Deatails of Head of Departments
S.No SDEPT Code Head of Department HOD COde
1 AGC Agriculture Marketing and Co-Operation, Secretariat AGC01
2 AGC Agriculture Department AGC02
3 AGC Horticulture Department AGC03
4 AGC Sericulture Department AGC04
5 AGC Marketing Department AGC05
6 AGC Registrar of Co-Operative Societies AGC06
7 AHF Animal Husbandry, Dairy Development and Fisheries, Secretariat AHF01
8 AHF Animal Husbandry Department AHF02
9 AHF Fisheries Department AHF03
10 BCW Backward Classes Welfare, Secretariat BCW01
11 BCW Backward Classes Welfare Department BCW02
12 EFS Environment, Forest, Science and Technology, Secretariat EFS01
13 EFS Principal Chief Conservator of Forests EFS02
14 EHE Higher Education, Secretariat EHE01
15 EHE Collegiate Education Department EHE03
16 EHE State Archives EHE04
17 EHE Oriental Manuscripts Department EHE06
18 ENE Energy, Secretariat ENE01
19 ENE Directorate of Electrical Safety ENE02
20 ENE Chief Engineer, Electrical Generation ENE03
21 ESE Secondary Education Secretariat ESE01
22 ESE School Education Department ESE02
23 ESE Government Examinations Department ESE03
24 ESE Adult Education Department ESE09
25 ESE Public Libraries Department ESE10
26 ESE Government Textbook Press ESE12
27 ESE Intermediate Education Department ESE14
28 EWS Department of Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) Welfare EWS01
29 FCS Food and Civil Supplies, Secretariat FCS01
30 FCS Food and Civil Supplies Department FCS02
31 FCS Legal Metrology Department FCS03
32 FCS Andhra Pradesh State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission FCS04
33 FIN Finance, Secretariat FIN01
34 FIN Treasuries and Accounts Department FIN02
35 FIN State Audit Department FIN03
36 FIN Life Insurance Department FIN04
37 FIN Pay and Accounts officer FIN05
38 FIN Works Accounts Directorate FIN08
39 FIN Andhra Pradesh State Directorate of Revenue Intelligence FIN09
40 GAD General Administration, Secretariat GAD01
41 GAD Information and Public Relations Department GAD02
42 GAD Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission GAD03
43 GAD Tribunal for Disciplinary Proceedings GAD04
44 GAD Anti-Corruption Bureau GAD05
45 GAD Protocol Directorate GAD06
46 GAD Governor and Governor Secretariat GAD07
47 GAD Lok-Ayukta and Upa Lok-Ayukta GAD08
48 GAD Vigilance and Enforcement Directorate General GAD10
49 GAD Andhra Pradesh Bhavan, New Delhi GAD11
50 GAD Andhra Pradesh Vigilance Commission GAD12
51 GAD Andhra Pradesh Human Resources Development Institute GAD13
52 GAD Chief Electoral Officer GAD16
53 GAD Andhra Pradesh State Administrative Tribunal GAD17
54 GAD Translations Directorate GAD18
55 GAD Andhra Pradesh Information Commission GAD19
56 GAD Special Enforcement Bureau GAD20
57 GAD Special Investigation Team GAD57
58 GWS Village Secretariats /Ward Secretariats GWS01
59 GWS Village Secretariats /Ward Secretariats Commissionerate GWS02
60 HMF Health, Medical and Family Welfare, Secretariat HMF01
61 HMF Medical Education Department HMF02
62 HMF Public Health and Family Welfare Department HMF03
63 HMF Family Welfare Department HMF04
64 HMF Institute of Preventive Medicine HMF05
65 HMF Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH) Department HMF06
66 HMF Drugs Control Administration HMF07
67 HMF Directorate of Secondary Health HMF08
68 HOM Home, Secretariat HOM01
69 HOM Director General and Inspector General of Police HOM02
70 HOM Director General and Inspector General of Prisons HOM03
71 HOM Printing, Stationery and Stores Purchase Department HOM04
72 HOM Director General of State Disaster Response and Fire Services HOM05
73 HOM Sainik Welfare Department HOM06
74 HOM Police Academy HOM07
75 HOM Intelligence Department HOM09
76 HOM Home Guards HOM11
77 HOM Special Protection Force HOM12
78 HOM Grey Hounds HOM13
79 HOM Organisation of Counter Terrorist Operations (OCTOPUS) HOM15
80 HOM Commissioner of Police, Visakhapatnam HOM16
81 HOM Commissioner of Police, Vijayawada HOM17
82 HOM Prosecutions Department HOM18
83 HOM Andhra Pradesh Crime Investigation Department HOM19
84 HOM Andhra Pradesh Special Police HOM20
85 HOM Elite Anti-Narcotics Group for Law Enforcement(EAGLE) HOM21
86 HOU Housing, Secretariat HOU01
87 HOU Weaker Section Housing HOU02
88 ICD Water Resources, Secretariat ICD01
89 ICD Command Area Development Authority ICD02
90 ICD Ground Water Department ICD03
91 ICD Water Resources (Administration) ICD05
92 ICD Major Irrigation, Flood Control and Drainage ICD06
93 ICD Minor Irrigation Department ICD08
94 ICD N.T.R Telugu Ganga Project ICD12
95 ICD Tungabhadra Board ICD14
96 ICD Central Design Organisation ICD17
97 ICD Inter State Water Resources ICD18
98 ICD Commissionerate of Tenders ICD19
99 ICD Irrigation Projects, Kadapa ICD20
100 ICD Hydrology Department ICD21
101 ICD Krishna Basin, Commissioner ICD23
102 ICD Irrigation Projects, North Coastal Districts ICD25
103 ICD Irrigation Projects, Ongole ICD26
104 ICD Irrigation Projects, Anantapur ICD27
105 ICD Polavaram Project ICD28
106 ICD Irrigation Projects, Kurnool ICD32
107 ICD Resettlement and Rehabilitation Commissionerate ICD33
108 ICD Quality Control Wing for Andhra Region ICD34
109 ICD Quality Control Wing for Rayalaseema Region ICD36
110 ICD Godavari Delta System, Dowlaiswaram ICD43
111 ICD Krishna Delta System, Vijayawada ICD44
112 IID Infrastructure and Investment, Secretariat IID01
113 IID State Ports Directorate IID02
114 INC Industries and Commerce, Secretariat INC01
115 INC Industries, Commerce and Export Promotion Department INC02
116 INC Handlooms and Textiles Department INC03
117 INC Mines and Geology Department INC04
118 INC Sugar Cane Commissioner INC05
119 ITC Information Technology, Electronics and Communications, Secretariat ITC01
120 ITC Electronically Deliverable Services Directorate ITC02
121 LAE Labour, Factories, Boilers and Insurance Medical Services, Secretariat LAE01
122 LAE Labour Department LAE03
123 LAE Factories Department LAE05
124 LAE Labour Court, Guntur LAE10
125 LAE Labour Court-cum-Industrial Tribunal, Visakhapatnam LAE11
126 LAE Labour Court, Anantapur LAE12
127 LAE Insurance Medical Services Department LAE18
128 LAE Boilers Department LAE19
129 LAW Law, Secretariat LAW01
130 LAW Registrar General of High Court LAW02
131 LAW Advocate General of Andhra Pradesh LAW04
132 LAW Andhra Pradesh State Legal Services Authority LAW05
133 LAW Andhra Pradesh Judicial Academy LAW06
134 LEG Legislature Secretariat LEG01
135 MAU Municipal Administration and Urban Development, Secretariat MAU01
136 MAU Municipal Administration Department MAU02
137 MAU Town and Country Planning Department MAU03
138 MAU Public Health Engineering Department MAU04
139 MNW Minorities Welfare, Secretariat MNW01
140 MNW Minorities Commission MNW02
141 MNW Minorities Welfare Department MNW03
142 PBE Public Enterprises Secretariat PBE01
143 PLG Planning, Secretariat PLG01
144 PLG Economics and Statistics Department PLG02
145 PRR Panchayat Raj and Rural Development, Secretariat PRR01
146 PRR Panchayat Raj Department PRR02
147 PRR Panchayat Raj Engineering Department PRR03
148 PRR State Election Commission PRR04
149 PRR Rural Development Department PRR05
150 PRR Rural Water Supply Department PRR06
151 PRR Andhra Pradesh State Institute of Rural Development and Panchyat Raj (APSIRD & PR) PRR07
152 REV Revenue, Secretariat REV01
153 REV Land Administration Department REV02
154 REV Commercial Taxes Department REV03
155 REV Excise Department REV04
156 REV Survey, Settlement and Land Records Department REV05
157 REV Endowments Department REV07
158 REV Registration and Stamps Department REV08
159 REV Relief and Disaster Management Commissionerate REV10
160 REV Andhra Pradesh Value Added Tax Appellate Tribunal, Visakhapatnam REV11
161 RTG Department of Real Time Governance RTG01
162 SEI Department of Skills Development and Training, Secretariat SEI01
163 SEI Employment and Training Department SEI02
164 SEI Technical Education Department SEI03
165 SOW Social Welfare, Secretariat SOW01
166 SOW Social Welfare Department SOW02
167 SOW Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society SOW05
168 TBW Tribal Welfare, Secretariat TBW01
169 TBW Tribal Welfare Department TBW02
170 TBW Tribal Welfare Engineering Department TBW03
171 TBW Tribal Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society TBW04
172 TRB Transport, Roads and Buildings, Secretariat TRB01
173 TRB Administration, State Roads and Road Safety Works (RSW), ENC (R&B) TRB02
174 TRB Transport Department TRB03
175 TRB Buildings Department TRB05
176 TRB Core Network Roads (CRN), Road Development Corporation (RDC) and Public Private Partnership (PPP) Department TRB06
177 TRB Rural Roads, ENC (Roads and Buildings) TRB07
178 TRB Electrical Chief Engineer TRB12
179 TRB National Highways and Central Road Funds Department TRB13
180 TRB Public Transport Department TRB14
181 WDC Women, Children, Differently Abled and Senior Citizens, Secretariat WDC01
182 WDC Women Development and Child Welfare Department WDC02
183 WDC Department for Welfare of Differently Abled, Transgender and Senior Citizens WDC03
184 WDC Juvenile Welfare Department WDC04
185 YTC Youth Advancement, Tourism and Culture, Secretariat YTC01
186 YTC Cultural Affairs Department YTC02
187 YTC Tourism Department YTC03
188 YTC Youth Services Department YTC04
189 YTC National Cadet Corps (N.C.C) Department YTC05
190 YTC Sports Authority of Andhra Pradesh (SAAP) YTC06
191 YTC Archaeology and Museums Department YTC07
Excel Print
Note: All values are in Numbers