Previous Budget Speeches



Budget Speech

Sri P. Ranga Reddy,
Finance Minister

Speech of Sri P. Ranga Reddy,
presenting the Budget for 1977-78 to
the Andhra Pradesh legislature
on 17th June, 1977.



I rise to present the Budget of Andhra Pradesh for 1977-78.

Hon'ble Members are aware that in March 1977 at the brief session of the Legislature, a "Vote-on-Account" for a period of four months was obtained as it was not possible to take up a detailed consideration of the Budget then and I had stated that final Budget would be presented later.

Hon'ble Members will recall that while presenting the " Vote-on-Account" Budget, I had briefly reviewed the progress in the implementation of the 20-point programme and had given some of the more important details in regard to Plan schemes for the year 1977-78. I shall, therefore, try to avoid repeating those aspects and shall give some details of other aspects that had not been covered on the earlier occasion as well as of the changes that have been made subsequent to the presentation of the"Vote-on-Account".

I had earlier made a review of the economic situation and as such I shall not cover the same ground again. I would only like to add that while at that time I had stated that as a result of dry spells in parts of the State and repeated cyclones in other

areas, there had been a sharp decline in the production of the Kharif crop, it is now seen that subsequently the Rabi crop was also affected due to a decline in the area under rice as well as under millets and pulses. As a result of both the Kharif and Rabi crops being adversely affected, the total production of foodgrains

for 1976-77 would be considerably less than in 1975-76. This would naturally have an effect on the State income during that year though this will be partially off-set by the substantial gains made in the industrial sector and the steady growth of the tertiary sector.

I had also mentioned earlier that although there had been an upward trend in prices, after an initial decline till the early part of 1976, they were still at a level lower than the peak reached in 1975. Thus, though the Index Number of whole sale prices for agricultural commodities in Andhra Pradesh showed an upward trend during 1976-77, the annual average for the year was still 161.5 compared to the corresponding figure of 170.6 for 1975-76. The All India average for the Consumer Price Index for the year 1976-77 was 301 compared to 313 for 1975-76. The average for the centres in the State was 296 for 1976-77 compared to 308 for 1975-76. Nevertheless the behaviour of prices continues to be an aspect of the economy which requires to be carefully watched, particularly in respect of certain commodities like edible oils, pulses etc., which are items of mass consumption, though many of the instruments available for controlling price trends are with the Central Government rather than the State Government.

Plan Outlays

I had mentioned in my earlier speech that during 1976-77 we had maintained the accelerated tempo of developmental activities so that outlay on the Plan during that year was almost double the outlay in 1974-75. In the"Vote-on-Account" Budget, the outlay on the Annual Plan for 1977-78 was Rs. 365.75 crores compared to Rs. 290.38 crores in 1976-77. We have now further stepped up this outlay to Rs. 380.38 crores so as to increase the allocation for the core sectors of Power and Irrigation on the one hand and for programmes for the weaker sections on the other. The major increases are a further allocation of Rs. 5 crores for rural Electrification, Rs. 4 crores for Medium Irrigation, Rs. 1 crore for Minor Irrigation, Rs. 1 crore for the Andhra Pradesh State Construction Corporation and Rs. 2.90 crores for schemes for the

welfare of Scheduled Casts, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes, Women and other Weaker Sections.

Sectoral Allocations.

The allocation for agriculture and allied services has been stepped up from Rs. 19.99 crores in 1976-77 to Rs. 28.58 crores in 1977-78. Under co-operative sector, there is a step up from Rs. 5.15 crores in 1976-77 to Rs. 6.50 crores in 1977-78. The allocation for Water and Power Development Sector during the year 1976-77 was Rs. 194.19 crores which is now stepped up to Rs. 256.17 crores. Under Industries and Minerals Sector, the allocation is Rs. 11.27 crores against Rs. 8.92 crores in 1976-77. For Transport and Communications Sector, the allocation is Rs. 28.37 crores, which respects an increase of about Rs. 5 crores over last year, of which Rs. 8.80 crores is for Roads. Under Social and Community Services, the outlay last year was Rs. 37.87 crores and for the current year it is Rs. 47.56 crores. Under Economic and General Services, an outlay of Rs. 1.93 crores has been provided during 1977-78 while it was Rs. 1.20 crores during the last year.


The allocation for agriculture this year is Rs. 6.90 crores compared to Rs. 5.18 crores in 1976-77. The strategy for agricultural development continues to be based on high-yielding varieties programme and considerable advance has been made so far in this regard. Larger targets have been fixed for coverage under high-yielding varieties and have been exceeded expect in respect of bajra. The other important input for agricultural production is fertilizer for which there is no who are age now and the various varieties required by the farmers are being made available in time. No doubt the seasonal conditions continue to play an important part in the achievement of the target for foodgrains production, and, as I have mentioned earlier, when these conditions happen to be adverse there is an unavoidable decline in

production. But the increase in the area of irrigation and the spread of high-yielding varieties will ensure that the impact of adverse seasonal conditions is mitigated to the extent possible. The agricultural production programmes are being integrated with various development programmes like Small Farmers' Development Agency, Drought Prone Areas Programme, Marginal Farmers' and Agricultural Labourers and Intensive Tribal Development Agencies, with a view to seeing that benefits of technology become available to the weaker sections also. The agricultural administration in the State has been streamlined with the separation of the extension function on the one hand and input supply on the other and with greater delegation of powers etc., to various regional levels.

Animal Husbandary

In 1977-78 an amount of Rs. 1.32 crores has been provided under Plan for Animal Husbandry Schemes as compared to an amount of Rs. 1 crore for 1976-77 representing a 32% increase in allocation for this sector.

In addition to this, we have taken up Special Livestock programmes for small and Marginal Farmers and Agricultural Labourers in 19 districts of our State which have been sponsored by the Government of India.

The National Commissions on Agriculture has recommended adoption of Livestock Production Programmes like Milk Production, Sheep rearing, Piggery and Poultry rearing as means to provide avenues of additional income to the weaker sections of the rural population. The Government of India have sponsored 19 such projects for Andhra Pradesh consisting of 5 projects for Crossbreed Calf rearing, 6 for Sheep rearing, 5 for Poultry and 3 for Piggery, which will benefit 55,750 beneficiaries during the Fifth Plan period. Under this programme, the beneficiaries who are small and marginal farmers and agricultural labourers will be provided with poultry, sheep etc., on a subsidised basis. In the Calf rearing projects, the small and marginal farmers will get a subsidy of 50% and the agricultural labourers a subsidy of 66 2/3% in the cost of the feed concentrate for rearing the cross-breed female calf. In all these schemes the balance amount of the investment will be arranged as loan from financing institutions. Projects for Calf rearing have been taken up in Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam, Nalgonda, Chittoor and Khammam districts; Projects for Sheep rearing are taken up in Mahboobnagar, Anantapur, Cuddapah, Medak and Srikakulam districts; Poultry development projects have been taken up in Nizamabad, Warangal, Kurnool, East Godavari and Karimnagar districts and Piggery development in Krishna, Guntur and Visakapatnam districts. In the current years Budget, an amount of Rs. 1.84 crores has been provided for these programmes.


There has been a step up in the Plan allocation for Fisheries during 1977-78 to a tube of Rs. 20 lakhs raising it from Rs. 60 lakhs in 1976-77 to Rs. 80 lakhs in 1977-78. The increased allocations have made it possible to take up new schemes for the development of Fisheries in the State. Besides this, we have taken up Centrally-sponsored Schemes for the Kakinada Fishing Harbour and infrastructural facilities at Fishing villages. The improve berthing facilities at Kakinada, the Government of India have recently sanctioned Rs. 77 lakhs towards the construction of the Stage-II Fishing Harbour and the State Government have agreed to provide necessary facilities like roads, electricity, water at a cost of Rs. 17 lakhs. The total cost of this project thus will be Rs. 94 lakhs and this scheme will provide landing and berthing facilities for about 150 mechanised boats. The estimated catch from the first and the second stage fishing harbours is about 15,000 tonnes per year of which about 3,000 tonnes would be prawns valued at Rs.15 crores.

Since construction of fishing harbours will benefit only a few places and since even now indigenous fishing contributes 80% of the total marine fish catches, a new Centrally-sponsored Scheme has been taken up for providing infra-structural facilities like roads, water-supply, fish curing yards, curing platforms, ice plants, cold storage, transport vehicles, community hall, co-operative society, office and stores etc., at selected villages along the coast, in a phased manner. For 1977-78, two villages have been selected viz., Vodacheepurupalli in Vishakapatnam district and Sorlangondi in Krishna district. This scheme would be implemented during the remaining period of the Fifth Plan with a total outlay of Rs. 42 lakhs.

Hon'ble Members are aware that Andhra Pradesh Fisheries Corporation has already entered into an agreement for purchase of two Mexican Trawlers. These Trawlers will be arriving very shortly and for this purpose an allocation of Rs. 20 lakhs has been made. The Andhra Pradesh Fisheries Corporation has also taken up export of prawns to foreign countries and has been able to earn valuable foreign exchange.


Under the Forests sector, an amount of Rs. 88 lakhs was provided in the Annual Plan of 1976-77 which has been further stepped up to Rs. 1.10 crores in the Annual Plan of 1977-78. Besides the increase in the Plan Outlay in this sector, we have taken up Departmental Extraction replacing the earlier contractor system in a phased manner in Khammam, East Godavari, West Godavari, Adilabad, Nizamabad, Mahabubnagar, Prakasam and Kurnool districts. An amount of Rs. 2.32 crores has been provided in the Budget for taking up Departmental Extraction during 1977-78.

The Andhra Pradesh Forest Development Corporation was formed in June, 1975 to undertake raising of Forest Plantations to provide raw material to wood based industries in the State. At present, the Corporation is engaged in raising plantations over a six year period on 7,000 hectares with Eucalyptus in East Godavari district and 3,400 hectares of Eucalyptus and 6,600 hectares of Bamboo in Khammam district, involving a capital outlay of about Rs. 3 crores by way of equity contribution by State and Central Government and loan assistance through Agricultural Refinance and Development Corporation amounting to Rs. 1.35 crore. Besides this, the Corporation has formulated a cashew plantation project covering 7,600 hectares in Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore and Chittoor districts costing about Rs. 6 crores. The scheme is under appraisal by the Agricultural Refinance and Development Corporation. A scheme to raise Eucalyptus Plantations over 12,000 hectares spread over 8 year period in Warangal and Karimnagar districts to provide wood to the Rayon Factory coming up in Warangal district has also been formulated by the Corporation and is ready for appraisal by the Agricultural Refinance and Development Corporation.

Major Irrigation

I had given a detailed account of the increase in the tempo of irrigation works during my" Vote-on-account" Budget speech. Hon'ble Members may kindly recall that we have stepped up the provision for Nagarjunasagar from Rs. 22 crores to Rs. 37.50 crores during this year. Similarly, for Pochampad Project we have made a provision of Rs. 20 crores in this year's Plan against a provision of Rs. 18 crores during 1976-77.

I am happy to inform the Hon'ble Members that as stated by me during my Speech in the month of March, the breach in the Dowleswaram arm of the Anicut on River Godavari has been closed and the Anicut has been brought to pre-breach condition and water has been released to the eastern delta recently by the Chief Minister. We have made a provision of Rs. 11 crores in the current year's Budget for the accelerated completion of the work on the Godavari Barrage.

Medium and Minor Irrigation

Hon'ble Members are aware that we provided a total amount of Rs. 34.82 crores under Medium Irrigation for 1977-78 when I presented the"Vote-on-Account" Budget. In view of the importance attached to these schemes, we have increased the allocation by another Rs. 3 crores now thus bringing the total provision for these schemes in this year's Plan to Rs. 37.82 crores. Besides this, an additional Rs. 1 crore is being allocated for the Tammileru Project.

The allocation is proposed to be spent on four Major projects, viz., Tungabhadra Project High Level Canal Stage-II, Vamsadhara, Nizamsagar and Somasila, 21 new and 9 spill-over Medium Irrigation schemes and towards Investigation, Engineering Research, Inland Water Transport, Establishment of State-wide Schemes such as Central Designs Organisation, Modernisation Cell and Metric system, it is anticipated that an additional Irrigation potential of 55, 270 hectares will be created by the four Major Schemes during 1977-78. The Spill-over 9 Medium Schemes and the 21 new Medium Schemes are now under execution at various stages out of these 21 new Medium Irrigation Schemes, two schemes viz., Krishnapuram Reservoir and Kothapalli Irrigation Schemes, were taken up under Drought Prone Areas Programme partially aided by Central Assistance. It is proposed to complete all the Fourth Plan Spill-over Medium Schemes during the Fifth Plan period. The allocation for Drainage schemes is Rs. 4.50 crores including Rs. 1 crore for Thammileru Project.

The Minor Irrigation Sector is given a special place in the Irrigation Plan in view of quick results it yields and the benefits being spread over a wide area. The allocation for Minor Irrigation has, therefore, been further increased from Rs. 7.03 crores to Rs. 8.03 crores. Besides this, an amount of Rs. 1 crore has been released from non-plan for repairs to cyclone damaged Minor Irrigation Works. For the exploration of our ground water resources, proper surveys are required and for this purpose the Ground Water Department was set up. The allocation for this Department in the current year's plan is Rs. 60 lakhs.

The results of survey and exploration carried out by the Ground Water Department in the State emphasise the imperative need for stepping up exploration and exploitation of ground water resources through tube-wells and bore wells. With intensive exploration, it is expected that the exploitation of ground water resources by tube-wells will gain momentum and stabilise the agricultural production of the State. This is one of the purposes for which the Andhra Pradesh State Irrigation Development Corporation was set up.

The Irrigation Development Corporation which started functioning in September, 1974, with an authorised share capital of Rs. 10 crores, has taken up investigation and execution of a number of lift irrigation schemes and tube-wells which are intended to benefit the backward and tribal areas of the State. The Corporation has a programme of 250 tube-wells at an estimated cost of Rs. 2.93 crores in the State. The irrigation potential expected under the tube-wells is 5,000 hectares Kharif paddy and 10,000 hectares Rabi irrigated dry during 1977-78. An amount of Rs. 1 crore has been provided under plan for release as share capital to the Corporation during 1977-78.

Power Projects

Hon'ble Members are aware that we have provided Rs. 140 crores for the Power Sector in the"Vote-on-Account" Budget. This includes an allocation of Rs. 32 crores for Srisailam Project, Rs.12.30 crores for Kothagudem, Rs. 41 crores for Vijayawada Thermal Scheme and Rs. 12.85 crores for Rural Electrification and Rs. 23.80 crores for Transmission and Distribution. We have further increased the allocation for rural electrification by Rs. 5 crores making a total of Rs. 17.85 crores in order to expand this programme.

The seventh unit of 110 M W capacity at Kothagudem has been commissioned and the commissioning of another unit will follow in another few months. The third and fourth units at Lower Sileru will also be commissioned during this year.

The work on Nagarjunasagar Hydro-electric Scheme is proceeding briskly and one conventional unit of 110 M W will be commissioned during this year. The tempo of work on the Srisailam Project is being maintained.

I am happy to inform the Hon'ble Members that Government of India and Government of Andhra Pradesh have signed the Loan and Project Agreements respectively on 2nd June 1977 with the Saudi Fund for Development of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under which the Saudi Fund will make available loan assistance of 353 million Saudi Riyals ( US $ 100 million) for the execution of the hydro-electric projects in Srisailam and Nagarjunasagar. Andhra Pradesh is the first recipient of any loan assistance given to India by the Saudi Fund for Development.

Though the installed capacity has gone up, the State had to pass through a difficult power position in the past few months and cuts had to be imposed in power consumption by Industries owing to reduction in generation of Hydro-Electric Power on account of failure of monsoon last year in the catchments of Lower Sileru basin and also as a result of reduced thermal power availability due to equipment troubles in Kothagudem units. All efforts are being made to get over this situation and it is hoped that very soon the supply position will improve and that normal supply will be restored.

Considerable attention is being given to electrification of villages and Harijanwadas. Out of a total number of 27,221 villages, 13,496 villages have been electrified so far. As a matter of policy all Harijanwadas are being electrified along with the main villages. During 1977-78, it is programmed to electrify 1,750 new villages and to energise 27,000 agricultural pump sets.


I had spoken in some detail on the important steps taken by this Government for industrial development during the course of my earlier speech. I would therefore only like to recapitulate that we have stepped up our outlay in the Plan for this sector from Rs. 7.57 crores in 1976-77 to Rs. 8.03 crores in 1977-78.

We have provided an amount of Rs. 4.21 crores, in addition to the above, for Cooperative Sugar Factories in the current year's Budget in view of the added importance being given to this sector. During the current year, construction of six Co-operative Sugar factories located at Kovur of Nellore District, Palair of Khammam District, Nandyal of Kurnool District, Hanuman Junction of Krishna District and at Gurazala and Tenali in Guntur District, will be started with the allocations made in the Plan and under Six Point Formula. In addition, the Nizam Sugar Factory have recently started construction of their Sugar Factory at Hindupur in Ananthapur district. The Miryalaguda Sugar Factory has been commissioned in March this year and the Nizam Sugar Factory have a proposal to take up modernisation of their Shakkarnagar unit with the assistance of a soft loan from the Industrial Development Bank of India.


The allocation for Education under Plan is Rs. 6.15 crores of which Rs. 3.34 crores is for Primary Education under Minimum Needs Programme.

In the Primary Education Sector, it is
programmed to additionally enroll 63,000 boys and 62,000 girls in classes 1-5 and an additional 38,000 boys and 37,000 girls in classes 6 and 7. In order to achieve this target, it is proposed to create additional posts of teachers out of which a substantial number would be allotted for the opening of schools in school-less centers in Harijan Cheris and in tribal areas. The Hon'ble Members are aware that all the graduates working under Half-a-Million jobs scheme as stipendary candidates have been absorbed in regular posts sanctioned for this purpose and during the current year an amount of Rs. 1.36 crores has been provided for this purpose. To meet the educational needs of those children who have not been able to avail the regular schooling facilities due to poverty etc., a non-formal education programme has been introduced in Krishna, Khammam, Cuddapah and Adilabad districts. It is proposed to extend this programme to two more districts during the current year, especially for Harijans and weaker sections of the society.

Hon'ble Members are aware that we have been implementing the Farmers Education and Functional Literacy Projects in Mahaboobnagar, Nalgonda, Karimnagar, Hyderabad, West Godavari, Guntur, Kurnool, Chittoor, Warangal and Visakapatnam districts. The objective of the scheme is to impart literacy to the illiterate farmers, to enable them to prepare their own farm plans and to maintain simple accounts and write simple letters on credit supplies etc., to the authorities whenever a need arises.

In addition to the on-going schemes of elementary education, an amount of Rs. 22.52 lakhs has been earmarked under the Minimum Needs Programme to give special incentive benefits to Scheduled Castes students by way of scholarships and cash incentives in the age group of 6-10, coaching classes for Scheduled Castes students appearing for VII class examination and opening of Ashram Schools in Harijan Cheris.

In the field of Secondary Education, it is proposed to enroll 37,000 boys and 36,000 girls additionally during the current year in classes 8-10. It is also proposed to start Residential Schools for Scheduled Castes children at a cost of Rs. 6 lakhs and also start coaching classes for Scheduled Castes students appearing for X class examination.

In the field of Higher Education, an amount of Rs. 59 lakhs has been provided for Junior Colleges and Rs. 89.22 lakhs for University Education. During the year 1976-77 six Government Junior Colleges and one Degree College have been started in the State in addition to the Andhra Girls' College, Khammam which was taken over by the Government. In the current year's Plan Budget, an amount of Rs. 27 lakhs has been provided for construction of College Buildings.

Hon'ble Members are aware that new Universities have been established at Warangal and Guntur during last year. An amount of Rs. 20 lakhs was sanctioned for construction of buildings and strengthening of departments in the two Universities last year and it is decided to allocate an amount of Rs. 35 lakhs for Kakatiya University and Rs. 20 lakhs for Nagarjuna University and an amount of Rs. 15 lakhs for Post-graduate Centre at Ananthapur this year under Six Point Formula Funds.

A provision of Rs. 5 lakhs has been made towards construction of cultural Museum" Telugu through ages" and Rs. 2 lakhs as grant to the Urdu Academy for its development.

Government have decided that all schools and colleges in existence before 1-4-1977 which fulfil the prescribed conditions and have completed the stipulated period of existence should be admitted to grants-in-aid under rules in a faced programme of 3 years. Government have also decided that teachers in aided schools should be made eligible for the minimum pension. Necessary provisions for implementing these decisions have been included in the Budget. Government have also decided to provide for free education of girls up to Intermediate level during the current year for which provision has been made in the Budget.


During the year 1976-77, the bed strength was increased in 17 Hospitals by adding 333 beds. 15 Dental Clinics were opened in Taluk Hospitals and 22 Ambulances were provided during 1976-77. Seats in Post-graduate courses have also been reserved for Backward Classes, Scheduled Tribes, Scheduled Castes with effect from 1976-77. About 250 beds are proposed to be increased in 10 Taluk Hospitals and 2 District Headquarters Hospitals in 1977-78. The Nizam's Orthopaedic Hospital which was taken over by Government, is being equipped in phases to house the Super-specialties of Orthopaedics, Cardiology, Cardiothorasic surgery, Neurology, Neuro-surgery and will be functioning with full compliment from 1977-78. The scale of expenditure on drugs and diet for patients was increased in 1976-77 involving an expenditure of Rs. 1.40 crores. Provision of drugs for the out-patient departments is made during 1977-78 involving an expenditure of about Rs. 1.76 crores. To benefit the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled tribes medical students, it is proposed to have a scheme involving an amount of Rs. 5 lakhs during 1977-78. Under this scheme, Rs. 2 lakhs will be for drugs to be supplied to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled tribes Hostels and Rs. 3 lakhs for books and equipment to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes student in Medical Colleges.

To improve the quality of Medical Education in the State, orders have been issued for the formation of teaching cadres in the Andhra Pradesh Medical Services. Further action in pursuance of that order has been initiated.

The Kakatiya Medical College, Warangal has been taken over by the Government from February, 1977 and the management of the Rangaraya Medical College,Kakinada from end of April this year.

Public Health

The immunisation programme will be covered both by 8 Medical Colleges with all the staff including the medical students and also through the normal Public Health Workers, which include Multi-purpose Workers to cover 20 lack beneficiaries in 1977-78.

Under the new system of Health Care Delivery to the rural population, the Multi-purpose Health Workers Scheme which is assisted by the Government of India was implemented in 1976-77 in 4 districts of Andhra Pradesh and it is proposed to extend to four more districts in 1977-78.

For Leprosy Control, which is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme, an amount of Rs. 54.59 lakhs has been provided in the current year's Budget.

One more scheme of production of Anti-rabie vaccine was implemented in 1976-77 in the Institute of Preventive Medicine. It is proposed to take up Tetanus Toxoid Scheme in this organisation. It is also proposed to take up control of Fluorosis on a pilot basis in Prakasam and Nalgonda districts.

Family Planning

During 1976-77 the target was fixed at 4 lakhs and cumlative total performance of sterilisation up to 31-3-1977 is 7, 57, 780. The sterililsations were done with involvement of all departments, voluntary agencies and non-official leadership in the villages. Certain incentives for Government servants have been adopted with a view to encourage Government employees to take to family planning. 3 Taluk hospitals and 10 primary health centers were assisted under British Aid Grant for improving family planning services. Similar assistance will be provided to 17 Taluk Hospitals and 40 Primary Health Centers during the 1977-78.

Rural and Urban Water Supply

Under Rural Water Supply, it has been our endeavour to provide drinking water facilities not only to the main village but also to the hamlets and harijanwadas attached to the main village. During 1977-78, a sum of Rs. 4.25 crores has been provided for Rural Water Supply Schemes. This includes a sum of Rs.1.08 crores for protected ( piped) Water supply schemes. The current allocation is being augmented by an amount of Rs. 1.17 crores from Six Point Formula Funds. For Urban Water Supply Schemes, we have provided an amount of Rs. 11.50 crores for this year.

For improving the water supply to the Twin Cities, a provision of Rs. 7.54 crores has been made in the Plan. In addition to the Manjira Water Supply Scheme, which is already under execution, the Singur Project has also been taken up and it is proposed to provide Rs. 2.25 crores for this scheme from out of the above provision. The allocation for Water Supply Schemes in Municipalities is Rs. 3.23 crores in 1977-78.


The Andhra Pradesh Housing Board has so far constructed about 7,000 houses and about 640 houses are under various stages of construction. The activities of the Board have now been extended to all the districts of the State. In order to devote special attention to housing needs in the rural areas, Andhra Pradesh Housing Board is setting up a Rural Housing Wing which will assess the demand for houses in the rural areas, evolve suitable building materials and methods and promote the construction of houses.

To enable Government Servants to build their own houses, a scheme is being implemented in the co-operative sector. Construction of Low Income Group Houses will be taken up on behalf of the Government servants Co-operative House Building Societies by the Andhra Pradesh Housing Board. Construction of Middle Income Group Houses by these Societies will be Financed by the Co-operative Housing Societies Federation. The Government have agreed to provide House Building Advances to the extent of 25% of the cost.

A comprehensive scheme for the reconstruction of houses in slum areas and the rehabilitation of slum dwellers has been undertaken in the Twin Cities. While environmental improvements are made by the Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad and the Hyderabad Urban Development Authority, Commercial Banks advance loans up to Rs. 4,000 to individual slum dwellers for the reconstruction of their houses in accordance with the approved layouts and designs. Similar schemes are also being undertaken in Visakapatnam, Vijayawada and Guntur. The Hyderabad Urban Development Authority is planning the development of ring towns in Ramachandrapuram, Moulali and other areas, which are fast developing into the industrial centers and whose further growth has to be systematically regulated. The Hyderabad Urban Development Authority is also developing residential and commercial complexes and the integrated Urban Development Scheme assisted by the Government of India.

Women and Child Welfare

An attempt has been made to reorient the activities of the Women and Child Welfare Department from a purely regulatory agency to that of an agency interested in the socio-economic development of Women and Children in the State. In accordance with this approach, the Andhra Pradesh Women’s Co-operative Finance Corporation has been able to ground schemes involving an outlay of nearly Rs. 1.73 crores benefiting 16.437 women. An amount of Rs. 20 lakhs has been provided under Plan as share capital contribution for this corporation. Voluntary organisations are encouraged to establish Working Women’s Hostels to provide safe and congenial environment for Working Women and Destitute Homes to provide for care to the Destitute Children.

The Government have sanctioned the Integrated Child Development Services which is introduced on an experimental basis in Kambadur block of Ananthapur and Utnoor block of Adilabad districts. The scheme provides for an integrated package of services covering supplementary nutrition feeding, immunisation, health care including referral services, nutrition education of mothers pre-school education and recreation.

Recognising the urgent need for special measures to tackle the problem of malnutrition among the children and expectant and nursing mothers belonging to the lower socio economic strata, the Government are implementing the Special Nutrition Programme in the Urban Slum Areas in 20 Municipalities of the State covering 1, 50, 000 beneficiaries and in the tribal areas benefiting about 2, 00, 000 beneficiaries. Under these programmes, supplementary food intended to provide about 300 calories and 15 grams of protein is distributed to each beneficiary. Under Nutrition, a provision of Rs. 1.50 crores has been made under Plan.

In this year's' Budget, we have provided a total amount of Rs. 55.15 lakhs for Women and Child Welfare under Plan besides the Non-Plan expenditure of Rs. 1.35 crores for this purpose.

Welfare of Weaker Section

While presenting the" Vote-on-Account" Budget I had mentioned that an amount of Rs. 2.43 crores had been provided for the welfare of Scheduled Castes, Rs.1.92 crores for the welfare of Scheduled Tribes and Rs.1.17 crores for the welfare of Backward Classes. Hon'ble Members are aware that Government is committed to the alround development of the weaker sections and in keeping with this policy, we have further stepped up the Plan allocations for these sections by an amount of Rs. 2.9 crores.

In the programme for acquisition of house-sites an amount of Rs. 4 crores was provided which has been now stepped up to Rs. 5 crores. Similarly, for the schemes to be implemented by the Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Castes Co-operative Finance Corporation, the allocation has been stepped up to Rs. 1.52 crores. Similarly, the allocation for the Andhra Pradesh Backward Classes Co-operative Finance Corporation has been stepped up to Rs. 1.01 crores. I am happy to mention that these Corporations have advanced considerable moneys to the weaker sections of the society during past few months. The Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Castes Finance Corporation has so far advanced Rs. 14.99 crores benefiting 1,00,982 the Andhra Pradesh Backward Classes Co-operative Finance Corporation Rs. 16.68 crores benefiting 99,643 and the Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Tribes Co-operative Finance Corporation an amount of Rs. 38.89 lakhs benefiting 3,567 persons.

As I had already informed, Government have recently enhanced the scale of food charges for the benefit of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes students availing hostel facilities in the State. The scale of dress for these students has also been enhanced to two pairs per year. Additional funds of the order of Rs. 1 crore have been provided for this purpose. Similarly, the stipend for Scheduled Castes Students in the Industrial Training institutes has been increased from Rs. 40 to Rs. 75 per mensum. An additional amount of Rs. 45 lakhs has been provided in the Plan for the welfare of economically backward classes.

Government have initiated a Rs. 2 crore programme for construction of hostels for students belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes with the aid of loans from Commercial Banks. An amount of Rs. 58.51 lakhs has been provided for free supply of nationalised Text-books to the students belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes. For the first time, 100% coverage has been achieved in supplying text-books free of cost to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes students up to Matriculation level.

Schemes for Small Farmers, Marginal Farmers and Drought Prone Areas.

The Drought Prone Areas Programme which is being currently implemented in Anantapur, Kurnool, Cuddapah, Chittoor, Mahaboobnagar, Nalgonda and Prakasam districts is being continued during the current year also. The basic Strategy adopted in these projects is integrated development of the area to combat the rigours of drought combined with providing economic occupation to the weaker sections of the society. During the current year, an amount of Rs.4.52 crores has been provided as State's matching contribution out of the current year's total programme of Rs. 9.04 crores.

Hon'ble Members are aware that we have set-up 16 projects for Small Farmers, Marginal Farmers and agricultural labourers in our State. These Schemes envisage provision of credit to the needy small marginal farmers who are potentially viable and who, with assistance from the State, can undertake the investments in specific fields and become viable farmers over a period. These agencies are provided with funds by the Government of India for implementation of various schemes while the infrastructure has been created by the State Government.

Six point formula

I had already mentioned in my earlier speech that outlay on Six Point Formula Schemes during 1977-78 would be of the order of Rs. 21.50 crores. As against this, Rs. 18 crores have been provided for the Six Point Formula Programme for normal schemes, Rs. 3.50 crores for development of Twin Cities and Rs. 46 lakhs in the form of revalidation of the schemes sanctioned in the previous year thus totaling to Rs. 21.96 crores.

Maintenance Grants and Grants-in Aid

I had mentioned at the time of the " Vote-on Account" that we had not only been stepping up developmental outlays substantially from year to year for the last 3 years but that we had been increasing the provisions under non-Plan also which were essential for the maintenance of assets already created, the proper functioning and modernisation of non-development departments and the welfare of Government employees. Thus we have enhanced the rates for Irrigation schemes and increased the maintenance grant for roads from Rs.10.86 crores to Rs. 14 crores.

An additional amount of Rs. 4.84 crores has been provided for increased grants-in-aid to the various local bodies at the enhanced rates which I had mentioned in my earlier speech. I have mentioned earlier the increase in the provision for purchase of medicines, diet charges for patients and medicines for out-patients.

Institutional Finances

Now I shall briefly outline the steps taken by this Government to improve the participation of financial institutions in the projects taken up in our State by better coordination with them.

The Coordination Committee on Institutional Finances set-up at the State-level and its two Sub-committees, one for Agricultural Credit and the other for non-Agricultural Credit are continuing to meet frequently and the flow of finances from various financing agencies to the different sectors of development in the State is being reviewed while discussing and settling all mutual problems that impede such flows. The District Consultative Committees being convened by the lead banks continue to be very active.

They have pursued vigourously the formulation and implementation of District Credit Plans. The formulation of the Plan has been completed in seventeen districts and is expected to be completed in the remaining four districts very shortly. Where the plans have been formulated, the Committees are monitoring the implementation of the schemes included in the Plan. All the banks have committed themselves to opening offices in many unbanked Service Centres in the next two years and the Committees are monitoring this as well.

During this year the Indian Banks Association deputed a team to study cyclone affected areas and schemes for assistance in these areas were suggested by the team and followed up for sanction and disbursement of assistance by the banks.

I shall now turn to the financial transactions contained in the Budget.

Accounts 1975-76

The revenue surplus was Rs. 147.14 crores against the anticipated surplus of Rs. 57.56 crores. The improvement was mainly due to increased collections under State Taxes and State's share in Central Taxes and also partly due to shortfall in expenditure.

The year ended with a closing balance of minus Rs. 29.11 crores. The minus balance is due to investment made in the Public Account.

Revised estimates 1976-77

The revenue surplus is estimated at Rs. 48.43 crores as against the surplus of Rs. 39.74 crores in the original estimates. This is mainly due to increased revenue receipts, particularly the State's Share of Central Taxes and better collection of State Taxes.

There is an increase of about Rs. 35 crores in the capital expenditure during the year and it is entirely due to increase in Plan outlay. The year is expected to close with a cash balance of Rs. 1 crore against the anticipated minus balance of Rs. 42.69 crores.

Budget Estimates 1977-78

Compared to the "Vote-on account" Budget, there is a net increase of Rs. 5.73 crores in revenue receipts in the final Budget after reduction of Rs. 5 crores under land revenue due to abolition of assessment on commercial crops. The increase is mainly ttributable to the increase in the State's share in the Central Taxes and Central assistance for Centrally Sponsored Schemes.

There is a net increase of Rs. 10.85 crores in the Revenue expenditure in the final Budget compared to the provision made in the "Vote-on-Account" Budget.While there is an increase of Rs. 73.36 lakhs and Rs.4.47 crores for State and Centrally Sponsored Schemes respectively, an additional expenditure of Rs.5.64 crores has been provided for Non-Plan items. The main Non-Plan items accounting for the additional provision in the final Budget are increase in the grants to aided schools and colleges in pursuance of the Government's decision to admit such Institutions to grants, additional provision for scholar ships, provision for free education of girls up to Intermediate, additional provision for medicines in hospitals, expenditure on the Kakatiya and Rangaraya medical colleges taken over by the Government and additional provision to scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes hostels for providing facilities to the boarders.

On the capital account, there is an increase of Rs. 7.18 crores and Rs. 3.52 crores on State and Centrally Sponsored schemes respectively in the final Budget compared to the " Vote-on-Account" Budget.

Under Loans and Advances also, the provision
under State Plan and Centrally Sponsored Schemes has been increased by Rs. 10.17 crores and Rs. 56.95 lakhs in the final Budget.

An amount of Rs. 4.63 crores has been provided under revenue, capital and loans accounts for recoupment of advances sanctioned from Contingency Fund.

As a result of the above, the final position in the Budget 1977-78 now presented to the Legislature as compared to the Revised Estimates 1976-77 is explained below:

The revenue receipts this year are estimated at Rs. 769.09 crores against the last year's Revised Estimate of Rs. 688.07 crores. Tax revenues alone are expected to be Rs. 421.83 crores against the Revised Estimate of Rs. 367.67 crores.

The revenue expenditure in the Budget Estimates 1977-78 is anticipated at Rs. 708.40 crores as against the Revised Estimates 1976-77 of Rs. 639.64 crores. While revenue expenditure on the Plan has gone up by Rs. 14 crores in the current year over the Revised Estimates last year, increased provisions have been made in the Non-plan Budget for the various items mentioned earlier.

The capital expenditure in 1977-78 is estimated at Rs. 211.88 crores as against Rs. 163.90 crores provided in the Revised Estimates 1976-77. The increase is mainly attributable to the outlay on the Plan under State and Centrally Sponsored Schemes.

The net effect of the combined transactions in the year is expected to result in a closing balance of minus Rs. 61.86 crores which is expected to be covered by better collection of revenues and arrears, increase in Central assistance and drawal on reserves etc.


We have tried to balance various requirements whether they be under the Plan or the Non-Plan, for Revenue items or for Capital expenditure, for productive schemes or for welfare schemes. This has been possible due to improvement of resources which has taken place during the last few years. But proper implementation is as essential for the achievement of Plan objectives as the mobilisation of resources or the ordering of priorities. I may assure the House that we shall make every endeavour to see that the various schemes, for which resources have been provided in a much larger measure than before, are implemented efficiently and expeditiously. It is only then that we can hope to achieve our goal of growth with social justice in which task, I am assure we shall have the support of all sections of this House.

Sir, with these words, I commend the Budget to this House for its approval.

Jai Hind