievements include supply of 8,362 pairs of bullocks, excavation of 8,351 community and individual irrigation wells, renovation of 953 old wells, supply of 3357 pumpsets, 14,284 dairy animals 651 poultry units and 12,550 heep units etc. About 11,407 Rural Youth were trained in various skills towards upgrading their technology and enabling them to get themselves self-employed. During 1983-84 each block will get grat-in-aid outlay of Rs.8.00 lakhs to be shared by Government of India and the State Government on 50:50 basis. With an outlay of Rs.2640 lakhs during 1983-84 the DRDAs are expected to cover 2 lakh families who are below the poverty line arranging institutional credit with a view to enabling them to derive sufficient incremental income to cross the poverty line.


During 1983-84 DPAP will be implemented in 66 blocks of the State spread over seven districts. Grant-in-aid outlay is of the order of Rs.15.00 lakhs per Block per year to be shared by Government of India and the State Government 50:50 basis. This programme is primarily area/infrastructural development oriented. During 1982-83 the Agencies have utilised an amount of Rs.567.80 lakhs upto January 1983. The sectors covered are soil conservation, agriculture, minor irrigation, ground water development , forestry, sericulture, animal husbandry, fisheries etc.

During1989-84 the allocation will be of the order of Rs.12 crores to be shared by Government of India and the State Government on 50:50 basis.

D.P.A.P. and IRDP to the extent they operate in the same area, namely 66 blocks, are complementary to each other. The infrastructural component of the DPAP will support the beneficiary component under IRDP. In addition the critical gaps in the infrastructural development will be taken care of from out of the 10% of the IRDP outlay.

Command Area Development:

The objective of the Command Area Development is to bridge the gap between the creation of irrigation potential and its utilisation as well as promote better efficiency in water management practices for achieving higher Agricultural production. The land development programmes backed up by extension services are critical inputs in this sector. Under Systematic Land Development, an extent of 1.29 lakh ha. Of land has been developed upto January, 1983, while it is proposed to develop an extent of 35,700 hectares during 1983-84. For provision of the required inputs and for systematic land development credit facilities are arranged from the Co-op. Agril. Development Banks and the Commercial Banks under loan term credit, an amount of Rs.f13.94 crores has been disbursed while under short term credit for essential agricultural operations, an amount of Rs.65.21 crores has been disbursed up to end of January, 1983. Under the I.W.M. Programme, two specific programmes are taken up viz., Systematic Canal Operation upto outlet and Warabandi below the outlet. Under SCO each distributory is taken as a unit, divided into convenient zones and water supplied to each zone during certain prescribed periods for equitable sharing of the available water upto the pipe out let. During 1982-83, SCO was implemented in 242 major covering an area of 4,18,000 hectares. The warabandi programme envisages equitable and dependable supply of water to all farmers under an outlet and each farmer is indicated the specific time, during which he would get water. This process helps the farmer in better crop planning and also in irrigating the full extent of the area under the outlet. This programme was taken up in an area of 1,20,000 ha. In 1982-83 and 1983-84, it has been programme to implement Water Management Programme consisting of 5.00 lakhs ha. Under SCO and about 2.00 lakh ha. Under Warabandi.

A Water and Land Management Training and Research Institute was established to train various field level functionaries.

According to the revised programme formulated, ayacut roads in NSP for a total length of 953 kms. Have to be completed by 1984-85. So far 903 Kms. Of road work have been taken up against which 828 kms. Were completed by January, 1983. It has been proposed to taken up 50 kms. Of new road works during 1983-884. As against the allotment of Rs.460.00 lakhs during 1982-83, the allotment proposed for the year 1983-84 is Rs.680.oo lakhs for this ayacut Road Programme. As against the total outlay of Rs.800.00 lakhs in 1982-83, the outlay for the year 1983-84 is Rs.1,200.00 lakhs for all the Command Area Development Schemes.

Due to implementation of CAD Schemes, the average yields of major crops in the Command Area are higher when compared to the non-select command areas. This has resulted in the increase of the State Agriculture Productivity besides helping the small and marginal farmers with assured timely irrigation.

To give a fillip to the implementation of various programme it is proposed to enact a CAD Legislation.

Animal Husbandry

The Animal Husbandry allocation for the Annual Plan 1983-84 is Rs.270.00 lakhs. The objectives of the Animal Husbandry Programmes continue to be for improvement of the animal health facilities to ensure adequate provision of milk through cattle development programmes, for increasing the production of animal proteins in the form of meat and eggs through Sheep, Piggery and Poultry development programmes and for designing these programmes in a manner to benefit to a maximum extent the poorer sections among the farmers particularly those belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. As a result of the implementation of Animal Husbandry programmes, it is estimated that the milk production would go up from 25 lakh tonnes in 1982-83 to 26.30 lakh tonnes in 1983-84. Similarly the egg production would go up to 2375 billions and wool production to 27.10 lakh Kgs. By 1983-84.

During 1983-84, apart from continuing the on-going schemes, it is proposed to strengthen and fully equip the Testing unit of the Veterinary Biological Products Institute at rajendranagar, to take up the centrally sponsored schemes(1) for Sample Survey of major Livestock Products and (2) Systematic control of livestock Diseases of National importance, to take up supply of fodder feed mash to Scheduled Caste beneficiaries as support programme of Scheduled Caste action plan who are engaged in dairy farming and piggery development, to distribute breeding bulls for natural advises in Tribal areas and to start eight new Rural Livestock Units in Tribal areas.


During 1982-83 an amount of Rs.385.00 lakhs have been provided for implementing schemes relating to Marine Fisheries, Inland Fisheries and Brackish Water Fisheries. Against this allotment an amount of Rs.151.21 lakhs has been spent till 31-1-1983. The physical achievements during the year 1982-83 and upto 31-12-1982 are

(I) Marine fish production 93.52 M.Tons

(ii) By stocking the inland waters with 211.95 million fry 100,480 M.Tons of inland fish production has been achieved.

For the year 1983-84 an amount of Rs. 515.00 lakhs has been set apart for implementation of following schemes.

Marine Fisheries

The Major allocation is for completion of fishing harbours at Kakinada and Nizampatnam and for formation of village access roads in Vizag, East Godavari and Guntur districts taken up under the World Bank aided Project. This covers an amount of Rs.133.11 lakhs. An amount of Rs.40.00 lakhs has been provided towards the share of State Government for the construction of a fishing harbour under a Centrally Sponsored Scheme at Bhavanapadu in Srikakulam District. It is proposed to introduce 40 beach landing crafts (improved low cost mechanised boats) to the fishermen at an estimated cost of Rs.26.00 lakhs.

It is also proposed to take up a `Group Insurance ` scheme for the marine fishermen at an estimated cost of Rs.16.00 lakhs. An amount of Rs.10.50 lakhs has been provided for continuing the marine fisheries training institute established at Masulipatnam. It is expected to take over the Boat Building Yard from the Andhra Pradesh Fisheries Corporation during 1983-84. An amount of Rs.36 lakhs has been provided to meet the salaries of its staff.

During 1983-84 it is proposed to achieve 1,30,000 tonnes of marine fish production against the anticipated achievement of 1,28,000 tonnes during 1982-83.

Inland Fisheries

An amount of Rs.76.117 lakhs has been provided for development of Inland fisheries. The broad aspect covered under inland fisheries are:-

1. Running of inland fisheries training Centre Badampudi.

2. Improvements to the existing fish seed farms.

3. Construction of new fish seed rearing farms.

4. Continuance of Fish Farmers Development Agencies Schemes sanctioned under Centrally Sponsored Schemes, and

5. Establishment of two new Fish Farmers Development Agencies with State Funds. The Government of India has sponsored establishment of new National Fish seed farms in this State. It is proposed to establish one farm in Guntur District and one farm in West Godavari district. The entire cost of the land required for the two farms has to be borne by the State Government. Out of the total cost of construction of the farm 70% will be given by Government of India as loan and the balance of 30% has to be borne by the State Government. During action has been initiated for the purchase of land and for taking up the construction of the farms at a cost of Rs.33.56 lakhs. This represents the entire commitment of the State Government. Hence an amount of Rs.48.72 lakhs being the share of Government of India (loan component) is proposed to be got reimbursed during 1983-84 after grounding the scheme during 1982-83.

It is proposed to stock the inland water with 251 million of fry to achieve 1,45,000 tons of inland fish production.

Brackish Water Fisheries

During 1983-84 an amount of Rs.31.86 lakhs has been provided under this sector. The aim is to develop 143 hectares of brackish water areas for construction of ponds as per the guide lines given by the Government of India and lease them out at the rate of 1 hectare for each fishermen. The scheme is sanctioned as centrally sponsored scheme and the expenditure will be shared on a 50:50 ratio by the State Government and the Government of India. Besides the above, the micro level survey of brackish water sites taken up during 1982-83 will be continued during 1983-84. The work at Polekurru brackish water fish farm which is started during 1982-83 with the funds of Bay of Bengal programme will be continued during 1983-84.

An amount of Rs.4.00 lakhs also been provided to take up scheme for the benefit of Fishermen Co-operative Societies with National Co-operative Development Corporation's assistance.

An amount of Rs.20.00 lakhs has been provided as share capital contribution to the Andhra Pradesh Fisheries Corporation.

The important features under the Plan Budget for the year 1983-84 is providing an amount of Rs.75.00 lakhs and Rs.30.00 lakhs for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes respectively for taking up fishery schemes as against a normal provision of Rs.2.00 lakhs and Rs.1.00 lakh during the year 1982-83.


Forests contribute significantly to the national economy and prosperity. A well managed forest is the best soil and water conservation measure. Forests protected from fire and grazing can increase the ground water resources by providing for infiltration of rain water into the sub-soil. A good vegetative cover of forest reduce on one hand the havoc of flood by reducing run off and on the other increases underground water resources and there by ensures water supply in the summer months. The role played by forest in maintaining ecological balance and moderating the regous of climate is immeasurable and lasting. Development of forest resources is therefore of vital importance for our economic prosperity.

Forestry activities such as felling and logging of timber and raising of plantation, collection of Minor Forest Produce are highly labour intensive operations providing gainful employment in the backward areas of the State and to the economically weaker sections such as tribals, landless labour and to agricultural labour in the off season. Forests supply several major and minor products to meet the domestic and industrial needs of man including timber for house construction and agriculture, fuelwood, fooder and pasture. Forests raw material are the basis for a wide variety of industrial products, viz., plywood, card boards, chip boards, rayon grade pulp etc.

The Forestry Development Plan aims at improving the productivity of the forests wherever possible, through large scale conversion into fast growing valuable and multipurpose plantations and afforestation of all the degraded forest over the shortest time span possible to meet mainly the local domestic requirements of fuelwood, small timber, fodder etc. The second and more important aim will be to develop extensive multipurpose wood-resources outside the forests under social forestry which covers such diverse situations as tree planting in compact blocks or as strips or in lines on community owned waste lands, tank foreshores, Government owned unreserved lands and on strips of land along the roads and canals etc.

The tempo of social forestry programme in the State however received a phillip during 1981-82 and 1982-83 with substantial increase in financial inputs into these programmes through allotment of additional funds from N.R.E.P. (10% of the funds allotted to the State being earmarked for Social Forestry) and implementation of the Centrally Sponsored Rural Fuelwood Plantation programme. During 1982-83, 750 lakh seedlings have been raised for free distribution during 1983 planting season and plantation over an extent of 29,000 hectares were also raised during this year utilising about 500 lakh seedlings of species mostly useful to the rural population to meet their daily needs with an investment of Rs.850 lakhs. These programmes generated about 100 lakh man days of employment in the rural sector.

During 1983-84 it is proposed to continue and increase the tempo of all the Social Forestry programmes. The Centrally Sponsored Rural fuelwood Plantation Schemes which will be shared by the Centre on 50:50 basis, will be continued under which it is proposed to raise plantations over an extent of 6000 ha. And also raise 150 lakh seedlings of various tree species for distribution to the public during 1984 season.

The Social Forestry Programmes in the State are expected to receive a further boost with the grounding of the 5 year Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) Social Forestry Project of Rs.40 crores from 1983-84. C.I.D.A. appraisal team visited the social forestry programme that are being implemented under various schemes in the State and held discussions with the Government of Andhra Pradesh and Government of India and have completed their appraisal of this project.

The Social Forestry Programmes not only provide the answer to the fuel shortage and ecological balance but will also provide the supplementary source of income to the farmers. Considering their importance "Afforestation, Social Forestry and Farm Forestry " find a place as one of the items in the 20-Point Programme.

Out of the outlay of Rs.510.00 lakhs for Forestry Sector, Rs.290.00 lakhs is proposed to be invested in various Social Forestry Programmes.

National rural Employment Programme

The outlay under the National Rural Employment Programme was Rs.38.00 crores (Central Share Rs.19.00 and State Share Rs.19.00 crores). The Government of India have released 21,247 M.Ts. of Food grains as part of Central Share. There was a balance of 13,708 M.Ts. of Food grains out of last year's release. Thus, 34,955 M.Ts. were available during the year for utilisation under this programme.

Out of Rs.38.00 crores a sum of Rs.10.00 crores was earmarked for Housing for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and a sum of Rs.3.80 crores was earmarked for Social Forestry. The balance amount of Rs.24.20 crores was proposed for utilisation for completion of spill over works.

As against the target of 325 lakh mandays 265.0f1 lakh mandays of employment was generated by the end of 1982 and the expenditure reported was Rs.24.60 crores. The physical achievements under the programme upto31-12-82 are al follows:-

1. Drinking Water Wells/Community Irrigation Wells. 615 Nos.

2. Houses for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled 48,496 Nos.

3. Construction of Village Tanks 37 Nos.

4. Minor Irrigation Works 5511.49 Hectars.

5. Rural Roads 4148.71 KMs.

6. School Building, Panchayat Ghars etc. 1154 Nos.

7. Social Forestry

Area covered under Social Forestry & Afforestation 5665.75 Hectares.

8. Soil, Water Conservation and land reclamation. 523.40 hec.

9. Mandays generated 265.01 lakh Mandays.

The State Plan outlay for 1983-84 is Rs.20.00 crores. The Central matching will be Rs.20.00 crores thus making the total outlay on National Rural Employment Programme as Rs.40.00 crores.


In order to provide adequate credit to small farmers and others, storage facilities in Rural areas, marketing of agriculture produce of the members providing self employment to weaker sections particularly Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes and to distribute essential commodities to the public through Consumer Co-operatives, various schemes have been formulated. A provision of Rs.461 lakhs was accordingly made in the Plan budget 1982-83 under "Cooperation", inclusive of a provision of Rs.15 lakhs towards state participation in the Grameena Banks. A provision of Rs.470 lakhs inclusive of Rs.15 lakhs to Grameena Banks is proposed in Plan Budget for 1983-84.

Which the implementation of the above schemes during 1982-83, Co-operatives have so far provided Rs.138.64 crores as Short Term and Medium term credit exceeding the target of Rs.127 crores. Nearly 63% of loan were issued to small farmers an amount of Rs.10.55 crores has been provided to 92,800 Scheduled Caste members. Similarly an amount of Rs.3.30 crores has been provided to 28,784 Scheduled Tribe farmers. The percentage of loans to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes total loans was 7.2% and 3.26% respectively. It is proposed to lend Short Term and Medium Term Credit to the tune of Rs.160 crores during 1983-84.

With the implementation of the above schemes during 1982-83, Co-operatives have so far provided Rs.138.64 crores as Short Term and Medium term credit exceeding the target of Rs.127 crores Nearly 63% of loan were issued to small farmers an amount of Rs. 10.55 crores has been provided to 92,800 Scheduled Caste members. Similarly an amount of Rs.3.30 crores has been provided to 28,784 Scheduled Tribe farmers. The percentage of loans to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to total loans was 7.2% and 3.26% respectively. It is proposed to lend Short Term and Medium Term Credit to the tune of Rs.160 crores during 1983-84.

In respect of providing storage facilities in the rural areas, so far 276 rural godowns and 10 marketing godowns have been constructed with a total storage capacity of 30100 M.Ts. since March, 1982. During 1983-84 it is programmed to construct 750 rural godowns and 25 marketing godowns with a ca0pacity of 81,250 Mts.

The Agriculture produce marketed by the Cooperatives so far is for the order of Rs.16.39 crores against the target of Rs.20crores. Chemical fertilisers worth of Rs.32.24 crores have been distributed to farmers through Cooperatives. The following targets have been proposed for 1983-84.

1. Value of Agriculture Produce marketed Rs.25 crores.

2. Value of distribution of Chemical Fertilisers Rs.42 crores.

The Consumer Cooperatives have distributed consumer articles worth of Rs.31.41 crores against the target of Rs.54 crores in the Urban areas and Rs.3.82 crores in the rural areas against the target of Rs.6 crores during 1982-83. Efforts are being made to step up achievements during 1983-84 and the following targets have been proposed.

1. Value of distribution of Consumer articles Rs.60 crores in urban areas.

2. Value of distribution of consumer articles Rs.10 crores in rural areas.

Investments in Agricultural Financial Institutions

(Debenture Programme).

The Long Term Credit programme is implemented through A.P.C.C.A.D.B. at the State level and through 218 Primary Agril. Development Banks at Primary level for the economic development of farmers, particularly the small and marginal farmers. Long Term Credit is provided to Minor Irrigation, Farm Machanisation and other programmes, such as poultry, Dairy, Sheep rearing besides for pisciculture, sericulture, social forestry et. During 1982-83 an amount of Rs.43.35 crores has been disbursed so for against the target of Rs.71 crores. 71.6% of loans were issued to Small Farmers. Besides this an amount of Rs.2.31 crores and Rs.1.62 crores has been provided to 6220 Scheduled Castes and 4235 Scheduled Tribes respectively. The percentage of loans issued to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to total loans was 6.7% and 4.7% respectively. Efforts are being made to achieve target of Rs.71 crores fixed for the year 1982-83 before March, 1983.

The target fixed for disbursement of long Term Credit during 1983-84 is Rs.75 crores. An outlay of Rs.400 lakhs is proposed in the plan budget for 1983-84 towards floatation of debentures and other allied schemes.

Nagarjuna Sagar Project:

In the Plan for 1983-84 an allotment of Rs. 35.50 crores has been made for this Project. Of this, a sum of Rs.14.50 crores is allotted for N.S. Right Canals and Dam and Rs.21.00 crores for N.S. Left Canals. The concept of irrigation potential created underwent a change in 1979 as a consequence of which a potential can be said to be created only when the field channels are excavated upto 5 hectares limit for the last survey number whichever is less. During 1982-83 i.e., upto the end of 6/83 additional irrigation potential of 57,230 hectares be created. During 1983-84 i.e., upto 6/84 additional potential of 66,000 hectares is proposed to be created.

Sriramasagar Project

In the Plan for 1983-84, an allotment of Rs.35.00 crores has been made for this project. The potential created upto the end of 6/82 was 1,88,000 hectares. The target for creation of additional irrigation potential in 1982-83 i.e. by 6/83 35,000 hectares. While in 83-84 i.e. by 6/84 it is proposed to create an additional irrigation potential of 38,000 hectares. As a result of the change in the concept of irrigation potential as mentioned above, so far an ayacut of 1,00,000 hectares only have been provided with the facility of field channels upto 5 hectares limit or each survey number whichever is less. This work is being done jointly by the Irrigation Development and the Command Area Development Department. In 1982-83 it is proposed to excavate field channels over an extent of 90,000 hectares, while the target envisaged in 1983-84 in this regard is to cover an ayacut of 60,000 hectares.

The Godavari Barrage Project

An amount of Rs.400.00 lakhs has been provided in the Plan for 1983-84 for this Project.

This Project is meant for stabilisation of the existing ayacut of 10 lakh Acres (i.e. 4,05,086 hectares). No. appreciable additional ayacut will be created except an incremental benefit in the form of additional ayacut of 4,000to 5,000 hectares during the Rabi Season due to the higher pond level envisaged.

Other Major and Medium Irrigation Schemes

During the year 1982-83 an amount of Rs.62.50 crores has been affixed for other Major and Medium Irrigation Schemes. Subsequently in the R.E. 1982-83 the outlay for other Major and Medium Irrigation schemes has been reduced to Rs.54.75 crores. Originally it was targeted to create an additional irrigation potential of 8.50 Thousand Hectares during 1982-83.

During the year 1983-84 an outlay of Rs.52.50 crores has been fixed for other Major and Medium Irrigation Schemes and the break-up for other Major irrigation projects against the above is as follows:-



(Rs. in Crores)


Ongoing schemes



Vamsadhara Project State -I and II



T.B.P.H.L.C. Stage-II



Improvements to Nizamsagar



Somasila Project Stage I and II



Yeleru Reservoir Scheme



Singur Project



Samalkota Summer Storage Reservoir



Total :




(Rs. in Crores)


New Schemes of VIth Plan



Modernisation Scheme



Polavaram Barrage



Srisailam Right Bank Canal



Jurala Project



Madras Water Suppy Scheme



Field Channels



Inchampalli Project



Total :



Completed Schemes (Major)



Grand Total :


An outlay of Rs. 16.17 crores has been made for the medium irrigation projects which includes Rs.3.40 crores for the schemes under Tribal Sub-Plan. The balance outlay of Rs.3.73 crores is for investigation and Research, Designs, Miscellaneous items. With the above outlay it is proposed to create an additional irrigation potential of 19.70 thousanhectares by the end of 6/84.


In the Annual Plannd for 1983-84, this Sector has been allocated an amount of Rs.13,300.00 lakhs. Of this,. An allotment of Rs.4,000.00 lakhs is for Srisailam Stage-I and II and the balance amount of Rs.9,300.00 lakhs is for the Projects of Electricity Board.

The installed capacity at the end of March, 1982 was 2,298 MW. The following generating capacity has been added during the current year so far.


N'Sagar Pumped Storage Stage-I 3rd unit

100 MW


Srisailam Stage-I units 1 and 2

220 MW


N'Sagar Right Canal Power House unit 1

30 MW

350 MW

The present installed capacity stands at 2636 MW after the retirement of one 12 MW unit at Ramagundam 'A' Station. By March,1983 it is proposed to commission the fourth unit of 100MW at N'Sagar Pumped Storage Station Stage-I increasing the installed capacity by March, 1983 to 2,736 MW. During the current year, the demand has already increased to 1,680 MW from 1,570 MW in 1981-82. The daily energy generation is of the order of 32.6 million units. It is hoped to maintain this self-sufficiency in Power in the years to come.

During 1983-84, it is proposed to add 375 MW with the commissioning of the balance two units of Srisailam Stage-I (220 MW), second unit of N'Sagar Right Canal HES (30 MW), one unit at Donkarayi (25 MW) and the first unit of N'Sagar Pumped Storage Scheme stage-II (100MW) raising the installed capacity at the end of 1983-84 to 3,111 MW.

The targets for 1982-83, are electrification of 1,600 villages and energisation of 56,000 agricultural pumpsets. Upto 15-2-1983, 956 villages and 380 hamlets were electrified and 38,426 pumpsets

have been energised. Out of 27,221 villages in the State, 20,159 villages are electrified as on 15-2-1983 covering 74% of the total number of villages. 5.32 lakh pumpsets are energised in the State upto 15-2-1983. Out of 32,750 hamlets in the State, 3,150 hamlets are electrified by 15-2-1983.

In 1983-84, it is proposed to electrify 1,000 villages and energise 45,000 agricultural pumpsets.

Industry and Minerals

An amount of Rs. 5,260.00 lakhs has been provided in the Plan for 1983-84 for the development of Industry and Minerals. With a view to encouraging the location of more industrial projects in the State, incentives in the form of investment subsidy, interest free sales tax loan, interest subsidy to technocrats, concession in power tariffs etc. are being given. This major thrust of the operations of the , A.P. Industrial Development Corporation is on equity investments in industrial projects either as promoter's contribution in joint sector assisted concerns, or asunder-writers. It also undertakes term lending under the I.D.B.I. refinance scheme and provides bridge loans to industries. A provision of Rs.600.00 lakhs to the A.P.I.D.C. has been made for 1983-84. A provision of Rs.200.00 lakhs has also been made to A.P. Industrial Infrastructure Corporation. A provision of Rs.250.00 lakhs has been made towards State Contribution to A.P. State Financial Corporation. This would enable the Corporation to attract funds from the I.D.B.I. A provision of rs.300.00 lakhs to Nagarjuna Fertilisers and Chemicals Limited and a provision of RS.335.00 lakhs to Godavari Fertilisers have been made in the next year. Provision to the extent of Rs.268.00 lakhs has also been made for meeting the State Government's share to Co-operative Sugar Factories and to provide loans to these factories for cane Development.

The Total allotment made for the Village and small Scale Industries is Rs.1,700.00 lakhs. On account of the vital role that Handlooms and Sericulture Programme play in alleviating the economic conditions of the Weaker sections of the population, an allocation of Rs.800.00 lakhs for Handlooms and Rs.225.00 lakhs for Sericulture has been provided. Towards Government's contribution to the L.I.D.C.A.P. an allocation of Rs. 1000 lakhs and for the Small Scale Industrial Development Corporation, an outlay of Rs.155.00lakhs has been made The District Industries Centres provide margin money assistance to the artisans for setting up of Industrial units in the areas of population of less than 50,000. Subsidy is also provided under this scheme to the rural artisans for power, tools, kits etc; A provision of Rs.282.00 lakhs is provided in the Plan for this purpose.

Under Mining, an amount of Rs.600.00 lakhs towards contribution to Singareni Colleries and Rs.50.00 lakhs to the A.P. Mining Corporation has been provided.

Transport and Communications

In the case of Roads and Bridges the outlay has been increased substantially to the extent of Rs.1,340.00 lakhs over 1982-83. The allotment for Roads and Bridges inn 1983-84 is Rs.26.10 crores. The achievements in 1982-83 and the targets envisaged for 1983-84 under P.W.D. (Roads) are given below:


Nature of work








New formation of road and missing links












Strengthening and improving road crust






Minor CD works






Minor Bridges






Major Bridges





The outlay on the plan of the R.T.C. is fixed at Rs.1,392.00lakhs based on its own resources and capital contribution by the State Government.

Social & Community Services :

As a result of the reorientation in priorities under taken by the State Government, a shift in emphasis in favour of Social and Community Services has taken place. The allocation for this sector has been increased from Rs.165.57 crores in the R.E. for 1982-83 to Rs.358.91 crores. This represents an increase in the percentage allocation for Social and Community Services sector from 26.2% in the RE for 1982-83 to 43.4% in the next year.

The programme in respect of some of the important sectors or development are discussed below:

Environmental Improvement of Slums

An amount of Rs.545.00 lakhs has been allotted for the year 1983-84 under this programme which comes approximately 2,72,500 slum population based on the per capita expenditure of Rs.200/-

Weaker Sections Housing Programme:

The amount provided in the plan for 1983-84 is Rs.40 crores as against Rs.20 crores during 1982-83.

In regard to House sites a provisions of Rs.22.00 crores has been made in 1983-84 as against Rs.11.00 crores during 1982-83.

Rural Water Supply:

Out of 12,296 problem villages in the State 4,063 villages having been covered up to the beginning of the Sixth Five Year Plan period, leaving 8,206 problem villages to be covered during the Sixth Plan Period.

The objective of the VI Plan is to cover all the 8206 problem villages at a cost of Rs.115.00 crores.

Apart from State Plan allocation, an amount of Rs.1891.00 lakhs is also expected from the Government of India under A.R.P. to cover some more population over and above the 1971 census population of problem villages.

Of the 8206 problem villages the coverage of problem villages is 487 and 2032 during the year 1980-81 and 1981-82 respectively. During 1982-83, up to the end of January , 1983, 1644 problem villages were covered (including partial coverage) against a target of 1879.

An amount of Rs.30.00 crores is provided for the year 1983-84. Apart from the State Plan allocation an amount of Rs.331.60 lakhs is expected from the government of India under .A.R.P.

Rural Sanitation:

The Sixth Plan 1980-85 is aimed at to cover a population of 736 thousands with different types of latrines (Individual as well as Community latrines) at a cost of Rs.800.00 lakhs selecting the villages in consultation with District authorities.

During 1983-84 an amount of Rs.227.00 lakhs is proposed under Rural Sanitation sector to cover 250 thousands of Population.

Midday Meal Scheme:

In the beginning of the academic year 1982-83 there were two types of feeding programme for school going children in the age group 6-11 in the State. One was the Upma feeding programme with CARE assisted food and the other with Muruku, a processed food under a Plan scheme. Under the Non-Plan scheme 6.70 lakhs children studying in Classes I to V in 18districts other than Hyderabad, Ranga Reddy, Mahabubnagar, Medak and Nalgonda were being covered. In the districts of Mahabubnagar, Medak, Nalgonda and Ranga Reddy about 2.00 lakh children were being covered with the Muruku food.

With a view to cover all children studying in Classes I to V in all recognised schools (Government, Zilla Parishad, Panchayat Samithi, Municipal, Private aided, Private unaided) in the State with effect from 14-11-1982, the Midday Meals Programme was launched. This programme comprises of 100 grams of rice, 15 grams of dal and 5 grams of oil per child per day. A cost component of Rs.0.10 per child per day is included in the scheme towards incidental charges on condiments, fuel, vegetables etc. Where the local habits are different it was decided to supply the staple food that was used like Jowar, Ragi etc. With a view to ensuring an effective implementation of the programme it was decided to integrate CARE and RTE also with this programme. The CARE food comprising of 80 grams of Bulgar wheat and 5 grams of Salad Oil is supplemented with 25 grams of dal and vegetables to bring the cost per child on par with the districts implementing the Rice, dal, feeding programme. Since 14-11-82, the CARE programme has been restricted to the six districts of Srikakulam, Vijayanagaram, Visakhapatnam, Anantapur, Mahabubnagar, and Adilabad. In these districts the CARE food is being interspersed with Government Midday Meal on alternate days.

Ready to Eat processed food (Muruku) is being served to 2.50 lakh children reading in Classes I to V in Hyderabad District. Muruku feeding has been withdrawn from the four districts of Mahabubnagar, Medak, Nalgonda and Ranga Reddy under the new set up.

Subsequently the feeding programme under Government scheme (other than CARE &RTE)was extended to Classes VI to VII of Upper Primary Schools. Under this programme 2.82 lakh children were covered in all 4556 Upper Primary Schools.

With effect from 1-2-1983, Bun and Milk is being supplied to about 12.50 lakh children studying in Classes I to V of all recognised schools and Vi to VII of recognised Upper Primary Schools in all urban areas and Municipalities of the State in lieu of other feeding programmes. Under this programme each child is served with a Bun of 50 grams and 100 ms. Milk per day.

A sum of Rs.38.40 crores has been earmarked for the implementation of newly introduced Middy Meal scheme to meet the requirement viz.

1. Cost of food commodities.

2. Contingent expenditure.

3. Wages to Cooks, helpers.

4. Honorarium to Headmasters.

5. Cost of Utensils etc.

An amount of Rs.30.00 lakhs has been released to RTE processed food factory towards the production and supply of Muruku. Due to the introduction of the Midday Meals scheme there has been an increase of about 1.00 lakh children in the enrolment and by 31-12-1982 the enrolment in classes I to V went upto 60,02,938 (34,86,759 Boys and 25,16,179 girls) of which the children belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes were 10,65,108 (6,24,744 Boys and 4,40,364 girls) and 2,83,233 (1,79,641 Boys and 1,03,592 girls) respectively.

The total requirement for the implementation of all these feeding programmes to cover about 62 lakh children during 1983-84 works out to about Rs.85.00 crores. An outlay of Rs.80.00 crores is provided for this programme in the Annual Plan 1983-84.